Disclaimer: Course I don't own Inuyasha... That's common knowledge right there! A/N First fan-fic... Lalala!

A pounding headache throbbed at the poor girls temples, while books piled on random papers had been scattered across the wooden desk. Her eyes had glanced over to her alarm clock, reading it to be around 2:30 AM.

"Oh come on!" She shook her head violently attempting once more to rid herself of the dreaded pulsing inside her head.

Waiting around for Inuyasha at such an hour was ridiculous! Though she did agree to let him pick her up around midnight, she had no idea it would take this long. Whatever he was doing better be important, because forsaking her sleep wasn't about to go by easily without a good 'sit' command. Then again, it gave her time to study for her test in two weeks, but with this headache she wasn't sure whether or not she would go to sleep, or keep waiting!

Kagome placed her cheek on her hand held up by her elbow. Waiting with a blank stare, her eyes had heavily began to flutter shut a couple times, before she shook her body awake in order to keep her promise to Inuyasha... The chocolate hue of eyes, dimmed just as her thoughts spun off again on what exactly she was going to do when she'd meet back up with her friends. Just thinking of the exhaustion of jewel shard hunting, brought upon a rather comforting blackness. Random thinking hazed, until she gave into the temping darkness that fell before her. Breathing had steadied into rhythmic movements given by her chest. As she laid her head on the mess of books and papers, sleep over came the teenage girl and her worries quite quickly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meanwhile in the other era~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A deepened growl bellowed through the hanyou's chest. Irritancy grew while pools of amber narrowed over to the monk. Just watching Miroku nearly waiting to jump Sango as she sleeps was just pitiful! It disturbed Inuyasha in a way that left him in question.

Wind picked up and blew through the strands of white and silver tinted hair. Moonlit hit gleaming off his light features; the features that looked so deeply distressed. From this evening's event, he decided to leave Kagome until morning. It would have been too much trouble if the shards had in fact been in the way, for a scent of which Inuyasha despised had been near. Not to mention the most current reincarnation of Naraku, that being 'Keido' which the demon called himself. It didn't take long to kill; it was just a matter of Sango taking care of business while the guys where gone.

With every battle comes an inflicted wound. In this case it was a youkai's punch to the ribs and gash to the arm. Inuyasha and Miroku had been nowhere in site, when a devious fire apparition showed itself. Obviously looking for jewel shards had been it's mission, but since Kagome had been gone, it was 'Destroy everything!' for the time being; that being Naraku's secondary orders. Sango bravely picked up her boomerang Hirakotsu, and slay the demon to a meaningless corpse. Her boomerang had sliced its way through the air, colliding into the scaled gut. She had done this after he struck her down with the strength of one jewel shard, leaving her one working lonely arm. The demon had stopped its attack giving an ear- shattering shriek before receiving another one of the same attacks from Hirakotsu. This time her weapon returned covered in the blood of a youkai. Its side split open in a hacked form, bleeding its crimson juices all about. Not much had been spared, but enough to be called a victory. She had done it with Kirara at her side, but managed her torsos bruising, and that nasty engraving into her forearm from its vicious claws. In the long run, she had saved as many villagers as possible, and had been given eternal gratitude.

For her own sake, Sango rested into slumber getting the rest she so terribly needed for the next day's journey. In all truth it had been Inuyasha's wish to stay clear of any harm this week, so with Sango injured it left him in a difficult position.

What exactly was Kagome going to say when she got here? He could already hear it in his head... 'Inuyasha, just where are you!? Do you have any idea of anything anymore?'

"Feh... Stupid woman... Damn 'sit' command... Why she evens... I just can't believe... Damn demon...!" Inuyasha cursed to himself in constant complaints while Miroku gave him a quizzical eye.

A pitter-patter of feet pondered over to the cursing Hanyou, whom was unaware of the monk's presence. While Miroku stopped to tower over Inuyasha with his finger scratching at his tilted head, a big question mark seemed to hang above, until the Inu-Hanyou peered up to what seemed a rather annoying display.

"What do you want!?" Inuyasha's glare was a bite at Miroku. He sneered in a most distasteful way on top of a snort. He almost seemed embarrassed at being caught in his not-so-silent rage.

