a/n okay sorry this took so long... Uhm.. Yea. I was sick, and then Christmas came.. and... blarg. Yea. But okay,
I read this awesome Inu fanfiction called The Haunting of Higurashi Farm. Check it out. It gave me ideas for another fanfiction and I asked the author's permission to use the idea for a fanfiction. I'm not going to plagurize,
the story will be of all my own accorded ideas, but the main theme will be sort of the same. I didn't want to steal, so I asked the author's permission first. Yea. Geeze I love that fic. Okay, now, on with mine. And, since it's Christmas, I decided to make this a Christmas episode! You'll get the idea. I came up with a few cool ones to put in this chap while taking a shower. I get all my good ideas while taking a shower. oO.

Chapter Five : The Gift of Giving and a Few New Family Members

- The Newest Version of Your Next Door Neighbor

So, as we sat in the car, I looked around to the unfamiliar place. My gaze withheld to the surrounding places,
I didn't realize that Inuyasha..was... staring at me.

Staring at the ground, I began to think. Why did this girl look so much like Kikyo?
Was it a coincidence? Or was it the Gods' way of trying to torture me with Kikyo for the rest of my life?
Kagome didn't seem like such a bad person, but she didn't know what she was doing to me, by just being around me.
It stirred feelings I thought I had supressed a long time ago... the time when Kikyo left me...

"What are you looking at"
My face felt hot against Inuyasha's amber eyes. That pervert.. I bet he's imagining things.
"What?".. Inuyasha looked in total confusion.. Ugh! Didn't he even realize he was staring at me?
"You were staring at me!", I answered.
"I ..was.
"...Noo.. You weren't..Your eyes just popped out of their sockets and pretended to look at me. Then they did the CanCan and floated away." I said sarcastically.
"I.. I'm sorry." Inuyasha mumbled.. I stared in disbeleif.
"I... " my own amazed mumbling following suit. Except I couldn't get anything out. My stormy eyes met his, and for a second, I saw a flicker of.. what was it..deprived passion?.. loneliness?.. sadness..? hurt..?

"What are you two talking about?"...I leaned over, poking my head next to Sango's chest.. mmm.. How sneaky I could be.
"Nothing!" they answered at the same time. I shook my head.
I felt the sweet sensation of my head bouncing into the fluffy pillows of Sango's chest.
"Sorry guys!.. I just hit a knot in the ground.. They should really be fixing those roads.." I heard Mrs. Higurashi announce.
Thank Buhdda for potholes.

I huffed, and pushed Miroku's nuzzeling head off of me. "Pervert." I muttered, staring hard straight infront of me.
"I'm sorry Sango!" he looked honest enough... I pulled my chocolate eyes up a bit, still in a scowl.
"I didn't mean it, really, it was the roads!".. He looked hurt. I shifted my gaze and shook my head.
He looked even more depressed.
"......" I stared in a disbeleiving retard, saying finally.. "Fine, I forgive you. Come here." I wrapped my arms around his back. Strong... muscular, lean back.. - Wait, why was I doing this again?
A smile popped up on Miroku's face.. ...Everything seemed okay, ...until I felt a hand, light as a spider,
creep down my lower back...and a bit lower.... WHAP
"WE'RE HERE!" Souta called.
I sighed.
"Geeze Souta, stop being so loud!" I heard my best friend yell at her younger brother.

