Gunshot Roses

Chapter One


Five horses rode in the distant plains of now a days Arizona in 1868. Riding them were five legendary thieves.

On the first horse, rode Kenshin the Gunslinger, the deadliest man with the fastest draw alive. With his scarlet red hair, violet eyes, cross-shaped scar and usually small build, the ladies jut knew him as the most handsome man alive. It was said he could shoot five men faster then lighting, and hit all of them in the same exact place.

Second was Sanosuke of the Iron Fist. He supposedly could take down 20 men in one punch. But most thought that was mainly legend. He was a tall man, with spiky brown hair stacked on his head, and a cocky grin which would make anyone afraid of him at first glance, or any girl faint.

Next was Yahiko . . . the Little. He was a 14 year old boy who could shoot a gun well, but wasn't regarded as big of a threat as the others, and that's why they would end up shot. He had spiky black hair, almond colored eyes and an ego bigger then the state of Texas.

The there was the female thief, Misao the Fraudulent. She was small, skinny and could throw knives better then anyone. She was sneaky and fast, making her hard to catch and a perfect thief. It was said that anyone who went after her would only catch a glimpse of her long braid, before they got knocked out.

Last was Megumi of the Deadly Medicine Chest. She was really a highly esteemed doctor, but rode with these bandits for reasons unknown. She was known for knocking anyone out who tried to attack her with large medicine chest. She was also known for her beauty, gracefulness and ability to turn down any man easily.


Middle of nowhere, Arizona.

Kenshin and his group of misfit thieves were crossing a very long and dry piece of land. They hadn't seen a town in three days and were almost out of food.

"I can't go on!!" Misao whined. "It's too hot!"

Yahiko shook his head, "You're gonna make it seem hotter!"

"It's to long!"

"You're gonna make it seem longer!"

"I'm too tired!"

"You're gonna make yourself . . . hey . . . is that a town?!" Yahiko cried, standing up more on his horse.

Sanosuke looked ahead, "I think it is!"

"We're saved! We're saved! We're saved!" Misao said, kicking her horse so he'd run faster.

Kenshin smiled, "Miss. Misao, you're going to tire out your horse again, that you are!"

"Oh yeah . . ." Misao said calming down and a little embarrassed.

Megumi wiped sweat of her brow, "First thing we have got to do is find a hotel! I need a nice long shower to fix me up!"

"It'll take more then a shower to fix you up, fox . . ." Sanosuke mumbled.

"Oh Sano . . . ." Megumi smiled wickedly.

"Yes?" Sano looked her in the face, but got smack in the head with a medicine chest. Sano leaned back, dazed, and only being held on his horse because his feet were in the stirrups.

They soon entered the small town and found a hotel to rest in for the night. They tied up their horses, and left their baggage in their rooms.

"So," Sano sighed, "wadda wanna do for fun now?"

"I saw an interesting bar on the way here," Misao said standing up, "Let's go!"

"Miss. Misao, I don't know if that's any place for Yah-" Kenshin started to say, but they had already left. "Oh boy . . ."

The group entered the bar and looked around. It was full of old prospectors, and dirty cowboys. Sano, Yahiko, Megumi and Misao sat down on the stools. Kenshin's eyes grazed the entire area.

That's when he saw her.

She was standing on stage, raven hair tied loosely in a ponytail, and her sapphire eyes sparkling as she sang the words to a nameless song. She was clad in a blouse and skirt. Her blouse scooped down her neck, and had small sleeves that hung off her shoulders. Her skirt was to about her ankles, which showed her knee-high black boots. When she sang, she swayed gracefully from side to side. She stepped off stage, and was flirtatiously running her hand over random men, while still singing.

The dirty group of men howled simultaneously. She smiled at them and began to make her way back to the stage to finish her song, while miscellaneous hands passed over her waist and hips. Her face looked disgusted at first, but she seemingly swallowed it. When she got on stage, she held the last note of the song longer then the other notes and finished singing.

All the men clapped and howled and a few called out things like, "hottie" or "where you sleeping tonight?"

The woman bowed gracefully and smiled at everyone. Her eyes fell to Kenshin and she winked. Kenshin turned red and watched her go behind the curtain.

"Zat so?" Sanosuke said loudly to the bartender who was in fact a woman.

