PG, English, Action/Comedy/Romance Disclaimer- Sigh. Never mind what goes on in my disillusioned little mind, Boba Fett, Dengar, Manaroo, and any other characters/planets/species or anything else Star Wars related are not my property, they are Lucas' all the way. But I had fun making up my own new Rats Wars characters/planets/species and everything else, which aren't Lucas'. Mwa ha haa! Fornia and Chayni, they're all mine! I understand this totally undermines a lot of Expanded Universe stories, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. And I know I've chosen to ignore some things from EU while incorporating others, e.g. Dengar and Boba are allies, but the Bounty Hunters guild doesn't exist. I don't care. Lol! This is how I would have the Star Wars Galaxy. Only, as EU has already been written, I had to call it Rats Wars instead.

A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy....blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda This is Rats Wars. So, all you über Star Wars nerds out there better not read any further. Please, for your and my sake. I promise you won't like it. If you are a Star Wars nerd who's completely ignored the above warning, and are determined to read this story, please do not send me your hate filled and venomous emails. I promise I will ignore and delete them, so if you spend 3 hours writing mail that thoroughly expresses your hatred of me and my little ideas for Star Wars, it will just be a waste of your time and my email account space. On the other hand, feedback is appreciated. Just not of the hate-filled kind. Thank you!


During the 2 years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the galaxy has been in turmoil. After the initial euphoria of defeating the Empire, the rebels realised they didn't have a clue about running the galaxy, and there were still quite a few factions supporting the Empire causing trouble. Luke and the gang retired to some distant planet to train Jedi for the two years since the Death Star was destroyed. Now, the new Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, with the help of Luke's new Jedi, has managed to restore peace to the galaxy.