Disclaimer: I own nothing affiliated or regarding to Harry Potter.

Ch.13 A Torn Heart And An Upcoming Battle

Harry pointed his wand straight at the fully petrified form beneath him. He muttered the anti-curse, but kept his wand pointed straight at person. A man's voice rang out from the darkness. It was shaky with a fear that was very obvious. Harry could see by the dim light that the man's eyes were wide with fear.

"Yes… it was me, Harry." The voice said. Harry could not make out anymore than the man's eyes, yet he did not need to. Voldemort had already unknowingly told Harry who had betrayed the Order and most of all, Harry himself.

"You killed her! You monster, you indescribable, foul, putrid, son of a troll! I - we - trusted you! How could you betray us? How could you betray me? I cannot believe you called yourself my friend!" Harry's wand emitted a few sparks from the sheer hatred that was pumping in his veins. It felt as if his blood had been replaced with pure acid. His heart was screaming its pain while his brain was focusing itself around the only thing that mattered to Harry now. The one thing that was going to drive Harry. Vengeance.

"Where is he?" Harry said in a deadly calm, which belied his emotions. The man paused as he gathered his courage. He then told Harry exactly where to find Voldemort. Harry's heart was pounding. A new question arose into his mind. What to do with this vermin? However, the man beneath him spoke in a shaky voice.

"Harry. I do not blame you for whatever you do to me. I will not and never blame you. I have taken one of the most precious things away from you…" his voice trailed away. "Do your worst Harry. Please. I beg of you."

Harry's eyes narrowed. An almost primal anger nearly took over him. Harry paused briefly thinking of a spell to use, then selecting one; he used it upon the figure below him.

Harry was shrouded in his invisibility cloak as he walked out of his house, Firebolt in tow. He had left a note to his friends and Mrs. Weasley telling them about the man, what had happened and why he, Harry, had left. The very last sentence of the note read,

Do not expect me back. I am sure Voldemort and I will finish each other, I have treasured every moment with you all.


A tear had dropped and hit the parchment as he had signed his name.

Shaking his head in the crisp night air Harry took his Firebolt and flew into the air. He did not go too fast, as it would make it too hard to hold onto his cloak. He flew high up into the sky, speeding off toward his destination, His mind set on what intended to do.

Several hours after Harry had left the house, Mrs. Weasley woke up. She entered the kitchen and, as usual, was the first to enter it. She yawned widely. She mused to herself; lately they seemed to be living in Sirius'… that is, Harry's house more than their own house. She lit the candles in the kitchen with a flick of her wand and noticed a note on the table. Curious she walked over, picked up the piece of parchment and read. A gasp of horror tore from her. She raised a shaking hand to her mouth and covered it as tears began welling in her eyes. She then placed the note down and swayed a moment. What was she to do? Mrs. Weasley shook her head a moment to clear her head. She then quickly left the kitchen and made her way toward Harry and Tonks' room. She knocked softly, not really expecting an answer then opened it and found Tonks upon the bed pale as the moon, eyes closed. A soft scream escaped Mrs. Weasley's lips.

Mrs. Weasley's eyes went wide as she realized that the piece of parchment with Harry's explanation was actually true. She went to the broom cupboard right across from the room, opened the door and saw Charlie Weasley on the ground slumped, stunned. She recalled the words of the note that Harry had left. According to Harry, Charlie was the reason Tonks was dead. But it was not possible! Not her own son! Harry had explained that he had been on the verge of hexing and cursing Charlie until the Weasley son was no more. Yet, Harry decided that he would stun Charlie so that everyone would know the truth. Charlie would be a family disgrace, to never even be recognized as a Weasley. A fate much worse than Harry could have ever given him. She pointed her wand at Charlie and murmured "enervate". Charlie woke up blearily.