"Oro?" Kenshin turned around and sat on a stool

"Hey Kenshin, that lady that was on stage, you know the one that you were obsessed with, Tae her was telling us about her past." Sano continued.

"Oh?" Kenshin looked interested, "I wonder what happened to a woman like that, to work in a place like this . . .?"

"Excuuusssee me!!!!!" Tae said looking offended, "This is MY bar!!!!!"

"Oh sorry, sorry, but I was just wondering what had happen to her to be a prostitute like that." Kenshin said, while his mind wandered.

Tae sighed, "I'll tell you her story, but . . . you have to buy something because you insulted this bar!!!!!!"

Kenshin laughed, "Alright . . . I'll just have a glass of water."

Tae got a mischievous look, and pour him two liter glass of water.

"Oro?!?!" Kenshin said looking at the big glass.

"Now, let's see . . . her name is Kaoru Kamiya. She is about 18 right now. She moved here ten years ago, with her master Kanryuu Takada. Her family has been his family's servants since who knows when. Now, Kanryuu bought a large piece of land ten years ago, and they moved from Virginia to here. His estate is ten miles away from this town. Kaoru's parents died two years ago as well, so it's difficult for her to live. Kaoru has two siblings, an older brother and a younger sister. Her older brother is trying to get a job in the government or something, so he can make enough money for them to be free.

"You're wrong though, she's no prostitute! She's a respectable woman, trying to make a living as a showgirl and she's never slept with anyone, so mind your manners!" Tae slammed her hand on the bar table. "And . . . I saw how you took a liking to her . . . but . . ."

"Hey! Cowboy!" A woman's voice called and Kenshin turned to see the said showgirl walking toward him.

"Hello," Kenshin smiled.

Kaoru beamed, "You're different from these other ruffians . . . where are you from?"

"Everywhere and nowhere," Kenshin said.

Kaoru looked at him, intrigued, "I'm Kaoru Kamiya."

"Kenshin Himura"

"Well, Kenshin Himura, I really do hope we meet again."

Kaoru brushed some of Kenshin's scarlet hair out of his face and walked away with a smile. Kenshin watched her figure retreat behind stage and sighed.


"I'm stepping out!" Kenshin called to Sano and Yahiko who were playing cards on the floor.

"Yeah!" Sano called back.

Kenshin walked out of the hotel and into the midnight air. He walked a few blocks, while thinking about this town and the story behind the showgirl, Kaoru Kamiya.


"I'm leaving Tae!" Kaoru called from the door of the bar.

"Alight. And Kaoru?" Tae turned to look at Kaoru.


"Watch out not to fall for that cowboy," Tae said worried.

"Tae?!" Kaoru blushed

"You know what happened last time, and I saw the way you were looking at him!"

"Goodbye Tae!" Kaoru said laughing.

Kaoru walked down the midnight streets of the old mining town she's lived in for ten years. She looked around for something and thought, 'Where is he? I don't want to walk . . .'

She walked through an alley to see if the man she was looking for was around, and suddenly got pushed against a wall. She looked up and two gruff men were smiling at her.

"Well, looky what we got her! A perty little girl fur us tur play wit!" one said with a sick grin.

"I am no play thing, so please, let go of me," Kaoru said defiantly. "There is somewhere I need to be. I know of a brothel on 4th street that would suit you two well though."

The other man spoke, "You got a mouth on you, girly." He grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.

"Let me go this instant!!" she screamed. She put her hand to her back, and felt down to war her skirt hung on her hips. She pulled out a small dagger and kept it behind her back. "Let me go or else . . ."

"Come her perty woman . . ." the one who held her wrist said. "You're too wild; I think I should tame you down a bit."

"Give her a lesson she won't forget, eh?" the other man laughed. "Leave some fur me!"

"Well that's not something that should be said about a fine young lady like Miss. Kaoru." A voice came fro the end of the alleyway. "I do believe she doesn't really want anything to do with you, so why don't you leave her be."

Kaoru looked up, surprised, and called, "Cowboy!" Kenshin stood there, eyes not faltering to give a cold stare to the men.

"Cowboy, huh?" one of the men laughed, "Let's see how well you dance!" He pulled out a gun and shot at Kenshin's head.

Kenshin moved, and missed the bullet completely. The men stared in terror. Kaoru stared in awe.

