Author's Note:
Yay, feedback has been fantastic. Sorry about the chapters not being very long. It's just that I tend to write them in between very long essays. Don't worry I'll update sooner then later.***********************************
Luke jumped slightly as he was poked in the side, there was only one person who would break his behind the counter rule- and it was Lorelai Gilmore.
"Out," he turned around and barked at her.
Her eyes widened at his treatment, and she shouted back to him, "Why is it that every time I talk to you you're yelling at me?"
"What?" he said slightly dumbfounded, and then he noticed her clothes, "Why are you in your pajamas? And why are you here so early? You're almost never in the early crowd." Luke braced himself for a witty and skilled explanation. Instead Lorelai just looked down at what she was wearing, she just really noticed.
"Luke, could I have more tea dear," a woman approached the counter.
"Patty, ask Caesar."
"Lorelai, Babette called me this morning saying she heard you screaming- we're worried about you honey,"
"What happened this morning?" Luke suddenly looked worried and touched her arm.
Miss. Patty looked closely at Lorelai, "Are you having a breakdown? You're not even wearing a bra."
Lorelai panicked and grabbed her breasts. Wow they got bigger. Then she saw everyone looking at her like she was crazy. She dropped her hands and she laughed nervously and backed away.
"Luke can I talk to you," she saw stairs, "Upstairs." She pulled him up the stairs and through a door that said office.
Miss.Patty muttered as she poured herself more hot water, "Poor girl, maybe she actually is bi-polar, such a shame." She picked up her phone to call Babette, then Taylor, then Jackson, to tell them what had happened.
She pushed him into the office- that really looked like a small apartment to her, "Listen I need you to not speak- cause what I'm about to say is going to sound crazy- like Jack Nicolson the Shinning crazy- I fell asleep last night in the gazebo-"
"Why would you-" Luke tried to interrupt.
"Hey, Mr.Flannel, I said no talking- please," she paused to plead, "I fell asleep and I woke up this," she pointed to her body.
"You look the same Lorelai."
"No but I don't, I don't look the same, and I don't get it. It's like someone's playing a game and I don't know how to play,"
"It's alright to feel different. It's been rough starting the Dragonfly- but you and Sookie have been working hard and I know you can do it."
"Wait- I'm- I own an inn," she said enthusiastically, then it dawned on her, "I am a strong, successful grown up."
Then it dawned on her. My wish- my wish actually worked. Looks like Disney wasn't lying about wishing on a star. She started to smile, and jump around Luke who seemed a little uncomfortable, "I own an inn,"
"You're an amazing woman," he couldn't help but laugh a little, as she danced around him. He also couldn't help but look at her with admiration. Although he didn't understand her being upset- maybe it was just a rough day.
Lorelai stopped dancing and looked at Luke carefully. She knew the look he was giving her. It was the same way Chris looked at her…well how he looked at her when there wasn't a video on MTV. Maybe she was with Luke- like with him with him. "Luke can you do me a big super favor?"
"As long as it doesn't involve me doing anything silly- like dancing or singing TV show themes with you."
"You're no fun," she pouted, "We're close you, and me right?" she asked, and hoped he didn't tell her that they talk once or twice a year.
"Yes we've known each other for years," he was wondering where she was going with all this. Could she possibly be feeling something about him after all of these years? He couldn't help but hope.
"Cause this morning- I was, you know screaming because I thought I saw a spider- and then it crawled and looked big- King Kong big, and I tripped and hit my head," she pointed to her head. He looked super worried, "I'm fine really- but you see I've been a little forgetful this morning- I don't think it's anything serious but I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions- just to check my memory,"
He looked at her like she was nuts- but this was Lorelai, she did nutty things sometimes. Maybe she was sleep deprived- making those curtains, he decided to humor her, "I guess,"
"What year is it?"
"It's 2004, but if we're checking your memory shouldn't I ask you questions?"
WHAT…I'm 36…no wait that's 35- I'm 35…that's like 19 odd years. I skipped almost two decades of my life,
"Woah, I'm 35," she said with pride and skepticism, "I knew that- Oh I…think it's funner this way. Um-" she couldn't think of what to ask. She looked around and realized she wasn't in a place to remember. The house- that's where I can find things out."Can you leave work and we can go to my house so you can help me remember, you know cause I can point to things and you can be all ohh, aww that's something or other?" she whined, using the look that got Chris to do anything.
It sounded to Luke a lot like the call he got from her, about the baby chick loose in the house…like a call over to flirt…in her house. He had thought because they had almost kissed…that it was. But last time it was really a chick- maybe- it was different this time. He wouldn't let Lorelai slip away ever again. He loved her, he knew he did- and if she was ready he had to go for it.
"I'll go if you promise not to drink coffee for a week,"
"No way dinner guy- no coffee for a week is just not right,"
"Your memory has no trouble remembering coffee, but the year is a problem."
"I'm off-kilter cool that way,"
"Fine I'll go, but lets go down the backstairs- if we leave from the front- we'll be on the cover of the weekly newsletter."
"Wouldn't want that, so off to the Batmobile Batman," she joked as they walked down the stairs and got into a truck.
"It's my truck, not the Batmobile, not the Starship, not the Death Star-"
She laughed hard, "Luke I am your father,"
"It's also not the Loveboat, or KITT,"