Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

Notes to my reviewers:

Lil-Derrty: Hmm I'll have to come up with some kind of a bang to go out on.

Gamemasta: ::sigh:: You're one of my favorite reviewers, you're always there to keep me on my toes. Offering me a well deserved pat on the back or a well deserved slap in the face. I'm gonna miss you. I hope you continue to review any other stories I come up with.

Alex: ALEX!! Why! Why! Why to you tease my emotions like that. I'm only human! MUST YOU BE SO CRUEL!!

Captured Moon: I would have loved it if my first sentence had been Dammit to Hell'. But stupid me, I had to go with Kitty run away'. I've decided to dedicate this, last, chapter to Mr. Pizza. He's so amazing. I wish I could give him more. Everyone has been telling me how sad they are that this story is ending now I'm depressed. ::sob:: I need ::sob:: hot chocolate (that always cheers me up).

Chapter Fifty: Epilogue

Miroku didn't return to his house until late into the night. The others had fallen asleep, but Sango was still awake. The second he walked in the door Sango practically flew into his arms. "Miroku I was so worried. Is Kagome alright? Where is she? What happened to Kikyo? What about Inu-"

"Slow down Sango. It's been a long day." Miroku rubbed his forehead and sat down next to the lit fire in the middle of the room.

Sango kneeled down and started to heat up the soup she had made earlier and waited for Miroku to tell her what was going on. She tired not to worry about the lack of color in his face or the dark bruises around his nose, but she was finding it very hard. After a long moment of silence he took in a deep breath.

"Kikyo is dead." Miroku started. Sango let out a small gasp, but allowed him to continue. "You and I should collect her ash and bones in the morning."

"Ash and bones?"

"Yes. After she died her body returned to it's original form, the form she had before the old witch made a clay version of her."

Sango filled a bowl and handed it to Miroku, though he didn't make and sign of willingness to eat. "Does that mean Kagome has her entire soul back?" she asked.

Miroku nodded, "I watched it leave Kikyo's body and enter her's, but I'm not sure Kagome even noticed. She was crying over Inuyasha to much to notice anything."

"Inuyasha! What happened to him?"

Miroku let out a sigh. "Do you remember that arrow that poisoned Kagome?"


"He took eight of them."

"Eight!" Sango practically yelled. "Is he going to be alright?"

"We're not sure. Kaede doesn't think he will live to see Kagome's baby being born ... if it's born at all."

The last bit of his sentence caught her attention. "What do you mean 'If it's born at all'?"

"Kaede and I thought it would be wise to work on Inuyasha without her around, get the worst of his injuries out of the way so she won't be so shocked. So we sent her back to her era to see a doctor. She's really worried that the fight might have caused damage to her baby."

Sango's hands fell to her stomach, she didn't know how she could ever deal with it if anything happened her unborn baby. "D-Do you think Inuyasha will live?" she asked hesitantly.

Miroku leaned back and seemed to think about it for a long time. When he looked up at Sango he could tell that she was worried about his answer. "No. I don't think he will." he said quietly.

Sango let out a sob and moved over to Miroku. He wrapped his arm around her in an effort to comfort her, "Poor Kagome." she said in a whisper "She could lose her pup and mate all at once."

Kagome watched the sun set form her mother's front porch. Earlier that day, she asked her mom to drop her off at the hospital, but didn't explain why. Now she sat there alone unable to bring herself to go inside.

She didn't want to explain to her family what happened that morning. She didn't want to tell them that Inuyasha might not live to see his daughter being born. The door behind her opened and she was hit with the smell of a hot meal, but didn't move. Even when Souta sat down next to her.

"Aren't you hungry, Kagome."

She shook her head.

"Sure? Mom cooked your favorite."

Kagome didn't answer, she just looked down at her feet.

"A-Are you going back to Inuyasha's time tonight?"

"No. Miroku told me to spend the night here." Said in a shaky voice, trying not to sob uncontrollably at the sound of Inuyasha's name.

