Disclaimer: I don't own the TP characters

Chapter 1 Diane

She just kept running. It couldn't be true. No way her friends would actually leave her. It just couldn't be true. She ran the whole way to the university, tears running down her face and Ozorne's laughter in her ears. She didn't care about the people she was pushing. She didn't care about their looks. All she cared about was proving him wrong. Proving that her friends, her family, didn't believe she was dead.
She finally made it to the university. She just busted through the doors that just last week she had found amazing. She didn't care about them. She only had one thought in her head. She tried to enter the room in which she had awakened bonedancer, she had talked to Numair, she had talked animals, but it was locked. In her fury, she started pounding the door and kept pounding until finally it opened.
"Is it true?" She asked, not caring about his shocked expression, "Are they really gone, Master Lindhall?"
"D-Daine, b-but you're dead, I saw your body" the man stuttered. Just then Kaddar came to the door saying it couldn't possibly be Daine but cut the words short when he saw her face, tears still streaming down.
"Then it is true, they are gone. They left believing that I am dead." With that, Daine collapsed onto the floor crying. Both men moved to comfort her. She just shrugged them away.
"I don't understand. I thought you were dead. We all saw the body. What happened? Did you fake your death? Why would you do that?" Kaddar asked, truly confused.
"She didn't fake her death, I did,"came a powerful voice. It was Ozorne standing at the doorway.
"But why, Uncle?(A/N Ozorne is his Uncle right?) What did she ever do to you?" Kaddar asked before he could stop himself.
"Because she can of great value to me, to all of Carthak. Because I want her to be here. And don't you EVER question me again." Ozorne replied. Then , turning to Daine, he said with a softer voice, "Now Daine, Come along. We have to get you settled in."
When Daine didn't move, Ozorne went and grabbed her arm, making her yelp in pain. "This isn't Tortall, Sarrasri. You have to listen to me. You are officially a part of my kingdom now and here you get punished for not listening. Now come ALONG!" With that he dragged her to her feet and pushed her out the door.
Before he left, Ozorne yelled back to the other two, "You better not try to tell the Tortallans about this or by the gods you'll be wanting death by the time I'm through with you!"
"What are we going to do. We have to do something to help her. We're going to do something, right." Kaddar said.
"The only thing we can do is be there for her." was Lindhall's solemn answer.
"No buts. We can't help her. You didn't notice, but there was a bracelet of Acyle on her wrist. It would only hurt her if we managed to contact her friends to let them know that she was here because she could never return to them as long as she wears it."
"Poor girl. I wish there was something we could do to help her." Kaddar said in barely a whisper.
"I know you do. I do, too." Sighed Lindhall.