The sea, the sea, the sea...
It sways...
And sings...
And calls to me...
This ocean has no boundaries…Forever coming and going as it pleases. Truly, is such freedom allowed? To do what ever one pleases; never against their own will…Such precious gift is wasted among too many. For those simpletons believe true happiness is to be content with what you have.
Chapter 1
Faded Away
Point of View: Kairi
True happiness-my true happiness resides elsewhere, besides this island. This simple island life now no longer seems to satisfy my needs. I need to leave this place... To finally begin my real life, and put all my past behind me.
Sora and Riku...
It's been four years since...the incident. Sora and Riku returned two years ago to everyone's satisfaction. Of course I was happy so see them; after all, they are my best friends. I had spent, or rather wasted two years of my life mourning over them. I was so dependant...
The will to leave this beautiful place of Destiny's not of grief, or anger, but truly, just to know that I can be someone. Not only that, but the real reason is to leave for
The years of my life have passed so swiftly. We've all changed much since four years ago. For instance, Selphie, who has always been so zealous and energetic has outgrown her childish ways and has become very mature and sophisticated. Tidus and Wakka are star blitzball players now.
Sora and Riku have put away their swords. They've apparently 'retired' from their other life. And I'm glad...I need nothing to remind me of the days our islands were destroyed, the day my heart was ripped out of my body, and especially the long days awaiting their safe return. But every now and then, those boys take out their old wooden swords, and go at it. But I'm glad... That's one of the few things that remind me of the good times...
And finally me... Well, I suppose pretty much everything has changed in me. My way of thinking... My hopes and dreams... So much...
I watch as Sora and Riku once again engage in their competitions.
My first love...
Smiling, I brush back a strand of my hair. My long auburn hair...the almost maroon color had darkened over the years, it now grew down to my waist. Turning, I walk away from the sight. My feet gently clank against the wooden bridge leading to our own little separate island.
So many memories reside here...
Sitting down on the curving paopu tree, I gaze at the everlasting sunset. Its radiant rays never fail to shine through even the darkest skies. A gentle breeze whisks across my face.
"Whatcha doing?"
I nearly leaped out of my skin when I heard Sora's usual cheery voice behind me.
"Heh...did I scare ya?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck, looking a little sheepish.
I laughed a little nervously.
He slipped onto the tree, next to me.
"You nervous 'bout leavin' this place?"
"You sure, Kai?"
"...maybe a little..."
We sat in silence for a few minutes, not really focusing on anything.
"You still believe in that legend?"
"The paopu legend. You know, if two people share it, their destinies will be intertwined."
I laughed,
"Course not, Sora. I've outgrown that. Besides, we all know it's just a fairytale!"
"Well yeah..."
Sora's happy attitude seemed to disappear. Why?
He's not still in love with me, is he?
I admit, there were times in the past when we seemed perfect for each other, but...
"Something wrong?"
He jumped up, "Naw...gotta meet Riku for something. See ya later, Kairi."
I watched in silence as he walked back across the bridge. Suddenly, I felt guilty, but of what?
Of course he's not in love with you, Kairi!
Of course not!
I snapped out of my thoughts and began to walk back.
The truth is though, my feelings for Sora...
Have faded away...
Author's Notes:
So, what do you think? This is my first fanfiction, so I'm still not really used to the system... Personally, I didn't really like this chapter. I promise the second one will be much better. Please review!
Araclyzm for beta reading this.