Souta let out a sigh. "Kagome is something wrong? Why did you go to the hospital today?"

"I I'm pregnant again." She mumbled.

"That's good right?"


"T-Then why are you crying."

Kagome's hands moved up to her cheeks and felt the tears on it. She hadn't even realized she had been crying. She bit her bottom lip and looked of towards the well. "I can't I can't talk about it. Not yet. Sorry."

Souta rested his head on his hand and stayed next to her sister in silence. He didn't know what was bothering her and he didn't know how to help, but if there was anything he could do, he would. He wanted to stay by her side. Kagome noticed this gesture and gave a little smile for the first time in a while. It was nice to know that her brother was there to comfort her if she needed it.

It wasn't much longer till Kagome's mom appeared at the door too. "Aren't you two hungry?" she asked.

They both shook their heads. "Souta, why don't you go in and eat dinner with Grandpa." She said, taking a seat on the other side of Kagome.

Souta was about to say no, but saw a don't - argue' look on his mom's face. "Alright." He patted Kagome's shoulder once before going inside.

Once he was gone, Kagome and her mother were surrounded by the silence of the late night. Something that didn't happen very often in this era. "So " her mother broke the silence, "do you plan on telling me what's wrong."

"I I can't." Kagome mumbled, shuffling her feet.

"Did you and Inuyasha have a fight?"


Kagome's mom rubbed her back with one of her hands. "I just want to know what's bothering you."

"I'm gonna have another baby." She said, wiping her eyes. "A girl."

"A girl. You know already!"


Kagome's mom leaned back. "Well, that's good news. Isn't it?"

Kagome sighed. "Y-You remember Kikyo."

"That girl that you're the reincarnation of?"

"Yeah. Well, she and I were in a fight. She wanted to take the jewel from me, so she tried to kill me."

Kagome's mom gasped. "Hun. Are you alright? Is that why you went to the hospital today."

Kagome nodded. "Miroku thought it would be wise to see a doctor and make sure the baby isn't hurt."

"Is she?"

"No. He said that everything looked fine, but he wants to check me again in six months."

Kagome's mom glanced towards the well. "Are you going back tonight to tell Inuyasha."

Kagome suddenly broke down in tears. "I can't mom." She said in between her sobs. "Miroku told me not to come back until morning."

"Why?" she asked. Trying her best to comfort Kagome.

"When Kikyo started to fight me Inuyasha stepped in. He got so hurt mom," Kagome buried her face in her hands, "Nobody's even sure if he'll live."

Kagome's mom wrapped her arm around Kagome's shoulder, not really sure how to comfort her. "Sweetie whatever happens you need to think about your kids."

Kagome nodded. "Mom. How did you get over it when Dad died?"

"You never really get over the death of someone you love Kagome. You simply learn to deal with it. Trust me, you'll learn to smile again. I did."

Kagome nodded again and stood up to go inside. She wanted nothing more the to crawl under the sheets of her bed and go to sleep, though she doubted that it would even be possible.

The next few days were the hardest for Kagome. Miroku and some other men from the village had moved Inuyasha's body from Kaede's house to his, because she refused to leave his side. It seemed to others that she was sleeping and eating a lot less, but none of them could blame her.

Sometime Sango would sit with her in the room she kept Inuyasha, but the two didn't talk much. Nobody knew what to say to make Kagome feel better. Miroku had gone away a few days ago when someone got the idea to fetch Lady Lei, hoping she could help.

So now all anyone could do was wait

Sango had been keeping her eye on Shippo and Ginsenshi most of the time. She didn't want them to see their mother so upset and their father so near death. However, one day Ginsenshi escaped from her watch and ran to his house.

He sniffed around for his mommy and walked into her room. When he saw Inuyasha on the ground the small child merely thought his father was sleeping and ran over too him and began pulling on his ears. "Wake up." He said in a cheerful tone.

When Inuyasha didn't move, Ginsenshi pulled a little harder, then turned to look up at his mommy. "Wake up" he said softly.

