A/N: Ok after seeing last week's eppy of One Tree Hill, I got a little perturbed about what the writers are doing to Brooke's totally cool character, and I must say its pissing me off! Therefore I decided I would do something about it and write! So things to know this is set 4 years in the future and everyone is in college. Brooke and Haley have become REALLY good friends and Peyton and Brooke are friends but not best of. Brooke, Haley and Nathan go to Duke, Lucas goes to Yale, Peyton and Jake both go to U CONN.

Summary: Brooke and Lucas had a one night stand when they were 18, she ended up pregnant and never told him.....One return surprise trip to Tree Hill reaps consequences....


She didn't want to hold him back...she could handle this...He was too young.....she was too young...It was too late now – she'd made up her mind – she was doing this for him



4 Years Later


Brooke groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Who the hell is calling me at 5:30 in the morning?" she thought as she grabbed the phone.

"Brooke?" came an excited voice from the other end.

"Hales?" Brooke croaked, "It's 5:30 in the morning! Somebody better be dead, engaged, or pregnant!"

"Well, I'm one of those things!" Haley exclaimed from the other end.

"OH GOD!! He proposed?" Brooke squeaked.

"Yep! Nathan Scott got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!"

Brooke could feel Haley's excitement through the phone. After all the ups and downs Haley and Nathan were getting married. Together they had been through so much, dealing with Dan and Deb's attempted reconciliation and then inevitable divorce, a pregnancy scare their sophomore year in college, girls who would try to break them up, they had phased it all and came out on top. Instead of screaming that they needed to celebrate – Brooke whispered it into the phone and told Haley that they would get together for coffee that week before she hung up the phone.

Brooke sighed and stretched her arms above her head. She figured that since she was already up – she might as well get ready for the day. But before she could hop into the shower, two small feet padded into the room.

"Mommy?" called a small voice.

"James!" Brooke exclaimed, "What are you doing out of bed?"

"Bad dream...Can I sleep with you?"

"Of course baby – come here" Brooke commanded softly.

Brooke folded the small boy in her arms and tucked him under the covers.

"What was the dream about?" She asked.

"Some bad people were trying to take me! They were mean and yelling! I was scared!" He said in a rush.

Brooke was shaken and placed a kiss on his forehead in an attempt to soothe his fears.

"Don't worry – I will always take care of you" she said quietly.

James snuggled under the covers and promptly fell asleep with a slight smile on his angelic face. Brooke sat and watched him breathe before getting up and turning on her computer to check her email. She logged onto her school account, nothing seemed too interesting until she saw one that was from Karen Roe. Brooke clicked on it and began reading

Dear Brooke,
Hi! I just wanted to drop you a line and see how everything was going, you mentioned that you had a paper due sometime next week in your economics class, if you need any help just call! How is my adorable grandson – my offer to baby-sit anytime still stands! Call and visit soon!



Brooke sighed deeply and clicked the reply button.

Karen –
Everything is fine and I am almost done with my paper, one of the few times I haven't needed an extension. James is fine but he does miss you. About baby sitting which is a great offer and I am glad it still stands, I may take you up on it sometime soon. I will call sometime tomorrow so you two can talk and we can gossip.



Brooke sighed as she turned off her computer. Her life was utterly complicated between school and work; she also had a four year old son whom she loved to distraction. But there was one person missing from their lives and that was Lucas Scott. Brooke looked over at her son and watched him sleep with a small smile playing on her face. He looked so much like Lucas that it almost made it hard for her to breathe. For now she was safe, any questions that James asked about his father she was able to answer without too much trouble, but eventually she knew they would have to meet – but that would require telling Lucas that he had a son and she just wasn't ready to share yet, who knew if she ever would be.

A/N: well did you like it? Did u hate it? Please please please let me know!!!!