The white line of love

Author's Note: Hi I'm new here...this is my first try in writing a Prince of Tennis shounen ai fiction...well I'll work really hard... so do give me some reviews and some advice. I apologize if there are grammar mistakes... Well most fictions I have seen are always poor Fuji trying to chase here I'm trying the opposite... Enjoy!!!

Disclaimer: I wish Fuji and Tezuka belongs to me...but sadly they don't...

Chapter one: The Addiction

(In Seigaku, Class 3-1)

Tezuka Kunimitsu watches as the petals falls gently from the Sakura trees onto the ground. He enjoys quiet moments like this. It's is with scenarios like this that he can free himself from tennis, schoolwork and something else. Something that ever dangerously threatens his sanity. Tezuka let out a soft sigh as he shifts his view to the tennis court. There among the sea of blue figures was his greatest weakness. Fuji Syusuke. Before he knows Fuji, the word uneasy never appears in his dictionary.

At first Tezuka brushed it off as a thought that the prodigy before him was just merely a close friend. Someone he would consider a good rival to his tennis skills who shares the same dreams as him. Then it deepened. He started craving for Fuji's company every single moment. A slightest contact against his fellow teammate would result in a skip of his heart. A gentle smile from Fuji would just remove all the stress and frustrations within him. Perhaps it's that deadly smile that had poisoned his heart and thoughts. Yet, Tezuka would yearn for more of those deadly smiles. It had become an addiction that he could no longer resist. It's not just those smile he wanted, no. He knew he was being greedy, yes, but he wanted more. He wanted Fuji, all of Fuji Syusuke.

(Meanwhile, at Seigaku's Tennis court)

"Ok guys! We'll take a fifteen minutes break. Buchou will come later to brief us on the up coming mountain training for regulars so if you don't wish to run laps, be back punctually!" Oishi Syuichiroh's voice echoed through the tennis court as the exhausted regulars sat on the concrete floor, gasping for fresh air. Fuji Syusuke as usual, had his trademark smile on his face. He wasn't even abit tired. If Tezuka was here, he probably would. After all, Tezuka was the only one who could make him play tennis seriously.

Fuji Syusuke wasn't the kind of person who would just show his tennis skills to anyone. He would, if he finds his opponent worthy of his precious racket. Tezuka Kunimitsu was one of them, followed by Echizen Ryoma and his brother Yuuta. Even when Eiji Kikumaru was his best friend, he never revealed his real skills to him, simply because he tends to talk too much and would go on and on about how he would defeat his triple counters. He had tried once and he's not going to try it again. Vividly, Eiji reminds him of Ibu Shinji from Fudomine.

"Fuuuuujiiiiiii!!!! Pants Why do you always use Tsubame Gaeshi on me? It's not fair!" Eiji could barely catch up with his breath. He had already lost count how many times he had failed to win a match between him and Fuji in their three years of life in Seigaku just because of his buddy's triple counters. In fact, he didn't even have the chance to force Fuji to use the remaining two of the triple counters, Higuma Otoshi and Hakugei. A quick Tsubame Gaeshi was all it needs to seal the game.

"Hnn... If I don't do that, your eyes will probably be looking elsewhere ne?" Fuji countered. Some things are simply too oblivious to his naked eyes. That was enough to kept the whining red haired quiet as shades of pinkness soon filled his face.

Fuji chuckled as he walks to his racket bag to retrieve his towel. Wiping the sweat around his neck, the prodigy noticed a tall figure leaning against the court's fences. Fuji looked up and smile sheepishly when he realized it was Tezuka. Feeling numbness in his legs, Tezuka tries to remain calm as he sits next to the prodigy. Silently cursing his legs, Tezuka tries to change his attention to the freshmen that are picking up the tennis balls that were scattered around the floor.

"I doubt you played seriously...Fuji" the blue eyed blinked at Tezuka's comment and let out a soft sigh as he sipped a mouthful of water from his bottle. Tezuka had definitely know him as if he was the back of his palm. Fuji wouldn't say that he don't know Tezuka as well as the latter knew him but sometimes they need to draw a line between each other.

"Sa... You knew me too well don't you buchou?" This time it's Tezuka's turn to blink. Fuji Syusuke, of course Tezuka knew him well. Everything, every movement, every word and most importantly, every smile that comes from that prodigy he had them engraved in his heart. If there is a subject in school that is related to Fuji, he would have scored a straight ace.

"It's the same as how well you know me Fuji...but perhaps for my case, it's a bit more..." Tezuka stood up and walks off towards Oishi. By now, break time is almost over. Fuji stares at the back of his buchou as the smile from his face fades. Perhaps Tezuka was right, from the way things are, he sure doesn't knew Tezuka as much as Tezuka knows him. But then again, how much does his best friend knew about him? How much does he know about the struggle within his heart that he's been trying so hard to deny? Probably nil. And he would never know.

"Fuji...are you ok? You seems lost in thoughts?" Eiji asked with concern as he places his hands on the prodigy's shoulders. Replying his friend's concern with a weak smile, Fuji rises from his seat and pulls Eiji along with him towards the rest of the regulars. Throughout the briefing, Fuji was lost in his own world. He gaze dreamily at the pink petals that had fallen from the Sakura trees surrounding the courts. Beautiful and yet they couldn't last long, which to the blue eyed, was pretty ironic. He was in deep thoughts when he heard a voice calling out his name. Startled, Fuji turn to see Tezuka standing in front of him, the other regulars had already return to their practice.

"Te...Tezuka...erm sorry I wasn't playing attention to the briefing...guess I was too engross with the Sakura aren't they pretty?" Fuji smile at his friend as he points at the Sakura tree that was near the court entrance. Tezuka looked up and stare at the tree that the prodigy pointed. A rush of warmth suddenly fills him. There, under that very same tree was when he first knew Fuji. It was there that he had first seen Fuji's smile and it was at that particular tree that he had realized, he had planted his seed of addiction for his fellow teammate. He was in love with Fuji... under that tree that Fuji had just pointed to.

"...Yeah they are... Fuji... here, take this instruction guide home and read it... and please pay attention next time." Fuji couldn't believe his ears. Is that all Tezuka's gonna say? Isn't Tezuka gonna make him run laps for not paying attention? Fuji's eyes widen in confusion as he watches Tezuka places the instruction guide on his palm.

"No punishments?" Fuji muttered.

"Nope... but you'll have to go shopping with me later...I'll see you after practice." Fuji could have sworn he saw a smirk on his Captain's face. Perhaps Tezuka was in a good mood today. The prodigy was about to walk towards the bench to keep his instruction guide when he stops dead in his tracks. Tezuka just asked him to accompany him to shopping. Those who do not know Tezuka well would not have find any error in their captain's words but for Fuji, he did. Shopping? Since when will his stoic and cold captain would go shopping? He never ever mentions it let alone doing it.

"...Poor Tezuka... the Nationals must have stressed him greatly..." For a moment, Fuji was wondering if Tezuka's sanity had really snapped.


/Phew... There...I'm done with chapter one! Well Fuji's denial to his love for Tezuka might come in the next chapter if not it'll be in the third... I might take some time to write the next chapter...:P Hope you guys like the part where Fuji pointed the Sakura tree to Tezuka... that tree would still make it's appearance in my up coming chapters... till the next chapter... ja... bye bye!/