On Wings of Flaming Driftwood

Author: Kess, aka Cera Sligh

Rating: R. slash.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to own any of these characters, J.K. Rowling does. So don't come after me with your flaming torches of copyright justice. (Though if someone told me I could keep Draco in my closet as a pet, I'd definitely accept, copyright or no copyright. :D)

Characters: mainly Harry and Draco, of course.

Story: Voldemort has a new plan to kill Harry, and Draco will be his key to carrying it out. HarryDraco.

A/N: Here we are again. My cousin died in a car crash last night. I really haven't gotten over the shock, you know? It hasn't sunken in and I just don't think of her as gone yet. sigh It'll come, though. What's up with the title of this fic, anyway? It's all random. Ugh.

Marguerite/Matalis "Madly Addicting"? Hehehe. That's good!

HOnEySky Hmm, you'll just have to read this chapter to find out! XD

BioHazrdusMatrial3 Faster -and- longer chapters?! I don't think I can do both! ;;; One or the other. It takes longer to write longer chapters, but if I go faster it'll be shorter chapters. Heh.

Chapter 6: Help

Harry immediately released the tantalizingly warm body and sat up, shaking slightly. Malfoy grinned, half hidden by the sheets that were twisted around his curled form.

"Dra... Draco?"

The blond began to chuckle slightly- low and menacing, touched with a lust only partially his own. He rose, slowly, his shoulders sticking up at odd, sharp angles. His head was bowed as he raised his upper body with thin arms. Soon his backside followed and he was crawling like a dog towards Harry, head bowed, eyes hidden.

"S-stop!" Harry tried to sound commanding and confident, but his voice wavered. He was scared. Not only at what Malfoy might do to him, but what he might let Malfoy do. The most he'd ever done with anyone before Malfoy had kissed him was kissed Cho. And that was with a girl. Another guy was a totally different matter. Somehow, he found that locking lips with a boy was far more exciting and pleasurable than kissing a girl could ever be. But why was he even thinking this? He wasn't attracted to Malfoy or any guy for that matter. 'I am -not- gay' he thought bitterly. His anger gave him new bravery and he pushed Malfoy roughly away.

"You stay away from me you sick fag! I never should have let you stay here. If you hadn't noticed, I'm not into guys."

The blond boy only laughed harder, doubling over as he shook with suppressed laughter. Harry knew it for sure now. Malfoy had gone insane.

"Oh, Harry. If only you could see through -my- eyes when I touch you..." he reached out and teased Harry with light touches to his forearms. Harry found it difficult to stop him. "You simply -tremble- with lust for me. You know you do. I know it, even if you won't face it."

"Shut up! I'm not gay like you! You aren't even yourself! What the hell is the matter with you?!" (A/N: Argh! My bangs keep falling in my face when I try to type!!!)

Malfoy paused. "You know, that word really doesn't fit you now that I think of it. Maybe you -are- straight... But you'll make one exception, won't you? You want me to -touch- you, don't you? You'll forget about being straight as soon as I-"

"Get out! Get out of here now!" Harry grabbed him by the front of his shirt and shook him angrily. "Just get away from me, okay?! I don't want to see you anymore! You make me sick!"

Malfoy blinked and smiled serenely. "Is it my fault if you can't face what you are?"


Harry breathed hard as he watched Malfoy curl on the sheets, clutching his stinging face with his hands.

"You fucking -hit- me, Potter! I didn't do anything to you and you had to go and put a fucking bruise on my perfect face!"

It was true. Malfoy really hadn't done anything to Harry, yet he'd hit him. 'Maybe I -am- the one with the problem. Maybe I am in denial... No. He's the one who's gone crazy.'

"Listen, Malfoy. You aren't acting like yourself. Something is wrong and I know it. Are you under a spell or something? I'm worried about you..." Harry knew the change of heart on his part was rather sudden, but it seemed to be melting the icy blue just slightly. Getting angry and hurting Malfoy only seemed to make him even more distant. But when he was kind, the boy began to behave more like a normal human being.

"God, Potter. If only you knew what's happening inside of me right no-" once again he was cut off by ear piercing screams. Harry reached out and grabbed him, pulling him into his chest, willing whatever was hurting Malfoy to go away. It seemed as though every time the boy got close to telling him what was making him act so strange, he'd get hurt and scream. Soon Malfoy stopped screaming and lay shaking in Harry's arms, drenched in a cold sweat. He was whimpering and muttering but Harry couldn't understand what he was saying.

