Disclaimer: Ok, so I begged for the characters to be mine (don't sue me). But do you know what I got, nothing! So, in conclusion, the characters in this fic aren't mine except for the made up ones.

Well, seeing as my writing has matured over the course of a year, I decided to rewrite the beginning, cause frankly, it sucked. So yeah, here is the rewritten version.

All the Little Things

I woke up this morning more excited than usual. I, Hermione Granger, was finally at my 7th year at Hogwarts.

I smiled to myself as I glanced to the side and noticed my Head Girl badge lying perfectly on my nightstand. The sun reflected of the cool metal and reminded me that I had to be awake. I just couldn't help thinking about how this year was going to turn out. Harry, Ron, and I have lived through everything that normal muggles could only imagine. Then, of course, there was the whole break every school rule you can because were in our last year thing. NEWTS were this year, so I wasn't thinking about participating.

After I stopped daydreaming, I got out of bed, took a shower, and went through my normal morning routine. I just took a little longer today. I hadn't seen anyone from Hogwarts all summer.I made sure that my uniform was pressed and free of wrinkles, my hair looked somewhat lesss burnt looking, andmy shoeswere shined and spotless.I had to make some kind of a good impression, right? And after several minutes pondering whether I look good or not, I decided I didn't care. Breakfast was waiting for me downstairs.

"Good morning Mione," greeted my mom in a singsong voice. Her hair was in the usual bun, and she looked gloomy despite her outward, happy exterior.She was apparently making coffee for my dad whonever bothered to look up from his newspaper.

"Morning Mum," I replied automatically while chewing on a piece of fruit. I thentook a seat across frommy dad on our little baby blue breakfast table.

"You have ten minutes before we leave, sweetie," her dad said from behind his usual reading of the economic section. He then turned the page and muttered something about the fools who didn't know how to run a good economy.

I smiled at my dad and finished munching on my fruit. I wanted to make this a good year, but the inevitable was going to happen. I'm just hoping that reminding them won't give them the sudden impulse to through me in a cage.

I sighed deeply. "Youknow why I can't come home this Christmas, right? It's because Vold-."

"We know Hermione," my mom answered sadly. She then took her apron and wiped her tears on it.

"I'll write as much as possible," I added trying to make her feel better. I can't stand it when she cries. It makes me want tobe locked away forever in a cage.

"It's time to go," my dad interrupted while folding his newspaper. His tone clearly meant, 'I'm a man. I don't do emotional crap.'

"Bye mom," I said while hugging her caringly and smoothing her hair out as she cried.

"I'll miss you," she said as I let go and went to help my dad with the trunk.

I looked at her. "I'm going to be okay. I'm a smart girl," I whispered.

She nodded and finally let me go. She then looked at me one last time before going upstairs for a moment. I knew then that she wouldn't be coming back out before I left.

We finally arrived at King's Cross Station after what seemed like an eternity. The part of me that wanted to go to Hogwarts was dying to get on that train. I just couldn't help thinking of what was going to happen this year. A battle was coming. I knew that much. And as I was looking out at the lush, green scenery that we passed by, I couldn't help thinking that this year wasn't going to turn out as well as I anticipated.

"Bye Hermione. Knock 'em dead," my dad said gloomily.

I laughed bitterly at his comment. 'I'm sure I will,' I wanted to say before heading towards the barrier.. But I knew that wasn't going to go over well, especially after the meeting we had with Dumbledore last year.

'These times are darker than we have ever seen them before. Ms. Granger and the rest of the order must restore the light,' were his words.

As soon as I went through the barrier, I saw the crimsom train in all it's glory. Wizarding families everywhere were hugging, nagging, and waving off their children for another year at Hogwarts. I realized that this was the last first time I would see this train before I was bombarded by my two lovable idiots.

"Hello to you to," I managed to get out from their Hermione sandwich.

They got off of me and looked me up and down, showing mock sadness. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their antics.

"She's all grown up," said Ron dramatically while whipping a fake tear.

"So have you," I giggled. I really meant it to. He was about 6'3" from what I saw. He still had bright red hair and that lop-sided grin.He was still Ron withoutthe lankiness.I gave him another big hug as my grin grew larger.

"And Harry, you've grown too," I smiled after leaving Ron's arms. He still had jet black hair with glasses. He was shorter than Ron, so I'd say about 6'0". He was a little tanner and healthier looking after actually being fed this summer, and it showed since he was a little peppier than usual.

"So you finally acknowledge me. Hermione, I'm hurt," he said dramatically while putting his hand over his heart. I glared and he immediately hugged me, too.

