On Wings of Flaming Driftwood

Author: Kess, aka Cera Sligh

Rating: PG-13 for now. slash.

Disclaimer: I don't claim to own any of these characters, J.K. Rowling does. So don't come after me with your flaming torches of copyright justice. (Though if someone told me I could keep Draco in my closet as a pet, I'd definitely accept, copyright or no copyright. :D)

Characters: mainly Harry and Draco, of course. ^_~

Story: Harry is having trouble dealing with the death of Sirius, and on top of it all Cho breaks up with him, and he's left with no one to turn to. However, he finds comfort in someone he never would have expected. H/D. Her./R. The plot WILL come up eventually... I promise! Please R & R!

Alright, so here we are! I'm just kina starting this up because I really want to do a Harry/ Draco fic. I absolutely adore that pairing and I'm even doing a web comic on it (http://circleofmist.sphosting.com). So, please oh PLEASE read it and I'll be very happy. ^^ If I spell a few things wrong, like Harry Potter terminology, please don't hate me. ^,^''' Don't forget to review! I thrive on reviews, you see! Enjoy...

Chapter 1: Cry by Myself

Harry walked slowly down the passage to the Gryphindor common room. He felt numb. The event that had taken place just moments before hadn't yet sunken in, and he wasn't ready to react to it just yet. So he walked, slowly and rhythmically, placing one foot in front of the next, the sound echoing all around him like reminders; but he forced himself to keep his mind clear. He couldn't draw up the memories just yet. He had to wait until he was alone, then he wouldn't have to worry about people asking their questions. Everyone always asked him questions, always wanted to know what was going on inside his head. He wanted his thoughts to be his own, his alone. If they saw him cry, the questions would come. He needed to be alone, so he could think... so he could cry.


He shook his head playfully and his pale blond hair whipped around his face and neck, spraying beads of water everywhere. Draco didn't really know why he was in such a good mood, but for once in quite a while taking a shower was actually fun. He let the water hit his outstretched hands, smiling at the feeling. He smiled even wider as he thought of how lucky he was to have a bathroom all to himself. He wouldn't stand for being naked in front of a bunch of other boys. He picked up the bar of soap that was resting on a tray beside him. Suddenly he frowned. A wave of foreboding had swept over him, and he suddenly didn't feel quite so cheerful. He closed his eyes, shivering slightly, and a vision of a boy with green eyes and jet black hair flashed through his mind. His eyes flung open and he turned off the water. He stumbled out of the shower and groped around for a towel. The small bathroom had become quite foggy and he couldn't see very well.

He rubbed his hair down roughly with the soft, expensive towels his mother had bought for him for school. He had the best of everything: the best towels, the best broom, the best books and quills, the finest robes, and he always had plenty of money to spend in Hogsmeade during visits. He had even gotten his own personal room in the school, by request of his father. But he was not happy. Sometimes he thought he was. Taunting people and bringing them down brought temporary and incomplete happiness, but he didn't really have anything to be truly happy about.

Maybe I should get a girlfriend, he thought dully. The idea of running around with some girl all the time bored him. He knew he could have just about any girl he wanted that wasn't a Gryphindor, but he didn't want any of those silly giggling girls. What did he want? He wasn't sure himself. Maybe he just wasn't ready for a girlfriend. That Potter had a girlfriend, and he seemed happy enough. That stupid Potter always ended up getting the better end of the deal, while he, Draco, was always cut short on everything. Harry had better friends, higher grades, he was famous for some stupid fluke he didn't remember, and he was extremely talented at Quidditch, though Draco hated to admit it. Potter's face flashed through his mind once more and he shook his head. No, he had to stop thinking about him, it only made him jealous and in a bad mood.

He turned instead to the mirror, and inspected himself carefully. His silvery wet hair framed his face in pieces, a few shorter strands hanging before his eyes. It was nearly to his shoulders, and he was growing rather possessive of it. It's really rather girlie of me, actually, he thought, twisting a strand around his long, thin index finger, but I like it. It's really the only thing I like about myself. He didn't like the way his eyes looked so empty and cold, and how they curved slightly at the corners to give him a mean appearance. He was sure that his nose turned up too much, and his lips were too pale. This was another thing Potter had that he did not. Harry always seemed so brave and confident about everything, like he could never be scared. Draco, though most people viewed him as fearless, was afraid of a lot of things. He shook his head slowly and snatched up his underwear, marching into his room to get dressed.


