Don't Let Go

By: Baka no Bouzu

I don't own InuYasha. InuYasha is copyrighted to Rumiko Takahashi. Miroku and Sango and whoever else mentioned is just being borrowed by the author
to make a short Waffy/Lemony writing.

Once again, she couldn't hold it all in. Not only that, she couldn't sleep. That was the more important thing out of the two. The poor young tai-ija
slayer had not been able to sleep for the past week. Her eyes had grown dim, her walk more slumped. Her body gave a more fatigued aura then she had
ever experienced.

But then again. She had a reason.

Sitting up off the futon that she had been sleeping upon, she sat up,
pulling her knees under her chin, resting her arms upon them, her chin
resting on them as she stared at her bare feet. "Kohaku." She whispered
softly, before burying her wet eyes into the crook of her arm.

Memories flooding through Sango's mind as she allowed the tears to fall, smothering onto her soft skin. Memories flooding through her faster then

"Kohaku!" she cried, "You have to remember. Remember everything, no matter how painful. It's the only way to free you out of Naraku's control!" Sango cried out, her brother's blank face pressing nearly nose to nose with her
as they looked at each other over top of their weapons.

Naraku had attacked again. Although it was not long until it was quite
apparent that he was gaining the upper hand. Kagome and InuYasha were trapped further in the forest, fighting Kagura and Kanna, while Sango was trapped fighting against Kohaku. Miroku could not use the power of his wind
tunnel due to the samiyoshu that surrounded them all. Only the power of
houriki by other means.

But that wasn't half of it.

"REMEMBER!" Sango was screaming, she was crying as hard as she could as she blocked her brother's attack. Over and over he would attack, showing no relentlessness, no hesitation whatsoever. The faster she moved, the quicker
he matched her.

Finally Sango hit his weapon away with Hirakotsu, pushing him as gently as she could to the ground, before pinning him down with her own body as she
looked into his face.

"Sango-nee-chan?" The weak voice made Sango start, as she looked down at his brother. His eyes had returned to their sparkling beginning, no longer bleached of life. "Sango-nee-chan! I'm so afraid. I'm so scared." The young
boy finally cried out, as what seemed to be memory after memory flooded through him. The death of his father. His friends. And nearly the death of
Sango himself. They were too much for the now young boy to handle.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, before throwing himself to his sister's
chest, sobbing uncontrollably, in fear, anger, and hurt.

Sango couldn't help but be joyous, her brother had returned to his own
self! But the fact that he was suffering so greatly woke her up as she
closed his arms fiercely around him. "It's okay Kohaku." She whispered.
"You did nothing in the wrong. I will never let you go."

But the fact that there was a very furious someone, fighting not very far
away. Naraku.

"How dare you challenge my authority over you boy. Ku ku ku, I knew this
day would come. Although, I shall destroy it now! Die boy!"

With a flick of his wrist, the shikon shard popped out of Kohaku's back.
His only life-line, now gone.

Sango could do nothing but scream out her brother's name, as he died
quickly in her arms.

The pain washed over Sango yet again, as another flood of tears washed over

The fact that Naraku had suffered dearly for taking her brothers life did
not comfort her anymore.

At the moment, Sango simply stayed behind, while InuYasha, Kagome, Shippou and Kirara went out in search of the shikon shards. She was really in no
shape to fight at all at the moment.

Leaving her and a certain Buddhist monk behind.

Although Sango could have cared less that she was being left alone with Miroku. He had tried to approach her many a time now, since her brother's
death. And Sango knew that he was simply trying to comfort her. He had actually gotten nowhere although. For she would simply lock him out, she
wouldn't tell him anything, and when he began to press her, she would
leave, and avoid him after.

She just didn't want anybody to press at her minds walls right now. She was locked in her own sorrow, and did not want anyone to bug her. She knew that she should feel a little uncomfortable with Miroku nearby. You could never trust a lecher like him. But she didn't believe that she had to worry about
that anymore.

Another gash had been added across her side, another scar. Another mar on her flesh. There was always one more thing that had to be added on to her
sorrow. And at the moment it was the still burning pain of her side.

But the young tai-ija simply ignored it, as she lifted herself to her feet, walking to the door of the small hut Kaede had provided them to stay. She
looked out at the stars that shone brightly across the sky, and the
crescent moon, hanging perfectly in the air.

It was a beautiful night.