Miroku cleared his throat. "Ahem.... Don't you think that you should have picked up Kagome by now? I think we've been waiting long enough, and she may be angry for waiting so long." He pointed the obvious out.

Inuyasha raised his eyebrow to a critical point. "Yeah, so! If you want her here so bad, why don't you go get her yourself!" Once again, he looked away with a sneer, hands hidden inside the fire rat garments, sitting Indian style against a tree.

"So you're simply going to leave her?" Miroku persisted.

Inuyasha snapped back. "I ain't in the mood to run around all day and baby-sit!" He turned his glance away for the final time silencing the conversation.

With a heavy sigh, Miroku turned away positioning himself next to Sango. He decided to treat the wound she received on her arm, for the time being as Inuyasha remained child like. Taking a cloth and dabbing it into water, he took her arm into his hand giving her blood caked wound a new cleansing. She wince in the thin sleep, trying to reposition herself. His mind seemed to trail away even while doing something of importance.

'So... Inuyasha plans to leave Kagome until tomorrow, eh? I wonder how that's going to go. Knowing Inuyasha and Kagome they will be fighting all on the way back, and for at least an hour after that...' He sighed heavily with closed eyes, shaking his head slowly. Looking up again he peered up into the night sky and murmured a few words. "Oh Goddess of love please keep these two from trying to kill us all, and each other." He smirked. "And do allow the beautiful... and quite vulnerable Sango's wounds to heal quickly." His eyes seem to gleam happily while basking over her soft and rather revealing shoulder.

He leaned in closer to her with a grin creeping over his lips. His hot breath had warmed her chilled skin as he crawled in closer. A tremor or what seemed tranquility ran through his spine, drawing him closer. Lips about to touch her gentle flesh, eyes gazing in awe. Such a feeling came over him either perverse immoral feelings or temporary desire, whichever led him so far. Yet in that instant where he almost dared to stroke her, and caress her shoulder with lips of lust, flying though the air came a quick contact between Miroku's face, and Sango's now tightened fist. Her knuckles collided into his nose with intense speed for someone so exhausted, giving a spew of blood to trail behind in his flight. The blow knocked him back good couple feet into the dirt.

Sango rolled over to glance at the monk with sleepy eyes that hazed her vision. For a soft moment she yawned; the only noise heard other than the previous crash. Trying to stretch her stiff limbs she winced once more and barely managed her beaten body up. Though her eyes seemed quite relaxed, they shot open in an instant, bringing a racket of noise to the monk's ears. "Why in the name of all that is Holy, do you never stop?" She projected her verbal assault out, offending both Inuyasha's sensitive ears, and Miroku's hopes of having his way.

Both rolling her eyes and cringing, the demon slayer picked herself up while holding her ribs, and gendering over to check on Kirara and Shippou. She found neither amusement, nor attraction when he did such things! Especially at this point in time, where she had better things to keep on her mind. ' My very own health being for one!' Her thoughts beamed

She wouldn't be fully able to help Kagome her dearest friend, or even Inuyasha if trouble were to stir up again. She stopped her critical thinking and paused a moment from her stroll. Miroku's odd way of saying he liked women could have been considered a compliment, no? It was then her face distorted and she shook her head with another roll of the eyes... Miroku was NOT flattering! She would be sure of this.

There lay Shippou in what seemed eternal bliss. Lying over a padded blanket that wrapped tightly around his small waist in the corner of the small room they all bedded in. Aside of sleeping in a real room, or under the stars, nothing ever kept him from such sleep. Especially with that tanned blanket he loved so dearly. Kagome had given it to him one breezy night. Ever since then he never seemed to find any discomfort, at least so it seemed. His light snore made a smile appear on Sango's face, for right next to him was Kirara snuggled in much the same fashion.

Though being late, everyone seemed to have a reason for keeping his or her mind and bodies active. Sango would protect herself from Miroku, who worried much of Kagome's return, despite Inuyasha's decline to get her this very night. As for why Inuyasha himself was awake seemed to be a mystery. The obvious could be stated, that he took guard that night, but his expressions showed much more of simple worry.

"Hmm...." That rumble deep within the hanyous chest, didn't seem to clear.

