Baby Pink

Genre: mpreg/humor

Series: Yami no Matsuei

Pairings: Tatsumi/Watari ( + Tsuzuki/Hisoka )

Rating: PG-13

Description: The genre says it all. We couldn't resist the thought of Watari as a happy mother. ^^

If you don't like men having babies, don't read. It's as easy as that. *smairu*

That's the money, douzo!


Chapter 01 - The Seduction

Somehow Watari Yutaka had gotten the impression that potions were never worth a damn if they first hadn't exploded at least once. Now his newest creation was only lacking the final phase. All it needed now was the last big bang.

Chuckling, he snatched 003 safely into his pocket and hurried to a corner. He put his fingers into his ears, shut his eyes tightly, and waited.


"Yatta!" exclaimed the delightfully genki scientist as he bounced back up and tap-danced his way back to the desk. A slightly disoriented 003 popped its head out of the man's lab coat pocket and hooted faintly, then carefully jumped onto the desk and swayed there back and forth, its eyes now the size of plates. Watari grabbed the still foamy test bottle with his isolative gloves and held it over his head. The young scientist smiled and lowered the sizzling bottle in front of his face and examined its pink, translucent contents. The light seeping through it flashed in his long, blond hair and gleamed on the frames of his glasses. A small laughter escaped from his lips.

"BWAHHAHAHAHAAA!!" A manic laughter echoed all around JuOhCho. It made Hisoka's, Tatsumi's and especially Tsuzuki's hair stand on end. The dark-haired shinigami veteran leaped to seek comfort from a corner and weaped while his young partner only shook his head and their superior colleague kept peering out of the window. As the honey-haired shinigami began to steer the frightened and whining Tsuzuki out of the office with a few "Go home!" yells and some underlining kicks the secretary of the Underworld speculated with the figures the laughter - or rather the cause of it - might possibly inflict on them, and sighed heavily.

"It's already the fifth time this week..."

The dusk cast deep shadows in the laboratory where Watari started dancing around while 003 tilted its head from side to side, gazing at the sight.

"FINALLY! At last I have created it! At last I've..." There was a moment of eerie silence. Watari stood completely still for a moment and then slowly turned around to look at the door of his lab. When 003 saw the look on the man's face it shrieked and fell wings flapping on the floor. Watari chuckled and another maniac laughter was about to make its way to his lips when he swallowed and sighed really deep.

"And I'm going to try it out tonight." Still slightly chuckling the scientist walked out of the room and closed the door with care.

003 watched after the scientist for a while, then hooted softly and flew away from the ajar window.

Watari headed immediately to the men's room and locked himself into one of the cubicles. Everything was completely silent and dark; most of the shinigamis had already gone home. Yet Watari knew with certainty that there was still one person besides him in the building: Tatsumi. The man never skipped an opportunity to work overtime and Watari knew this. And it fit his plans splendidly.

Watari turned his back against the cubicle door and took out again the steaming, hot bottle containing the pink fluid. 'It's now or never' he thought and gulped quite a portion down his throat.

Immediately after swallowing the man coughed violently and fell down on his knees on the cold floor with the half-full flask still in his hands. He gagged and panted forcefully there for a while, his other hand holding his throat. The potion had been burning hot and he felt as if it was still somehow bubbling in his stomach. After a few seconds Watari started to feel somewhat... strange. He couldn't explain the sensation and hoped he hadn't poisoned himself. Still, the familiar feelings of paralyzation and choking - and the quite unaesthetic foam coming from his mouth - that experience had taught him were missing this time, and actually the blond scientist felt... rather good. Light, even.

Eventually Watari managed to calm his breath and got up, found a thick cork and sealed the bottle with it. Still feeling somewhat steady he left from the toilet and went to lock the bottle away in the cupboard reserved for his chemicals where it would be safe and out of anyone else's reach. But after he had again locked the door of his lab Watari didn't lead himself down the wide staircases of JuOhCho and home like he did usually.

He headed for Tatsumi's office.

As Watari walked along the deserted corridors of JuOhCho the peculiar feeling inside him just seemed to grow but he soon discarded the possibility of a poisoning. The potion did seem to quicken the longhaired shinigami's breath and pulse but not at all in an alarming way. The feeling reminded Watari more of the way he felt in the presence of Tatsumi, of that warm anxiety that always took over him when the stone-cold but unimaginably beautiful secretary was near him...

