A/N: Another orginal poem from me. It was written by Kent just after The Distant Plains, or the last chapter in Lyn's story. I do think they make a pretty sweet couple, but I tend to like Lyn/Hector more. But this poem just seemed...so right for Lyn/Kent. So read, review, and enjoy this while I over come my slight case of writers block.


I'll be there...


When life throws you
And nothing seems sweet
I'll be there.

When something frightens
And you cry in the night
I'll be there.

When pain swirls around
And you just want to die
I'll be there...

I promise.

It's my duty as a
To guard my friend
My love
I'll be there.

This is a promise
From my heart to yours
If you need someone to love
I'll be there.

I'll be there when sun
And I'm there when it r
To stop anything
That might cause you pain.
You know I'll always be
So you have my trust
Trust in me.

Throughout Elibe
I'll go.
When ever
Where ever
I'll be there!

My dear, sweet flower
I know that I'll miss you
When you leave for the plains
And I need you
...I love you...

Just call my name

And I'll be there



A/N: It might suck and it might not. But enjoy anyways and REVIEW!

~The Story Master 125~
