FBI Office

Danny returned to office in a foul mood. He hated knowing Anna was with someone else. But more than that, he hated that he was always reminded of his past when he saw Anna. Danny worked so hard to change his life, and be a better person. He knew that she would never trust him again. This case was beginning to completely irritate him. Not only did he have Anna to contend with, but also they still weren't any closer to locating Angela.

After Jake Anderson submitted to a DNA test, Martin and Jack interrogated him for hours. He even took a lie detector test. He admitted to having sex with Angela in the alley. He said it was consensual, and Angela was high. He said that after they finished, Angela left and he didn't see her again. He passed the lie detector test, but he refused to answer the questions about giving her the drugs. He didn't want to incriminate himself.

Martin and Jack were relaying this information to the team in Jack's office.

"Well, he's definitely lying about the drugs. I mean he was Angela's source. If she was high, she didn't get them from anyone else," commented Danny.

"This doesn't make sense. She sounded so hopeful on the answering machine tape. What would make her go back to him?" asked Samantha.

Danny looked down. He knew why. He knew what it felt like to be weak.

Martin then said, "She's obviously got major problems. She probably just took off. At this point, maybe this isn't even one of ours anymore."

The stress and pain of the last few days combined with his reaction to Martin's statement made Danny's temper flare. "Martin, what would you know about it? So, just because she is weak, and she has problem – that means we shouldn't look for her anymore? Are we only supposed to find the people who are perfect, model citizens?" Danny's voice rose, and his eyes turned black with anger.

Martin was taken a back by the outburst. "Danny, I didn't mean that. I just meant – maybe she doesn't want to be found," Martin replied defensively.

Danny wasn't going to back down, but before he could respond Jack put a hand on his arm and said, "It's been a long day. Why don't we continue to work the different angles. Let's assume she left on her own volition. Vivian and Danny, check the hospitals and morgues again. Samantha and Martin, stay on her financials. Maybe she used a credit card or something in the last 24 hours. I'm going to talk to her family again. If we don't get any hits, we may need to call it a night."

Danny was the first to walk out of the office, and back to his desk. Martin, Vivian and Samantha all shared concerned glances over Danny's outburst. Vivian watched Martin look over at Danny's desk. As Martin was about to go over to talk to Danny, Vivian stopped him. "Give him some time to calm down, Martin. You can't reason with him when he gets angry like this."

"I'm not sure what I said that was so wrong, Viv."

"It's not you, Martin. It's this case. He's just frustrated, and maybe struggling with a few of his own demons."

When Vivian said that, it clicked in Martin. Danny was an addict. He must identify with Angela. "I understand," Martin replied.

Vivian smiled reassuringly as she went over to confer with Danny about the hospitals and morgues.

After about a half hour of making calls, Danny went downstairs to get some air. As he was standing against the building, he thought about calling Anna. But he wasn't sure that was the best idea. She finally moved on. Maybe it was unfair of him to want her again. Their attraction for each other has never wavered. That was obvious. He's compared every woman he's been with since to Anna. And he wonders why he can't make a relationship work. Anna was so right when she told him that he blew it.

As Danny was silently berating himself, Martin walked out the front door. Danny didn't notice until Martin asked, "Hey, we ordered out for Chinese. Do you want anything?"

Danny looked up, "No, thanks."

Martin just nodded and started to walk away.

"Hey," Danny called out as he walked over to Martin. "Listen, I…uh…I shouldn't have lost it like that in there."

"It's OK. I just didn't understand…"

"You made a valid point. Clearly, Angela probably just took off," Danny agreed.

"Yeah, but she still deserves to be found. She's been through a lot. She's suffered so much. She deserves to know that people care. I think I lost sight of that."

Danny nodded, "Well, at any rate, I'm sorry."

Before Danny could walk away, Martin asked, "Is there something else wrong? I mean besides this case? Is there something going on between you and Anna Ridley?

"No, there's nothing going on," Danny answered. At first, Danny wanted to tell Martin it was none of his business, but then Danny felt compelled to talk about it. "There used to be something between us."

