Chapter 4

The Headmaster conjured a chair and sat down next to the cot that Ginny was laying on, "I believe that I may know what your problem is, Miss. Weasley," he said to the red haired witch. "Harry tells me that you collapsed in the Great Hall and when he got you to the hospital wing, you shouted about finding a book. I believe that you're being drawn to The Book of Destiny."

Harry and Ginny stared at their Headmaster, "What is the book of destiny?" Ginny asked, gripping Harry's hand.

Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled as he looked between the two students, "It is a book that one of my ancestors discovered and strengthened the charms to search out the most suitable witch or wizard. It is able to assist the finder in solving the problems in the wizarding world." He reached over and touched Ginny's hand. "My grandfather found the book originally, and he used it to help me defeat Grindelwald."

When Harry glanced over at Ginny, her eyes were as large as saucers. "Ginny, what's wrong?"

Ginny looked over at Harry, "Well, you've already defeated Voldemort, so I don't understand why the book would be calling me."

Professor Dumbledore scratched his beard, "Maybe, Miss. Weasley, the book is calling you to fix some of the other problems in the wizarding world. I could be that you are the one the book was intended for. My grandfather found the book, but he wasn't called to it. He reinforced the charm on the book that draws the intended to it." He looked thoughtfully at Harry and Ginny, "I remember looking at the book and only seeing the history of the wizarding world, but my grandfather found spells and tactics for defeating Grindelwald."

Ginny sighed and ran her hand over her face. "Professor, I just can't see what problems that the book will help me solve."

He smiled at the two students, "Miss. Weasley, that is what you will have to find out. The visions will continue until you have found the book."

"Just great, I'll be screaming and collapsing until this book decides to be found," she said.

Harry and Ginny sat in the common room, talking about all of the interesting things that they had seen when they had visited the Blue Ridge Academy. "You know Harry, I was hoping that Headmaster Hufflepuff would answer the letter that I sent her," she said, running her hand through his hair.

"I'm sure that she'll answer you as soon as she gets the chance, being Headmaster has to be a very demanding job," he answered. He leaned over and kissed her cheek, "Why don't we go out and see Hagrid?" he asked her. "I'm sure that he'll have some rock cakes baked up to offer us, and we could have tea with him."

Ginny laughed, "Okay, let's go see Hagrid, but don't eat any of his rock cakes. I don't want you to spend the evening with Madam Pomfrey taking potions for a stomachache."

They exited the portrait hole and headed down to Hagrid's cabin.

As Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast, a beautiful spotted owl swooped down and landed in front of Ginny. She patted it on the head and untied the parchment from its leg. Harry handed it a few small pieces of bacon and tore up a piece of toast and sat it down in front of the bird.

Ginny unrolled the parchment and read the letter. When she had finished, she jumped up from the table and ran toward the headmaster. When she arrived at the head table, she ran around and hugged him. Professor Dumbledore smiled and patted the red haired girl on the back and escorted her back to the table.

"Miss. Weasley has just received an invitation for seven additional students of her choice to accompany her. She will be spending half of the year at the Blue Ridge Academy, learning from the wonderful Professors that teach there," he said.

Ginny hugged him again and looked around the room, "I have to decide who to take with me," she said.

Hermione gave her a calculating look, "Like you didn't have a list in your head as soon as you read the letter," she said. "Just tell us who, besides Harry, is coming with you."

Ginny laughed, "I don't even know if my mum will let me go," she answered.

Professor Dumbledore patted her on the shoulder, "I have already asked your parents, and they feel that it would be a wonderful experience for you," he told her as he started walking away. "I will need a list of the students that will be going with you by tomorrow, you will all be leaving tomorrow afternoon."

Ginny grabbed her schoolbag and walked toward the doors, "I'll let you know who is going in the common room after dinner," she told them. Harry jumped up from the table and ran after her.