But the beauty was lost upon the grieving young woman. Sighing, she let herself sink to the stairs of the porch. Sitting down quietly as she stared
out witlessly into space.

She was interrupted when another wave of a burning sensation washed over her side, making her wince. The bandages needed to be changed on her soon,
so that she wouldn't risk infection. But she would wait until Kaede returned from her house calls. Although she knew that it might very well be
a long time until that happened.

"You should be asleep." The familiar voice of Miroku quickly pulled
her from her saddened thoughts.

She looked up, seeing Miroku walking back from the direction of the village. A small bottle of Sake in one hand, and a small drinking cup in
the other.

"I could say the same for you." Sango said in return. Becoming almost apprehensive as he approached her. Just the familiar sight of his robes was
comforting, although she had to fight it. She had lost everything. He
wasn't capable of helping her.

"I couldn't sleep. You should though, your tired, I can tell." Was his reply as he looked down at her, slowly, he sank down beside her, sitting
upon the step above her.

"I couldn't sleep either." Sango snapped defensively. Although she wanted to sleep, it was impossible. "I don't need to be told what I need and don't
need to do." She snapped.

Miroku raised his eyebrow, surprised at her reaction to his caring statement. Sango seen the hurt flash through his eyes for one split second,
before he looked away.

"Gomen Houshi-sama." She whispered softly, before looking down at her
knees. "I'm not in the best mood tonight."

Miroku nodded softly. "I understand." Taking his glass, he filled to up with Sake, taking a small sip of it, he looked out across the forest, "It's
a beautiful night tonight. Isn't it?" He asked softly. Sango nodded her
agreement, gazing at the stars.

Although she felt another wave of sadness wash over her, as she remembered watching the night like this with Kohaku, before they had been called to
Naraku's castle that dreadful night.

A single tear rolled down her cheek, unchecked as she looked away from the
houshi, not wanting him to catch her crying.

But it was in vain, for Miroku seen it as soon as it fell. "What's wrong Sango?" he whispered softly, with a shift of the hips, he closed the gap
between them. Making Sango stiffen when she felt his warm breath on the
side of her neck.

"Nothing." She said quickly, startled a little bit at how close he had made himself to her. He gave her a skeptic look, seeming to ignore the fact that
his shoulder was no more then an inch from hers.

"My...Wounds hurt, that's all." She said quickly, looking away. Miroku
nodded, setting down the sake at his side as he looked at her. Sango couldn't help but feel somewhat heated at his gaze. Oh how she longed to tell him everything, for him to be able to make everything better, as he had before when they had gone through hardships together. But this was different. He always comforted her with love, but it wasn't something she
could handle at the moment, the fact that it only lasted as long as the houshi felt it needed to, until Sango was feeling better, made her feel no better now. What she needed now was someone who understood what she was going through, and the houshi was not the one in her mind.

"Perhaps we should change your bandages." He said quietly, breaking her out of her reverie. "They might become infected, and Kaede-sama is not able to
be with us at the moment. I would be willing to help you."

"Oh, I'm sure you would houshi-sama." She said darkly, looking away, the position of her wound made it impossible for it to be attended without the
striping of a few garments. Doing so in front of Miroku was not exactly
something that made her feel comfortable.

Miroku did his best to look hurt at the accusation. "Sango...I do not want you to become ill if you get an infection. Either way you will have to be
cared for, I would prefer if you did it now, so you do not need to go
through any more pain then you already are."

Sango sighed, knowing the houshi was right, but yet, she did not feel comfortable. Who could? So instead of agreeing. She decided to take offense
at the 'pain' statement. "Just what is that supposed to mean?" she
demanded, "You think that I cannot handle a bit of pain?"

Miroku shook his head in answer. "No. It only means that I do not wish to
see you go through anymore. Don't you think you've suffered enough? The loss of your brother is painful enough. Physical pain should not be added
to it."

Sango closed her eyes, before standing up slowly, the wound burned again as
she changed position, making her wince in pain again.

The gash ran from her left hip, up her side, and directly under her left breast. Miroku would of course be thrilled to tend a wound in such a place, anything to see her naked. She winced again though, and felt Miroku's hands around her, to help her to the hut. She resisted the urge to slap him away.
Perverted thoughts in mind or not, he was still helping her.

