~~~~~~~~~~ Previously ~~~~~~~~~~

"See ya tomorrow Faith!" the blonde Slayer waved quickly at Faith from the doorway, and Faith felt herself give another involuntary half smile at the older girl's exuberance.

'Well,' she thought, 'It's a start.'


"No fuckin' way!"

"Aww, c'mon Faith! It's not *that* bad!"

Faith's jaw dropped open as she stared at her fellow Slayer in shock. They were currently sitting on the research table, newspapers scattered around them. Buffy sat with one leg tucked underneath her and the other outstretched, while Faith looked on with her legs tucked comfortably in indian-style.

"Double Meat Palace 'isn't that bad'," she repeated, incredulous.

"Well, ok maybe it's a *little* sketchy," Buffy flattened out the paper in her hands once more.

"G-man, are you hearing what I have to deal with?" Faith whined as Buffy continued, undeterred, about the virtues of getting free food in the background.

"Mm?" Giles raised his eyebrows at Faith from over his book, replying purely for her benefit. "Quite right. Appalling."

Faith threw her hands up in frustration. "I give up! You win!"

Buffy grinned at Faith, "Good, you'll look so cute in that hat!"

The brunette grunted in dismay as she realized her bluff hadn't worked, "I wasn't *serious*..." Buffy smiled, putting her hand on Faith's knee to get her attention.

"Neither was I," she started, her voice reassuring, "That place is totally gross! *I'd* certainly never work there!" She made a disgusted face, her nose crinkling up slightly at the thought.

Faith smiled with relief, watching Buffy lift up more papers with (hopefully) better options. 'She's so cute was she's all into something. She gets so playful, just like a little kitten... ' Faith thought as she watched Buffy light up at finding another job that didn't require a high school education.

"Look!" she stated enthusiastically, pointing at a small ad on the same page as the Double Meat Palace ad had been. Faith read the ad upside down and lifted a single eyebrow up at Buffy.



"...You want me surrounded by a hundred sweaty men who are more likely to make fun of me and slap my ass than actually let me *do* something?"

"Yes!" Buffy replied, but then realized what Faith had said and corrected herself hurriedly. "I mean *no!*" She paused, the description Faith had put forth sinking in fully. "*God* no! Let's find something else here..."

Faith opened her mouth to reply but was stalled by a certain redhead exploding through the library doors.

"Buffy, I'm *so* sorry I didn't answer the phone last night! My parents got home early from... where ever they were this time and wanted to know where I'd been and you know how bad I am at lying! So they yelled at me for a while, well my dad did anyways, my mom was going on about how 'progressive that line of work is' and starting humming 'Sisters are doing it for themselves' and I was just very disturbed and so you can understand why I didn't get to the phone in ti-"

"Calm, Willow. Breathe," Buffy cut Willow off, a bemused expression firmly in place at her friend's frantic explanation. Willow half-smiled in embarrassment as she shrugged her shoulders in a typical "couldn't help it" gesture. Buffy paused a second, tilting her head curiously at Willow.

"How did you know we'd be here?"

"Aren't we always here?"

"Point taken."

Faith watched the banter between the two for a few minutes longer, before getting bored. They had moved on to talking about some teacher that Faith could, quite frankly, not care any less about. She sighed heavily and leaned back on one hand, tugging at the hem of her usual white tank top idly with the other.

Growing bored with that just as quickly as with anything else, she looked up, only to catch Willow not-so-stealthily averting her eyes. She grinned at the redhead, waiting for her to turn back. Which she would do. Eventually.

And look! There it was again! Faith caught Willow's eye and winked, biting her full bottom lip to give the redhead a wonderfully naughty (and purposefully inviting) gaze. Willow licked her lips nervously, responding to Buffy question with slightly more halted speech than usual. Faith smirked to herself, deciding today might be more fun than she thought.

Willow felt a small tremor run through her body at the sight of Faith's expression and swallowed nervously. She turned her attention back to Buffy with not a little effort, realizing she'd missed what'd been said. Unsure, she nodded her head, hoping that a nod was an appropriate answer for whatever the blonde girl had just said.