Kagome reached out and hugged Ginsenshi. "I'm sorry sweetie, daddy might be sleeping for a long time." She tried her best not to cry in front of him.

Ginsenshi wiggled out of his mother's arms and crawled over to his father. He pressed one ear against Inuyasha's chest and quietly said, "Ginsenshi loves daddy."

Kagome bit her lower lip when she heard this. He said Daddy'. Inuyasha would have loved to hear that. She thought.

Sango burst into the room looking very panic stricken for a minute, Shippo standing right behind her. As soon as she saw Ginsenshi her face soften though. "Thank god." She mumbled under her breath. "I was worried that I lost him."

"It's alright." Kagome managed to say without her voice cracking.

If Sango got the vibe that Kagome wanted to be alone, she ignored it. She took a seat right next to her. "Has their been any change in Inuyasha?" she asked.

"No." Kagome shook her head. "Has Miroku returned yet?"

Sango sighed, "No. I'm beginning to get worried. If he doesn't get back soon Inuyasha might not -" she suddenly cut herself off "Sorry."

Kagome looked down at Inuyasha. "I wonder if Lady Lei will even be able to help."

"She helped you didn't she?"

"Yeah, but that was just one little prick on my finger. He took eight."

Sango grabbed Kagome's hand. "Listen, I know you don't want to leave Inuyasha's side but we're having a ceremony for Kikyo tonight. To put her ashes to rest. Do you want to come?"

Kagome thought about it for a few seconds before nodding. "Yeah. I should say goodbye to her on Inuyasha's behalf at least. Come get me when it's time."

Miroku walked through the village Kagome had given him directions too. Some of the villagers guided him to Lady Lei's hut, but an ever-present nervous feeling grew in his stomach. What if she didn't agree to come help. Or even if she did, what if it was too late. He could only hope for Kagome's sake.

Eventually he found himself at an older looking hut with an elderly woman sitting in front. "Excuse me miss." He walked up to her. "You wouldn't happen to be Lady Lei would you?"

"I am, Miroku, how may I help you?"

Miroku smiled. "You know my name?"

"Yes. What do you need?"

"Some help."

Lady Lei stood up and motioned for Miroku to follow her indoors. "What kind of trouble has Inuyasha gotten himself into now?" she asked when they were both seated.

"How do you know this is about Inuyasha?"

"Why else would you be here?"

Miroku rubbed his forehead. "Do you remember the poisoned arrow that Kagome got pricked by."


"Inuyasha got shot by eight of them."


"Yes. Is there anything you could do to help?"

Lady Lei looked over her shoulder at some of the powders along her wall. "I don't know. Eight is a big number."

"If you could come back and try, even if you don't succeed, I'm sure Kagome would be very grateful."

Lady Lei rubbed her chin at the mention of Kagome's name. "I guess I could try for her at least."

Miroku thanked her and helped her pack some of the powders and potions she thought she would need. "It is only about a three days walk. Do you think you can handle it."

Lady Lei gave a little chuckle. "Young man, I may look old, but trust me I can travel quickly."

Kagome stared at the grave as everyone paid his or her last respects. Kagome had grown angry when some of the people made comments like She deserved what happened to her' It's a good thing Inuyasha got her before she got Kagome'. Kagome thought that, even thought she wasn't the same person she was in the past, her funeral should be treated with respect.

As the sun went down and people started to leave she kneeled down and placed her hand over the freshly turned earth. "Poor thing." She whispered.

Kaede bent down next to Kagome and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Before my sister died, the first time, she was a very kind soul. You and she would have gotten along wonderfully."

Kagome smiled. "I'm sure we would have." She stood up, feeling a little tired. "I'm gonna go home now." She sighed. Kaede nodded and watched her walk away.

Kagome continued till she was at her house. It was the first time been away from Inuyasha that long since he got hurt and she didn't like the feeling. What if something happened to him she thought to herself.