"I'll ask you again, leave this woman alone," Kenshin said, gruffly.

"Damn you!!!"

The men both pulled out their guns and tried to shoot him. Kenshin dodged, and with super-human speed, disappeared and reappeared behind the two men, two guns drawn.

"I'll ask you one last time," he cocked the guns, "leave the woman alone, or face death by my hand."

The men both screamed and ran. Kenshin let out a sigh and withdrew his guns. Kaoru looked at him in wonder.

He smiled and looked up at her, showing her a gun, "They weren't even loaded."

"You- . . . . I could've taken them myself!" Kaoru said.

"I see and that's why you carry that dagger?" he asked.

"A girl can't be too careful," she said, putting her dagger back in place.

"Then may I ask why you're walking around town at midnight?" Kenshin looked at her directly in the eyes.

"I- . . . . I work this late, and . . . someone was supposed to pick me up, but he never showed," Kaoru looked at the ground.

Kenshin nodded, "I see . . . well if you wouldn't mind, I could take you home. Where do you live?"

"Ten miles out of town."

"And you were planning on walking?"

"If that was the only way . . ."

"Well, my companions and I will be in town for a while, so if this even happens again, you can just come right over to the Horseshoe Inn, and I'll be happy to take you home." Kenshin smiled.

"Uh- . . . thank you" Kaoru looked up.

"Now, come with me, and I'll get my horse and take you home," he began to walk away but she was just looking at him. "Something wrong?"

"Are- . . . are you being truthful?"

"If you are referring to the fact hat I'm helping you out whole-heartedly, yes, very much so," Kenshin smiled. "Now, let's go."

They went to the inn and untied his horse. A window opened on the second floor and they both looked up. Sano, Yahiko, Misao, and Megumi were standing at the window.

"Hey, Kenshin! Where have you- . . ." Sano saw Kaoru and looked at him questionably.

"Miss. Kaoru ran into a bit of trouble, Sano, I'm going to take her home. Please don't wait up for me." Kenshin mounted his horse, and held a hand out for Kaoru. Kaoru climbed up on the horse and hung her legs sideways over the horse, with one arm around Kenshin's waist.

"But, Himura, you said we we're gonna take care of-. . ." Misao started to say

Kenshin cut her off, "We'll take care of that later Miss. Misao."

Suddenly a group of men came up behind them. The two men that had attack Kaoru were in the group as well. One spoke, "You think you can beat one of us and get away with it?!"

"We'll kill ya!"

Kenshin sighed, "Sir, this isn't the time or place for this. If you have a problem with me, please be as kind as to wait here till after I return Miss. Kaoru to her home. I really would rather not involve her in this fight."

"We'll to damn bad!" one man coked his gun and aimed at Kenshin's head. A knife suddenly flew from the roof of the porch of the inn, and hit the cocked gun.

"I would advise not doing that, you no good dirty dog!" Misao said, standing on the roof of the porch, knives in hand.

"That's . . . That's Misao the Fraudulent!" one man cried.

"Hey Kenshin!" Sano called knocking about five men to the ground. "You and the Missy get on outta here! We'll take care of these wimps!"

"Thank you Sano!" Kenshin called, turning his horse around. "Please don't kill anyone!"

"No promise there!" Sano called laughing.

Yahiko was next to jump from the window to the roof to the ground. He pulled out a dagger and began to fend off ruffians. "Hurry up Kenshin!" he called, cutting someone's wrist.

A few men began to shoot at Kenshin and Kaoru. Kenshin sped the horse up and maneuvered it out of town.

They were a mile out of town when Kenshin finally slowed the horse down. Kaoru let out a sigh of relief and looked around. Once you leave the towns boarders, you were no where again. Kenshin sighed as well and leaned back more. "Are you hurt?" he asked.

"No . . . are you ok?"

"Yes . . ." he said, but took a sharp breath inward. Kaoru leaned forward to see what was wrong and saw he had been shot in the front of the left shoulder.

"Cowboy! You're hurt!" she said, her hand pulling tighter on his waist. "You have to stop!"

"It's nothing," he said, turning his head slightly, so he could see her.

"No, you should stop! I can help you!" she said, pulling to reins of the horse so he'd stop. She then slid off the horse and looked up at Kenshin.

"It'll take longer to get to your home this way."

