AN: Hey ladies and germs! This is my first serious romance, so go easy, ok? The idea came to me while listening to a new song, called "Me and Emily". (At least, I think that's the title. . .) Any of you who listen to American country music should know it. No, this is NOT a song fic, because I don't know all the words yet, but it is BASED on a song. Ok? Ok. So, enough jibber jabber and on with the story.

Summary: AFTER HOGWARTS. Hermione marries a muggle, and after a year of being married to him, he starts to physically and verbally abuse her. She runs away with her nine-month-old daughter, Emily, looking for comfort, and finds it in the last person she expected . . .HG/DM.

Rating: PG-13 for a little bit of violence (early in the story), sensual content (later in the story), and mild language (scattered throughout the story).

Author: SpicySugar

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Harry Potter or anything having to do with it, er, HIM, besides a paperback copy of the first book, a hard back copy of the first book, two hard back copies of the second and third books, one hard back copy of the fourth and fifth book, the first and second movie on DVD, a Harry Potter calendar and planner, and a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie poster. (Did I really need to go into so much detail?) I also do NOT own the song that this was based on.

OK, are we all cool now? No one is going to sue me and shove a whole bunch of legal documents in my face? All right, then. So I can start writing the bloody story, now? Good.

"Me and Emily"

Chapter 1: Running.

* * *

A baby's cry sounded throughout the house.

"Emily!" said a nineteen-year-old woman, rushing into the baby room. She turned on the lights and scooped up the wailing child and started rocking her in her slender arms. Within a minute, the baby was relaxing and playing with her mother's golden brown hair.

"I bet your hungry, Emily," said the mother, laying her in a bassinet and rushing back out of the room again and into the kitchen to warm a bottle of formula.

"That baby crying again, Hermione?" came a male's voice.

"Yes, Jim, for your information," said the woman. "Crying is a thing that most babies tend to do regularly, since they can't tell us what they want by talking," she finished irritably. Her husband had been acting very odd lately. He used to be very cheerful and amiable, playing with Emily whenever he could, making funny faces to cheer her up, volunteering to take her places, and being an all around good guy. Now, ever since their first anniversary three months ago, he was grouchy, cranky, and seemed to look at Emily as just an annoying burden on his life. He was even starting to look at Hermione that way: just a robot with no feelings put there to make his life hell. In their first year of marriage, she had never once questioned the fact that she had married him. Everyone viewed them as "a happy family," except her own parents. They had severed all contact with her when they found she was pregnant before she was even engaged to Jim, and not even eighteen yet. That was August 20th. She would never forget that date. She had been trying to keep it a secret from them, but they witnessed the signs and put two and two together, and kicked her out of the house. She was two months along by then. She went to Jim's house, and he and his parents took her in gladly. They understood. They were a little disappointed in Jim, but they still understood. Jim promptly proposed the next day to help cover it up, but they couldn't get married for another month. Jim's parents refused to let them elope, and they wanted to be there at the wedding. They also insisted on finding them a house and putting an enormous down payment on it. They were very kind to them. Hermione thought that Emily couldn't have been born into a better family, when she came into the world on April 2, 2006, at 2:20 PM. She couldn't continue her train of thought, however, because Emily's formula was done by then. She picked it up and carried it back to the baby room. She would have warmed it with magic, but she didn't want to risk Jim seeing. She had never told Jim she was a witch, because he and his family were strongly against things like that. So, she had refrained from using magic for the past year and a half. She sat down in her rocking chair and picked up Emily out of the bassinet, who had been dozing off, and started to feed her. Hermione gently rocked the chair back and forth while she hummed to Emily. Jim interrupted this perfect scene, however.

"I don't know why that baby has to cry so damn much," he said, leaning on the doorframe. "She's nine months old now, she should be learning to talk!" he concluded, crossing his arms.

"'That baby' has a name, you know. You chose it," Hermione said calmly.

"Ok, Emily then. Emily should be learning to talk by now," he said.

"Jim, most average babies don't actually communicate until they are at least eighteen months old! And even then, the most they can say is 'Mama' and 'Dada'," defended Hermione.

"Well, Emily should be a little more along by now, don't you think? You were always bragging about your good grades in that boarding school of yours. Your daughter should take after you," he said.

"She's my daughter just as much as she is yours. You know that as well as I do," said Hermione. She was losing her patience.