"Let's get on the train," I said giddily after exchanging greetings.

The two boys couldn't help but roll their eyes. They knew they were in for it this year. Hermione was, after all, their Head Girl. She was predictably exited about the disastorous workload they would be receiving this year. And no doubt, they both thought, would they be receiving the same homework organizer she always managed to find after they threw it away for Christmas.

On the train, Ron and I headed towards the front after dropping Harry off with Dean and Seamus. Ron wasn't too bad a prefect after figuring that he had some authority that could be exercised.

"So what are we going to talk about at the meeting?" I asked while wiping the dirt off of Ron's nose. Some things never change with him.

"The usual. You're going to give them the same Head Girl speech that they get every year," he replied while opening a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. He took out a handful and stretched his hand towards me. "Want one?"

"Sure, why not?" I replied lightly brushing my hand across his to get it. I popped it in my mouth and said, "Tastes like chocolate." I reached for another one just before...


"Come in," I answered, looking at Ron questionably. He shrugged and stared back at the door.

Right when the door opened, disappointment was clearly written on my face. Out popped an arrogant, silky haired, pureblood prat with a trademark smirk on his pale rase lips. The sight wasn't too welcoming or pleasing, so the only thing I did was frown.

"Can't you two keep your remarkably dumb facial expressions to yourselves?" none other than Draco Malfoy asked.

"No, not really," I answered icily. The last thing I needed on my happy day was a less than attractive ferret throwing snide remarks at my friends.

"You know it's only the beginning of the year. I don't need this from you or the Weasel," he retorteddusting the non-existent wrinkles on off of his robe.

"Whatever Malfoy. Just be nice, k?" I asked while patting him on the head, knowing that it would piss him off. I reminded me of an incident last year when he threw a girl fit after Pansy told him he had split ends.

I was prepared to wipe the gel off when I realized... "No gel."

"Got a problem with that," he asked coldly.

"No cause we can make fun of you either way," retorted Ron through gritted teeth, clearly annoyed.

I gave Ron a warning look. He shrugged and stared out of the window.

Just as he sneered and was about to retort, everyone else came in. After about five minutes, I started the meeting. "Hello and congratulations on being perfects. As usual, there are patrol hours, which will be posted in the house common room. We will have a Christmas ball this year. That means we have to prepare decorations ect. And this year, we have to be especially careful, so always have your wand, and... was there anything else. I, Ron, do you think there was anything else?"

"Is that all," asked Draco rudely. "I think that's all. Can we leave?"

"Yes, you may leave, your royal pain in the-"

"Ron!" I exclaimed. I refused to have him in detention for bad mouthing a head on the first day.

"He is!" he whined.

I turned to the rest of the group and said sarcastically, "Let the Head Boy dismiss you."

"Dismissed," Draco sighed lazily as he strolled out of the room. He walked out so slow that it almost seemed like he wanted to annoy us with his presence.

"You sure he's amongst the living?" asked Ron, grumbling and crossing his arms because he couldn't fire his insult.

"Well, he has a reflection," I replied, trying to cheer him up. "C'mon," I said grabbing his hand, "Let's go see Harry."

He nodded and reluctantly got up. Malfoy already ruined some one's day. Then again, he won't be stopping by for his usual compartment visiting this year, so I guess we had nothing to look forward to.

As we were walking down the rows of compartments, I couldn't help but smile at the conversations my peers were having. I could feel the exitement of everyone, especially the younger years. It lifted my spirits and amusement level even more once I heard a familiar voice.

"How are you supposed to cheat in chess! Much less wizards chess!" we heard Harry exclaim.

"Someone please explain," I said while opening the door and settling myself in the closest seat I could find. I looked at them expectantly, waiting for my answer.

Dean and Seamus turned and stared for a moment, contemplating whether or not to explain themselves. I waved my hand in front of their faces to snap them back to reality. Then I said, "Ok fine, don't answer me."

Harry spoke up, still defensive about being accused of cheating. "They're both blaming me for winning,"

"We're not accusing him of winning, we're accusing him of cheating. See the difference?" retorted Seamus, trying to mask his amusement behind his mock anger. He was clearly just trying to get Harry wiled up.

"In chess?" asked Ron.

"Exactly my point!" exclaimed Harry while making a huge arm gesture towards Ron.

Ron just grinned at his antics and examined the mini chess table between him and Seamus.

"Plus, the pieces on the board just happen to be magical so-"I stopped because I was being glared at. Maybe I should just stop explaining things.

"Then again, Harry did win," Ron reasoned, looking over at me in amusement.