"I'm not... crazy. It's.. it's -him-, Harry! It's HIM! Ah... Ahhhhh!! AHHHH!!!" He dissolved into fits of screaming and shrieking once again and Harry held him tightly, rocking slowly back and forth. Malfoy seemed so small and frail in his arms, almost like a child. His shimmery platinum hair seemed to shine even in the dim light and his long white lashes stuck together, wet with tears. He really was rather good looking, Harry thought secretly. He wondered why he'd never seen Draco with a girlfriend before. 'Oh yeah, he's gay.' But was he really? Could this mysterious force within Draco be forcing him to be all over Harry? And what had he meant by "him"? "Him" could be anyone. Of course one name stuck out in Harry's mind. Voldemort. But Voldemort could not possibly be doing this to Draco. He just didn't do things that way.

Soon Harry could feel that Draco's breathing had slowed and steadied. He was asleep. Harry was also very tired, but he didn't want to let go of Draco or he might wake the slumbering boy. A few minutes later, however, he could barley keep his eyes open. So he gently set Draco down beneath the sheets and crawled in next to him. Subconsciously, he found himself sliding his arms around Draco's very slender waist. He didn't think he'd ever seen anyone quite so thin. Draco stirred beneath his touch.'

"Potter?" his voice was groggy and muted. Harry gave him a quick squeeze in reply and Malfoy seemed to relax a little. Soon they both fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.


"Oy, Harry! Wake up!"

Draco shifted around a little, quite confused about where he was. Who had just called him Harry, anway? His eyes began to open and he nearly jumped out of bed. Lying next to him was the last person he expected to see: Harry Potter. Not only that, but they were only inches apart, locked in a tight embrace, their legs entangled. At first he began to panick, but then he remembered everything from the night before. He closed his eyes in relief, but then he also remembered that he was no longer alone in his mind. Dread filled him and he wanted to hide beneath the covers like a child with Harry right beside him.

He poked Harry gently in the ribs, and the very messy haired boy answered with an annoyed grunt. Draco poked him again, harder, and his eyes flickered open. Harry frowned in a confused manner, and Draco guessed he had temporarily forgotten the events of the night before as well.

"What? Draco? What the...?" he rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh yeah."

So now he remembered. Draco smiled a little.

"Harry, are you alive? We're gonna be late. I'm leaving. See you in classes." They heard a few shuffling footsteps and then a door opened and slammed shut.

"Ron." Harry muttered with a small grin. "I supposed we should get up, hm?"

Draco shifted closer to him, enjoyng the warmth between their two bodies. "I don't wanna get up." he whined. Harry pulled him in close.

"I don't really want to, either, actually. I was up halfthe night, thanks to you."

Draco pouted and sat up, feeling his sore muscles pull taught.

"Gosh, I feel like a herd of Hippogryphs ran me over last night."

"For all I know, that could've happened. This whole thing feels like a dream or something. You aren't yourself at all. Aren't you going to insult me or be disguisted that you spent the night with me?"

A horrified expression crossed Draco's features and he looked down at Harry, terrified, "Wait, nothing, uh, happpened last night did it?"

Harry grinned and shook his head. "No, but if it had, it would've been your fault. You were all over me, you twisted git."

Draco smiled, "Well, I remember -that- part. But remember, I can't control myself compl-" It happened again. Draco cried outin pain and collapsed on the bed. "I hate this! Dammit, I -hate- this!" Every time he got close to telling Harry about Voldemort controlling him he'd get a terrible pain in the back of his head. He knew it was Voldemort. Harry couldn't know about the plans the dark lord had made. Draco knew he would resist as long as he could. He didn't want to see Harry die. Even though he hated Harry- or he thought he hated him- he did not want to see him dead.

He felt a warm reassuring hand settle on his back. "You can't tell me what's wrong, can you?"

Draco shook his head, his face buried in the pillow. "I wish I could."

"I know..." Harry settled down beside him and shyly wrapped his arms around Draco's shaking form. "Let's just skip classes today. We'll say we both caught a cold from being outside in the rain."

Draco turned to bury his face in Harry's chest. "Thanks, Harry."


A/N: Wheee, more fulff! I just don't know when I should let Harry find out about Voldemort. Hm. I kina want to make it soon. This fic is getting way too long. lol.