"Enter the Baby"

TRanSLaTion GuiDe:

Sakuracherry blossoms in Japanese spring Sakura Tree (cherry blossom tree)

ItooshiJapanese word for "beloved"

KoibitoJapanese word for "lover"

NaniJapanese word for "What" Nani? (What?)

HaiJapanese word for "Yes" Hai. (Yes.)

ArigatoJapanese word for "Thank you" Domo Arigato. (Thank You Very Much).

BakaJapanese word for "Idiot" You baka! (You idiot!)

KawaiiJapanese for "cute"

KitsuneJapanese word for "fox"

YoukoJapanese for a "demon fox". Usually portrade in Japanese mythology as a fox demon with four tales. In this case (YYH),Kurama's full demon form is a youko.

Hagane no RenkinJutsushiA popular Japanese anime and manga "FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST" by Hiromu Arakawa

Hiei placed the last item of food in the light-brown,wicker basket.

They were all set for a picnic. That is,Hiei and Kurama were set for a picnic. ONLY them. Hiei had worked hard preparing the food,finding a spot to picnic,and most importantly,he stopped the others from coming along. Hiei just wanted to be with Kurama before he had to go to the hospital. Kurama was really pregnate and was just about ready to have the baby. Genkai said it would be at least another week before Kurama was due. Hiei just couldn't wait to be a daddy,but at the same time,was really scared. That just made him feel worse;being scared of something as small as a kid when he was ten-times more powerful. Having a kid to take care of would be rough and...weird...But,Kurama told him not to worry. It all would work itself out in the end. Maybe it wold be alright after all. He knew Kurama wouldn't lie to him.

"Hiei! I'm ready to go!",Kurama announced as he walked to the kitchen.

"Alright,Kurama!",Hiei was just closing the basket when Kurama walked in,"I'll just load this in the car with the blanket and we're off."

Kurama looked at Hiei,adoringly,'He's so cute.'

"Alright. Let's go.",Hiei helped Kurama in the car,in the passenger's side seat.

"Wait,Hiei. I have to be in the driver's seat. I-"

"I'll be driving today,Kurama. You're with-child."


"No buts. I got some driving tips from Yusuke. Plus,I've seen you drive a hundred times."

Kurama still felt a little uneasy,but nodded and smiled weakly. Hiei smirked and proudly hopped in the driver's seat. He started the car and put it in gear. Pulling out of the drive way he turn around to see if anyone was coming. "Oh,yeah.Almost forgot."Hiei pulled a phonebook out of the backseat and placed it under his rear.

"Hiei. Are you sure you ca- I mean,want to do this?",Kurama asked,a little nervous.

"Of course.",Hiei pulled into the street and away they went.

They made it there with little accidents. Kurama remembered what park they were in at once.

"Oh,Hiei! This is the first park we went to together!",Kurama grabbed Hiei and pulled him into a kiss.

"Wait,Kurama! I still have to fix the blanket.",Hiei blushed as he set the blanket on the ground next to a sakura tree.

They both sat down on the blanket and Hiei opened the basket and set up the food.

"Hiei,this is so nice. Just the two of us. Out here in the cherry blossom season. With you."

"Yeah, know..."

Kurama saw Hiei blush and leaned over to close his mouth over Hiei's,"You're so kawaii,koibito.",he whispered.

"Kurama...",was al Hiei could say.

"You didn't really have to do this,you know?'s still nice. And the food's not bad either.",Kurama winked at the flushed,little youkai before him.

"...",Hiei felt warm now. Really warm,if you know what I mean.

They were enjoying themselves,when Kurama suddenly felt sick. "Agghh.",Kurama grabbed at his belly.

"Kurama!",Hiei jumped up and leaned over Kurama,worried,"What's wrong! What's happening to you!"

"Ohhh,H-Hiei,I think it's time!",Kurama gapsed,"It's time!"

"'Time'?...OH! that time!",Hiei pulled the half youko to his feet,"What do I do? What do I do?"

"Just...Stay together,Hiei.Stay calm...I don't think...",Kurama took a few long,deep breaths,"I don't think we'll have enough time to reach a hospital."

Hiei was just shocked by this whole thing to think straight,"Then,what should we do!"

"Don't...worry,Hiei. I think we might make it to Genkai's temple in time,if we hurry."

"Okay,Kurama. Hold on.",Hiei picked up the redhead and carried him on his back (which is remarkable for someone of Hiei's size).

Hiei was quite worried at that point;it was finally the moment he and Kurama had waited for-a baby. But,Kurama was trying to stay calm so,so was he.