Mrs. Weasley did not waste a single second, "Is what Harry said true, Charlie? You killed Tonks? You betrayed us all too You-Know-Who?" Charlie focused his attention upon his mother. He sighed. He had to admit, Harry was good at dealing out punishments. He had fully expected Harry to end his misery right there. But, not so, the clever boy had managed to double them.

"Yes. But, it's not all that it seems, mother. You have to believe me." A wave of fury enveloped Mrs. Weasley at her son's words. Her own son! A member of the Order!

"Believe you?" She shrieked. "You betrayed everyone's trust, MY trust! You are a disgrace of my flesh! How dare you call yourself a Weasley!"

People began opening their rooms and looking in on what was happening.

"What's up mum?" Ron said tiredly looking from Mrs. Weasley to Charlie. Mrs. Weasley glanced at Ron but did not answer.

"Mum," Charlie said, a pleading tone in his voice, "please listen to me. I was forced to do this. You-Know-Who had found us out. One of his Death Eaters had put the Imperious curse upon me while I was on my earlier mission for the Order. He told me that if I did not help, he would give the order to his Death Eaters that were in position to capture everyone in our family and force me to watch as he tortured you all into insanity. He told me that all I had to do to avoid this fate was kill two people. That was all. I… I knew that if I just killed Tonks it would be fast. She would not suffer. And Harry… I'm sure he would have put up a strong fight and gone down valiantly, ridding us of many Death Eaters." The whole Weasley clan had been listening, including Remus Lupin; their eyes had gone wide – Lupin pale.

"The plan was that Harry's shock of seeing his beloved's death would send him into a blinding rage. He would go after You-Know-Who seeking revenge. I was to tell him exactly where Voldemort was hiding. A trap would be placed, where Harry's end would be met. You-Know-Who would not even be there, his Death Eaters would be waiting to kill Harry."

"But," Charlie continued, "I am not a complete traitor. Tonks is not dead. When no one was looking, I had put a potion into her goblet. The Draught of Living Death, which causes a person to seem completely dead, but they remain alive in the smallest way. She will wake within an hour or two. And, I did not tell Harry the place where the Death Eaters will be waiting for Harry. I told him where You-Know-Who really is. The only reason I told Harry anything at all, is because I know Harry has the power and ability to finally rid us of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. So you see? I compromised. I knew the security that protects us all, which would largely prevent You-Know-Who to actually fulfill his threat. But, I did not want to take the chance. I could not bear to see any of you tortured into insanity"

Charlie sighed. Mrs. Weasley took all of this in, but still she was livid. She exploded with, "But Harry is only sixteen! He is so young; he cannot take on You-Know-Who!" A soft sob escaped her as she realized that she may be losing Harry. She cared for him as if he was one of her own. How that boy has suffered so much. One of her own sons… has caused so much of his pain and had very possibly led Harry to his own death.

Lupin spoke up, "Where has Harry gone to?" Charlie looked up at him but he could not say. He shook his head, "I-I am not able to say. You-Know-Who put a jinx on me to be only able to say a location concerning him only once. The memory has faded. I am sorry." Lupin sighed deeply. The age lines on his face deepening.

"I suppose the next question is what are we to do with Charlie? He may very well have sent off Harry to his death, but he did not kill Tonks as he was instructed to by Voldemort." A collected shudder ran through the crowd. "Molly? It is up to you."

Mrs. Weasley lowered her wand and turned her back on her second-oldest son. "Right now, I have no son with the name of Charlie." She walked away stiffly. Charlie slumped down in the closet looking miserable.

"Charlie. As of right now, we cannot trust you. So you must leave this house. Do not return unless we send a parchment telling you that you are allowed to return." Charlie nodded, stood up and left the closet, avoiding everyone eyes as he did so. He walked out of the house where he apparated back to the Burrow. Lupin faced Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, and Hermoine.

"Arthur will be back shortly. We will talk to him about this whenever he gets back. I want at least one of you to watch over Tonks. Watch for signs of her to begin shaking off the potion Charlie had given her. When she does begin to come around, I want one of you to come and get me." Lupin left them at those words, heading to where Mrs. Weasley had gone, to speak with her. The rest stared at each other.