"Alright, alright. Souta, shush now, and let's get going." It had been a tiring day so far, but I supposed Kagome deserved a treat.
I patted my younger son, as the qartet of teenagers and I stepped up to the front door. Miroku opened it for us.
"What a nice young man.." I smiled, and I saw my daughter's best friend Sango, more or less a second daughter to me,
Inuyasha did the same thing and pulled open the inside door that led to the accual mall. The first was a door lounge-like place.
"Thank you Inuyasha"
He beamed.
Looks like someone wants to impress me.. But for what reasons?
I turned to look over at Kagome, who was currently flitting her gaze back and forth from Inuyasha to the floor.
Ahh.. I knew where this was going.
"Mommy can't I go with Kagome and her friends"
"Souta, I'm sure they want to get some time to spend with eachother. After all, they just met eachother, and if they're going to be next-door-neighbors, they should have some social time. We'll go seem them later when we go to eat... alright"
"Al.." my son started to say, almost grudgingly as the four left... "KOHAKU.
"Kohaku?!" .. I blinked incruendously.. "Souta.. what are you talking about.. I know you miss your friend.. but"
Then I saw it.
The hansome aqaintence I had known for quite some time.. The man who almost had made a replacement for my late love.
"Hello Serena.." (if anyone would like to tell me Kag's mom's real name, I would appreciate it.. But for now, I'm using this)
"Tauken?"..(using that for Kohaku's dad's name. Yea)
"Of course, who else"
"But.. what are you doing here.
......and so.. He went on explaining how heartbroken Kohaku had been without Souta and his elder sister. So, he decided,
to claim a house around where we were living now, and perhaps start a new life from scratch.
"I couldn't let you do that"
"What do you mean? You think it's a bad idea?".. He looked a bit confused, downcast, and a bit hurt.
"No! No.. Nothing like that. I mean.. what I needed to say was.. How about you just come live with us?.. We have a nice, spacious house, and heavens knows I need more help maintaining it. The bills haven't been so nice lately.
I think the landlords like to amuse themselves by getting all that's worth from the newcomers.." I tried to say as polite as possible.
"Well, to me, that sounds like a very good idea. Kohaku, Souta, Kagome, and Sango would love it.. And.. I wouldn't mind either.." he sent a small smile my way... I felt my face flush.
"Well, then it's settled!".. The boys cried, and hopped up and down with glee.. "We're going to be roommates, we're going to be roommates.
I shook my head and smiled.. "Well, you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your shopping time with an old bat like me, and her son would you?..I'm sure our sons are eager to reminice and regain their lost time.
"Oh, Serena.. You're not an old bat. You never will be.. to me.." his devilish smile found it's way prying into my eyes again.
"Tauken.." I trailed off, getting lost in the look on his face.
"MOMMY!"... Souta tugged on my sleeve.
"Alright, alright.. we're going"
"HORRAY!" cried Kohaku.. "Let's go to the game store first"
"Okay!" Souta hurriedly agreed... and I got pulled off into a whirlwind of mall madness.

"What's all this..?" I stared around.
Was this town nuts? .. It had pictures of Santa all over the place,.. reindeer, pretty bows and things decorated in red and green.
I was SURE we passed a line of children waiting to sit on an old fat guy's lap dressed up as Santa, waiting to take pictures.
"This place is crazy.." My friend Sango added... shaking her head..

Sango: "Are they sure they're in the right month?".. I blinked incruendously. Miroku and Inuyasha looked at Kagome and I like WE were the one who should be locked up with the white coated doctors. "Are you joking?" Miroku asked.
"Are you THAT unaware of time?!" Inuyasha added, in his regular annoyed tone, but with an extra cup of confusion. "Uh....."

I heard both of them implicate unintellable sounds that all people liked to say, but thus, wasn't in the dictionary.
"It's nearly Christmas.
"It is?!" ... "Of course." Miroku said knoledgably. "THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!".. "Uhhh..." it was my turn to reply with the sound.. "I wasn't thinking"
"Well.. you see.."

"..being as I am Buhddist, and Inuyasha just isn't aware of anything.. I'm sure we really didn't think to alert you. Miss Kaede likes to celebrate it, so we do go through some of the rituals.. I suppose, since it's nearly Christmas.. you wouldn't mind if we bought gifts for you.." I pulled on my charming smile.. Inuyasha scowled. I elbowed him, and he muttered .."Yea.. sure.." I could have sworn I saw a twinkle in Sango's eyes..