Her fears were, sadly, confirmed when she walked into her bedroom. Inuyasha was gritting his teeth and his whole body was covered with a cold sweat. "Inuyasha." She gasped running over to him. When she knelt down beside him she found that his forehead was burning up and his body was shacking all over.

She grabbed his hand and held it to her face. "Inuyasha. Don't die." She pleaded tears in her eyes. Inuyasha's grip on her hand tightened extremely for a moment. Almost to the point of break Kagome's bones. Then it suddenly loosened.

Kagome's mom sat in her garden digging holes for new flowers to plant. She had so many colorful ones this year, she couldn't wait to see the new life in her yard. But as she dug a little deeper her shovel hit something wooden.

With a careful touch she dug out a small wooden box, it looked like it had been buried a long time. She was struck with much curiosity and opened the box.

"When are we going to be allowed to go home?" Shippo asked. He didn't hate Sango's house, he just missed his room.

Sango served soup to him and Kohaku. "Kagome has enough on her mind. She shouldn't have to worry about where her children are all the time."

Ginsenshi sucked his thumb a little bit. Sango had noticed that he seemed more depressed since he had run off to Kagome. "Daddy sleeps." He mumbled from time to time.

Everyone ate their dinner in silence until Miroku walked through the door followed by an elderly woman that everyone assumed was Lady Lei. "Sango dear," he walked over to her "I'm back."

She gasped and jumped up to hug him. "I missed you so much."

"Where is Inuyasha?" Lady Lei asked. If Inuyasha was in as much trouble as Miroku described, they shouldn't waste time on greetings.

"Oh." Sango shook her head at her own lack of forward thinking. "Kagome keeps him at her house. We'll take you there." She tuned to Kohaku, "Keep and eye on Ginsenshi and Shippo, okay."

Kohaku nodded.

Miroku and Sango showed Lady Lei down the path to Kagome's house and entered it without knocking, knowing that Kagome would be in her bedroom. The three of them walked in to the room and saw Kagome pressing her ear against Inuyasha's chest. "I can't feel a heart beat." She said hysterically. "I think he's he's "

Miroku and Lady Lei moved quickly across the room and kneeled beside him while Sango pulled Kagome to the other end of the room. Kagome buried her face in Sango shoulder. She didn't want to look at Inuyasha's pail complexion.

"He's dead." Miroku said finally. Kagome let out a cry, Sango rubbing her back. Miroku took a cloth and covered Inuyasha's face then looked over at Kagome. He didn't know what to say or do for her.

"Let me talk to Kagome." Lady Lei whispered. "Alone."

Miroku nodded and stood up. He tapped Sango and motioned for her to follow him. Sango nodded and when she was sure that Kagome wouldn't fall to the ground the second she let go, she followed Miroku out of the room.

Once they were gone Lady Lei walked over to Kagome and pulled her into a hug. Kagome tried to stop crying, but was having a hard time. "No child, you should cry if you need to. Don't hold it in."

Time seemed like an unimportant thing as Kagome cried into Lady Lei's shoulder. It might have been hours or days she didn't know or care. Lady Lei just stood there holding her until Kagome had cried every single tear she could.

"Now child," Lady Lei dried Kagome's face when she was finished, "you and I need to talk."

Kagome looked over at Inuyasha's body, "D-Do you have any potions that could bring him back?"

"I don't think there are potions like that. But there is another way."

Kagome's gaze moved back to Lady Lei's, "Another way? How?"

"Think child."

Kagome thought for a few moments. How do you bring someone back from the dead. "S-Sesshomaru. He could use his -"

Lady Lei shook her head. "Would Sesshomaru really be willing to do that, for Inuyasha."

Kagome sighed. "No. But that's the only way."

"You're not thinking child." Lady Lei pressed her fingers against Kagome's collarbone. "There is another way." Then, without another word, she left Kagome alone.

"Another way." Kagome whispered to herself, pressing her own fingers against her collarbone. "What other way -" then her eyes widened, The jewel was Lady Lei talking about the jewel.

