Disclaimer: I do not; I repeat do not own sleeping beauty or Tokyo Mew Mew.
The people who created it owns it, I am just borrowing it. Smile
This is my first story in my new account so please be nice and red and review, thank you.
*** ** * ?Dessik?
By sexysilver
A figure watched the strawberry hair girl walk with a dark hair boy hand in hand, the figure's hands clutched into a fist as he continued to watch the couple so much in love. He came to the conclusion that she would never return his feelings; this caused him to dig his nails deeper until liquid dripped from his palm. He raised his hand and licked the blood from his palm still watching the couple, the more he watched the more the more angry he became until he had enough.
The alien disappeared with a final thought 'if I cannot have her then nobody will,' across town a blond hair young man's picked up faintly recognizing that voice.
He racked his brain trying to remember where he heard that voice before, while his friend and co worker watched with interests. He watched Ryou's face turn from confusion to anger and wondered what he was thinking for he had all of a sudden stopped in mid-sentence.
Suddenly without warning Ryou stormed out of the café without a word leaving him confused, he watched his retreating form and he shook his head sadly.
She was in trouble, Ryou though as he tried to weave himself through the crowd. A sudden explosion caused him to stop in his track and run toward the other direction where the explosion occurred, when he reached his destination he saw it was to late.
Moments earlier:
She hugged his arms as they continued walked through the park but a sudden explosion occurred caused her to groan, she looked up at her boyfriend whose attention was directed toward the blast. Not now, can't they see I am on a date. Ooh! Someone is going to pay for disturbing my date she thought angry, she made a pitiful excuse and ran toward the blast not giving him a change to say word.
The figure watched from the cherry tree as the Tokyo mew mews fought his new creation, he was little bit disappointed that she was not there until suddenly something pushed from where he stood hid in the tree.
"This is for disturbing my date" the strawberry hair girl spat angrily a smug look present on her face but the alien did not look angry in fact he was smiling, she thought this was odd. With her cat like abilities she sensed on coming danger and quickly jumped away causing the monster run smack into the tree, the alien seeing this frowned.
She blew a kiss toward his direction before she prepared to summon her attack, it was then she felt something go though her back causing her to fall on her knee. She felt the pain rip though her body as she stood up not wanting to give Kish the satisfaction that he had finally won, she shouted in a strong shaky voice "reborn strawberry check" and aimed it toward the monster.
Kish somewhat happy with the outcome disappeared as the monster burst into white light turning back into a tiger, the strawberry hair girl fell on her knees as the numbness replaced the pain.
"Ichigo" the four girls cried rushing toward her fallen body, it was then that the blond hair young man arrived at the scene.
He ran toward the fallen girl and proceeded to shake her but she would not wake, Minto checked her pulse to find it very weak.
"Guys we have to get her to the hospital" she explained worried about her friend's health, Ryou picked up Ichigo as the girls including Ichigo with the help of Minto de-transformed.
They were proceeding toward the entrance when a black car stopped at the entrance of the park, the black window rolled down revealing keiichurou. He motioned them to get in and drove them to toward the cafe, if they had gone to the hospital they would be asked millions of questions which will reveal who there are and they did not want that to happen.
Hi hope you guys like my first chapter.
Please read and review, thank you.
If you did not get it the title is spelled backwards, it is really called kissed?
The people who created it owns it, I am just borrowing it. Smile
This is my first story in my new account so please be nice and red and review, thank you.
*** ** * ?Dessik?
By sexysilver
A figure watched the strawberry hair girl walk with a dark hair boy hand in hand, the figure's hands clutched into a fist as he continued to watch the couple so much in love. He came to the conclusion that she would never return his feelings; this caused him to dig his nails deeper until liquid dripped from his palm. He raised his hand and licked the blood from his palm still watching the couple, the more he watched the more the more angry he became until he had enough.
The alien disappeared with a final thought 'if I cannot have her then nobody will,' across town a blond hair young man's picked up faintly recognizing that voice.
He racked his brain trying to remember where he heard that voice before, while his friend and co worker watched with interests. He watched Ryou's face turn from confusion to anger and wondered what he was thinking for he had all of a sudden stopped in mid-sentence.
Suddenly without warning Ryou stormed out of the café without a word leaving him confused, he watched his retreating form and he shook his head sadly.
She was in trouble, Ryou though as he tried to weave himself through the crowd. A sudden explosion caused him to stop in his track and run toward the other direction where the explosion occurred, when he reached his destination he saw it was to late.
Moments earlier:
She hugged his arms as they continued walked through the park but a sudden explosion occurred caused her to groan, she looked up at her boyfriend whose attention was directed toward the blast. Not now, can't they see I am on a date. Ooh! Someone is going to pay for disturbing my date she thought angry, she made a pitiful excuse and ran toward the blast not giving him a change to say word.
The figure watched from the cherry tree as the Tokyo mew mews fought his new creation, he was little bit disappointed that she was not there until suddenly something pushed from where he stood hid in the tree.
"This is for disturbing my date" the strawberry hair girl spat angrily a smug look present on her face but the alien did not look angry in fact he was smiling, she thought this was odd. With her cat like abilities she sensed on coming danger and quickly jumped away causing the monster run smack into the tree, the alien seeing this frowned.
She blew a kiss toward his direction before she prepared to summon her attack, it was then she felt something go though her back causing her to fall on her knee. She felt the pain rip though her body as she stood up not wanting to give Kish the satisfaction that he had finally won, she shouted in a strong shaky voice "reborn strawberry check" and aimed it toward the monster.
Kish somewhat happy with the outcome disappeared as the monster burst into white light turning back into a tiger, the strawberry hair girl fell on her knees as the numbness replaced the pain.
"Ichigo" the four girls cried rushing toward her fallen body, it was then that the blond hair young man arrived at the scene.
He ran toward the fallen girl and proceeded to shake her but she would not wake, Minto checked her pulse to find it very weak.
"Guys we have to get her to the hospital" she explained worried about her friend's health, Ryou picked up Ichigo as the girls including Ichigo with the help of Minto de-transformed.
They were proceeding toward the entrance when a black car stopped at the entrance of the park, the black window rolled down revealing keiichurou. He motioned them to get in and drove them to toward the cafe, if they had gone to the hospital they would be asked millions of questions which will reveal who there are and they did not want that to happen.
Hi hope you guys like my first chapter.
Please read and review, thank you.
If you did not get it the title is spelled backwards, it is really called kissed?