"It does not matter! Now come here!" she coaxed him off the horse. She then tore his shirt a bit so she could see the wound.

"Miss. Kaoru, I'll be fine, let's get you home," Kenshin said pulling his arm away.

She gave him a look of fierceness and he stopped. She then took out her dagger and said, "Hold still"

"Miss. Kaoru . . . ." Kenshin looked nervous, "Are you sure you can . . ."

"I was trained to do this when I was 14, don't worry." She said looking him in the eyes. "The bullet is shallow, I can coax it out."

He looked in her eyes back, and relaxed, "Alright."

She took the knife and careful placed it in the opening of the wound. She then slid it in more, but barely anymore. Kenshin flinched as she used the knife as a lever. The bullet came out and Kaoru caught it. Kenshin looked at her in amazement. She then ripped a piece of her skirt and dabbed away the blood.

She looked up, "Do you have a canteen of water?"

"Yes," he got up and got it out of a pocket on his horse. He handed it to her and she poured it over the piece of her ripped skirt and cleaned away the blood on his shoulder.

She sighed and looked at him, "To bandage it you'll have to . . . umm, take off your shirt." She blushed and looked away. "Although I would need a long piece of cloth or bandaged, and this skirt is one of the only ones I have. So, if you can, can we hurry back to my home and I'll be able to help you out there."

"As you wish, Miss. Kaoru." Kenshin nodded and climbed back on the horse. He then helped Kaoru up, and she sat in a similar position as before.

"Let's hurry."

When they go to the house Kaoru banged on the door. Someone opened it and standing there was a tall, brown haired man with glasses. He had a pointed face and a stern look.

"You forgot about me!" Kaoru cried looking up at the man. "What's wrong with you, Kanryuu, do you want me to be killed?!"

"Now, now my dear, of course I don't want you dead," the man called Kanryuu said. "Soujiro was supposed to pick you up. I will speak to him about that."

"Alright, but this cowboy was kind enough to help me out! I was about to be raped!" Kaoru said looking at Kanryuu as if it was his fault. "But he was shot!"

"Alright, alright. Take him out to the servant's quarters and fix him up, I don't want blood all over the floor!" Kanryuu shushed them out.

"Thank you!" Kaoru said, putting an arm behind Kenshin's back to help him to the house.

"I'm really not-. . ." Kenshin began to say.

"Hush!" Kaoru poked him. They got to a smaller house and Kaoru helped him inside and into a room. She gave him a chair and turned around to look for something. "Oh what a bother!" She sighed. "I'll be right back, now take off your shirt so I can bandage you up."

"I'm really not that ba- . . ."

"Just be grateful! I'm helping you out, aren't I?" she lefted the room. Kenshin sighed, unbuttoned his shirt and did what she asked. She stepped back in the room and blushed a bit. She cleaned away the blood and wrapped the wound in tight bandages. He watched her tie the knot to keep it together and smiled. She looked up at him got lost in his amethyst eyes. Kaoru ran her finger down his scar's vertical line. "You . . . I . . ."

The door to the room slammed open and Kaoru pulled back her hand. Standing in the doorway, was a tall thin man with black hair. Kaoru blushed and got up to put away the bandages. The black-haired man looked skeptically at Kenshin and turned to Kaoru.

"That's the man that helped you? Why doesn't he have a shirt? What were you doing out at midnight? Who were the men that attack you? Are you hurt?" the black haired man walked right up behind Kaoru, in a stern matter.

Kenshin sat there with curious eyes. He was thinking that perhaps this man was her boyfriend, and if so, what was that she did just now?

"Aoshi . . ." Kaoru sighed. "This man helped me, but was shot; I was helping him in return. I was working this late tonight, and you knew that. I don't know the men that attacked me and I'm fine thanks to this man."

Aoshi let out a short breath, "Well . . . I hope Kanryuu isn't to mad at you."

"What?! He was the one that forgot me!!" Kaoru cried throwing down the bandages.

"Calm down . . ." Aoshi sighed.

"But . . . brother!" Kaoru looked at the floor.

Kenshin watched the act, head going from Kaoru to Aoshi. 'Oh,' he thought, 'he's her brother.' Kaoru looked at Kenshin and smiled, "I'm sorry for the trouble. It's late tonight; would you like to stay here for the night? Ten miles is a bit a ways in the dark."