Harry sat alone on his bed. Luckily, no one had seen him come up here so he was safe for now. He sat there for a few minutes, just staring into the dark curtain before him, and slowly let the horrible scene replay in his mind.

Cho was crying, her eyes all red and puffy and shining like wet black stones. At first he was confused. She'd asked him to come and meet her in an empty classroom after classes that day, and he'd gone, not prepared at all for what he was about to hear. When he walked inside, she had her back turned to him and her hands seemed to be clasped up by her mouth. He said her name, and she spun around, eyes wild and frightened. Something was definitely wrong.

"What's the matter, Cho?" he asked, not quite knowing how to react. She just gave him a tragic look and burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands, sobbing and sniffling. He walked closer to her and tried to put an arm around her shoulder, but she shoved him away and collapsed into a new fit of crying, tears cascading from her beautiful black eyes to splash on the shiny wood floor.

"Cho, what is it?!" he demanded, knowing the answer would be something he did not want to hear.

"Oh, Harry... I'm so sorry..."

His worst fears were suddenly confirmed, and he uttered in barley a whisper, "What the hell are you saying?"

"Harry... we have to break up. I'm.. I'm..."


In a small voice she uttered, "I'm seeing someone else."

It was as if someone had ripped Harry's heart right out of his chest. He just stood, as if planted to the floor, and stared, mouth agape, at the quivering mass of tears before him. "How could you do this to me..."

"I'm sorry! It just sort of happened, and at first I didn't want to because of you, but I just made a mistake. I should have broken up with you sooner. I'm sorry I dragged it out so long and lied about it. I never meant it to get this bad."

Harry could feel hot anger rising into his chest, "Well, how long has it been!?"

"A few months. I met him over the summer. I actually kind of thought we'd broken up after leaving school with you all angry like that..."

"Who is it?"

"I... I can't tell you, I'm sorry." She ran out of the room, her long, shiny hair flowing behind her like a satin banner.

The numb set in, and he set off to find a place where he could be alone.

So here he was, sitting in his bed, and the tears finally came. He sniffled quietly as silent tears streamed down his face.


"That Potter is always so damn happy." Crabbe and Goyle nodded stupidly in reply. "Why, though? Is it that girlfriend, or maybe it's just because he knows the teachers favor him?" He shook his head, his golden hair glistening even in the dully lit Slytherin Common Room. He knew it was pointless to try to have an intelligent conversation with the two massive boys that sat in high- backed chairs on either side of him. He sighed, stirring the scarlet contents of his goblet slowly with his wand. He watched the dark liquid swirl as the firelight glinted off of its surface.
Suddenly, a face appeared in it. Potter. In a panic, he knocked the heavy stone goblet off of the table and it hit the floor, cracking in two as the contents were scattered about the marble floor. He stared at it for a moment, not sure what had happened as Crabbe and Goyle gazed at the growing puddle on the floor.

"Idiots! Clean it up!" They jumped into immediate action at hearing Draco's orders and he stalked up the stairs into his room. He was starting to see that stupid Gryphindor everywhere. Now not only in his mind, but with his own eyes, as well. Am I going crazy?


Harry sat in Care of Magical Creatures in a horrible mood. It had been a few days since Cho's confession, but he was still feeling its effects. In fact, he was feeling quite sour towards girls in general. He'd even snapped at Heriomone when she asked him why he and Cho weren't talking anymore. Herimone had decided not to talk to Harry for a while after that. He sat with Ron, who had been shifting between Harry and Hermione all day. Neither of them had further inquired what had happened, and he was grateful. He was pretty sure they'd probably guessed, but that didn't matter. As long as he didn't have to talk about it, he could handle it and get through it. He wasn't going to let some stupid girl bring him down. He felt like someone was watching him, and he raised his head to look around. He quickly found who was staring. Malfoy?

