~Authoress note~ hey it's me blue! Well anyways this is my new Fic 'My last confession' and yes I know I probably would get the award for having the most sequels to a story!! I feel honored ^^ anyways that reminds me if you haven't read my other fics you have to before you start reading this one just go to my profile they're there and I hope you review them too ^^ well here is what you all have been waiting for and don't forget to REVIEW!!!!

~Chapter 1~

-BAM BAM!!!-

"You're gonna be late get up!" screamed ChiChi as she banged on the bedroom door, Ross groaned and turned over into the depths of her sheets, the curtains were drawn making the room drown in shades of grays and darkened hues.

Goten stretched and drifted back to sleep.

"GET UP!!!!" screamed their mother from behind the door, Ross sprang up from the sudden outburst and hit her head her headboard.

"OW!! Oh alright already im up!" she yelled back at her mother, proceeded by the sound of lead footsteps trudging up the stairs.

Ross growled as she sat up, but was stopped by two fur balls purring on her stomach Ross shook her head and moved them to her abandoned pillow.

She stretched putting her hand through her loose curls, she wore a blue baggy tee shirt and dark blue checkered boxers, her feet bound tightly made muffled steps as she walked across the room to her brother's bed, she looked at their once nightstand and shook her head the once alarm clock laid tarred.

"Goten… hey wake up" she said shaking him slightly he groaned and rubbed one of his eyes.

"What is it?" he asked as Ross made her way to her dresser dodging the heaps of clothes as she did so.

"Its time to wake up" she said pulling out an outfit and slamming her top drawer shut.

"Oh alright" he said as Ross just shook her head as she made it the door.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" she said as Goten collapsed back onto the bed.


Ross walked out of the bathroom with a toothbrush stuck in her mouth foam on each side.

She wore a pair of dark blue jeans, and a white v-neck semi-tight tee-shirt, as well as her black combat boots her three pendants hung lovingly around her neck. Her hair was tied back into a high messy bun.

Ross felt a grin caressing her features as she saw her brother at the kitchen table with a large hand print on his cheek.

He looked over and then went back to his breakfast.

"Tried to warn ya" she said taking the toothbrush out of her mouth she went back to the bathroom to wash up.


"Sir you called for me?" questioned Botan in her charismatic tone.

"Yes well have you heard about Hiei's wear abouts?" asked Koenma getting a raised brow from Botan.

"Well no sir Mukuro says he is still out on one of her assignments why may I ask?" she said as Koenma sighed heavily.

"Genkai called me to tell me that Yukina has been attacked"

"Oh no!" said Botan feeling her feet giving way.

"Yes well they think its… they think it might have been someone that Hiei might know so when you find out Hiei is back I want to know ASAP ok oh and put the others on the job"

"Yes sir… I will" said Botan grabbing her ore and taking off into the warm spring night.


Ross smiled as she walked brisk fully down the hall, 'Its so nice, pity I have to be here' she thought as she entered her class only to get bombarded with a million balloons.

"What… is this?" she asked looked confused at all the different balloon placed in front of her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY well actually your birthday is tomorrow but since that's the weekend we figured we would give you these now" said her good friend Apirl as she Ross raised a brow in confusion.

"And how may I ask…. Did you know… that my birthday is-?"

"Oh Goten told us" said Sam as Ross felt her blood boil.

"Oh" she said cocking a brow.

"Yeah… you're not mad are you?" said Kelli as Ross looked at her and sighed.

"Oh no… im not just surprised he even remembers my birthday but… thanks I really appreciate it" she said taking the balloons.

"Well what are friends for and besides it's only your 16th birthday the birthdays of all birthdays well besides when you turn 18 or 21 or-"

"Thanks I think I get it" said Ross musing as her friend's antics; the truth was she was hoping no one would remember, she was never a big fan of her birthday maybe because for everyone else it was like going to the doctor something you just don't want to do… but then again at least she would be able to drive (HELL YA!!!)


It was the end of the school day and Ross was trying to make her way home with the enormous amount of balloons trailing behind her.

"Hey sis, need a ride" said a voice from behind her followed by the sound of an accelerator.

She turned around to see Goten and Trunks smiling at her.

"You" she said with a glare that would even make Hiei blood run cold.

"What what did I do?" he asked but instead of an answer Ross pulled him out of the car through the window and began to pound him.

"You little jerk how can you just go and tell everyone my Birthday was tomorrow?" she asked as he rubbed her face from the pounding he had just received.

"I don't know I figured you wanted them to know" he said as she glared at him picking up her stuff once again.

"You know how I am about my birthday Goten… what would make you think I changed my mind? Im even surprised you remembered" she said and with that she turned around and began to walk in the opposite direction.

"What would make you think I would forget?"

"Because you're too much like dad" she said getting a snicker from Trunks.

"So…. I can take it you want to walk home and be a bitch huh?" he said as she nodded not turning around.

"Damn right" she said, Goten shrugged his shoulders and hopped into the car.

"Well you can't say I didn't try" he said, as the car sped off… Ross sighed and blew a piece of hair from her face.

"No I suppose I can't" she mumbled to herself as a ringing sound went off scaring the crap out of her and making her fall on her ass. She took the communication Mirror out of her pocket and flipped it open.

"Yes this better be important" she growled.

"Oh I see I caught you at a good time well anyways I was told to inform you that something attacked Yukina last night and you are needed to come to Genkai's temple ASAP" said Botan as Ross felt her knees give in.

"Is she…"

"She's alright, it will be explained when you get there and oh pack for a few days alright" said Botan as Ross nodded in shock as she closed the communicator.

"Uh oh" she thought as she took off for her house at record speed.


"So wait who attacked her?" asked Yusuke confused as Genkai stood in front of Yukina's room.

"I can't say" she said as Yusuke anime fell.

"What, what do you mean you can't say!!!" he said as Ross burst through the front door slamming it behind her.

"You know there are Makai cops out there" she said wide eyed as Kurama nodded.

"Yes they are looking for clues" he said as Ross raised a brow and then walked over to the door dropping bag onto the couch as she did so.

"Genkai… can I see her?" she asked as Genkai nodded and moved.

"HEY WHY CAN SHE SEE YUKINA BUT WE CAN'T?" asked Kuwa as Genkai slapped him in the head.

"Because I said so, now go make yourself useful and clean the floors" She said kicking them out of the living room.

Ross opened the door slowly to see the room was dark and dreary. She went to the small bed in the corner sitting lightly not to wake the ice koormie.

"Yukina sweetie" she said putting her hand onto Yukina's" she fluttered her eyes open and smiling weakly.

"Hey are you ok??" asked Ross brushing a hair from her face.

"Please stay with me" she stuttered as Ross could only nod.

"Will you tell me in the morning?" she asked as Yukina nodded Ross smiled weakly and pulled a pillow from under Yukina's bed lying on the floor with a hand behind her head.

"Don't worry I'll protect you from whatever the hell it was" she said as she raised her head to see that Yukina had dropped back to sleep she sighed inwardly and laid back down….

'Who would want to hurt her?'

Yeah I know it was short and all but it will get better PLEASE REVIEW! And oh did you hear about FF.net and the CYAO thing I can't believe that they're going to lose a lot of reviewers and writers that way… please keep on reviewing my Fic PLEASE!!!  HOPE YOU LIKE!