"It's alright; I've imposed on you to much already," Kenshin stood, and put his shirt back on.

"But you were wounded, I don't think- . . ." she stopped when Aoshi put a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, stranger, since you have truly helped my sister, I would wish for you to stay here for a while," Aoshi said.

Kenshin just smiled, "I have friends waiting at an inn, so I really shouldn't."

"I insist," Aoshi nodded slightly. Kenshin looked at Kaoru, who was smiling, as if hoping he would.

Kenshin laughed, "Alright, if it's no trouble."

"Good. Kaoru, go set up an extra bed in the bedroom." Aoshi said to Kaoru, who disappeared. Aoshi then looked sternly at Kenshin, "I swear, if you touch her, I will kill you. And not only will I kill you, but I'll chop you up and let the birds eat your body. Got it?"

Kenshin smiled again, "Sir Aoshi, I would never dream of touching Miss. Kaoru. But if you don't mind me saying, you seem to be a very protective older brother."

Aoshi turned to leave, "With two younger sisters as beautiful as mine are, you would be too."


Kenshin walked into a room with three beds. Kaoru was sitting on one, and her apparently younger sister on another. Aoshi set his jacket on the last. Kenshin looked around, "Where am I sleeping?"

Kaoru giggled and Aoshi looked at him sternly and said, "Next door, cowboy!"

Kenshin looked over and saw a door leading to another room. He smiled and nodded.

In the next room was a young boy, about Kaoru's age, taking off his dirty boots. There was an extra bed and Kenshin went to sit down. The boy looked up, "You must be Kenshin! Kaoru told me much about you!"

"Yes . . . and you are?"

"Soujiro!" the boy said happily while stretching his back. Kenshin nodded and took off his shoes as well. Soujiro looked at him up and down, "You don't look like a bad person . . ."

"Umm . . . thank you?" Kenshin looked up at him. "And how long have you known Kaoru?"

"We've known each other since we were extremely young," he answered.

"Oh . . . are you two . . . together?"

"What? No!" Soujiro laughed. "I thought she would've told you! I'm her cousin!"

"Oh . . ." Kenshin laughed.

Soujiro looked at him seriously for a moment, "I know that you're taking an interest in her . . . but don't get yourself involved in this. It's an affair that only deals with the Kamiyas."

Kenshin stared at the young man, "And what affair are we speaking of?"

Soujiro blinked, "You don't know?"

"I know of how she's a servant . . ."

"No, not that," he sighed and sat on the bed. "Listen up, cowboy, because this is a long story. Kaoru is a servant here, yes, but it's more like a slave. We all are. The Emancipation Proclamation didn't help us at all because there aren't many sheriffs around here that would like to deal with a man like Kanryuu Takada. So we're basically stuck here, until someone stops that mad man . . .

"But . . . there's rumor that Kanryuu is thinking about marrying Kaoru, and in return giving her –and- her family their freedom. Everyone knows of his fancy for her, it's obvious after he's cornered her several times and either attempts something or just stared her down. But, even though I would gain freedom, because we are family, that doesn't mean that I would want my cousin and great friend to marry a man like –that- for my own selfish gain. I just want her to be happy. But, I also don't want to make it harder for her if you are brought into the picture . . . Kanryuu has a history of attempted murders on any man who try's courting Kaoru."

Kenshin starred at the ground for a moment, "I understand."

"I am glad."

"Why don't we relax now?" Kenshin said laying back.

"Famous idea, I am extremely tired."

"Yeah . . ."



Well, well, a new fiction that will take time away from New York and Cherry Blossoms, or even worse, the last chapter of Counterfeit Love which I can't seem to get down . . . -_-;;;;;;;;

Anyway, I really enjoy writing this, it's so different. Or at least I think so!! Hah, I really hope people like this fiction!!!! And I hope they like the idea of who Kaoru's siblings . . . or rather who one of them is! Her little sister will be introduced next chapter.

Thank you to everyone who helped me with the whole name thing!! Hah that was so funny . . . my friend Nkachele and I on the phone . . . hahahah

I really never have much to say on the first chapter of my fiction . . . . Odd, but I'm so happy I stopped doing the A/N on the top and bottom. It's so much more formal this way too!

I really hope everyone likes this fiction!! Thank you very much for reading thus far! I'd be very happy if you'd review for me!
