Narcissa Malfoy was seated on a couch at the Burrow, sipping on tea. Molly was sitting across from her. In between them was a large photo album they were putting together. They had put in all sorts of pictures from their days at Hogwarts, pictures of their children as babies, and a more recent one of Ginny and Draco from Christmas. Narcissa looked at the picture and smiled.

The picture Ginny and Draco were sitting on the Weasley's couch, smiling at her. Their hands were on the couch next to them, touching lightly. Sighing, Narcissa smiled at Molly.

"Are you okay Cissa?"

"What do you think?" she responded harshly. Molly's eyes widened at the tone in Narcissa's voice.

"I'm sorry Molly. I…Tomorrow is not going to be a fun day. I don't want him to die. I…I…I love him." Narcissa said, trying hard not to break down. Molly moved to sit next to Narcissa, and wrapped her in a hug.

"I don't think they'll put him to death Cissa. Most he'll probably get is life in Azkaban. And now that the dementors are no longer there, it won't be as horrible." Molly said trying to calm her friend. Narcissa forced her tears back and smiled weakly.

"Let's talk about something happier. I got an angry letter from Ron the other day, apparently Ginny and Draco have been closer since Christmas."

"Oh that's wonderful. I was having doubts about this. I really don't want to force them into it, but Ginny is just what Draco needs." Molly nodded her head.

"Arthur isn't happy. I don't think he likes the idea of his little girl growing up, or that it seems the boy who is going to take her away from him is Lucius Malfoy's son."

"Those two never got along; worse than my Draco and your Ron."

"Let's just hope that this can end once and for all, and soon. Lucius may have made some mistakes, but it's time to put the past in the past."

"I just wish everyone thought the same."

Draco tossed and turned in his bed restlessly. He sighed in resignation, realizing he was not going to fall asleep anytime soon. Pushing back the covers he rolled out of bed, and pulled his school robe over his pajamas. He quietly maneuvered his way through the room; trying not to wake any of his dorm mates. Exiting the room, he made his way through the common room and out the door hidden in the wall. Once outside he took a deep breath and started toward the kitchens. He was almost to the portrait of the fruit bowl when he was startled to feel a small hand grasp his.

"Ginny! What are you doing here?"

"Couldn't sleep either. I was worried about you."

"I'm fine; I was just hungry that's all."


"I'm fine. Are you coming with me?" Ginny nodded and followed Draco into the kitchen. They were not five feet into the kitchen when a swarm of house elves rushed up to them asking what they wanted, and led them to a small table.

"How are you really Draco? You can tell me, I promise I won't laugh or anything."

"I'm okay I guess. I really don't want to talk about it." He said. Ginny nodded and they sat in silence, until the house elves brought their food over. Draco had asked for some chocolate ice cream, and Ginny had got a bowl of strawberries. When they finished eating, they got up and left quietly.

Draco walked Ginny to Gryffindor tower. "Well, goodnight. I'll see you later." Draco said in a quiet voice.

"Draco, talk to me. Please." Draco just shook he's head. Taking a deep breath Ginny stepped foreword and wrapped her arms around his waist. Draco stiffened, then relaxed and wrapped his arms around Ginny as well. They stood there holding each other for a minute before pulling back, but not letting go of one another. Draco leaned down and gave Ginny a brief kiss on her forehead.

"I'm okay Ginny, really I am. I'm not happy but hey, my father is about to go to jail for life."

"It'll get better. I promise."

"I hope you're right." He said quietly. Ginny smiled at him before leaning up and pressing her lips to his. They kissed tenderly, before a snore from the fat lady caused them both to jump. Ginny smiled at Draco again.

"Try and get some sleep. I'll see you at breakfast." She said before turning to the fat lady, and saying the password. The portrait swung open, and Ginny stepped inside.

"Goodnight Ginny." Draco said as the portrait closed behind her.

Breakfast in the Great Hall that morning was as loud and rambunctious as always when Ginny arrived. She spotted Draco sitting at the Slytherin table, in between Crabbe and Goyle as always, his trademark smirk present on his face. Ginny glanced over at Gryffindor table before making up her mid. She walked over to the Slytherin table and took the empty seat across from Draco.

"Good morning." She said happily, a plate appearing in front of her. She proceeded to fill it with eggs and scones and began eating. Draco looked at her incredulously.

"Um, Ginny, what are you doing over here?"