"Blimey" Ron said softly. "I've known Harry would have to face You-Know-Who for the longest time, but… knowing is not the same as it having happen. I can't believe that Charlie is a traitor, I had never imagined." Silent tears were trickling down Hermoine's face. Ron noticing this took her in his arms where she tried to speak between sobs. "I'm s-so scared for him R-Ron! Poor Harry, h-he must be in so much p-pain." Hermoine then began to cry too hard for her to speak anymore. Fred and George were looking miserable as well. No one spoke for a while. All of their thoughts on Harry.

"Ron, take Hermoine and comfort her in one of your rooms. George and I will watch over Tonks. Ginny, you should come with us" Fred said grimly. Ron led Hermoine into his room. Ginny followed Fred and George. She broke down crying harder as she saw Tonks' supposed-dead form. George hugged and held her.

"I'm so worried about him" Ginny's muffled voice came from George's clothes, between sobs.

"We all are." George said, looking up at his twin who looked grim. George knew his expression had to look the same.

It took several hours for Tonks to begin to show signs of life. It started with a flush of color to her cheeks, and then slowly, as if it was difficult her breathing returned with a labored intensity. After what seemed an eternity of hushed silence her breathing relaxed into normalcy. Mr. Weasley had arrived a little earlier. His face had gone stony whenever he had learned about Charlie's doing. He was torn between believing his son's story and feeling sick that one of his own was a traitor. Fred left the room as soon as they all realized that Tonks was beginning to come around. Tonks stirred then began to open her eyes. She looked around the room, puzzled that Harry was not near her. She started whenever she saw Ginny and George watching her. She pulled the covers up; to make sure nothing was showing.

"Uh… what are you two doing in here? Where's Harry?" George and Ginny glanced at each other, neither wanting to tell the story. But, they were both spared telling the story as Lupin entered the room followed by Fred and Mrs. Weasley. Tonks began to look worried and a little embarrassed as so many people were in the room with her and she being naked she didn't mind being naked for one special green-eyed man, in fact she enjoyed that. But this many people was just a tad too much.

"Hello Tonks" Lupin said in a hushed voice, "I suppose you are wondering why Harry is not among us." He indicated himself, Mrs. Weasley, George, Fred, and Ginny. Tonks nodded, fear beginning to creep up into her eyes. Lupin sighed heavily, and then began to tell Tonks everything that Charlie had told all of them.

Tonks' grief was the worst yet. She had moved her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Fat tears began making their way down her face. She sobbed harder than anyone, her hair turning from its striking green to mousy brown. Everyone felt awkward. Ginny sat down next to Tonks and the next thing everyone knew both of the girls were sobbing into each other's shoulders. Lupin sighed. Before he had talked to Molly, he had sent a message off to Dumbledore, but the Headmaster had not responded. Remus supposed that Dumbledore had decided that a response would take too much time.

Mr. Weasley left the room, feeling like an intruder upon the grief of Tonks, walked to the kitchen and sat down. Just like Mrs. Weasley he viewed Harry like a son. He knew Charlie could have done much worse, yet he knew that Charlie could have alerted Dumbledore who would have increased security over them all. Mr. Weasley sighed, he felt like he had lost two sons in one blow.

Percy and Bill were both out on Order work. They were paired, doing a scouting mission. Bill was mainly there to make sure Percy did not do anything stupid. Whereas Percy was quite smart, he was quite stupid when it came to work that involved staying quiet. Percy had been taking dangerous missions as a way to apologize to his family about his attitude.

