Disclaimer – Don't own so don't sue. This means I don't own Harry potter or anything to do with the movies/books. I do however own Rachel Virginia Jess and the rest of the characters that aren't in the books. I wish I owned Tom Felton but I do not sadly I do however own his trading card… Enjoy! and review

"Draco I thoug-"

"Shhh" he said. He leaned closer to my ear. "I love you," he whispered.

My heart dropped. I looked into his silver orbs and got lost in them. Its like they bared his soul. And right now all I saw in his eyes was lust and love. He pushed forward and kissed me gently. My head began to spin. I quickly pushed him away.

"Not yet" I breathed and pushed him away. I felt chills run through my body as he moved away and smirked down at me. I slapped his arm and interlaced his fingers in mine.

"Hey babeeee" Rachel giggled with a huge glass of ::cough:: punch ::cough:: in her hands.

"Get me what she's having" I laughed and turned to Draco who handed me a big plastic cup. I smelled the mystery drink and pulled it away. It was obviously alcohol and different fruit juices and crushed ice. I brought it to my mouth and chugged half the cup. An instant wave of brain freeze hit me and I stumbled. "OOOOOW" I fell into Draco who was also drinking.

"I almost spilled it: he leaned forward and kissed me.

"Sorry" I giggled and looked over at Rachel.

"Ron your so cuuuuuute" she laughed and kissed him. He leaned in and moved her onto his lap.  When they felt short of air they both pulled away panting.

"Your beautiful" he said seriously.

"Thank you" she giggled and blushed. She leaned in and gave him another kiss then got up and pulled him to where everyone was dancing.

"Where the hell is Jess I haven't seen her all night" I looked around. Draco smiled and pointed to the couch. I turned and looked at Jess and Adrian who were obviously oblivious to the world around them. Jess was running her hands up his shirt and he kissed her neck.

"Hello your in public get a room" I said breaking them up.

"Hey you oh yea we should stop before it gets to far" She said. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. Damn was EVERYONE here drinking?

"Ohhh shitttttttttttt" Jess looked behind me mouth and her dropped open. I quickly snapped around and saw Gin on a table. Here we go. The music started blasting Britney spears "I'm a Slave 4 u".

I know I may be young, but I've got feelings too.
And I need to do what I feel like doing.
So let me go and just listen.

Gin swayed her hips back and forth and mouthed the words slowly looking over at Blaise. He smirked and she continued.

All you people look at me like I'm a little girl.
Well did you ever think it is okay for me to step into this world?

She turned around and shook her hips and dropped down before quickly snapping back up.

Always saying little girl doesn't step into the club.
Well I'm just trying' to find out why cause dancing's what I love.

She twirled around and put her hands up and moved her body in a snake like motion. A chorus of 'woots!!' Came from the guys. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Draco who wasn't even paying attention. Instead he was staring at me as if trying to pick apart my face.

"What?!" I screamed over the music.

"Nothing" he shrugged and took another sip of his drink.

I'm a slave for you. I cannot hold it; I cannot control it.
I'm a slave for you. I won't deny it; I'm not trying to hide it.

At this point Gin started undoing her little top. I had to stop her. Before I could Rachel ran over and yanked her off the table. She said something like 'we keep our tops ON' and walked away leaving Gin with Blaise. The night went on in a fast blur. Slowly everyone started to leave and eventually it was just us girls with the 4 boys and Harry and Hermione. By this time Rachel was hyper beyond belief.

"Lets play ummm TRUTH OR DARE!!" she clapped excitedly. We all groaned but said fine. We sat in a circle around the floor. I sat in front of Draco and leaned my head on his chest.

"Okay ill go first" Jess said. She jokingly eyed all of us as if searching for her victim. She stopped on Gin. "Gin truth or daaaaaaaare" she laughed.

"Dare" Gin answered with a smirk.

"Okay hmm lets see I dare you to switch clothes with Blaise," she pointed at them. Blaise opened his mouth to protest but Gin quickly got up and grabbed his hand to drag him into the other room. We all waited. They came back out. I couldn't hold on my laughter I doubled over at the sight of Blaise. He couldn't fit into Gins small jeans so she gave him a pair of her sweats that were still very tight on him. Her small pink tank top stretched and shower a lot of his lower stomach. Gin had on his big boyish sweatshirt on and his baggy basketball shorts. They were falling off her butt.

"Okay" Gin sat down on Blaise's lap. "My turn" She looked around her eye landed on me.

"Okay Miray" she smiled evilly. "I dare you and Draco too go into the room together for 30 minutes" I laughed wow could that get any easier? "Naked" she added.

"Oh now THAT was good" Rachel nodded.

"Fie before I go can I use my turn since I wont be back for 30 minutes?" I asked

"Sure" Jess shrugged.

"Rachel since you wanted to play so bad truth or dare?" I smiled.

"Dare biatch" she smirked.

"Hmmm" I eyed Ron and her. He blushed and looked down.

"Oh this is tooooo easy" I laughed, "Rachel I dare you to go shower because you smell…. Ron go with her" I ran out of the room laughing at the expressions on their faces.

"Well this should be fun" Draco stood in front of the door.

"Okay give me your clothes once you get inside and ill lock it from the outside" Gin said leaning against the door. I looked at Draco and he smirked.

"Turn around" I said. He did and I quickly undressed and pulled a small towel around myself. I threw my clothes out and Draco did the dame. He wrapped a towel around his waste loosly.

"Its fucking cold in here" I shivered and moved closer to him. He hugged me and we just lay on the bed in silence.

"OKAY ITS 2:40 RIGHT NOW YOULL BE OUT AT 3:40!!" Gin screamed. We both shot up.

"YOU SAID 30 MINUTES!" I screamed.

"I CANT HEAR YOUUUUUUUU" she laughed and ran away form the door. I laid back down into Draco's arm.

"Well and hour it is then" he said.

"That cant be too bad" I looked up at him.

"Well lets see an hour alone naked in bed…no I'm sure we can find SOMETHING to do" he grinned.

"Well" I paused and leaned forward and gave him a kiss. He pulled me closer and I ran my tongue along his lips. He moaned and I smiled and pulled away. "Sounds like a good plan to me" I looked at him waiting for his reaction. He looked shocked.

"But I thought you had some rule" He asked.

"Yea but it doesn't matter anymore" I smiled up at him. He looked at me blankly for a moment then leaned in and started kissing me. My heart raced. There was no turning back now. He slowly slid open my robe.


"Well…this is odd" Rachel said as she pushed some bubbles towards Ron. They were both in the HUGE tub and it was filled with bubbles. Since they were both naked the bubbles acted as clothing.

"Yea" he blushed and moved closer to her.

"Ron" she sighed and kissed him gently. He pulled her closer and she felt his…member…. against her leg. He shifted so she was against the wall. She leaned against it as he sucked on her leg. He stopped and looked into her eyes. "Ron I cant" she said.

" its okay Rachel" he paused and kissed her "I love you"

 IM GETTING NO REVIEWS [besides my lovely crew Rachel, Jess, Gin, Moonie and so on] SO REVIEW