plz read.

Black Wolf Chic 2

Hi people! I can't believe I'm starting a new fic, and so soon after my previous closure of Princess and the Hunter, but here I am again and I have a really cool story to present to you. Unfortunetely, * sigh * this isn't one of my own genius stories, but someone else's. This story I'm about to write is BASED, I repeat - BASED on a story I just read yesturday. I think it is cool and the characters fit so well as CCS that I couldn't resist doing this, and I hope you will like it too! Please review and I hope some of my old favourites from Princess and the Hunter, will be so kind to review once again. You know who you are! ;)

This story is going to be seriously 'altered' so the author [ who isn't on Fanfiction ] and no one else can come down on me like a ton of bricks as the saying goes. But I just can't wait to share it with you!

Li : Will someone get the author a chill pill?

Sakura : giggles

Black Wolf Chic 2 glares watch it!

Madison : Ano, don't forget the disclaimer BW2.

BW2 groans I hate this stupid disclaimer. But alright, I'll do it! I don't own CCS or any of it's characters. There I did it! Happy now?

Madison : Hai. You've done the right thing and now you can do you're story.

BW2 leaping for joy Ara! I can't wait!! Here we go fans! Let the story begin!!



by Tameika

( or a.k.a BW2 )

Prologue - 3 years previous

Li Showron - 16 yrs old

Sakura Avalon - 14 yrs old.

Tori Avalon - 20 yrs old.

The darkness was like a void inside the small cabin. A soft orange glow came from the panel switch, allowing the occupant to know where the pad was to open the electronic sliding door if necessary. The room was silent and quiet except for the occasional humm of the engine or whisper or groan as a young man was thrown into turmoil once again.

` Syaoran . . . `

The young man jerked in his sleep.

" Mei-lin. . . " he whispered as sweat drenched his forehead.

` Syaoran . . help m-me. I know y-our the only one w-ho can . . .` ruby/amber eyes glazed with pain looked up at him pleadingly.

Li looked around all the dead or dying people around him as he held his beloved cousin. Everyone had it. There was no escape.

" I-I-I c-can't Meilin. " Li trembled. " There's nothing I can do. I've tried Meilin. It hasn't worked. I c-can't save you. You're body rejected it. "

Meilin's closed her eyes as her breathing became laboured. Sweat drenched her body and fever had taken over hours ago.

` Don't let me die this way. Please don't let me die this way. " she begged as tears fell down her red cheeks.

Li held her closer as harsh reality slapped him in the face. She was dying and he couldn't help her.

` Syao - ` she paused and gulped in air. ` You're a healer. Why won't you heal? ` she asked in a whisper.

Li's heart broke under the strain of losing her, grief and guilt of knowing he was a failure.

" I'm not a healer Meilin. " he whispered. " And I can't heal what I don't know about Meilin. " his hands trembled violently as he smoothed her sweat-drenched bangs away from her fever flushed face.

Li buried his head unconciously in his pillow fighting the images in his dreams.

` I'm going to miss you Syaoran . . `

Tear stained amber eyes filled with pain as he watched her as she started to slip into oblivion.

Her back suddenly arched and she jerked spasmodically.

` Itai! Itai! ` she cried with the last of her strength.

" Meilin! " Li screamed.


" NOOOOOOOO! " Li jerked awake in his sleep and sat breathing heavily.

" Not again. " he whispered, running his hand through his soaked hair.

He threw back the covers and padded across the room on bare feet to another soft orange glow and slapped his palm against the panel, and the door slid back and light instantly shone lighting up the lavatory.

Within moments he was letting the hot water rain constantly down on him as he stood in the shower trying to wash away those horrids memories, those which he tried to lock away and forget so many times, but kept constantly finding their way into his dreams where he let his guard down.

" Meilin . . . " Li whispered as he rested his forehead against the cold shower recess wall and closed his eyes in regret.

* * *

Across the galaxy, in a far away place of green fields, mountains and lakes, there was a small young girl. She creapt out of her primitive little cave where she had been exiled to, and limped down to the crystal pond. Her left leg wound cramped with severe pain and she cried out as it gave out beneath her and she fell in a heap on the dirt embankment.