He helped her to the futon that she had been sleeping on, where she kneeled
carefully, gingerly adjusting her position, while Miroku sought out the needed herbs and strips of cloth that were used as bandages. Kneeling to the left of her, he looked upon her face. And he could definably see the
fearful apprehension emitting from Sango's facial expressions. She was
scared that he would do something...well...that he would usually do.

With a small sigh the monk looked to Sango quietly. "Please, Lets both be a little mature about this. We both know that I've gazed upon you many time before, ("I'll say." Sango muttered), it is not exactly a new thing. The fact of your health is much more important then my own wants at the moment, so lets do this in a professional manner befitting our relatio...friendship."

Sango nodded, closing her eyes tightly as he moved closer, finding the ties of her yuketa to slowly ease the soft fabric off her shoulders. While he was doing this, Sango could not help but blush, looking down as she felt Miroku's fingers brush against her skin. She could tell that he was being carefully, trying not to disturb her as he shed the top half of her garment quietly. Her breasts were bound tightly as they nearly always were, but her
side was also bandaged as well.

When he was sure that Sango wasn't looking directly at him, Miroku took a moment to gaze lovingly at her figure. The curve of her hips before they disappeared under the rest of her yuketa, the taut muscles of her stomach before the flexed to the curve of her chest, which was irritatingly hidden.
Sango's lips were pursed, although she started when she felt his hands
settle on her stomach, and right hip, carefully rubbing them.

"Pervert, I thought you said you were going to be professional about this."
She snarled, her eyes snapping open as she looked at his expression. He
seemed to be rather taken back, but smoothly he smiled innocently. Too

"Your very up tight at the moment, you must relax before I can change your bandages. This is the only way I know how to make somebody relax." He said quietly. He had an excuse for everything. Didn't he? Sango thought with a

"By feeling them up?" she finally muttered, indicating the position of his hands that were still on her torso. Miroku only shrugged. "If you want to call it that, yes. Although I prefer to know it as massaging somebody. Now relax." He said firmly, before he continued his ministrations across her stomach and hip.

Sango growled a little, but stayed still. The faster she relaxed, the
quicker his hands would be off of her, the quicker she would be able to
dress and get away from him. This is what she hated about the houshi.

With a simple touch, that always seemed to be reoccurring every chance he
got, he could make her melt into him, or respond with a secret desire shooting through her body. The latter were happening simply because of his
gentle, yet pressuring rubs of his fingertips.

Finally he removed his hands from her when she sighed contentedly, her eyes drooping at how beautiful it felt. She opened them, to watch him begin to tug at the bandages, unwinding them quietly. Soon the wound was exposed, well partly. Miroku knew that at least another few inches of the gash ran under her breast bindings. He would somehow have to talk her into removing
them as well.

Although he decided to leave it for a little while, as he stood to fetch a
little bucket of water and a cloth. When he sat down in front of Sango
again, she was waiting apprehensively.

Wetting her lips almost nervously as he allowed his gaze to travel the torn flesh. The cut was nasty and rough. One of Naraku's tentacles had cut her
up the side before he had disappeared.

Tuting the houshi lifted the wet cloth to the inflicted flesh beginning to carefully clean the wound. Sango only winced slightly. She could tell that the houshi was being extra careful not to cause her pain. She didn't now weather she should be happy or offended. But another thought ran through her mind.

Thoughts of how she had gotten the wound, thoughts of her brother once again invaded her mind. It was too much to bear. Another tear rolled down her cheek as she bowed her head. Miroku looked up from where he was tending
her wounds, having just finished rinsing it clean. "Did I hurt you?" He asked quietly. Sango only shook her head no. Not trusting her voice enough
to speak.

Miroku realized quickly why Sango was shedding tears. He closed his eyes,
as he lifted his position, adjusting it slightly.

Sango gasped at his newest seating plan. One of his knees was bent over her thighs, while the other was pressing her back. She was caught in between
his strong legs, although he was applying no pressure at all.

An arm reached out around her right hip, as Miroku quietly pulled Sango closer to him, resting his head on her shoulder. Sango was rather shocked
at his sudden movements. But did not say anything as he traced soothing
patterns on her back while he held her to him.

"Don't cry over Kohaku Sango." He whispered quietly. "For he is finally out of Naraku's control." Sango started slightly at his words, ever so quiet whispered directly into her ear. She then realized how close he was. Much
to close.

