Caught In The Middle

Author's Note: I'm glad you all liked it! ^^ I kind of got worried when people started to tell me that it seemed too much like another story... just so you know, I didn't plagiarize this story... I got the inspiration when I watched "Parent Trap" with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, and I really liked the idea. ^^ by the way, SM and Parent trap don't belong to me...

Random Comment : Did you know that if you don't mind what you're doing, your balance seems to get better... its like your brain doesn't have to concentrate much on it just does other things better!



It was an early Monday morning, and everyone was well on their way to work. Everyone, that is except Bunny Tsukino. Waking up was not something this lovable blond did not put much effort into doing every morning. Don't get me wrong, its not like she's suicidal, and doesn't want to see another light of day...

"I hate time," she muttered angrily, slowly sitting on her bed.

Her long, wavy, golden tresses cascaded down her back, and nearly touched the hardwood floor of her apartment. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and yawned. Blinking to clear her vision, Bunny continued her daily routine of waking herself up.

She trudged on towards her bathroom, and stared at the face in her mirror. The face that she saw seemed like a stranger to her.

Long wavy hair that looked almost like a mix of silver and gold, light blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. She didn't look quite like herself.

"What am I thinking?" she asked herself aloud. "If I'm not who I am... who should I be?"

She heard a soft meowing by her ankle, and found her black cat, Luna purring as she tried to get her mistress' attention.

Bunny laughed at her cat's behavior. "All right Luna, I'll get you your breakfast..."

After feeding the cat, and taking a quick shower, Bunny began her day. Changing into her uniform, and preparing her bag, she set off for College. Today would mark the beginning of the graduation countdown.

After only two months, she would finally be able to set off towards the 'real world'. 'Although I've been in it for nearly five years already,' she thought, rolling her eyes at her own comment.

Before she had graduated High school, a terrible incident befell her family. With her parent's divorce, and her cousin's disappearance, she couldn't handle staying at home. She had gotten herself a job. It paid well, and all she really needed to do was stand around while some guy took pictures of her in designer clothing.

It had been enough to pay for her rent, but it would take a lot more to pay off her tuition.

'I really need to get a life...' she thought sadly, walking towards her school. Looking around, she felt the strangest thing... the hairs on the back of her neck stood, as if warning her of something terrible about to happen.

She stopped, and looked around. Reading the street signs, she realized that she had no idea where she was!

"Ugh! Why did I have to choose a new route today?!" she screamed at the empty alley. "Great. I'm lost."

Suddenly, she heard footsteps nearing her location. She began to walk again, and found a shopping mall. She couldn't place where she was, and began to panic. Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Nearly screaming, Bunny turned towards her 'stalker'.

She came face to face with a handsome man. He had blond hair, and bright emerald eyes.

"Mina?" he asked, concern filling his beautiful eyes. " Are you alright, koishii?"

Bunny snapped out of her trance, and stared at the man before her.

"I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone else," she replied, cursing mentally for not putting on her odangos. " I don't suppose you can help me get to Azabu College, can you?"

The man before her smiled politely. "Oh! Sorry about that..." he started. "Azabu, huh? You're in the wrong direction Ms..."

Bunny blushed. "Serenity. Serenity Tsukino."

"I'm Andrew Furuhata," he said, as he gave her his hand. They shook hands, and he watched as she blushed again, bowing slightly. " I don't have much to do today, so I suppose it won't hurt to walk you there."

Bunny thanked Andrew, and they started to walk to Azabu, talking to pass the time. Apparently, Bunny had taken a wrong turn somewhere, and ended up on the other side of town, about 20 minutes away from Azabu. She blushed, embarrassed that she got lost in a town she lived in nearly half her life.

"It happens to the best of us," Andrew said, trying to ease the girl's anxiety. "So, what are you taking in Azabu?"

"I'm hoping to become a Pediatrician, but I also take art," she replied shyly, grasping her bag. " My mom always said I had talent, but I think all moms say that to their children."

Andrew chuckled, and nodded. He stuffed his hands in his jacket pocket, and glanced at Bunny. He couldn't help but be amazed by the uncanny resemblance this woman had with his fiancee.

"So, is Mina your girlfriend, or something?" Bunny asked, facing him once more.

He nodded. "She's my fiancee," he replied, his eyes glazed with a faraway look. "She and I are hoping to be married by next month."

Bunny smiled, "Congratulations," she said. She saw Azabu's buildings and bowed to her newly made friend. "Thanks for walking me here, Furuhata-san."

Andrew shook his head. "It's nothing," he said. "And to prove it, why don't you come over to my apartment. Mina would love meeting you. It's been a while since we've had someone over."

Not believing her ears, Bunny shook her head to clear her thoughts. "You want me to meet your fiancee?"

"I know it might sound crazy, but I have this feeling that you'd know my fiancee," he whispered, hoping Bunny would agree.

'Is this guy for real?' she thought. She looked around, and wondered whether or not to accept the invite. 'What if he's a psycho? What if there is no Mina? What if... what if...' her eyes widened.

She glared at Andrew. "Diamond sent you didn't he?!"

Andrew took a step back, surprised at her outburst. "What?" he said, wondering how the woman before him would be acquainted with Darien's nemesis.

"Don't play dumb!" she growled, taking a step forward. "How much did he pay you?"

Andrew decided not to question the enraged woman, and steered her into another direction.

"I don't know any Diamond," he started, "You see, my fiancee is a woman named Minako Aino, and she looks so much like you..."

Bunny's eyes widened at the name. "You know where my cousin is?!"

"Minako is your cousin?" Andrew asked. Before he could continue, a loud bell began to sound, and Bunny sighed. He looked at her and saw the battle in her eyes. He smirked inwardly. She was having trouble deciding whether or not to go with him.

'So much alike... yet so different' Andrew thought. Looking at Bunny, he felt a sense of innocence in her that Mina had lost a long time ago. ' But I still love my Mina...'

Meanwhile, Bunny was close to tearing her hair off. A part of her told her to run towards the school, in the safety of the gates... yet another urged her to agree with Andrew. It had been five years since she'd seen Minako... her best friend...

'Oh to hell with it!'

Bunny sighed, and nodded. "Lead the way."

Andrew snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her strangely. "Pardon me?"

"Lead the way," she repeated, smiling widely. "I didn't have anything to miss today anyway."

He smiled, and offered her his arm. "Okay. I'll just call her, and tell her to meet us at a Cafe."

"Call away," Bunny replied, laughing as Andrew fumbled with his cell phone.



Steely silver eyes turned its gaze towards a cowering brunette. The woman took an involuntary step back, flinching as her boss' voice echoed in the large room.

"What?!" he barked.

"We did as you ordered sir," the woman replied, handing him an envelope with pictures of a blond woman.

The man looked through them with satisfaction, then he frowned.

"Why are there no recent pictures? All these date back to two weeks ago!" he yelled, throwing the pictures on the floor.

"We've been having trouble sir..." the woman whimpered. "Sometimes, she doesn't have her hair in that strange hairstyl~"

The woman flew back with the force of the man's slap. The sound echoed in the room, making it much worse.

"Do not insult my beloved," he growled, sneering at the woman on the floor. "I grow tired to seeing pictures! I want you to find her, and bring her to me!"

The woman scrambled to her feet and bowed. "Hai, Diamond-san."

Diamond turned his back to the woman as she left. 'Soon, Serenity... you shall no longer tire yourself with trivial matters... you shall be treated like the royalty that you are.'


Author's Note: Different huh? But, its still somewhat the same. Hope you liked it.