Look! It's me again! Don't you just get sick of meee? *grins* Normally I wait until one of my fanfics are near the bottom of the first page before I update or post a new one, but this time I just couldn't be stuffed =P
Anymoose, I'm trying out another chapter story. Surprise surprise! I suck at these. It was originally just supposed to be one major long one-shot, but I thought I'd give you guys stuff to look forward too. So now it's probably gonna be a short chapter thing. Hah.
So exactly what is this story about? You'll see soon, though I can tell you it's about a war. Wait! Don't go away! It IS quite different from other war fics, that I can assure you. I mean it. You guys know meee…I write weird stuff. So um, please stay? 0.o;
Disclaimer: Zim, Dib and everyone else that appear in the cartoon are © Jhonen Vasquez. The storyline is mine. =)
- Extract from Dib's Journal
Sunday, 23:00
Dear Journal
Only day one of the war and already the enemy has invaded quite far into our territory. It's a nightmare. We gunned a couple of them down as they came in. Blood and guts were everywhere.
And it's still only the first day.
I still can't believe this is happening. I mean, I knew this would probably happen someday, but not like this! But then again I was pretty stupid not to have seen this coming. We are our own worst enemy after all.
Ms. Bitters was right. We are all doomed.
The gun still feels –excuse the pun- alien in my hands. Even though we've had rigorous training for this moment it still feels harsh. Someone once showed us the horrors of war back when I was in Year five, but it was never as bad as this.
Never as bad.
I haven't fired a shot yet, I'm not really sure whether I can…but I'm going to have to some time. That is if I want to stay alive. No one else is going to show me mercy.
I find it kind of ironic. Looking around in the trench I see all those classmates that used to give me such a fucking hard time, united as one against a common enemy. Sort of anyway. I don't know whether I can count on any of them to cover my back in battle though.
And then there's the matter of Zim.
I don't trust him at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he shot me right now and then claimed it was an accident. No one would care, everyone is too fucking stupid sometimes to notice the truth. I'll bet he's thinking about it right now.
…And yet, I hate to admit it, but I feel a little bit better with Zim around. More safer, if that's what I can call it. It's a stupid choice of words. Perhaps it's because he's already had full military training – he is an alien invader after all, he can handle this. Or maybe I just want to keep an eye on him. I don't know. War makes people act strangely.
Though it is pretty damn weird that I should be fighting alongside my mortal enemy. I feel like laughing at this cruel hand that fate played us.
I hope Gaz and dad are alright. I hope with all my heart they aren't dead already. Shit, I hope with all my heart that I don't die. I don't want to die. Not here not now.
I'll take the time here to wish myself good luck. Wish my side good luck. Heck, I'll even wish Zim good luck! Don't die. We can't. I don't want to die. I didn't even want to be part of this stupid war!
…God. I remember how it started. How the fuck did I manage to get myself in this fucking mess?!
I told you it was different! =D
More will be revealed in the upcoming chapters (as soon as I actually write them)! Plus I'll go to the beginning so you can see how all this started. The time line kind of jumps around a bit, but this is very limited so it should still make sense.
Oh, and I'm still working on A Past Alien Friend. Except now I'll be jumping between this fic and it, as well as whatever else I feel like putting up.
Anyway! Please Read/Review and tell me what you think!
I've always enjoyed torturing people…