
Disclaimer:  I do not own any of the heroes or villains from the anime series Inuyasha.  The characters of Nekoyasha, Lotus, Shinta, and some minor characters are the product of my own imagination.  No money is being made off of this story.

A/N:  Hello all!  Welcome to the sequel to The Healer.  I hope that I can write this story as well as the last one was.   Do know that this story is going to be darker.  Also I am writing this one a little differently that the other one.  This one has had most of it written out on paper before I typed it.  Lucky for all of you this first part contains both a prologue and the first chapter since the prologue is so short.  I hope you all enjoy this!

Prologue: News in the Wind

A young man sat outside on the steps of his palace.  This was odd for him since he did not tend to sit outside.  His ebony hair fell in cascades down his back.  He was quite a handsome man, even with the scar on his back.

He was contemplating how to deal with his archrival when a southern breeze picked up.  Suddenly there was the buzz of insects around his head.  He listened intently to them for a few moments.

"So, they have been to Southern Lands often, you say?"  The buzzing grew louder.  "And this has been going on for over two years?"  Again the insects buzzed excitedly.

A smile graced the man's features.  "Well, this is interesting news.  Tell me more about this woman."  As he listened to the buzzing of the insects he looked out to the horizon.  After a moment he said, "I have a new game for you, Inuyasha.  And no matter what you choose, you will lose."  With that the man threw back his head and laughed.


Chapter 1: Cat-Napped

Nekoyasha was sitting at home one evening with her grandchildren when a knock came at the door.  She rose and answered it.  It turned out to be a distressed-looking innkeeper.

"Nekoyasha-sama, I need your help.  A woman has fallen ill.  He lowered his voice, "And I don't think that she is completely human."

Nekoyasha frowned for a moment.  She then nodded her head and started gathering her supplies.

She looked at her grandchildren. "Lotus, Shinta, stay here.  I'll return soon."  With that said, she turned and followed the innkeeper outt the door.

It is odd for a demon to come to an inn.  Usually they just come straight to me.  I wonder what is wrong…

When they arrived at the inn, the innkeeper escorted the healer to the woman's room.  Immediately Nekoyasha saw how the woman could stay at an inn.

The woman was beautiful.  Her raven black hair was still intricately done.  Her robes looked to be those of a noble woman.  However her ears were a bit too pointed and her eyes had a red glow to them.

Easy to see why he thought she was a demon.  Nekoyasha turned to the innkeeper, "I'll take it from here."

Nekoyasha slid the door shut as the innkeeper left the room.  When she turned around the woman was standing up facing her.

"What seems to be the problem?" the healer asked.

"Let's see, I haven't been feeling well because my master is upset. He has been irritated by a rash hanyou," the woman replied.

Nekoyasha was having a sinking feeling.  She took a step back from the woman.  She was starting to curse the fact that she didn't bring her weapons with her.

"So he has instructed me to get you to remedy the situation."  With that the woman pulled out a fan and brushed it toward the healer.

Nekoyasha would be damned before she went willingly with this demon.  She jumped out of the way of the sharp wind.  As she landed, she ran toward the woman with her claws extended.  She slashed at the woman.  The demon woman stepped aside to reveal a small silver-haired girl holding a mirror.

The mirror glowed and Nekoyasha felt herself slipping out of consciousness.

My grandchildren.  Inuyasha.

"We have the healer.  Come Kanna.  One down, one to go."


One of the villagers came running into the healer's home a few hours after she had left.  The grandchildren turned their attention to him.

"I'm sorry, but my grandmother is not here.  Perhaps I could be of assistance", Lotus said.

"It's not that, Lotus.  This is about your grandmother.  She has been taken by two demons.  They flew away on a leaf," the villager replied.

Who would want to harm my grandmother? the girl thought.  She quickly went through a list of people who should be notified.  Shinta can handle minor emergencies.  He can even deliver a baby if he has to.  The girl came to a decision.  She started collecting supplies together.

"Lotus, what are you doing?" the villager asked.

The girl ignored him.  She knelt in front of her brother.  "Shinta I need you to go with Hanya.  As soon as possible send a message to Minka-sama."  The boy nodded.

She got up and collected her gear.  Hanya stood in front of her.

"Lotus, darling, where are you going?"

"To the western lands.  There are two men there that need to know this."  She picked up her quarter-staff.

Her suitor hadn't moved.  "Hanya, I will be okay.  But I need you to take care of Shinta for me.  Please."

The villager sighed.  "Okay Lotus.  Be safe, darling."

She smiled.  "I will."  She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and gave her brother a hug and went on her way.