His eyes had no destination of which they stared, but his thinking had defiantly been directed with much consideration. 'What's with this? Why is it that the demons get even worse as time goes by, even with new alias! Even before anyone of us met, things didn't seem to complicate like this. Great! Watch Kagome bitch about something else I already know... I don't need her problems right now! She doesn't even realize that we do this for her own protection!' Inuyasha convinced himself his word might as well be fact. 'Not like Kagome knows any better, Pft!' He found this conversation in his head to be annoying, and only irritating.

He took a first step with a deep breath, and sniff to the air. No sense of youkai or anything that seemed slightly dangerous. He'd take to sleep for the time being until the morning. "I suggest you get to sleep, we're heading out early!" He called out to Miroku and Sango who turned around both nodding in acknowledgment.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Next morning ( Several Hours later) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The obnoxious ring of the alarm that read 9:30 sang its song into the ears of Kagome. She winced a bit not moving much. Her eyes squinted half way open while she groaned the nauseating light trying to enter her eyelids. A chilling breeze swept through the room of where the window had been cracked, allowing a small gust rustle through the papers tossed and turned. Pages of her books flipped around, and rubbed against her gentle hand. Thoughts of whether to keep her current position, which wasn't all that comfortable, didn't really overrule the fact she instantly couldn't wait long enough to yell at Inuyasha.

Another soft groan elapsed out through her throat. "Oh Inuyasha is so gonna get it..." Her small voice trailed off within the almost late morning.

Hoisting her back to arch wasn't all that easy considering she fell asleep in a most uncomfortable position for around seven hours. Her lower back ached as she had finally sat herself upright. Kagome took several moments to stretch the pains and stiffness away before getting up and automatically going to her closet for a fresh set of clothes.

It was the usual routine before going to the era of which Inuyasha stayed in. Changing, maybe a quick bath (though one had been taken the night prior to this morning), the packing of bandages, and medicine.... Normal things to take over that anyone could think of. Clothing, soap, hairbrush and such. This time she packed a small blanket for Shippou. She took into consideration that washing his beloved carry along bed would be more pleasant than sleeping on a dirty piece of cloth. Besides... it gave a reason for her to leave a day earlier. Hojo insisted not long ago they take a day out together and partner up for the school bake sale. She shook her head with stress fuming away, and a deep sigh to calm her nerves.

Breakfast set out on the table, with a clean wash of clothes already packed without Kagome's knowing. Her mother had taken it into her own hand to help her daughter get a head start on the events she took on weekends with Inuyasha and her close friends. With such responsibilities taken care of without knowing, Kagome was ranting about where she had placed her backpack, and clean laundry. While in the process to find her mom and ask, she spotted it with a smile. It was good to know her mother supported her.

"Hey mom, did Inuyasha stop by at all?" Though most likely knowing the answer, she figured asking wouldn't be too much of a burden.

Mrs. Higurashi turned around with her usual look of content. "No, but I did pack your things for you. Your friend with the cute dog-ears needed a stock of ramen?"

Kagome just now remembered Inuyasha's ramen complaints... And boy when he ran out of it! She couldn't help but giggle to herself. "Yeah mom thanks!" She gave a sincere gesture to her mom, a hug, kiss on the cheek, and smile of great thanks. Kagome wouldn't have remembered half the things she needed, and having her mother always know was a great help to her own good. Oh how she just couldn't get far without her. It showed in her polite action opposed to the way she acted around Inuyasha.

It was then before Mrs. Higurashi turned around to look at Kagome with concerned eyes. "Your History teacher sent a few piece of homework for you. She also mentioned that you're struggling?" For her daughters sake she'd hope not.

A roll of her eyes sent a message to her mom right away. While thinking to herself she almost fumed. 'Great, not only am I failing but how can I not know history when I have a life in it!' Before sitting down to breakfast She suppressed any further stressing and nodded silently.

After her breakfast and checking over what was packed, she left her mom and late sleeping little brother for another week or so. Her mind trailed on how to be positive for the day, considering she acquired a headache before leaving her home. It seemed that giving Inuyasha trouble for his absence didn't occur as a good idea in her thoughts like it did the night before. So, she decided to just ask a reason why with calm intentions... if he has any problems there was always the 'sit' command at hand.

