Kurama/Kagome- 10



Sesshoumaru/Kagome- 1

Well It is a pretty close race between Kurama and Hiei getting Kagome. I think I will stop the voting next chapter. So send me your reviews with your favorite pairing.

After promising to go talk to the four youkai soon The five members of the special team left to find their suite. Kagome was the first to arrive at their suite. "Dibs on the bedroom!" She cried.

Kuwabara groaned, "NO FAIR!" He grumbled as he sat down deciding to ignore everyone else.

"It's fair considering I go here before you and besides there is only one bed and I am not sharing it." Kagome replied to his complaint. She sat down beside Kurama and instantly both thought back to their date.

Flash Back

Kurama walked up to the door of the shrine and knocked. The door opened allowing him to see Kuwabara's older sister Shizuru.

"Hello Kurama." She said to Kurama. Kurama nodded in reply. "Come in Kagome will be down in a moment." She turned and walked to the stairs and yelled up them, "Kagome your date is here!"

"Coming!" Was the immediate reply. Then the sounds of stomping of feet was heard and than a thump followed by a, "Owww! Kuwabara I am going to kill you!"

A Kuwabara came racing down the stairs a panicked look plastered on his face, followed by a black blur that was followed by a high pitched squeal as it was caught by said blur's mother. "Why are you threatening to kill your brother?" Shizuru asked in a calm tone.

"He left his skateboard in the middle of the hall way again!"

"Souta what have I told you about leaving your skateboard in the hallway?"

"Not to." Kuwabara replied with an innocent smile.

Kagome rolled her eyes and turned to Kurama, "So do you know what we are going to watch at the movies?"

"I was thinking we could go see Alien verses Predator." Kurama replied with a small smile.


"What happened at the movies between you two?" Kuwabara asked suspiciously.

"All we did Kuwabara was watch AVP and then we went out to eat at the recently opened Chinese restaurant." Kagome gritted out annoyed by her cousin who was suspicious of all of her boyfriends.

"With the way you two are blushing a person wouldn't think so." Yusuke replied slyly.

Kagome growled and stalked to one of the three rooms in the suite. "You know," Kuwabara said suddenly, "I think we got a better suite this time around."

The other three spirit detectives paused and looked around and noticed that Kuwabara was right. "The monkey is right for once." Hiei commented dryly with a smirk.

"What did you call me shrimp?!" Kuwabara yelled as he tried to tackle Hiei only to be swatted away from him into a wall without remorse for his actions.

"You really need to start being less annoyed toward Kuwabara." Kurama said with a sigh ignoring the way that Yusuke was rolling on the ground laughing his ass off.


Okay I changed this a bit since I went back and read part of the first chapter. I had totally forgotten that I had written that Kuwabara and his sister were the only family she had left.