"You were involved with her?"

"Yeah, while I was in college. She was…she was like no one I had met before. And we immediately clicked. We dated for about a year," Danny replied as he smiled slightly.

"What happened?"

Danny couldn't believe he was talking about this, especially with Martin. But it felt good to talk about it…to talk about her. "I screwed up. I was drinking…drinking a lot. And she was this beautiful girl with an amazing heart. She forgave everything. Every time I would embarrass her, or humiliate her…she would still take me back."

"Did she eventually get sick of it and break up with you."

"No. I left her. I was lying to her…promising her I wasn't drinking, and then going out and getting wasted. And there were other women….God, I was such a bastard. I couldn't look in her eyes anymore, and lie…you know?"

Martin just nodded.

"When I didn't have her anymore, I thought I didn't have anything to live for. So I hit rock bottom, and found myself staring into the barrel of a gun." Danny smiled and shook his head. "I was so lost."

"What did you do?"

"I gave up. I admitted I couldn't handle it myself…which went against every belief I had. I always thought I could only depend on myself. I started going to AA, and I've been clean ever since."

"She wouldn't take you back after you got help?"

Danny shook his head, "I had to be completely honest with her. I had to tell her about the lying, and about the other women. And that killed her. I made her feel like she was doing something wrong because I felt so awful about myself. And all along I was hooking up with these nameless, faceless…I couldn't really blame her for never wanting to see me again."

"What about now? You've been sober for almost eight years. That has to mean something to her."

"She's engaged."


"Yeah…Oh," Danny replied smiling. "Story of my life: too little, too late. You better go make that pick-up. Samantha gets very testy when she's hungry."

Martin smiled and replied, "Right."

"Martin," Danny called out, "Thanks….for listening."

"Any time."

Danny walked back in the building. When he returned to his desk, Vivian and Samantha were flurried with activity. Samantha quickly said, "I think we found her."

"What?" Danny said.

"We faxed her picture to police stations in the outlying areas once she was missing for 48 hours. A local cop in Glen Ridge, New Jersey swears he ran her off a street corner late yesterday. He suspected she was soliciting. So he ran her off instead of arresting her," Samantha stated.

Vivian continued, "I just called several local motels in the area around that street corner, which is hot bed for drug activity by the way. The office clerk at the Glen Ridge Motor Inn says a young woman checked in early Saturday morning, and hasn't left yet. I faxed him her picture, and he says it could be her. He's not sure."

"Let's go," Danny said quickly.

Danny and Samantha left for Glen Ridge. On the drive to the motel, Samantha asked, "Are you going to call her?"

"Not until I know it's Angela. I don't want to get her hopes up."

Samantha nodded.

After about a half hour drive, they got to the motel. The office manager gave them the motel key. Danny knocked on the door, but their was no answer. "Angela Simpson? This is the FBI. Open the door," Danny called out. After about a minute, he motioned to Samantha to unlock the door as he drew his gun.

They carefully entered the dark room. Danny felt the wall for a light switch, and turned it on. No one was in the room. He and Samantha slowly made their way back to the bathroom. He lightly knocked on the door, and then opened it. He immediately saw a young woman curled up on the floor of the bathroom. Danny leaned down, and turned her over. There was an empty syringe on the floor next to her arm that showed several needle tracks. It was a sight Danny knew too well from dealing with his drug-addicted brother. He quickly felt for a pulse. "She's alive, but barely."

Samantha called an EMT, and then called Jack to give him the update. Danny knelt beside Angela, and covered her up her bruised and battered body with a blanket. Jake Anderson was not responsible for her disappearance, but Danny would do everything he could to hold him responsible for hurting Angela. When he saw the bruises and the drugs, Danny knew what happened to Angela. She tried to face up to Anderson in that alley, and then he must have raped her. Anderson probably injected her with heroin in the alley to keep her quiet. Feeling trapped and alone, Angela ran away. She felt abandoned and alone even though she had family and friends. But, Danny knew, that is what addiction does to a person.

