Marishka could have clapped, she was so giddy. They were going to terrorize, tear families apart, cause pain and grief, oh she loved it!

"Let's go!" She cried and swooped down towards the village. She would get first blood here tonight. Marishka, as she flew and screeched, looked around at the people running helter-skelter in all directions. She dove down low and grabbed the nightcap of some poor old woman who was running for a hill. What good would a hill do her? Marishka itched to drink deeply from her veins, but she wanted fresh blood, young blood.

She turned her head as she heard a high-pitched scream.

"Oh yes." She cooed to herself as she whipped her body around. She was going to get first blood, the fresh, untainted blood of a young maiden. But what she saw wasn't some sweet, pure young woman, she saw Verona! She was bent over the young woman, now limp in her arms. Her lips were stained with blood. Marishka felt the anger welling up inside her and she dove straight for Verona, but a young man got in the way. He smacked her sound across the face with a heavy board.

"Get outta here ya spawn o' Satan!" The young man fumed vehmently. Marishka snarled and leapt upon his, her neck craning so her head could reach his neck.

"No! No no no no NO!!!" He cried out, trying to bat Marishka off of him. She merely chrugged and sank her fangs into his neck. As soon as she did, warm liquied rushed into her mouth, it's metallic taste pleasing. A gentle, yet vicious and mishchevious smile slowly spread across delicate and pale features. She dropped the limp body, pale and seemingly see-through from the lack of blood. Now that she had tasted blood, Marishka realized how ravenous she truly was. She was almost dying with hunger. She needed more. More blood!

Marishka launched herself into the air and circled around the village. she saw a small house, towards the outside of the village.Maybe they hadn't noticed that the three Countess' had dropped in for a visit, Marishka always liked to see absolute terror and shock as a last expression.

Marishka giggled and swooped down towards the house. She changed into her human form and pulled open the door. As she did, she heard the sound of feet moving quickly and quietly across the house.

"Not quiet enough my dear." Marishka commented as she caught a glimpse of a young woman running into a backroom. Marishka followed her and changed back into her Vampriress form just as she opened the door. The girl fainted. Marishka sighed and picked the girl up. Just as she did, she heard a voice behind her.

"Give her to me." Dracula commanded.

"Y-yes Master." Marishka said, shrinking back and holding the girl to the Count, who took her, and he grinned.

"Marishka, you should have listened." Dracula said and grinned wickedly. He waved his hand and a wooden stake, covered in holy water, dug itself into Marishka's flesh. She looked at Dracula in utter disbelief and horror before she turned to ash. Dracula shrugged and turned around. He walked outside and took off into the air, Khareesa in his arms, on his way back to his castle.