
A/N: Okay, Morning Mist! Here's the Hector x Lyn poem that you wanted! Now, I can't always write on demand, so be happy with this poem and wait until I get some more insparation!

And be on the look out for Chapter 11 of Red Warrior, Black Rose: Mysteries! COMING TODAY!


Hidden Love


Oh Lyndis, Oh Lyn
Oh my Lady of the Plains
Listen. Please listen!
To what I have to say

I know I may act
All rough and mean
It may seem like I hate you

But I only think you're sweet.

I know we fight a lot
We yell and yell and yell
I'm sorry if I made you cry, my dear
If I made it seem like hell

I remember all the times
When we used to spar
It was then that I realized
You were taking this too far

You don't want to burden Eliwood
You wish to prove more useful to him
But, dearest, please understand this
You don't always have to win.

So sit back and lay down your sword
Take a few breaks or two
Maybe now you'll realize
Who really cares for you

If only you knew in battle
How much I want to keep you from harm
If only you would just realize
How I want to hold you in my arms

You don't know how much I missed you
When you left for the Plains that day
I made a vow, deep in my heart
That I would see your sweet face again

But now that you're here with me
There is something that you must hear
I'm nervous about your reaction
When my secret reaches your ears

All those times that I yelled
And I played a prank or two

That's just my way of expressing...

My hidden love for you.


A/N: Okay. There you go. Review and please enjoy!

~The Story Master 125~