"Oh really? How can I be confident that she is my daughter and you weren't gallivanting off, selling yourself to other men?" he asked hotly.

"Jim, how dare you! You know I would never do such a thing!" said Hermione, astonished. She noticed that Emily had finished her bottle, so she took a second to lay her in her crib. She then walked out of the baby room and into the living room, so that if Jim wanted to take this discussion further, they wouldn't disturb Emily. Jim did indeed follow her into the living room.

"And another thing . . ." he started, but Hermione cut him off.

"James David Jenkins! Why are you doing this? You never acted like this before! What's gotten into you? Why . . ." but she never got a chance to finish her string of questions, because at that very moment, Jim's hand came into contact with her face. Hermione jumped back in shock and put her hand up to her stinging cheek.

"Let me finish," he said calmly. But instead of continuing in their heated debate, he slapped her again, this time with such force that Hermione fell over backwards onto the floor.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since I met you," he stated with relish.

"So why didn't you start on the first date?" spat Hermione.

"I wanted to seal the deal. I was kind to you and your precious Emily for our entire dating life and the first year of our marriage, so that you would think I was a good guy and that we were the perfect family. After a year I knew you wouldn't leave me, so I could let out my breath and be myself again. You were too perfect, Hermione. You and your perfect looks, perfect grades, perfect school record, perfect virginity . . ." he trailed off, and then continued. "So, I thought that I would put a few black marks on your "perfect" record. I seduced you and got you into bed with me, so you lost your virginity before marriage. One black mark down. Then, an added bonus comes along: I had made you pregnant. So you were just another one of those teenage girls added to the list of those who had pre-marriage pregnancies. So, a second black mark was added. Now, I'm adding a third black mark to the list: you are now one of the growing population of women in an abusive relationship," he finished. As he reeled back for another blow, Hermione thought that it was time to reveal her identity. She dodged him just in time and rushed off to the baby room. She mussed up the blankets in the bassinet until she found her wand, which was concealed there. She pulled it out and pointed it at Jim, who had just appeared in the doorway. Because she had moved so fast, red and gold sparks had flew out of the tip, strait between Jim's eyes.

"How did you do that?" he asked, shocked.

"Just a little something about me that I neglected to tell you . . ." she said.

"And – and what's that thing?" he asked, pointing to her wand.

"Oh, this?" she asked innocently, brandishing the wand and making sparks come out of the tip again. "Just a wand. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"That – that can't be a wand! It's just a piece of wood!" said Jim, even more frightened.

"If it's just a piece of wood, then how could I do this?" she asked.

"Do what?" Jim asked.

"This," said Hermione simply, then she shouted "Stupefy!" and a jet of red light streamed at Jim and hit him square in the chest. He fell over, unconscious. Hermione immediately went into her and Jim's bedroom and put half of the clothes she owned into a large suitcase that they kept in the closet. She also grabbed a few "personal things" (hairbrush, toothbrush, etc.), and her diary and put them in the suitcase as well. Then she went into the baby room and gathered up all of Emily's things that were portable and put them into a smaller suitcase that she had reserved just for Emily, if they ever took her on long trips. Then she scooped up Emily out of her crib and put her in the bassinet. She then double checked the hallway to make sure that Jim was still knocked out, but just to be safe she tied him up and blindfolded him magically. The ropes and blindfold would fade in about six hours. Then she had an afterthought.

"Obliviate!" she said, pointing her wand at Jim's forehead. 'Now he can't remember anything and go blabbing to the world that I'm a witch' she thought. Good. She smirked. She wasn't quite sure if the memory charm worked if the person you put it on was unconscious, but it was worth a try. She shrugged her shoulders and went out to her car, put Emily in the backseat, put the two suitcases in the trunk, and drove off into the night, with no desired destination. After all, Harry and Ron were both abroad, doing work for the ministry, and she wasn't sure of the location of the rest of her Hogwarts friends, which she didn't have many. She couldn't go to her parents, they would just say she deserved it, and she was sure that Jim's parents would take his side and not accept her, either. So she had nowhere to go.

"Well, at least Jim gave me one good thing in my life," she said to herself as she glanced back at Emily, who was stirring. "And she's starting to wake up," she said with a smile.

AN: So? How was it? Do you want me to continue? The only way I will know is if you REVIEW!!!! Please note that all flames will be used to roast marshmallows. ^___^