"Eating breakfast." She said as if she were doing nothing out of the ordinary. Draco smiled and shook his head, turning his attention to his food.

Across the room at the Gryffindor table Harry and Hermione were trying very hard to keep Ron from making a scene.

"Leave them alone Ron. They're falling in love, and they both deserve to be happy." Hermione said, biting a piece off her scone.

"I have to agree with Hermione on this one Ron. Just leave it be." Harry said. Ron's face turned red with anger.

"The only reason you're siding with her is because she won't snog you tonight if you don't!" He said angrily, before getting up and storming out of the Great Hall. Harry and Hermione shared an understanding look. It was time to sit down and talk with Ron about what was going on between them. Something they really didn't look foreword too.

Draco and Ginny made their way up to the Headmasters office, after being pulled out of their respective classes. Professor McGonagall was following behind them. Leading them up to the large Gargoyle, she said the password, and Draco and Ginny watched unfazed as it jumped aside, revealing a large staircase. Ginny made her way up the stairs first, then Draco and McGonagall behind him. Arriving to a small sitting room, Draco and Ginny each took a seat, while McGonagall knocked on the door to the headmaster's office, and then entered, closing the door behind her. A few minutes later, Molly stepped out and motioned for them to enter the room.

"Miss Weasley, Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore greeted them, "Please take a seat." He motioned to two comfy looking chairs in front of his desk. Sitting down, Ginny clasped her hands in her lap, looking around at Narcissa and her mother, who both looked very nervous. Draco was staring stonily at the headmaster, a distant look in his eyes.

"Now, you are going to portkey to the place where the trial will be held, where will remain unknown to the two of you for safety reasons. After the trial you are to return to Malfoy Manor, or the Burrow; wherever you decide to go. Then on Monday, you shall return." Draco and Ginny both nodded, and then giving a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Dumbledore stood and walked to the other side of the room. He picked up an old sock and handed it Molly and Narcissa, Draco and Ginny both rose and walked over, and held on to part of the sock as well.

A few second later Ginny felt the semi familiar rush, as the portkey was activated, and a few seconds later they arrived at the undisclosed location.

The next few minutes went by in a blur, as they were required to turn in their wands, and were led to a small room. Looking around, Ginny pulled her cloak tighter around herself. The room was dimly lit and chilly. At the front was a large judges desk and a small witness box. Six pews, three on either side lined the back of the room, and centered between the pews and the judges area where two tables, where the defendant and prosecution would sit. Ginny looked over at Draco, who was looking paler than usual. She moved closer to him and held his hand discreetly, as the courtroom began to fill with people.

For Draco, the trial went by in a blur. Everything seemed so surreal, that he thought at any moment he may wake up, and discover this had only been a bad dream. He was more than grateful that Ginny was with him, though he would never vocalize it. As the trial neared the end, Draco began to really pay attention. He knew there was no way his father would get out of things; now the question was how Lucius would pay for his crimes.

The judge cleared his throat, and looked out into the crowded courtroom. "I hereby find Lucius Malfoy guilty of all charges against him. He will serve life in Azkaban prison, without the possibility of parole. This case is closed." Banging his gavel once, he stood and took his leave. Narcissa broke down into tears, sobs rocking her small frame. Draco blinked back a few tears, then leaned over and hugged his mother tightly, before Molly led her out of the courtroom, to someplace were she could have more privacy.

"Are you okay?" Ginny asked Draco in a quiet voice.

"I don't know. I guess." Draco said shrugging.

"You can tell me you know. I promise I won't make fun of you, or tell anyone else."

"Draco looked at Ginny for a second, before looking down at his lap. "I really don't know. I know he deserves it, but I don't want him to go away forever." Draco said, standing up and walking out of the courtroom, which was now overrun with reporters. Pushing two out of their way, and Ginny walked back to the room they had portkeyed into. Ginny wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Draco. I can understand. My brother-Percy was a real jerk to us, but I still miss him, and want him to come home." Saying nothing, Draco wrapped his arms around Ginny, and pulled her closer.

A/N: Yes I know I know. It has been a long time between updates. I am sorry, but school kept me very busy. I also apologize if the trial is not what you were expecting. I'll try to make the next chapter better. I still haven't decided if I want to have Draco and Narcissa visit Lucius or not….what do you think?

Another apology if the grammar is horrible. I didn't feel like shipping it off to a beta, since it has been so long since my last update, so I went through it myself.