As time went by, she reached the shrine after her climb up the stairs. Entering the room of the bone eaters well, Kagome looked upward with eyes stress filled. "Well, here goes!" She took her leap down continuing a travel down what seemed an endless trip at most times. Before touching ground in a hovering motioning, she took one foot to the ground before gravity returned.

Tilting her head upward, the chocolate hue of her own eyes met with those of amber, surrounded by glistening silver locks heated by the sun. For reasons unknown she smiled, and waved off any anger on his previous actions of leaving her home without any information or reason why. Her lips mouthed the word 'Hi' while nothing came out.

Inuyasha found it odd she was acting so calm. For all he knew she forgot and didn't even know the difference. Or it was all a trick. He highly doubted she forgave so easily. He knew such things from experience.

His voice not so rude, but more a question, "Hey, ya gonna stay in there all day?" He offered out his hand to hers, and hoisted her up as she accepted.

She grunted slightly. "Uhmf... thanks!" She was calm enough and figured he was being nice just to try and either get the anger out of her in a quick blast, or keep her mood content, hoping she'd forget.

With such an observation Kagome went to speak, but Inuyasha's voice came first. "Sorry for leavin' ya at home. We just had a bit of trouble so I figured it best if you stayed there..."

Inuyasha bit the side of his cheek. Being apologetic is one thing, but if it saved him from a 'sit' command then he'd do it. Miroku told him that apologizing would completely change her mind... And so it seemed to work!

She blankly stared at him giving off an irritated feeling for the Inu- Hanyou. "Oh, ok!" She smiled happily until she heard a noise from the other side of the well.

Turning her vision to the enlarged cat-demon with a wounded Sango worried her much. Her brows knitted together with such concern, she completely forgot Inuyasha.

"Oh my God, Sango! What happened?" She took hurried steps over to her friend.

Sango mustered a smile before wincing as she held out bow and arrows inside their holder. "I'm fine... really!" She insisted too much for her own good. "It's just a scratch and a few bruises... nothing much to worry... Uhn!" The unbelievably large boomerang rested on her much smaller back, creating an uncomfortable, and quite painful weight.

"What happened? There's no way that's just a scratch." Concern left as she turned to Inuyasha who had arms folded over his chest. Her voice now pleaded for an answer. "Tell me everything that happened... This must have been the reason why you left me home."

Of course not denying this, the Hanyou nodded. "A demon attacked while me and Miroku where gone." He left it as that. Just Sango's words to further explain.

As if on cue, Miroku appeared next to Sango, forcefully taking the boomerang off of her back. "I will carry this. You need rest!" this he insisted with genuine concern in his eyes. "Your wounds are NOT just simple scratches but that of a fatal gash, and bruising of your ribs. Though you may not seem them as harmful, your welfare and healing must be taken into critical consideration." Miroku nodded to Kagome in a means of greeting.

Shaking her own head and sorting out everything, Kagome liked none of this. "Sango..." she pleaded again for Sango to try taking the monks words into thought.

A head of deep saturated brown locks turned to face Kagome. Such an expression over the younger girls face was enough to break her. Though such stubborn features lay across the once hardened face, her features softened while she gave into the truth. With a gentle nod, she slowed steps letting down hey guard of pride.

Handing the bow and arrows to Kagome she carried, Sango also accepted help from Kirara. "So, do you think that we will be moving out soon?" Sango was now confined lying against the shaft of a tree. Lifting her head up to face her group, she continued. "To Naraku's castle that is?"

Inuyasha could have fallen over at her persistence! "Sango are you crazy! Last I need is an overhaul of wounded people to take care of. We need you remember? So until your fully healed we aint movin!" His care showed, but it was written fact they needed her well and healthy.

Soft brown eyes opened wide at his statement. Sango was shocked Inuyasha stated every last bit of his sentence out loud. With that, she looked back down and swallowed hard. "All right..." she accepted his refusal.

With that gone and out of the way, it was time for Kagome to unpack a few things. Like Inuyasha's dear ramen for one, and bandages. All sorts of pain relievers were set out, and carefully placed with organization. Yet the moment she pulled out the ramen a presence was felt at the back of her neck. Hot breath hit a chill down her spine, freezing Kagome in her tracks. When she turned her neck with such hesitant movements, it didn't take long until a shriek hit the mountains in an echoed motion. Kagome practically flew back as she saw the drooling Inuyasha huddled up like a caged animal waiting to pounce! She smacked into a boulder that nudged at the back of her head. His love of ramen was all in all, a frightening thing!