Her entire body stiffened, as she shifted her position uncomfortably.
Starting when she felt something hard poke the side of her leg when she moved it closer to him. Shaking she found his chest, trying to push him off of her. She ignored his soothing words, trying desperately to try and get out of his grasp. "Let me go houshi-sama." She said quietly, although he simply shook his head in response. "No. Not until you become happy again."

Sango's eyes closed tightly, the enjoyment that she had felt from his touch gone, replaced with a cold panic. Although she knew that he was trying to help her, he didn't have to do it this way did he? "You lech! I knew you
would try something like this." She finally growled, concentrating her
energy on getting away from him. Miroku winced, although she hadn't hit
him. Yet. It was just her words that had the power to hurt him.

His grasp around her loosened, as he quickly pulled himself away. Forcing
himself to master the urges that his body was telling him. To quail the
burning sensation of a hardened member between his legs.

"Forgive me Sango." He apologized quickly. "My behavior is deplorable." He quietly picked up one of the herbs that Kaede had left that was needed for
the poultice he was to use upon her wounds. Taking a few more before putting them in a small wooden bowl, beginning to grind them with another
piece of wood.

Sango nodded her agreement, wrapping her arms around herself as she closed
her eyes tightly. Just wanting him to finish so that she could get some
rest this night.

The candle that had been providing them their light finally went out as the
wick collapsed into the melted wax. Miroku groaned, groping in the dark until he found a new one. "Great. Where's the flint?" He asked quietly, his voice giving off irritation, he had just been about to apply to poultice to
the still shaking Sango.

Sango shrugged, although she knew that the houshi couldn't see her
movements. "I don't know." She said simply. Miroku sighed, before he
continued to dig through the storing baskets that lined the edge of the wall. Finally finding it he stepped away from it. Although now he could see quite well with just the moonlight. Sango's pale skin seemed to glow, as
she had pulled her knees to her chest, to attempt to keep herself warm.

Miroku got the sudden urge to pounce on her and give her the time of her life, although he fought it off quickly. He was here only to make sure that
she would be healthy for the rest of their time alone.

Quickly hitting the flint together until he caused a spark, he lit a small piece of wood on fire, lighting the candle again before he extinguished the
wood in the bucket of water.

Holding up the candle, he set it down beside his task, looking to Sango,
trying to hide the hungry look he got when he gazed at her.

"You're going to have to remove those." He finally said quietly, indicating the bindings across her chest. Sango quickly looked away, blushing. "No I don't." she finally said. Although inside she winced Great come back girl
she thought sarcastically.

Miroku sighed. "If you would like, I could tend your chest from behind, therefore I would not have a chance to gaze." Although he didn't like the
option that much, he knew that Sango might. Sango's eyes closed, as she nodded. She just didn't want him to take advantage of her in any way. She did know that he was just using her wounds as an excuse for him to gaze at

Quietly and quickly he spread the poultice on the part of her wound that was showing, before standing up to sit behind her. Looking at her not-quite-
bare back he only sighed. "Whenever your ready Sango." He whispered
quietly. She nodded, before beginning to unwind the bindings. Miroku finished for her as the bindings were pulled from her chest. "I could do this you know." Sango said quietly as Miroku wrapped his arm around her,
holding the wet cloth above her chest.

"You cannot twist yourself around enough to rewrap them although." The
houshi countered, before allowing Sango to guide his hand to the gash.
Miroku closed his eyes, before deciding to chance it. Adjusting his position, he pressed directly against her back, allowing his body to press
flush against hers. Sango gasped at the warm feeling, her entire body
shaking as warmth flew through her. Her sigh turned to a gasp when he wiggled against her a little, and ever so quietly she felt something hard press against her back as he allowed himself to rub against her a little..

Sang gasped as she pulled away from him. "Houshi-Sama." She growled. "Can
you just finish up with my wounds you pervert." She whispered half- heartedly. Miroku smiled, leaning back to allow her to edge away from him.
"Of course Sango.." he whispered. "But remember. This is only the
beginning." With that, the young houshi pressed Sango's temple with a
gentle kiss, before he continued to work with her wounds. Managing the
whole time to make her melt into him, warming her up to him for once.

A smile came over his face as she sighed when he finished, tired, she finally forgot about Kohaku for a few moments, to fall backwards into his chest, cuddling up to him to fall asleep. A smile came across his face as he tucked his fingers into her hair, kissing the top of her head carefully. His smile widening. There was only one thing that could make this better.
He then realized where he had left it.

"To bad, I left the Sake outside."