She breathed heavily and waited until the pain ebbed away, before she rolled over on her back and starred up at the pure blue sky. White fluffy clouds passed by in little clusters every now and then, and the air was cool and crisp, enough to make any person feel alive - but not Sakura.

Tears formed in her dull emerald eyes as she thought about the family that had exiled her to this life of crippled solitude. She sat up and peered at her image in the water. Seeing the pitiful image she presented, she sat back and sighed.

" Just because I'm different. " she muttered, her eyes filling with tears.

Sakura Avalon belonged to the Shielder clan. Sheilders were rare people that had the power of the mind. Their minds were protected by strong forces that no one could breech, so therefore giving them a strong advantage against their enemies - the Controllers.

Controllers were the most evil force in the galaxy. They would use their powers to warp the mind, and make you their slaves to do with you as they pleased, and most of it wasn't pretty. Sakura knew of some that had been captured, tortured, worn down and then wrapped in the mental bonds of slavery. She shruddered and tried to stand.

Sakura stood and wobbled, trying to get her balance. It hadn't always been this hard. Once, a long time ago, she had been loved. She had lived with the rest of the clan, been smothered with hugs and kisses from her parents and her brother, been safe, protected and loved. And now - four years later - Tori was the only one to have anything to do with her.

A little cry made her look down as her lanrax, Kero, chirpered and then climbed up her leg and perched himself on her shoulder where he continued to chatter away happily. Sakura smiled and ran her fingers through his soft ash/brown/gold fur and he nudged her with his wet nose, making her giggle.

" Hello to you too my only friend. " Sakura whispered.


AN : It is in my opinion a lanrax is like a cross between a ferret and a mammal of this extrodinary world. If any of you know of Linoone in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, I believe that this is what ' Kero ' looks like. Sorry to any Kero fans that may be slightly offended at this adoption of Kero's name for this creature.


Everything had fallen apart four years ago at the delicate age of ten. That had been when Sakura had first started 'suffering'. Sakura sufferend from seizures. Violet seizures where her world would go black and she would jerk in pain. That had been bad enough, but knowing that there was no cure for her was even worse, especially when the other clan members started treating her differently.

But what would break the bonds with her clan would come later. Only a few months after her first attack, she had been out in the training area with Tori learning how to fight in case she might ever have to defend herself. Her parents looked apon the training in disapproval, but Tori just ignored them and continue the sessions.

Sakura had started one of her seizures and in that fateful moment, the laser sword scorched her left thigh and had totally ripped it apart. The meds had done everything they could do, but too much tissue and muscle had been severed inside. Sakura had woken days later and had seen the massive scar that she now carried, and had cried when they had told her that her leg may appear

' normal' on the outside, but she would never walk properly again. What would break her heart after her recovery would be when everyone turned away from her in disgust and calling her a freak.

Natasha and Aiden turned away from her and told her to leave. Tori had protested, but was soon silenced when his position as future elder was severely being questioned. Tori had watched with sorrowful eyes as his beloved imouta limped away into the woods, far away from the clan to live on her own, or die.

The first few weeks were unberable for Sakura. She cried for so many days and nights that she lost count, until she could cry no more. She wondered at the prospect of taking her young life and ending it, but Tori, who came to visit her, angrily forbade her to think of such a thing ever again.

It had been on that first visit that he had brought her Kero. The female lanrax in the clan had given birth and Tori had chosen the unnaturally golden furball for Sakura. Lanrax's were usually born midnight blue, but for some reason, this one was not. It was different, just like Sakura.

Tori had handed her the tiny furball into her bare hands from his gloved ones and the lanrax had instantly bonded with her. ( AN: Lanrax's bond with the first person that puts their scent on them. That's why Tori wore gloves. ) She had named it Kero and the two had kept each other company throughout the years. Tori brought her bread and other ' luxuries ' from the clan whenever he could, but any other time, she had to forage for herself.

And that's how it had been for four lonely years. She hardly spoke, for living only with Kero, there was no need to talk. The cold breeze blew her short honey/brown tresses out behind her as she starred up at the blue, blue sky yearning.


BW2 Please review. Thank you.

Itai - It hurts!

Ano - Umm.

Ara - Oh! My!