Buffy raised an eyebrow at her friend and gave Faith a sideways glace, but decided to relieve her friend of possible embarrassment at pointing the exchange out. Instead she smiled broadly at her best friend and tossed her a section from one of the 3 newspapers on the table.

"As much as I love ranting about teachers, we need to help Faith get a new job," Buffy cast the aforementioned brunette a meaningful glance. "Mind lending a hand, Will?"

Willow blushed at the reminder of Faith's current occupation, and climbed up on the table to join them in their search. She folded her legs underneath herself, conscious of the fact she was wearing a shorter skirt than she usually wore.

Faith smirked at the blonde's obvious irritation and nodded towards Willow (who was currently absorbed in finding a new job) as if to say "Hey, can ya blame me?" Buffy caught herself nearly shrugging in agreement before she realized what Faith was up to and frowned at her fellow Slayer reprovingly. Faith merely gave a mischievous smile before stretching luxuriously, making sure to let a soft moan of contentment escape her lips. 'I didn't know Faith could purr...' Buffy thought as she watched the brunette's stomach muscles tense and relax underneath her tight tank top. She felt a small twinge in her lower belly, before automatically rationalizing both the feeling and her actions. She was just admiring another girl's body. Girl's do that all the time. To check out the competition... and stuff. And maybe she'd eaten... uhm. Something.

Willow wasn't any better, turning beet red and biting her lip from desire that she felt settling just below her belly button. It didn't help that she'd dreamed of Faith last night. Neither did it help that she had memories of just how it would feel to have Faith's warm breath against her ear as she breathed a small sigh of relief, or how that ample bosom would feel against her own. Willow squirmed slightly on place as she scolded herself for letting her mind go to such bad, naughty places when she still had (argh!) four more class periods after her study hall.

Faith was enjoying the feeling of two sets of eyes watching her, and more so, that the two sets of eye were familiar. She loved being admired (part of her motivation to be a stripper) but she had failed to recall that strip clubs tend to mean lots and lots of skanky, gross dirty old men. And not even cute, and young-ish ones like Giles, either.

As if he was aware of her thought, Giles finally raised his eyes from his book, wondering why in the world it was completely silent for longer than a minute when he was in a room with three teenage girls. Faith, as usual, was tempting the poor redhead, and Buffy seemed to be catching on to it as well, perhaps more favorably than Giles had suspected she might. He raised a single amused eyebrow at all three of them and coughed into his hand, as if to clear his throat. Three sets of eyes leveled on him reluctantly, two sets markedly more so than the other.

"You girls haven't got all day, you know, next period starts in," he checked his watch, "five minutes. Don't want to waste all your time just staring into space, do you?" At the word space, his eyes had flicked to catch Faith's gaze, a small smile creasing the corners of his eyes.

"Oh geez!" Willow hopped off the table, hurrying away, "I forgot I need to talk to Mrs. Roberts about that day I was absent last week! I'll see you guys later." She gave both Buffy and Faith an apologetic smile, her eyes lingering slightly longer than they should have on places they shouldn't be noticing. Her rushed exit was followed by Buffy's soft sigh of reluctance as she gathered her own things from beneath the scatterings of newspaper sections.

"Leaving so soon, B?" Faith tilted her head at the blonde, her mouth playing into a small, subtly teasing smile.

"Yeah, I gotta grab some stuff from my locker before next period," she frowned at having to go, but then birghtened suddenly, "You could come over later, and we could find something better! The perfect job for you." She offered a hopeful smile, which the brunette returned with another slow, teasing grin.

"Of course."


After Buffy had bounded off looking far too excited to be merely going to class., the brunette gathered her things and nodded her goodbye to Giles, who returned the gesture. He smiled at her departing back, glacing back down at his book before he whispered just loud enough for the dark Slayer to hear.

"I'm British, not blind, you know."

And Faith just smiled, the library doors swinging shut behind her and a page of want ads rolled up in her hand.

"Glad someone's not, G-man."