The two agents followed the ambulance to the hospital. Danny still didn't want to call Anna. He wanted to make sure that Angela would be OK. They waited in the ER waiting room as the doctors tended to Angela. A few minutes later, Jack, Vivian and Martin showed up at the hospital with Angela's sister and parents. Danny and Samantha walked over to confer with the team as the family waited to hear from the doctors. Danny leaned back against the wall. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach. This was taking too long.

As the team stood helpless, a doctor came out to the waiting area. They didn't need to hear anything to know what happened. As the doctor spoke, Angela's mother and sister collapsed against her father. They were crying hysterically. The doctor looked tired and defeated.

All five agents felt the same defeat. They didn't find her in time. None of them moved as if watching the family in turmoil was their penance for failing.

Danny heard the automatic doors open just outside the waiting area. He looked over and saw Anna. She stopped dead in her tracks watching the same scene he was. He immediately walked toward her. She had this helpless look on her face as she watched Angela's family collapse in grief. He held out a hand, and touched her shoulder. Without even looking at him, she said, "Angela's sister called me from the car. She said you found her. I had to come…" Her shoulders started to shake. Danny reached for her and pulled her into his arms, and she started to cry almost uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, baby," was all Danny could say.

The four remaining agents left one by one. Jack spoke briefly to Angela's father before he left. As Jack walked out the door, Danny was still holding Anna.

Anna's Loft - Two hours later

Anna let Danny drive her home in silence. They both felt like failures. Anna for not helping Angela enough before she disappeared, and Danny for not finding her in time. Danny guided her up to her apartment, and into her bedroom. She almost didn't feel like anything was real anymore. The past few days seemed like a dream. She was more exhausted than she ever felt in her life.

As she sat on the edge of her bed, Danny removed her jacket, and then her shoes. He unzipped her dress, and she slipped out of it revealing a light slip. Then he removed a clip from her hair, and lightly ran his fingers through it. She felt like a child as he pulled down the sheet and comforter, and slowly tucked her in.

"Do you need anything? A drink or…," asked Danny as he sat next to her.

Anna put her hand on his chest. She could feel the beat of his heart. "Don't leave me," Anna whispered.

Danny looked down unsure how to respond. "Your tired and upset. I don't want…"

"Just hold me for a while. Please."

Danny took off his suit coat and dress shirt. He remove his shoes, and slid into the bed next to her. He held her protectively like he did the first night they met. They both fell asleep in minutes.

A few hours later, as the sun started to rise, Danny woke up. They shifted in the night, so now she was curled against him with her head on his chest. Her hand was laying on his stomach underneath his t-shirt. For a few seconds, Danny imagined it was eight years ago. How he wished he could live that time over again. He would've stopped drinking the moment he met her. But that didn't happen, and they were here now. And she belonged to someone else. Danny felt sick at the thought of someone else holding her like this, or touching her, or being inside of her. But he only had himself to blame.

He was absently playing with her hair, as she slowly woke up. She looked up at him not quite believing he was still there. She pulled herself up on the pillow next to his so she could face him. "Thank you."

Danny looked at her skeptically, "For what?"

"For staying. For being here."

Danny gently caressed her face, "I don't want to be anywhere else."

"I never stopped loving you. Even when I got involved with Michael, I never stopped."

"Me, either," Danny replied. "But I can't ask you to walk away from him for me. I've changed…I promise I have, but it doesn't change the things I did. The lies I told you. I understand that you can never trust me."

Anna looked down as a tear escaped her eye. Those memories of Danny's deceit still haunted her. "That wasn't you., Danny. You were sick, and you got help. I can't keep blaming you for that. I know you suffered so much for so long, and you were just trying to forget," Anna said as she gently traced her finger along the scar across his stomach.

"So what does this mean?" Danny asked as he looked in her eyes.

"It means that I called Michael yesterday, and told him it was over. It means I want to wake up like this with you for the rest of my life."

"Are you sure?"

Instead of answering, Anna leaned in to kiss Danny. Danny pulled her close, and kissed her deeply. He never wanted to let her go ever again.

The End.