Tatsumi... The thought of the brown-haired man filled Watari's head with sudden agitation and his whole being began to glow. He was starting to believe that his potion was nothing more than an ordinary afrodisiac. Though it's an unusually strong one, the blond shinigami concluded as he was starting to have trouble keeping his thoughts together and, most all, in check when it came to the ice-hearted secretary of JuOhCho. The man had always answered Watari's discreet suggestions with a friendly yet matter-of-fact rejection before. Still, Watari did have his own suspicions about Tatsumi's true emotions and, as an eternal optimist, believed with absolute certainty in his own motto: As long as there's life after death, there is hope.


A sligthly lopsided smile appeared on Watari's face as he proceeded towards his goal with determination. He radiated self-confidence.

There's no use for you to even TRY to resist me tonight.


Tatsumi sat behind his desk that was lit only by a small lamp, completely unaware of the approaching danger. Lately the shinigamis had had an unusually small amount of work and so there weren't enough documents to form the small paper tower that usually loomed over the desk. Unfortunately though, most of the documents at hand were bills of Tatsumi's colleagues' mishaps.

As he laid down Tsuzuki's fifth restaurant bill with enough length to pave a highway Tatsumi sighed with desperation in his voice and buried his head in his hands. "Someday I'm going to put him on a bread and water diet... Kurosaki can keep an eye on him..." he mumbled against his palms when he heard the door of his office opening softly.

Tatsumi lifted his gaze and saw a figure standing by the door. The light casting from behind the figure made it difficult to make out any accurate features but the glowing, golden long hair gave a pretty good hint. "Watari? I thought that everyone had gone home already. Do you want something?"

He heard the smile in the scientist's voice when the man answered. "NOO~THING special, Tatsumi." Treading softly the blond shinigami stepped into the room and closed door, leaning his back against it. For some reason the sound caused by it seemed slightly threatening to Tatsumi.

He ignored the observation, though, and turned to tend to the bills again. "In that case, would you mind letting me get back to work? Good, thank you", the secretary continued before Watari could get a word in and fixed his gaze on the sixth bill caused by Tsuzuki. A small vein began to tick on his temple.

Watari stood still in the shadows for a while as Tatsumi became engrossed by his chores again and seemed to forget the presence of the other shinigami in the room totally. Then the man walked slowly across the room to the desk, sat on it with grace and began to stare at Tatsumi. The secretary glanced at him without much interest over his glasses, his brow slightly frowning. "What?" he asked, turning his gaze back to document in front of him ( an announcement that the soda machine was yet again out of order and a wish that something would be done about the matter as soon as possible ).

The blond man tipped his head and toyed with his long hair until answering. The question following the silence banished all possible solutions of problem solving from the brown-haired man's mind.

"Tatsumi... Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Tatsumi froze completely. Then he lifted his gaze to Watari who was grinning on the desk. "WHAT?"

"Just answer me, Tatsumi. Do you think I'm beautiful?" said Watari smiling and leaned closer to Tatsumi who in turn retreated against his chair, eyes wide from shock.

"Wh-what kind of a question is that?! Stop this non-sense this instant, Watari!" the secretary yelled with an unusually high-pitched voice. He felt his cheeks burning red when being forced to look straight at the blond-haired man's face and answer the scientist's dark, brown-eyed gaze. Sure, Watari had made his feelings towards Tatsumi known before as well but never in such an aggressive way so Tatsumi had been able to leave the situation at that on those occasions. This new direct approach really mixed his deck, and his heart beat hard as Watari leaned closer still over the desk.

"Oh, but I'm seriously not joking, my dear Tatsumi", smiled Watari speaking in a low, silent voice that made Tatsumi swallow hard. "You see", the scientist continued and shook his hair so that the locks fell down from the shoulders like small waterfalls, their radiance highlighting his face, "I think you are so inexplicably beautiful yourself that I'm afraid that I won't be good enough for you. This is a very important question for me."

Tatsumi could only stare at the other man, completely turned to stone. Then he tried to back away through his chair to escape while his voice rose another octave. "Wa-WATARI!! What the hell are you saying?! Do you have any idea how, how, INAPPROPRIATELY you are behaving today?!"

"Tatsumi." Watari interrupted him quietly, suddenly serious, a gaze in his eyes that began to melt the secretary's icy shell much to Tatsumi's horror. The blond-haired man slowly took off his glasses and lifted his gazed back to the other man's face. With his golden hair, illuminated only by the small desktop lamp and a vulnerable look in his eyes Watari looked overwhelmingly beautiful.

