AN: Hi. I'm alive. Some what. Well My friend and I posted a story on this account a week ago, and I was thinking that I would love to finish off this cute fluff story even if I don't have any of my readers left. Why, you ask with a look of confusion. Well because it's a cute little fluff story and I have the last chapter all written and pretty, and so I might as well get to there and then I can boast that I have finished a fanfic. So if any of my readers are still around with all of the endless sympathy and love I know you have, please review, and to any new readers (if there are any) well this is an old, old story, but please, also review. So I hope you like the chapter.

The sun shimmered that day as Botan kicked a rock down the road, forgetting where she was as her fantasy world engulfed her mind and body. Thoughts of Youko floated in her mind as the girl thought of love and marriage and promises. Nothing seemed to fulfill her that day, and rightly so.

It was a year after Youko and Botan had had their falling out. Botan's plea to the king to let her become a grim reaper had failed and all her dreams and hopes seemed to start to shatter afterwards. To make a living Botan did what most orphaned demon women did, sell her body for money. It was a disgraceful life for a girl with such a rich and powerful family. But that rich and powerful family had practically disowned Botan and therefore there was no reason that Botan would fear to disgrace them, only her self, her body, her mind.

Botan sighed and stopped walking. She was out of the town but that was about all Botan knew about where she was. On both sides of her there was water, beautiful peaceful lakes, slowly rippling in the wind. To Botan's back was the long winding road back to the dull, dreary town and in front of her was the vast expanse of the world, or much more specific, a beautiful forest chatting with the wind.

Freedom was the forest, but the shackles holding on to Botan's life would not yet free her, and so the girl turned back towards the town and started to walk back.

"Why leave now? You're just getting to the beautiful part of the road." A voice spoke out from the waters around Botan. With curiosity Botan looked down at the water, just in time to see a girl raise from the glassy lake and seem to stand on the water. Her clothes, hair, skin, eyes, everything about the girl was the same glassy fragile look of the water on the lake. "Stay a while."

"Botan!" The figure in the doorway jumped out of the shadow's and gave Botan a hug, her green hair flowed in the wind as water in the ocean, and her green eyes reflected the forest just as the lake around it did.

Botan grinned and hugged the girl back. "Hey you mind if we come in, we've got a monster chasing us."

And so the party was let into the door way of the house and the door was closed and locked with simple ease.

"So . . . Botan, who is this?" Yusuke asked timidly as he wasn't quite sure what to think about all of this. He had looked to Kurama for reassurance but Kurama seemed just as lost as Yusuke was.

"Faye. She's a water nymph." Botan replied with a grin.

The girl bowed graciously and grinned as well. "And I am to assume that you are the detectives. So what brings you all to these woods?"

"Botan, really." Kuwabara replied, looking around the dimly lit entry hall.

"Oh, well, I suppose I can't let you all just stand here. Please follow me." Faye turned on her heel and led them through a few halls until finally coming to a nice and cozy living room. A fire was lit, the curtains of the window closed, and couches and chairs scattered around.

Faye motioned them into the room. "Sit down and make yourselves at home."

Botan watched at the four guys sat down on a couch and looked questioningly over at each other, all but for Hiei, who had the same emotionless expression on his face. She then turned to Faye again. "Joe is after us."

"Your Joe?"

"Yeah. We need help, Faye. I'm not sure what to do about this." Botan sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Botan you know we're always here to help you. Don't worry about it. Anywho, we need some action around here, there hasn't been much for a couple of years." The nymph smiled. "Let me grab the others," and with that she left the room.

"Who are you?" Botan asked, her tone ever demanding, something that she had kept from her days of flying high.

"Faye, water Nymph and manipulator of genetics!" The girl replied proudly, walking over to Botan and sticking out her hand to be shook.

Botan ignored the hand and looked over Faye. "Manipulator of genetics? What does that entail?"

The nymph laughed and stepped onto the road, suddenly all glassy appearance seemed to melt off her body and she looked naturally human, with the exception of green hair and eyes. "I can change genetics. Say you were trying to hide from some one and there for needed a change of appearance. Well if you came to me I could make you have lizard scales, cat ears, yellow teeth, anything that you can imagine. All by messing with your genes. Simple as that."

Botan smiled. "Is that what you do for a living then? Just change people's appearance for money?"

"Oh deary me, no!" The girl laughed. "It's only a side job. No, I do something much better."

"And what would that be?"

"Well I couldn't tell you that."

Botan shook her head. "Well then I'll just assume that there isn't anything."

"What do you do?"

"I'm a sells person."

"You sell your self." Faye looked at her disgusted. "That's no life for some one like you to lead. What's your name?"


"Botan Reaper?"

"No, just Botan."

"Well, Just Botan, there's a price on you, did you know that? Your family is willing to pay for someone that can bring you home to them." The girl laughed. "I could help you. I could get you out of your prostitute life and save you from being hunted down."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I like you, Botan, you've got guts, and you're probably a great fighter. Come on, you know you want to do it."

Botan sighed and looked back at the road leading to the town. "What would I have to do?"

AN: Please Review and Do not flame. There will be a new chapter coming up in maybe a week if I get a review or if I get inspiration. So thanks. Please come again.