He ultimately ignored her freight, and clawed the package open, making away with it to.... an already set of boiling water?! He had completely expected her to bring his lovely dearest! The wrapper was scattered into bits, and small pieces of cellophane sticking to his pants. He paid no mind, being too busy tearing the top off and finding a pair of chopsticks. This half-breed had lost his mind. Even though he 'took care' of Kagome, the bump she received to her head when he jumped didn't bother him none.

Miroku stood just fluttering his eyes with constant blinks. He had absolutely no comment. "Well, ok then!" He turned himself around with a sweat-drop formed over his head. Attempting to change the subject he proposed an idea. "You think we should go to Kaede's for the night instead of sticking around here?"

To Kagome and Sango's surprise it was a rather good idea. They glanced to one another finding it the best choice. Kagome spoke in affirmation. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan!"

Her eyes narrowed in irritated fashion hitting Inuyasha's way. She even pointed. "We just have to wait until he finishes." Her voice practically grumbled.

Shippou walking into the conversation sighed heavily and squeaked out his childlike tone. "Yeah, that's gonna take forever!" The little fox stretched, now awakening from his slumber.

He was right...as right as he was, it didn't change the fact the morning would be long. Just as the talk ended, anyone standing other than Inuyasha plopped right down into the mesh of grass, letting out a heave of breath.

(Somewhere in the Western lands) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Broad proud shoulders stood tall in a stance given by a true warrior. This excellent being left only one movement to his chest that breathed rhythmically with inhaling and exhaling motions. Not once did a blink of his eyes occur during this moment of silence where pools of amber scanned over a cliff top. Crisp air swept it's way around the legs of the youkai, twisting and turn his luxurious hair that gleamed of purified silver. Such stiff motions usually resorted into a deep thought. Thoughts that where hidden, and masked by the emotionless featured this man wore gladly, and quite often.

Jaken's knees chattered at the chilling air from the rocky peaks. This day wasn't particularly cold; it was just the morning breeze that skimmed across the land. His rounded eyes were seemingly more bulged than usual, giving off a hint of his own personal thoughts. He wished to know what his Master was planning and why such silence took place as of 10 minutes ago. Not moving much, accept for re-wrapping of petite hands around thin arms, Jaken now wished to move freely without disturbing his Lord, yet continued this unsaid order with no questions.

Just as the Lord himself heavily sighed, Jaken had turned to the small girl trailing a two-headed horse like demon behind her. It was then Sesshoumaru turned himself to his loyal servant and the human girl called Rin. His expressions made it impossible to tell if he turned around on will, or because of a distracting sound. Anything distracting or irritation enough to pull the Taiyoukai from his thoughts was enough to make the day edgy and miserable to those around. Yet thankfully a frown would have made it's way to his features by now, and seeing no sign, Jaken inwardly sighed in relief.

Speaking with such proposal, his smooth voice covered the area. " Jaken..." The Lord started, "Last night you spoke of a way to acquire the Tetsuaiga within my own grasp. Do explain...." He spared his servant a glance

Bumbling around slightly with a few stutters, Jaken managed while suddenly straightening his posture by grasping the staff he carried for further support. "Well my Lord, I figure that if taking the Tetsuaiga from Inuyasha always ends up as a loss on our side because of it's transformation, I think that somehow keeping it in it's normal state would be the best way." He looked on to pale features for signs of acception.

Thin lining of an eyebrow shot up with a look that said 'Is this your brilliant plan?' His eyes narrowed onto the lowly slave. "Stating the obvious was not the exact plan I was thinking of. And with that human girl he carries with himself using her bow and arrow, forcing Tetsuaiga unguarded almost would seem impossible." He had a point Jaken was hoping he wouldn't look into.

With frantic cries, "Wait, wait me lord! That's it..." His bulging eyes gleamed. "To acquire that woman first before Tetsuaiga is the key! If anything we can manipulate her simple mind to shoot down Inuyasha, which transforms the Tetsuaiga back!" Glee hit the youkai, and he seemingly bounced with the over joy of triumphing over Inuaysha.