Ron and Hermoine were in Ron's room. Hermoine had her head on Ron's shoulder utterly miserable. Ron was numb. He felt like Harry's fate was already sealed. Naturally, he kept berating himself for feeling this way, what kind of friend was he if he kept writing off Harry as dead? Truthful and unbiased he conceded, yet still he hated himself every time one of those thoughts came to his mind unbidden. He knew Harry was strong. But, at the same time, You-Know-Who was much stronger. Was it worth it? To have your best mate killed for a price to rid the world of You-Know-Who? Ron shook his head vehemently.

No, Harry would not be killed! Harry had done many amazing things, had thwarted You-Know-Who so many times. Ron knew that if anyone – not to mention the prophecy deeming it so – could finish off You-Know-Who, it was Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, Ron's best friend, savior to all that's pure, enemy to all that is corrupt.

Hours later, Mrs. Weasley had pulled herself together enough to make breakfast. Everyone ate with dispassion. Tonks had stayed in her and Harry's room. No one had bothered to try to persuade her to come down. Mrs. Weasley had set some of the breakfast on a table next to Tonks', who was still curled up in a ball. The air of the kitchen was that of lingering shock and heavy grief. The owls carrying letters about Hogwarts came in. Ron, Hermoine, and Ginny grabbed their owls. The fourth owl, with a letter addressed to Harry looked around for its owner. Everyone stared at the name on the letter. With a shaky hand, Mrs. Weasley removed the letter from the owl's leg, which promptly left the table. Mrs. Weasley looked at it, undecided whether she should open it or not. She looked at her husband. He nodded silently.

Hands shaking worse than before, she opened the letter and out came the badge for Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Mrs. Weasley gave a sob as she saw it. Mr. Weasley took her in his arms, looking at the badge as well. The mood dropped a notch as everyone saw the badge. Lupin took the badge and letters. He sighed, knowing that James would have been proud his son would have made Gryffindor Captain. Then again, he mused to himself. James would have already been fiercely proud of Harry already as would Lily. If things did turn for the worst, at least Harry would finally know his parents. At least he would finally be reunited with the family he never had.

Harry's body was shaking with the cold and wetness from the giant downpour that had attacked him an hour before. But only a tiny corner of his mind acknowledged his body's discomfort. Such was the hatred flowing in his veins that he neither realized nor cared about the torture he was putting his body through. He stood upon a hill, overlooking a quant village. He was not looking at the beautiful sight that the hill presented. Harry was looking at a large, darkened, condemned mansion. However, as Harry learned through life and largely in the magical world, appearances can be deceiving.

According to Charlie's instructions, Voldemort was in that mansion. He lurked somewhere in the basement. Vaguely, Harry wondered if Voldemort already knew of his presence, then decided that he did not care. Harry sat his Firebolt up against a wall then let himself in. Nothing in the shadowed and broken down mansion gave away any knowledge that this was where Voldemort and his cronies had set up base. At least, for the time being. Harry scanned the darkness, lighting his wand with a muttered lumos, he saw that in the foyer there was a large fancy stairway several feet in front of him that led to the second floor. On the left and right there are two doors on each side. Charlie had only given him directions to where the mansion was, he had not been able to tell Harry where the basement was hidden. Grimly Harry realized that the door may be hidden by magic. He could strip this house down and would never find it. A surge of fury swept through him then something clicked into his mind. It was like someone had whispered some knowledge into his mind. Old magic leaves a trail. Not only that, but he actually knew how to see it. Closing his eyes he concentrated on his newly acquired knowledge. Slowly he opened his eyes and saw nothing out of the ordinary. He looked to the left, then the right then finally saw something that seemed out of place.

He walked toward the wall and placed his hand on it. It felt so strange. He could not describe it. A faint tingling occurred upon his fingertips and ran up his arm. He pulled out his wand automatically, pulled his hand away from the wall, tapped his wand tip against the wall and a door appeared. Harry smiled grimly. He pulled upon the door and a Dementor clamped itself to Harry. It gripped Harry's wand arm, pulled down its hood with its free hand and leaned down its lips getting close to Harry's. Two other Dementors stood behind the one gripping Harry; their rattling breath's suffusing Harry in darkness. He heard the familiar screaming of his mum; he heard a cold cackling and saw a green light behind his eyes. He could not help but thinking to himself, and so ends the tale of the famous Harry Potter as the cold began consuming him.

