Sango's POV

It was days later and I still couldn't believe that Miroku had went behind my back and told Inuyasha everything. If I wanted to do that then I would have done it myself. I was hurt that he would do such and thing and it made me think that I might not know him as well as I thought I did. I had needed a friend to talk to and at the time he had sat there and listened and said all the right things and told me that I was right in telling him, because he suspected something was wrong anyway. Miroku had told me that it would be a good idea if I told Inuyasha, but I had shied away from that and Miroku had let it go.

It hadn't even crossed my mind that Miroku would do the job of telling Inuyasha everything. I could still remember the moment clearly. Shippo had went off to sulk in the trees after he had yelled at Inuyasha some more. I had been in the middle of making us all dinner when Miroku told Inuyasha straight out that Kagome was really sick. That's all he had said. He just told him that he was sick and then he looked at me with an expression that I couldn't interpret and he left the hut. I had been shocked and I hadn't known what to say. Inuyasha seemed to be taking it all in. Before he could ask me anything I had run away.

I hated running, but I had been doing it ever since Miroku had spilled the beans. I still didn't know what to say to any of them. I hated that I was running because that wasn't like me. I was thankful that Inuyasha had gone after Kagome, but what would I end up losing in the end? I was sitting outside the hut fixing holes in my clothing when Miroku came out of the hut and say next to me.

I ignored him and went back to what I was doing. "You know you should have told Inuyasha don't you."

He had some nerve. He wasn't even going to apologize, "How dare you!"

Miroku raised an eyebrow and looked strangely disappointed when I looked at him, "How dare I? I do not think so. I waited for you to say something to Inuyasha and when you didn't, I did. He deserved to know."

"Kagome didn't want him to know," I stated strongly.

Miroku made sure that I was looking at him, "I think that you misunderstand. If you had kept this to yourself because you were worried about keeping someone's confidence then I would understand, but you told me. You did this because you knew I could do nothing about it. You thought I would never say anything, and I wasn't going to until I realized that you weren't saying anything because you were worried for yourself, not your friend."

I was so hurt that I couldn't breathe a second. "You were worried that Kagome would get mad at you. You didn't want her to be upset with you and so you didn't tell the one person who deserved to know most. Whether Inuyasha knows it or not, he loves Kagome. The two of them were meant to be together and so he deserved to know."

"I thought about it, and I realized that if anything were wrong with you then I would want to know. If Inuyasha or Kagome knew that you were dying and that you were keeping it from me then both of them would tell me. I care about you, and they know that and respect that. We both know that Kagome's feelings were misplaced. You were just worried about what she would think of you and you didn't think of what this was doing to Inuyasha. If she dies than he deserves to be the one by her side."

When he said it all like that I could understand more clearly where he was coming from. I was still upset with him, but if there was something wrong with Miroku and no one told me, I would be hurt that no one told me about it. It was screwed up, but it was true.

"Kagome didn't want anyone to know. The last thing I wanted was for her to be unhappy," I said honestly.

"Do you honestly think that's she's happy without Inuyasha at her side?"

Inuyasha's POV

Kagome was burning up, but when I asked her if there was anything she could take she just shrugged and said that she already took something. I couldn't believe that she had been this sick and I hadn't been able to tell. I had a better sense of smell than that. When I asked her about it and she told me that she had been shielding herself from me I didn't know what to think.

"Where did you learn to do something like that?"

She gave me a look for the dimwitted, "I learned how to do it for battle, because I didn't want the enemy to know our weaknesses."

"Who said you could use it on me. I feel like you took advantage," I acted hurt.

It really didn't take all that much acting either. I didn't want Kagome hiding anything from me. I wanted to know everything. I wished that I had been able to tell that Kagome had been sick.

"You could tell when I was bleeding."

She didn't have to tell me that, "I could see when you were bleeding."

"I wasn't talking about that kind of bleeding," Kagome said flatly.

It took me a second but I finally got it and then I blushed, "Oh."

When I really thought about it I was thankful she started doing that. It hadn't really bothered me in the beginning when she had been in heat, but the more my emotions started getting involved the more it had bothered me. Demons were programmed to react to that type of thing. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed earlier what she had been doing.

"You're going to have to stop doing stuff like that. It uses up energy that you need."

"You're telling me," she said dryly.

We sat on her bed in silence for awhile, "You know I care about you right?" I said this to make sure, because after all of this had happened I wasn't really sure.

She paused, "I know you care Inuyasha, but it's easy to forget how much with you yelling all the time."

I guess I did yell too much, "I'll try and be a little calmer from now on," I promised.

Kagome sounded choked up and I got worried. She looking up at me and touched my face with her surprisingly cold hands, "I never want you to change Inuyasha. If you tried to be anyone else then you wouldn't be the same. Just remind me once in awhile that your there okay?"

I nodded and we both lay down on her bed so she could get some sleep. I tried to act like I didn't care, but with all of this happening now I just never wanted to let go.