The two demons finally made it to Genkai's. "Hey! Genkai! Hurry!" Hiei yelled,panicked,"We need your help,NOW!"

"Eh? What's with all the yelling? I'm not deaf,you know." Genkai slid her front doors open to find a panicked fire demon holding a redhead in labor. "Oh,my! Is Kurama in labor already?" Genkai ran to the two demons.

"You think?",Hiei replied,narrowing his eyes.

"Don't mock me,Hiei." Genkai frowned and took Kurama from him,"We need to get him to a bed,fast!" She called out for Yukina to come.

A few seconds later,a blue-haired ice maiden came running from the temple,"What is wrong,Genkai-san!" She stopped at the sight of Kurama;he was clutching his stomach and breathing too fast,"Kurama-san! What is wrong with him!"

"Kurama's in labor! Hurry and get some water and a bed ready,Yukina!" Genkai picked up Kurama by the torso,"Hiei,help me get him inside. Quickly!" Hiei nodded,held Kurama's legs and together they managed to get him to the bed Yukina had just prepared. Yukina came back with the water and some herbs,"Will Kurama-san be alright?",she asked,worried. Hiei sat by a fainted Kurama's side while Genkai dipped a rag in the water for Kurama. "Yes. I believe he will be fine in time.",Genkai answered,looking at Hiei's face,"No need to worry. It is good that you got him here so fast,Hiei. Now,I will be able to use herbs during child birth,so he will feel less pain."

"Hn." was all Hiei replied.

"Listen,I know you're worried about Kurama,but just feeling sorry isn't helping anyone. You need to be be by Kurama's side and just hold his hand tight. Understand?"

Genkai smiled. Hiei turned to look at her,"Yes. You're right." Then,Hiei smiled a liitle back at her. Yukina smiled too;she loves it when people are happy,"Yes,Hiei-san! Kurama-san will be back to himself in no time with your love and affection. Hiei smiled back at her.

"Thank you," was all Hiei said,then walk to the room Kurama was resting in. The room had a big bowl of water on a brown,wooden table,the curtains on the windows were drawn closed,the bed was pulled to the middle of the room,and Kurama was in it,resting peaceful-like. Hiei pulled a chair next to Kurama and watched him sleep. "I am sorry...Kurama," was all Hiei could manage to say.

"Sorry for...what,Hiei?" came a weak voice.

"Kurama? You're awake?"

Kurama smiled,"Of course,Hiei. I wouldn't miss this for the world.." Kurama tried to sit up,but he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and gave out a groan and fell back on the bed. "Don't try to get up now,Kurama!",Hiei said,very worried.

"Indeed,you are right...Hiei",Kurama looked sad.

"Kurama...",Hiei got up and walked to Kurama. He looks so pitiful. So wonderful. He mentaly smiled,"You're so beautiful,itooshi." Hiei leaned over Kurama,putting both his hands on Kurama's cheeks,lovingly,and kissed him gently on the lips. Kurama sighed in Hiei's mouth and folded his arms around Hiei's slinder waist. After a minute they pulled away,"Hiei listen...what are we going to name our baby?"

Hiei was surprised that Kurama had just brought this up now,"Hn?"

Kurama leaned to one side,with his head resting on his hand,"I just realized that we did not even think of a name for our baby yet..."


"Hiei! Come on. Let's think of a name...together." Kurama gave Hiei a grin and pulled him to sit on the bed with him,"Try to think of a name,Hiei...How about Arisa...or Shoji if it's a boy?" Kurama say that Hiei was thinking,so he waited patiently.

"Kurama." Hiei turned to him,"How will we know if it is a boy or a girl?" Hiei was truly confused.

"Well,I guess we won't know until the time comes," Kurama said,"So we will just have to think of two names;Arisa and Shoiji."

"Or Hajime?",Hiei tried,"And Edward or Alphonse?

"Yes,but...heh..maybe I let you watch "Hagane no RenkinJutsushi" so much..heh..",Kurama nodded,happy that his koibito was at least trying to think of a name,"What else can you think of?"

"...What about...Yuri..or Hiroyuki?"

"That's good,Hiei.",Kurama smiled,"But,what if it was a girl? What would you name it?" Kurama knew Hiei didn't know many names,especially for girls,but he wanted Hiei to name it.

"Hn. I like Hina...and Yuya." Hiei was struggling," What about Kaede?"

"Kaeda? I like that name." Kurama kissed Hiei's cheek,"Let us call her Kaede."