"Alright.. alright..fine." I didn't know how that bastard got me into this.. however.. I wouldn't mind getting a present for Kagome.. though.. I'd be really nervous.
I mentally smacked my self.. Since WHEN was this Confession of the Heart time?! Shaking my head, I stole a glance from Kagome, started off, and trudged with Miroku dragging behind me before he could give the girls a love-sqeeze before we left..

"Uhm.. Okay.. then...?" I shook my head. Those two were really weird.. "Well, looks like it's just you and me Kagome.." "Yea.. Well, alright.. where do you want to start?" "Well, I heard guys liked weapons and things..." my friend suggested.. I nodded. "Sound's like a good bet. Let's go. I think I saw a weapon shop where we were walking." I looked around, and found Inuyasha's and Miroku's receding backs.. Well, atleast a few people were having fun..

-------------Across the mall--------------

"So what do girls like.." he muttered more of a statement than a question.. I wanted to get something nice for Kagome, even though I'd only really just met her. It was the kind of things where you knew, in the long run, you'd be seeing much more of eachother. I didn't want to admit that to myself. It ..hurt.. "Well, they like a vary of things. My best bet is jewelry, candy, fluffy animals, and cloths. We can't pick out cloths for them. Candy is too much of a start on first dates, and"
"DATES?!".. I stared hard at Miroku.. "Er, - .. No? Anyways, and like I was saying, animals and jewelry would be our best bet. Sango doesn't look like much one to wear jewelry, so I'm going to the animal shelter. -You- go to the jewelry shop." I growled at Miroku. Being pushed around was not my thing... "Fine. I'll meet you here in about a half hour.".. and stalked off. Watching my friend head for his designated place of the mall, I looked around. There didn't seem to be very many nice shops.. Sighing, I pushed on, until I found one.. a small place with a small, squat man that seemed to be balding. I recognized this man.. "Myouga?".. "Sir Inuyasha!".. Myouga was a friend of the family, and my attorney. I had a big family.. a big.. rich family. Though my mom and dad were already dead. He was the manager of such things. "Do you have any.. uh.. jewelry..?" "..Well, this IS a jewelry store. Are you looking for someone special?" the man grinned at me.. "I ..uh.. yes.. no.. Well, I came with my new next door neighbors.. Miroku ..and ..me. These girls.. Kagome and Sango.. Since it's Christmas, I figured we ought to get them something nice.. well.. Miroku..did.. but.. I'm getting something for Kagome,.. and he's getting something for Sango"
"Well I'm sure Midoriko's Shrine had just the thing for you. Hmm.. Here.. what about this?" Myouga pulled out a neckalce. The length of which would go around the neck was encased with little glass peices around it, setting every half an inch. The center peice was a round globe of shining pink. About the size of one of those small bouncy balls you get of of a 25 cent vending machine.. It looked oddly like... "The Shikon No Tama.." Myouga said in a whisper.. "I've been saving it for you. Here's your chance Inuyasha. Give it to the girl"
I stared in disbeleif.. my hand clasped around the sphere.. I nodded.. but.. what was I doing?!.. "This is our half-off sale!" The man brightened, as if we were only aquaintences.. "That'll be 40 dollars." .. I handed him the money, knowing fully well that I'd get it back later with my weekly allowance.. "I.. er.. Thank you.. I'll talk to you late Myouga.." He winked and nodded at me, as I left the store.

