Merry rushed into Pippin's room to see what he was yelling about. "What?" he asked, "Another zit?"

"No!" said Pippin. "Look, I found this - this - THING - in my room... someone must've put it in here but - look!"

Merry laid eyes on the most beautiful - perhaps elvish - craftsmanship he had ever seen... a big black box with pictures - MOVING! - on it.

"Wow," said Merry, caressing the thing. "What is it?"

"I found this note with it," said Pippin, holding up a peice of parchment. It said "Have fun with your television."

"It must be called a TELEVISION," said Merry in awe, staring at a commercial for yogurt.

"Really," said Pippin sarcastically. "When did ya figure THAT out?"

Merry glared at him and then turned back to the TV.

"Let's sit down and watch it," said Merry, and sat down on Pippin's bed.

"But - but -" said Pippin, "What if it's going to attack us?"

Merry slowly looked up at Pippin, glaring at him.

"I mean, it could be a - a - A BIG PALANTIR!"

Merry looked at him skeptically.

"Oh, and what, Jerry Springer's supposed to be the Great Eye? Sauron?" asked Merry, shaking his head. "No, Pip. It is a gift."

"Now you sound like Boromir!" said Pippin, panicking. "It's taking over your mind! It's - Merry? Merry?"

He waved his hand in front of Merry's face.


Merry was staring at the screen, his mouth wide open. He was watching Baywatch.

Pippin changed the channel.


"We can't have you watching that, now can we?" asked Pippin. "We have to watch THIS."

It was Oprah.

"Why this?" said Merry, perplexed. "Come on, Pip, let's watch all the hot chicks..."

"I AM watching a hot chick," said Pippin, staring at Oprah.

Merry looked at him, and then lunged at him, grabbing the remote.


Merry, a grin of triumph on his face, changed it back to Baywatch.

"NO!" yelled Pippin, grabbing one end of the remote - they tugged and pulled at it, and rolled around trying to get it from each other, when they heard laughs on the TV.

They got up to see "Who's Line Is It Anyway?" on the TV.

"Now THIS I can watch," said Pippin, and Merry agreed, and they sat there the whole day, watching a marathon of "Who's Line Is It Anyway".


This is just a really short story that I came up with and I'm really not planning to write any more chapters. I thought it would be entertaining. Hope you liked it! :):):)