"You... you really don't take me seriously. I never would have thought of you as a person who... who just toys with other people's emotions!" Watari let out in a broken voice and turned his face away, covering his mouth with his left hand. The shoulders of the long-haired shinigami trembled slightly and all kinds of thoughts began to flock inside Tatsumi's head.

Oh no oh no oh no what am I going to do?! He's really serious today, how the hell am I going to get through this- ... dear kami-sama, he's not CRYING, is he? No no no no no no NO, this isn't how it was supposed to go!!

"Aaahh... ano, Watari, I..." Tatsumi tried to stutter some kind of an apology but he seemed to have lost momentarily all the diplomatic skills he had ever owned as he watched his co-worker sobbing in front of him. "It's not that I don't like you as a person and, uh, as a friend and all that, but this, um, I..." Tatsumi's voice faded into nothingness when Watari began to sob twice as hard at the mention of the word 'friend'. Frantically he leaned a bit closer and put his hand on the other shinigami's shoulder, trying to think of some kind of consolation. Finally he decided on the last resort.

"It'll be alrig-UWAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" was all he managed to spit out before finding himself cornered against the chair with Watari's arms around him and the man himself sitting in his lap. "WATARI!!" Tatsumi screamed, his face now completely red. Against his will he had to admit that the situation wasn't all that uncomfortable after all, and that was what really shocked him.

The other man didn't care about the protests and only giggled contented against Tatsumi's neck. The soft breath on his skin made the secretary shiver slightly. "Gotcha."

"Watari Yutaka! Let go off me this instant or I'll, I'll..." Tatsumi tried to regain his usual authority but the attempt remained half-hearted. The truth was that Tatsumi had indeed had feelings for Watari for quite some time now but in no way would have admitted it to the man, let alone to himself. But now that he had the blond shinigami there in his arms, so close, and he could feel his warmth and body against himself and sense the breath and soft scent of the scientist's hair around him Tatsumi was almost shocked by how natural, how right it all felt...

"Or you'll what?" Watari mumbled into Tatsumi's ear before leaning back to look at his face from a distance of ten inches. The light casted by the lamp made his hair shine golden again as he smiled and all Tatsumi could do was stare. All of the promised good threats like cutting the lab's funding and a painful death via an axe murder were buried forever inside the secretary's throat and all that came out was: "...nnnghhh?" as Watari leaned in closer again and reserved Tatsumi's lips to his own uses.

At that moment the older shinigami couldn't have lifted a finger even if he had wanted to. From the first almost casually given caress his whole being had been concentrated to the relatively small part of his body that in whole was his mouth. Watari advanced agonizingly slowly and carefully as he nibbled Tatsumi's soft lips with his own and kissed the corners of his mouth in a teasing manner for a small heavenly eternity. In the midst of it all the scientist gently bit the upper lip of the other man who let out a small suppressed moan.

Watari laughed mischieviously when he heard the sound and bent down to whisper in Tatsumi's ear while starting to undo the buttons of the man's shirt: "Oh I never would have believed how cute you could sound like. My little uke..." He giggled on top of it all.

This shattered the spell that had frozen the brown-haired man. Blood started gushing in Tatsumi's ears as irritation released his adrenaline. UKE? He, Tatsumi Seiichirou, JuOhCho's SECRETARY, would not take this kind of treatment any longer! His hands that had rested idly till now suddenly wrapped themselves around the other man.

"Uke?" His voice was almost a growl.

"Eh?" Watari yelped eyes widening from surprise when he was suddenly pulled closer against the other man's chest.

"Watari", Tatsumi continued with a dangerously low voice, "I believe you have been mistaken with something. Because", he tilted his head to kiss the blond shinigami's neck and was rewarded with a small whine of happiness, "if this is about who's underneath tonight, then I can guarantee that it isn't going to be me."

After that he pulled Watari into a kiss deeper than the previous ones. It was threatening to turn the scientist into a small puddle on the floor. The blond shinigami purred continuously from happiness which made Tatsumi smile as he slid his hands inside Watari's coat and underneath his shirt. Watari seemed to intoxicate him with his mere existence, scent and warmth, and Tatsumi couldn't have gotten enough of him when the man shivered from his touch and whimpered into his mouth: "Tatsumi... Tatsumi..."

He would have wanted it to last forever.

Tatsumi sunk his other hand into Watari's hair while the scientist tried to pull the suit and the shirt underneath it off him. "Yutaka..." he whispered quietly and then pressed his lips more forcefully against Watari's.

They dropped to the floor carefully, never letting go of each other.