------In the Pet Shop-
"Hmm... Cats.. most girls like cats. Dogs are a bit too messy.. " If only Inuyasha had heard that. I was currently getting a present for Sango.. but to no avail, I had yet to choose a prize. I stuck my head against bars, gazing at each feline.. none seemed good enough.. I sighed and looked down in defeat,.. now what..? "Are you looking for something?" .. an old man with a high ponytail asked. I remembered him from the paper. He was known for bringing up genetically unusual pets. The man's most known pet was a three-eyed-cow that had breath people called "fire breath". What it accually was, was such heated breath that it could burn you. There were roumors about how the cow could just drop out of the sky randomly. I didn't beleive that.. "I was looking for a cat.. but none of them seem to fit the person I want to get it for"
"Well.. I -do- have one.. that you might be interested in.. Not many people like him, though, because.. well.. he has two tails." I brightened up.. "Two tails?.. Now -that- really sounds interesting. Can I see him?" The man, who's label was 'Toutousai' went into the back, and brought out a beautiful cream-colored groomed kitten, with a black diamon in the middle of it's forhead. It's paws and the ends of its tails were also black... "His name is Kirara." "I'll take him!".. Toutousai looked thoughtful for a moment.. "One warning though. Don't abuse him. He's had enough gawking at him already.. if your girlfriend doesn't like him,
please take him back and save the pain.." I nodded responsibly. "Now then!.. That will be 80 dollars!".. My face paled.. "Well.. anything to impress Sango.." I reached for my wallet..

"Here, Tani. You take over the shop for a while. I have a feeling we're going to be doing much, much more buisness today.. " I opened a back door that lead to Toutousai's Pets for Life. I met the man behind his counter.. "Come to the weapon shop. I have a feeling you'll be needed there.." Today I was having a lot of feelings. This was working out perfectly. "I had the same feelings. Alright." The old man nodded, opening his own back door behind the counter, walking down a hall that led to the weapons shop.

------In the Weapons' Store-
Sango: "Well, this looks like a pretty nice place.. The prices are right.. infact, with the Christmas sale, the prices are -very- nice..." I was the queen shopper. Everyone knew not to go up against me. I nudged Kagome, and pulled her over to he counter.. "We're looking for ornaments for our friends. Just something to look at, I suppose.. " I saw the two men exchange looks, and then looked back to us and smiled.. "Of course, we've got the perfect thing for you.." The taller man with the the ponytail pulled out a long, nicely carved staff. Despite the 'only to look at' it looked pretty strong and able. The top of it had a rounded outline of circular gold, with golden rings around the circle and a pointed top. "Wow! It's so pretty.. but how much is it.. ?" I frowned. I knew full well how costy this stuff was.
"25 dollars!".. "25!?" .. the man with the ponytail elbowed the shorter man, and they exchanged looks. "Yes, 25, Mr. Toutousai.." "Wow! I'll take it!".. I said, not beleiving my luck.

"And for you.." the shorter man said, pulling a long, encased box.. and opened the top.
"It's an antique.. Perfect for any guy with a love of swords.. Used in the famous Inutashio battles, said to come from his very own fang! It transforms"
I looked a bit skeptical.. and then opened the sheath.. "Hey! It's all rusty!".. "Of course, it's been in battles..." "Wait, did you said Inutashio?" Sango asked.. I looked at her with curiousity.. "Why, yes I did.." The man nodded. "Take it Kagome!" Sango said knowledgably.. I sighed and shook my head.
"Fine, fine.." "Hm.. your name is Kagome.." I nodded.
The two men exchanged looks. "That is a very pretty name..Here, you can have it for 25 dollars also." "Wow! Thank you!".. I smiled greatfully. Soon, we left, and went to go meet the boys back at our meeting place.