I reached over and slapped Ron's arm. "Ron that wasn't very nice. Well, now that you think about it-"

"Hermione!"whined Harry, slowly deflating from being made fun of.

"She was only stating the facts mate," interrupted Dean.

Harry was about to reply when the-arch-enemy-who-lived-to-be-a-pain-in-my- ass opened the compartment...again. "Granger if I didn't know better, I'd say you were skipping out on compartment patrolling duties. With your boyfriends too," drawled Malfoy.

"That's kind of not true, seeing that I have friends. No one likes you Malfoy," I retorted, annoyed with the fact that he doesn't know how to leave people alone. "Now, what do you want?"

"You know better than to talk to a-"

"Malfoy like that. Yeah, I know. Now what do you want?" I asked again before the insults started flying.

"Fine Mudblood. I will go very slowly. Dumbledore... wants... Us.. to... go... to... the-"

"Faster you damn git!"

"Head... compartment... To... discuss... our... duties," he finished. Then, he left shortly after that with a smirk firmly planted on his face. All five of us glared at his back before I sighed and started to make my way to the Head's compartment

"It's about time," Malfoy sneered as I reached the compartment. He was sprawled lazily on one of the seats and examining his fingernails.

What a girl.

"Well, when you have a life, it tends to be very time consuming," I retorted in my snobby voice, almost hoping to get a rise out of him.

"A mudblood, have a life? How laughable," he smirked.

Not that kind of a rise.

"I expected better from you Malfoy," I said sighing, deciding against arguing with him. "Anyways, what do we have to do?"

"If I must explain... Dumbledore wants us to plan patrol times and not kill each other in the process, which I find hard to do. What do you mean you expected better?" he said all in one breath as he sat up.

"You know what I mean," he opened his mouth to reply until..."Can we please not argue and just plan the schedules so we don't get stuck with them over the weekend?"

"Fine. I suppose you want to be with lover boy?" he asked sarcastically, scribbling something on the sheet along the lines of Ron and I patrolling together.

"Which one?" I asked nonchalantly. He gaped at me. In answer to his reaction, I formed my lips into a small smile. "Just kidding Malfoy, geez, take a joke. And by the way, yes, Ron, who is not my boyfriend, is my first choice. And I suppose your lover boy is your first choice?"

"Of cour-"I grinned at him. "I mean, no. I'm interested in girls thank you- "

"Could've fooled me."

"I'll pretend like I didn't here that. Anyways, yes, I would rather be with Zambini than any other idiot," he finally finished, running his fingers through his hair.

"Ok, fine. Now I'm going to make the schedules and ask you about it tonight," I said while leaving. I knew we were going to argue over them sometime during the process, so doing them seperately would be better.

"You actually sound smart," he remarked as an after thought.

"You know Malfoy, you sound like you need a hug." He cringed. "You might want to go find Pansy," I finished while trying to leave again. This time he didn't answer.

'Turns out Malfoy lost his edge,' I thought after leaving. 'It's good that I brought my uniform, though. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to dress as quickly. Hey, this compartment looks empty...' I opened the door slowly and...

"Hermione!" yelled an embarrassed Ron.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean-." I sputtered closing the door before anyone else walked by.

I heard some rustling and a grunt before Ron opened the compartment door. He was still redder than a tomato. "There is such thing as knocking."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the compartment. "I know Ron, I know," I said before shutting the door and changing.

We finally arrived! After I had changed I joined Harry and Ron to be sure we would get a carriage together. I grabbed their hands and ushered them off the train. I could see the castle in the distance, beautiful in it'smysterious midnight black color, withthe moon shining down and giving it some light. It got even more breathtaking as we got nearer tomy favorite place in the whole world in the carriages.

"Who would've thought we'd make it this far?" I asked, still basking in the moment.

"Please, facing an evil power hungry wizard, a few death eaters, a huge dog, and evil plants are only minor things," joked Harry dryly.

"The only real evil thing we have to face are the NEWTS and Malfoys tendencies to twitch like a ferret," said Ron with a big smile, trying to not let the light mood fade.

"Right, and Snape will be just as nice and well-showered as last year," I said sarcastically and joining in the fun.

"HE might even shave," Harry blurted.

"OOOOOOOOO," Ron and I cooed.

After that, the carriages stopped. Harry got out first, then Ron, then me who was helped out by both of them. As we all stared at the Hogwarts castle I thought, 'It's sure nice to be back.'

And that was it, my first chapter of my first fic. Reviews would be nice cough please docough. I am wondering what yall thought. Tell me if I should continue or not please. I need loyal reviewers. I probably should stop begging now. Constructive criticisms is allowed, but try not to be too mean. Thank you much for reading!