
Synopsis: Hogwarts has turned into a living nightmare. Why has Draco's signature smirk faded? Why is the pain taking over Harry's mind? Overall why does Hermione walk around with a smile that glows in her eyes?

Disclaimer note: This is a comedy that I thought up on the spot. I do not (repeat DO NOT) own any of the Harry Potter characters or any thing else J.K. Rowling has copyrighted. I'm just a kid with a twisted mind...

Chapter 1:

The Facts of an Encyclopedia

Ok let's get the facts down straight, my name is Hermione Granger I have two best friends and only two. Their names, no surprise here, are Ron Wesley and Harry Potter. Yes I was there standing next to the Boy Who Lived during most of his adventures, MOST. I guess that's why I put Ron in front of Harry, despite the fact that Ron's nose wrinkles in the cutest way when he is confused, I am always with Ron. I was with him during ALL of his adventures, unfortunately I can't say that about Harry. No I've never faced the Dark Lord, I've never made him cry with the use of my wits. That's what I hate, all those rumors. No one actually knows what goes on, well there are some exceptions, but they make up all these stories. Some of them are quite ridiculous. The sad part is that people actually believe them. Anyway let's forget about my friends, they're useless anyway.

Here's what is new at Hogwarts (I'm in my seventh year, by the way). So Voldie has decided to rule the world and he started by taking over Hogwarts. For some reason he decided to keep Dumbledore, not to kill Harry, and he absolutely hates the ferret boy. In fact I'm starting to doubt it's him. It's strange to imagine isn't it, a Voldemort who hates a Malfoy. Oh well he deserves it I guess. Snape is still here but Professor McGonagall was booted the other day with "Tom Riddle" to take her place. I'm so disappointed Minerva was going to write me a letter of recommendation. Everything else is fine, I suppose. For some reason it seems that the Headmaster has taken a certain liking to me. Well that's if you can call him a Headmaster, he does nothing but torment and abuse all the students who refuse to follow him and the parents, well they aren't allowed to take us out of the school. He has also appointed himself Minister of Magic and all of the Aurors have been put to death including Tonks and Mad Eye Moody. But me, I'm content as long as I have a roof over my head and food to eat. Which I have plenty of, especially grapes, but enough of that.

Let's get down to the real facts. Voldemort, although somewhat attracted to me (eww yes I know), has not been as charitable to everyone else. Times have changed and they are hard. The depressing part is well, your know that saying times change but people don't, well in this case it isn't true. Times have changed and so have people, for the worse. Things aren't what they used to be and the Boy Who Lived no longer is a hero.

Author Note: Well here it goes. How do ya like it so far? Well it is a bit Americanized but Oh well. So what exactly is a beta reader? Please review I'll never know what you want until you tell me. Good riddance! byez