Inuyasha: I was nervous.. Very nervous. I knew what this ment. Could I do it, though?.. The Shikon no Tama.. right in my hands.. But with Kagome?.. Could I really?.. Shaking the ideas out of my head, I looked back up. If I was going to accomplish anything, I'd have to. I couldn't help as though to feel I was using her. "Inuyasha! Miroku, we're done, are you?" I heard Kagome's friend Sango ask. We both nodded in usion. "Good, we split up the gifts. Kagome got yours, and I got Miroku's." And as if on cue, the perverted monk appeared with a large cage-type thing.. "We did the same.." I looked down, and thrusted my bag out to Kagome, lifting my head just enough to see her reach in.. "Wow Inuyasha! It's so pretty!" her usual sad, stormy eyes lightened up, and she took it out fully, handing it to me.. "Would you put it on for me?".. I stared, unable to speak for a moment.. and then.. "Uhh.. uhh.. okay.." and reached my arms around Kagome's shoulders, touching the tips of her fingers with mine to receive the clasp.. Carefully, I held it around her slender neck as she arched her head, and pulled her raven hair from the back, and began to fiddle with it.. Nervous, I spent about two minutes trying to fix it, feeling everyone's eyes on me.
"Thanks Inuyasha!" a slight smile crossed her lips, as she turned down to look at it.. "Wow..it's so fragile and pretty!".. "You're welcome.." I said gruffley, averting my eyes.

Miroku: Next, it was my turn.. Leaning down, I swung the cage door open, and picked up what was inside. The soft mewing echoed from inside the cage, and pulled out the creme colored kitten.. "Awww! Miroku it's so cute!" I heard my beauty squeal, and reach for the kitten. It quickly hopped into Sango's arms, and purred.. "Wow.. wait.. It has two tails! That's so strange!".. I nodded.. "I got it from Toutousai.. He raises strange things. He's got a three-eyed cow.." "It's so different.. Thanks!".. And to my surprise, I received a hug.. a fullfledged trustworthy hug.. My mind swirled, and I grinned drunkenly.. this was better than anything I could ever get as a present.. Unless that present was se- "Now! For what we got you!"..

Kagome: Sango nudged me first, and I pulled out the sword that I had gotten.. "The dealer said that it's the fang by the famous Inutashio forged into a sword, and that it has much history.. but.. I really don't beleive it. I just thought it looked pretty interesting, and though that you'd like.
"Tetsuagai?!" .. Inuyasha grabbed it from me, and pulled out the sword, inspecting it.. his gaze wavered into that of a look of awe.. "My.. inheritance.." he trailed off.. "How did you get this?!" "Two men.. one was short and balding with tufts of white hair on either side of his head, and one was a bit taller, with a high ponytail"
Inuyasha nodded quickly.. "Wait, what do you mean 'inheritance'?!" .. I eyed him.. "I.. uh.. Nothing.. it's..".. "Now for my present!" Miroku called, looking at Sango and grinning.. he cut me off.. there was something these two were keeping from me..

I cut Kagome off quickly. I knew about it, but I'm sure Inuyasha wasn't ready to share yet. Sango shrugged it off and smiled.. "I got you a staff.. It looked pretty nice, and I figured you'd like it.." I was handed the gleaming, nicely carved weapon.. "Why, thank you Sango. I wouldn't have chosen better myself!" I bowed and gave my award-winning smile to her.. "KIDS!" .. I heard Kagome's mom call..."If you're done you're shopping, let's go! We're going to go eat.. and I have a surprise for you!".. ..Damn. The moment ruined.. Ah well.. I'll just have Sango sitting next to me and.... - "ACK!" .. "Come on already, stop daydreaming!".. I saw her grab my arm and pull me along.. Just the touch was enough to... "Snap out of it!" I'm glad I wore lengthy,.. baggy cloths...

a/n Meep! This took me two days.. I made it extra-lengthy-long. Merry Belated Christmas! I hope everyone got what they wanted. Dunno when chapter six will be out.. Considering I'm making this up on my own. See? I took the advice of the person who asked about the paragraphs. It's much more readable now,
no? .. And, the person who talked about the mom thing. - Yea, I knew one of you would get that. I realized it myself after I posted the chapter. It was a typo. The one who's taking care of Inuyasha and Miroku is Kaede.. that's the "nanny". I have to fix that typo.. Okay. Well, I hope you like it, and thanks so much for the reveiws!
I hope I can get a lot more! Horizens have brightened much for this story! Hope you like it! - Nikkolette