It had been right then when both eyebrows shot under the silken bangs of Sesshoumaru's hair. His features even showed a liking to this plan. To manipulate Inuyasha's dear mate, was to control him like a puppet. His voice spoke out in seemingly praise. "We shall do that then. This idea even works in my own theory, so prepare a capture Jaken, seeing as this is your initial plan."

Though not a direct compliment, Jaken rewarded himself silently reminding himself of how much of 'great help' he was to his Tyrannical Master.

Rin had no interest in following their conversation. Instead of keeping track for their entire talk, she sat down by a patch of grass, tying strands together and making a bracelet to wrap flowers around. Her crafted projects with nature always kept her pre-occupied and out of the business she needed not to know of.

Another moment of silence scurried in with the ultimate question of 'who was leading the plan.' Sesshoumaru would take absolutely no credit if Jaken's hopeful idea were turned into waste. But to actually give thanks? There wasn't a chance until Hell froze over when He, Sesshoumaru, would thank a lowly mongrel, for a possible working maniacal plan!

His eyes narrowed in spite. This plan did have a downside where one could win, or lose. Jaken's parade of victory, or a sulking phase where kissing up to the Lords every move would be necessary. Prides instinct led him to roll his eyes and turn his head the other way.

"Jaken, we shall take leave for the ningen's capture." His glance spared to the humble servant.

With such a liking, Jaken's eyes lit up just ready to put his plan to action. He spoke quickly. "Ah...Yes me Lord!"

Before Jaken could take a chance to turn and take leave, the smooth voice caught him off guard. Sesshomaru's tone hid antagonistic detail. "Jaken... Don't forget if your plan fails, I will kill you." It was left as that, with a smile pulled at the Inu-Youkai's lips.

Freezing dead without taking even the slightest breath, sweat poured down Jaken's forehead while eyes bulged in fear. The Taiyoukai just took graceful steps past his servant with closed eyes that insured he felt better about the whole idea. With Jaken's life at stake, at least he'd be amused somewhat even if the creature did fail... Which he figured would happen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back to Inuyasha's group~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As the last bit of noodles smacked Inuyasha's face during entrance, nobody seemed to notice considering all eyes remained closed. Boredom had clearly set it before the Hanyou's fangs got to chomp on ramen, giving much time for one to even fall asleep.

A full warm belly smelled, and a face filled with smiles of content laid into the half-breeds features. His clawed hand patted proudly at his stomach and with that he turned on the ball of his heal to face his companions. Before speaking his amber pools widen at the sight of seemingly dead people with boredom hazing their sight. The Hanyou stood with arms arched, blinking several times over for absolute comprehension.

"Just what the..." He cut short at the mused display, showing just exactly what had been going on.

So not to become further infuriated, he marched right up to Shippou and belted him across the head.

"Hey, ow!!!" the small cry of the fox youkai carried a ring to Kagome's ears.

"Hey, Inuyasha! What do you think your doing?" the young girl protested, causing a stir.

Arms stiffened at her sides immediately after she shot straight up to her feet. Brown orbs now tainted with frustration met those of fury. Inuyasha crossed his arms and turned his head away. Kagome thought of a 'sit' command while all her comrades watched with interest.

Stomping her way to Inuyasha. "Sit!" the futile enchantment sent the Hanyou into a face-plant.

Why Inuyasha always took out his temper-tantrum on poor Shippou would remain a mystery, but she'd prefer he stop altogether and leave the orphan alone. Kagome's incite on most of these situations would result the same, so long as Inuyasha's reactions never changed. Just then, Shippou pranced over to his seemingly mother and jumped to her shoulder. The child whined understandably while rubbing at the swelled knot poking out the side of his head.

"Kagome, don't let him hurt me! I didn't do anything." Pleading cries softened the teenagers' glare.

She sigh deeply as she pet the little fox, while giving comfort with an assuring tone. "Don't worry, I promise." She continued, "He won't touch you as long as I'm here, k?" A warm smile fled over her, giving Shippou all the comfort in the world.

Not moving from his depth hole, Inuyasha grumbled with displeasure, tapping at the dirt aside of him. "Hmph!" He'd say nothing more but continued his protest in thought. 'Every time Kagome's around I always seem to get the bad end of anything. Not like she gives me any sympathy, or pays me any attention!' He inwardly sulked.