Malfoy was looking straight into his eyes, an odd expression on his pale face. Harry sighed deeply. He didn't need any shit from Malfoy today. Of course the Gryphindors had to be in the same class as the Slyhterins. Things always seemed to work out as worse as they possibly for him. His girlfriend had cheated on him, both of his friends were afraid to talk to him for fear of getting blown up at, and Draco Malfoy was obviously planning some sort of way to make his life miserable. He wished the ground would just swallow him up. There was no one to turn to, no one to talk to, not now that Sirius was gone... He grit his teeth and forced the name out of his mind. If he thought about his godfather now, he wouldn't be able to keep from crying, and he did not want Malfoy to see him crying and vulnerable.


Draco smiled slightly as he watched Harry, looking all pissed off. I wonder what's the matter with him? Oh well, at least for once he isn't brave, cheerful, wonderful, beautiful Potter! Wait... did I just say 'beautiful' and 'Potter' in the same sentence? No, no he hadn't meant it that way at all. He averted his gaze and turned to see the huge frame of Hagrid appear over the hill on the other side of his hut. That stupid oaf always put him in a bad mood, and he glared at the filthy beast of a man. He was so big and hairy and ugly. Draco was always sure to keep meticulously clean. He hated anything dirty, anything abnormal or ugly. "Well, I guess our teacher finally decided to show up!" he sneered in a loud voice, making sure Hagrid could hear him. A few students laughed, a few glared at him. He didn't care.

He noticed that Hagrid was looking even more disheveled that usual. His clothes were slightly torn and his hair was more wild than ever.

"Er, sorry 'bout that, class. I, er... had a bit of trouble with the creatures we're gonna be learnin' about today."

"Oh, lovely, our dear teacher has brought violent creatures to show us once again." The memory of the hipogryph attack flashed through his mind and he glared even more fiercely.

"Well, I, er... I think I've got 'em under control, now. So, here they are." He indicated a wooden crate that rested beneath one arm. "They'll be a bit frisky, I think, but I've put muzzles on 'em, see? So as long as you don't scare 'em you won't get hurt." He set the box on the ground as the group of students formed a semi circle around it.

Draco watched uninterested, wishing he could just leave the pointless class. He found his eyes wandering, and they paused when they fell on Harry. He was leaning forward, eagerly awaiting the emergence of the new creatures, his jet black hair sweeping just over his eyes. He really wasn't that horrible looking, Draco considered. In fact, he's rather pretty... No. No, I didn't just think that. No way. Crap, I really gotta find a girlfriend.

The fact of the matter was that Draco had never really been attracted to any girl. Sure, he'd gone with Pansy to the Yule ball, but that was only because he wouldn't be caught dead at such an event without a date. He didn't like her in any sort of romantic way, though he was pretty sure she thought differently. She was constantly trying to tease him and play with his hair and it drove him crazy. He noticed that other boys tended to stare at girls quite often, but he never did. He sighed and turned his attention to the now shaking box.

Hagrid unlatched the heavy clamp on the lid and what looked like little fluffy birds erupted from the box. They couldn't fly, but they could sure jump. On closer observation, he noticed that they were small, fuzzy brown creatures with heads that resembled turtles. The legs were long and thin, shaped rather like grasshopper legs.

Hagrid spoke out over the whirring chirps the creatures were making, "These here are Wumbits. Watch their legs- they've got razor sharp shins, and believe me, if they slash you with 'em, it'll hurt summat terrible. They've also got sharp little teeth, but they can't bite, now." he grabbed one clean out of the air and pointed to the muzzle, "See? Now, yer job is to catch 'em and file down the legs so's they can't slash anymore. Don' worry, it doesn't hurt 'em, none." he smiled and waved an arm towards the jumping balls of fir and legs, "Well, there ya go."

The students spent the whole class dealing with the Wumbits, and when they were finished many had small cuts on their arms and hands. Draco cursed Hagrid as blood trickled out of a thin cut on his wrist.


Harry had noticed Malfoy watching him again during the lesson, and he wondered what on Earth the evil boy had in store for him now. Little did he know the answer to that question would be the biggest shock of his life.


Well, what do you think? I know there isn't any yummy boykissing or anything yet, but there will be!!! So please stay tuned and don't lose hope in me. Chapter two will be far more exciting, I assure you. Oh, and sorry this turned into such a long chapter. I'm a detail freak and I always give away too much of the characters emotions. *sigh* So very sorry. Please review!