Dumbledore paced his office in deep thought. The Wizarding world may hold him in high esteem but right now, Dumbledore felt small and insignificant. Harry was alone this time. Dumbledore could not watch from afar as he usually did. He felt oddly blind without his ability to watch over Harry. He sighed tremulously. He did not know where Voldemort hid, nor did he know where his Death Eaters waited. He knew that the memory charm that was placed on Charlie would only be cracked by substantial pain. With all of his resources, with all of his power, Dumbledore stood in his office unable to do what he wished for the first time that he could remember.

Dumbledore sat down in his chair thinking. He knows that Harry is powerful. The boy had went against one of the strongest wizards known and had nearly bested him. But Harry is still just a kid. Voldemort could easily use that to his exploits. As much as teenagers claim they are invulnerable, there are still things out there that scare them. The old do not have this fear for they have faced those fears. He, Dumbledore, had absolute faith in the boy. But it was frightening, to know that mere sixteen year old boy was going to fight one of the most powerful wizards. There would be no pulling punches, there would be clean fighting. Voldemort would use every trick he possess to kill Harry.

About the time that Harry had made his way to the mansion, Tonks had finally risen from the bed they had shared. Slowly she left the room and made her way to the kitchen. Along the way she found Molly folding washed and dried clothes. Mrs. Weasley turned around whenever she saw Tonks in the corner of her eye.

Tonks took a step toward Mrs. Weasley, "Where is the letter that Harry left, Molly?" Mrs. Weasley hesitated, afraid that if Tonks read the letter she would slip into an even deeper depression. She took out the parchment with a shaking hand and gave it to Tonks. Nymphadora Tonks took the parchment, went to the kitchen, sat down and began to read.

To my friends and loved ones,

I have learned from Charlie that he has poisoned and killed my beloved Tonks. With her death I have lost all ties to my fear of death and with that my fear of Voldemort. Charlie is currently stunned and in the broom closet that is across from Tonks' and my room. I have fought against the urge to kill him, to hurt him, or to cause him any pain directly from myself. I have decided that I will leave that up to your judgment. I know that you will do what you see best.

I know that what I do now is not within the mind of a sane person, but at the moment, I would never dream of claiming sanity. Voldemort has taken from me many of my loves. I realize now that to hold people dear to my heart while he lives is foolish. He has taken my mother, my father, my god-father, and now Tonks. The only thing that keeps me from cracking is the knowledge that I have friends that will always be there for me, and a family that treats me as one of their own sons. I could not bear having any of them killed because Voldemort's wish to slowly murder me from the inside.

Ron and Hermoine: Let your love shine always. Never forsake the other, although I know you two never will. You two have been like brother and sister to me, rather than best friends. People like you is what the world turns for, is why everyone keeps continuing their life, just for the hope that they have a glancing taste of it, if not the actual love of what you two share.

Fred, George, and Ginny: No one could ask for better friends than any of you. To speak of loyalty would be foolish without you three in mind. I have never feared. Without you three, surely my life would not have been as grand as it had been.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley: You have treated me like a son. You were my parents that I never had before. I will always love you both and never will I forget you. Your sons and daughter are truly lucky to have had you two for parents. Thank-you for showing me what it is like to be loved by parents.

Time grows short, so I cannot tell all of the people close to my heart how much they mean to me. Each one of you knows who you are. You will never leave my heart.

With that, I must say good-bye. Do not expect me back. I am sure Voldemort and I will finish each other, I have treasured every moment with you all.


Tears made their way down Tonks' cheeks. She read the letter several more times, each time, her tears growing more numerous. She felt useless. There was nothing she could do. There was nothing anyone could do. Harry Potter was alone.