Making no point to notice the unjust Hanyou, Kagome was now all cheers and smiles when she remembered something. "Oh Shippou, I brought something for you." In her motherly tone she stated. Her petite hands reached for her gigantic backpack. Rummaging through out its packed confines, she finally pulled out a neatly wrapped blanket.

Shippous head tilted in confusion, but he soon got the point when she instantly handed the heat radiating cube of fluff over to his small paws. Tiny lips pulled up into a smile ear to ear when the fabric unfolded to wrap around him. Considering it was still heated from the dryer, the fluffed fur felt almost life-like. As Shippou snuggled deep, Kagome held him cradled like a baby in her arms.

Inuyasha scowled at the lovey-dovey sight though Sango and Miroku found it rather cute.

After moments of a normal gathering, everyone seemed to let the original destination slip all their minds. Even though Kaede's hut was first on their list of places to go, Inuyasha was of course more eager to get back to Shard hunting for the Shikon no Tama. The minute Sango was considered healed and bodily able to fight they would be off on the Inu- Hanyou's command.

Being as it was already in the afternoon, Kagome stood and addressed everyone. "Hey we should get going now, if we want to make it to the village in time."

Inuyasha's dog-ears perked while he gave his attention to Kagome. "Yeah, can we get goin' now!" He seemed to complain, yet agree with Kagomes earlier statement.

Hopping on Kirara, Sango was ready so to speak, as she took careful time to bind her wounds properly. Not to mention her taking a few 'Tylenols' as Kagome called them, to help with her pain.

Nothing more had been said for reason that no one had anything to talk about. Miroku had no objections and Shippou was ready to go. Everything had been quickly stored and packed away for their journey. No real conversations, or penetration of silence accept for the few 'Excuse me's' or 'Hentai Bouzu!' being shouted.

They all took to stepping on a usual trail; with no complaints accept for Miroku's. A rather large and angry handprint lay across the lechers face as he was forced to walk in front the women, and travel aside Inuyasha

"So.... You think their over it yet?" Referring to the earlier incident, Miroku peered over to the irritated Hanyou who snapped back quickly.

"Would you come off it and leave em' alone? Your accidental reflexes are getting on my last nerve." His rude tone marked a snort.

Inching away, the monk stifled a reply. Inuyasha's been quite annoyed with anything these past few days. "Yeesh, all right!" Grey eyes rolled brashly to the side.
Both Sango and Kagome gave irritated looks as they walked steadily behind the tail-grabbing pervert. Sango seemed to growl on her own terms, giving Miroku a warning to walk faster.

A tightened laugh barely made it's way out frozen features. Still edged by the growl he'd play it safe for the good will of his health. He took more swift steps to add distance, even as a hopeful guarantee. Stress beamed, while his eyes turned flat matching an elapsed sigh.

The expansion in time came over everyone. Keeping to Inuyasha's pace and need of silence was beginning to kick at the group's patience. Poor Shippou was finding it so much more than difficult just to keep his mouth shut for under 10 minutes. Such a hushed travel was unjust to the little orphan. Very unknown to everyone else, Inuyasha was adapting a hunter like fury. He was looking and looking damn hard to find the unfound too. Absolutely unfortunate for everyone was, they traveled behind the Hanyou in complete oblivion. For the groups well being Inuyasha was distant.... More off than usual, that he was. No concern for what could possibly happen to them occurred. Not even in the back of his mind.

Such a smell to his sensitive nose caused those jagged fangs to bare out and growl. They grinded together with such fierce intent, one would think death was near. The eyes of Kagome stiffened at Inuyasha's back. As tense as he looked, she said nothing. Though noticing his prowling and odd behavior, she gathered up the courage from an inside battle with her thoughts to see what the problem was. Trying to swallow the lump in her throat she proceeded with her decision. Feet dragging despite her wishes, she was all in all worried.

"Inuyasha" she meekly said, mentally slapping herself for sounding so weak.

The hanyou paid no attention, much less acknowledged her being. His fist balled up instead, giving Kagome another startled reaction. For Inuyasha's inner turmoil, that scent tainted the area deeper as they walked. More and more the aroma teased Inuyasha's thoughts, while tickling his nose.