"And if it's a boy?" Hiei asked,"May we call him Yuri?"

Kurama sweat-dropped,"Ummm...maybe we should pick another name.That's more of a girl's name."


"Alright,koi.",Kurama chuckled,happily,"I can't wait until...",Kurama paused suddenly.

"Nani? Kurama?",Hiei asked,worried,"What is the matter?"

"Oh,no.",Kurama felt the pain come back again,"Hiei,hurry and get Genkai! I think it's ready to come out!"

"Hai!",Hiei ran out as fast as he could to find Genkai.

A few seconds later,Hiei,Genkai,and Yukina entered the room with towels,fresh water,and blankets."Looks like it's time."

Kurama was groaning and hissing. Kurama told Hiei that it would hurt and that he might not what to see him like this,but Hiei had to be with with his koibito.

"Okay,Kurama. I want you to take deep breaths and keep as calm as you can,alright?" Genkai lifted Kurama's head and put a pillow under it. Kurama was jerking and moaning madly now. Hiei stood next to him,holding his hand tight - just like Genkai had suggested. "Alright,Kurama? Now,I need you to turn to you're Youko form. I will allow you pass the child. Can you do this?",Genkai asked.

"H-Hai!",Kurama yellped,panicing. He gripped Hiei's hand tight,almost cutting of the circulation completely,while he was incircled in white fog.



A baby was heard all through Genkai's temple. Genkai walked out of the "Delivering Room" with a wide grin on her face. "The delivery was a sucess.",She walked over to Yukina,"Here. Take a blanket and wrap the child up.",she handed the baby and a folded blanket to Yukina,"I cleaned it up." Yukina walked in the room,"Hello,Kurama-san. Hiei-san." Yukina wrapped the baby up and tickled it's nose,it giggled,"Here is your baby,Kurama-san.",she handed the baby to Kurama. "Oh,my gosh,it's beautiful!",Kurama took it in his arms and hugged it tight,"Is it healthy? What sex is it?"

"It's in good health,Kurama-san",Yukina smiled,"Also,it's a girl." Kurama looked at the baby,"Aww. A girl! She's lovely!",he looked at Hiei,"Is this not amazing,Hiei! Our baby!" Kurama held the baby up for Hiei to see. "...Yes,of course...she's beautiful..." Hiei turned away. "What's wrong,Hiei?",Kurama asked. 'Could it be?',he thought. "Hiei...are you...crying?"

Hiei huffed and shook his head,"Of course NOT...baka kitsune!",Hiei wiped his eyes,"I...just...have something in my eyes..."

Kurama smiled,"All three of them?",Kurama joked. Hiei just gave a "Hn" and walked over to the window,turned his head to see the baby,then sat on the window sill. "Aw,Hiei don't be like that.",Kurama motioned for Hiei to come over to the bed to see the baby. Hiei did and a smile lighted up his face. Hiei was smiling! A real smile! Kurama looked at Hiei,amazed.

"Kurama...",Hiei looked at him,deeply,"May I...hold her?"

Kurama nodded,happily,"Yes,of course you can,silly. She's your baby,too." Kurama lifted the small child up and it looked confused,but reached out for Hiei. The fire demon took her and she looked up at him with big,innocent,ruby eyes. Then,yawned and snuggled up to him. Hiei was taken with the kawaii-ness.

"Awww...You two look so kawaii!",Kurama cooed,"And you look alike;completely and absolutely adorable." Hiei blushed. Maybe,just maybe,they could get throught this...together.

But,little did they know the trouble ahead of them;more insane,horror-filled,bloody,mind-blowing,wild-and-crazy,puffy,sleepless-nights,stinky,ichy-scratchy zanyness that awaited them.

It is called...parenthood.


Continued in Parenthoodcoming soon!

AuThOr'S NoTe:

Wow! Even though this is a pretty short story,it took me a while to write.(I'm a little slow. ;)

And I wanted to get this just right the first time.(This is my first Yu Yu Hakusho-Hiei/Kurama fic.)

Now,I still have to write the next one called Parenthood ; it will take place after Baby Shower!,but it'll have a slightly different twist.

I'm thinking of having one based on Hiei and Kurama's kids' lives (and,yes,I'm planning on them having more kids).

Also,I'll need some suggestions for names of Kurama and Hiei's children (So,if you're reading this by chance,please review this story and give some names for their kids boys' and girls'...I'm running out of good ideascause I'm not too creative... ; gomen

Anyways,Thank you for reading this and for all the reviews/feedback!


"See You Space Cowboy!"