Kagome did the logic in her head. She could make a wish on the jewel. But then the well would close and she wouldn't be able to see her mom, her grandfather, or Souta ever again. She bit her lower lip, it would simply be an object of choosing between Inuyasha and her family.

She closed her eyes and actually looked down, deep, into her heart. But the answer came simple and clear Inuyasha. She loved him too much to choose her family over him. "But I need to say goodbye to Mom." She whispered to herself.

With a sigh she wrote a message on a small piece of paper and tucked it into a wooden box she had planned on using to hide the jewel. "I'll be right back." She spoke to Inuyasha as if he was still alive.

She walked into the cool night air. The moon was already high in the sky. She mentally measured the distance till she found herself in the spot where, 500 years from now, her mother would plant a garden. And without letting a single cry or tear escape her she buried the box.

After a pause she made her way back to her house. Her room. Her Inuyasha. She knelt beside him with the jewel held tightly in her hand. I want to make a wish. She said mentally.

The soft voice of a female entered her head. "Yes Kagome. What do you wish for."

I want Inuyasha to come back to me. I wish he were alive.

The jewel in her hand started to grow warmer , and warmer, and warmer, until it grew hot. So hot that Kagome had to let go. She opened her hand and looked down at it. The jewel changed from its normal pink color to a bright white that lit up the entire room.

As soon as her palm was open the jewel seemed to float into the air until it was hovering over Inuyasha. The light grew brighter and brighter until the jewel suddenly burst into dust, completely covering Inuyasha.

Kagome watched with wide eyes as the dust started to disappear, almost like it was sinking into Inuyasha's body. Once it was all gone the room went dark again, other then the small candle she had lit earlier that day. Moments seemed to go by extremely slowly as she waited for a change in Inuyasha.

After an eternity his eyes actually opened and he, slowly, sat up. "Kagome." he said in a gruff voice.

"Inuyasha?" she reached out and touched his cheek, almost unable to believe that he was really back.

"Do we have any Ramen?" He asked with a smirk.

Kagome let out a small laugh and threw her arms around him. "I love you so much." She cried, squeezing him tightly.

Inuyasha looked down at her with a little confusion. He had no idea what was happening. The last thing he remembered was taking a nap after having a night filled with insomnia. With a shrug he hugged Kagome back, she could explain it later. He let out a soft growl that always seemed to relax Kagome.

"Where's Shippo and GinGin?" he asked.

"They're both at Sango's house." Kagome mumbled into his chest, but no sooner had the words left her mouth did the two come running into the room. Miroku and Sango right behind him.

"Kagome," Sango said "Lady Lei told us you might use the jewel too -" but she stopped when she saw Inuyasha sitting up, looking at her. "Inuyasha. You're alive."

"'Course I'm alive. What the hell did you think?"

"Daddy!" Ginsenshi ran into his father's lap.

"Finally." Inuyasha muttered, pleased that Ginsenshi learned the word Daddy'.

Shippo jumped on Inuyasha's shoulder and Sango wrapped her arms around Inuyasha and Kagome both. Miroku wasn't able to find room to hug Inuyasha so he settled for patting the hanyou's back.

"Okay." Inuyasha growled. "Why the fuck is everyone hugging me?"

There was a collective laugh that Inuyasha couldn't understand. Though he wouldn't have admitted it to anyone at that moment. He was enjoying all the attention and knew he wouldn't have changed it for the world.

When the box was opened Kagome's mom found a small piece of paper in it. She carefully took it out and unfolded it. A small gasped escaped her lips when she recognized Kagome's hand writing. She clutched the paper and read the one word on it.


Normally I would say I'm not posting the next chapter till I get six reviews', but I can't really do that this time. So I'll say this. I will not write another story as long as I live until I get six reviews.

I guess we all knew this story had to end sometime. I love all the reviews, you guys are the best. I love you all.

Lots and Lots of Love from DayDreamer62386