Hearing no reply or much a response she huffed willingly and marched over to him in a stiff manner. The pair Miroku and Sango watched in confusion but much interest. Both on the same page, keeping to them would seems the smartest idea at that moment. Something was happening and they had no clue why.

Inuyasha's heart beat faster as he took decision to walk faster, ahead of the group. Almost like a sick addiction this scent was desired yet forbidden. His heart was now racing at an incredible speed. He was surrounded in the captivity of this aura, and swore it beckoned him. A smell of cherry with a vanilla hint penetrated his haven. Then at that instant pools of dulled amber started out into a land of nothing and a simple word slipped from his lips.

"Kikyou..." Soft but heard. Desired, yet forbidden!

Kagome bit back and stopped. Sorrow entered her purity just hearing that name. That woman she was incarnated from; such hatred and betrayal was all that remained of the once living miko. Somehow Inuyasha was still drawn to her even though she could very well end what life he still had to live. The life of jewel shard hunting, subduing Sesshoumaru and.... Protecting her.

'What about me...' Kagome's inner feelings pleaded with a never-ending question.

Miroku and Sango caught on quickly. They knew their friend needed support in a situation such as this. The hanyou was unbelievably careless and rather stupid at times when he didn't need to be. Kagome just felt tears waiting to well up in her eyes, and that name clawing at her insides. Loosing Inuyasha was possibly the most terrible thing that could ever happen.

The heel of her shoe was dug into the dirt, but not for long, as she was quick to turn around. Pulling herself out of that sudden state of shock was difficult enough, but it always seemed Kikyou would do anything to tear Inuyasha away from her. Even as a friend she seemed banished from contact with the hanyou. The only thing that seemed missing was an attack from the undead miko herself.

Kagome was jinxed right after that moment for a sacred arrow had shot from the depths of lush treetops. There she stood; the wandering spirit perched on a tree branch with soulless eyes glaring down. Kikyou silently reached behind grabbing an arrow from her back. Reassembling her arrow into position with the bow, she pulled back and took close aim.

A wicked smile shadowed over her lips, as her place stand sturdy, while keeping hold of her arrow carefully.

"Well Inuyasha, I see you still travel close in spirit. Seems you can't keep away from my reincarnation. You are bound to my soul still, no?" Her words spoke that of amusement.

Inuyasha said not a thing, but Kagome had no problem speaking up. "Hey Kikyou!" her voice filled with resentment. "He hasn't even seen you! What makes you think that he's so bound to you, when every time you come by it's just another plot to drag him to his grave!" The girls voice accusing, and filled with protest.

Kikyou waved off the accusation and ignored her words, continuing with her own statement. "If my reincarnation is a good stand by for now, then why not have the real thing?" This intrigued Inuyasha slightly. "You could help me get my soul back and return me to life. Return me to feel the way I was meant to. To love and hate... To feel and be with you, Inuyasha!" promise in her voice coaxed Inuyasha to step forward. He was practically hypnotized.

That devious smile grew into a grin of deception. Her jealousy and desire to have Kagome's soul and Inuyasha's life was her sol purpose for even walking the grounds of the living. Kikyou then gestured her arrow to move at Kagome's chest. Inuyasha stood and did nothing, yet inside his mind was a battle of life or death waging on!

'Oh my god... She's going to shoot me with her arrow!' Her eyes dart to Inuyasha looking for support in his eyes. There was nothing in his glance. Just pain and suffering lit his features. Inuyasha was stuck, leaving Kagome for dead or alive.

Eyes of the undead miko narrowed to slits before she pulled at her bow getting more strength. She whispered in delight for both Inuyasha and her incarnation to hear. "Die..."

A/N Well, is this even good? Think, it's the first chapter... and I HATE Kikyou with a passion (Kitana = BaikenSeishino = author = all one chick = goes by name of Kitana)

Inuyasha: Huh? Well why make her so mean then!

Kitana: Because I can... -.- And because she hates Kagome naturally.

Inuyasha : Why does she always say 'Die' though? I hear it every time!

*Kagome and Kitana keel over*


Inuyasha : *sweatdrops* Oh....

Kitana: For the love of sweet God, review! Please!?