Summer at Potter's

Summary: Lily's aunt is sick and has asked Lily's parents to come stay with her it wouldn't be so bad except Lily has to stay with family friends- the Potters L/J fic to What I Did on my Summer Vacation

A/N: ok I know I didn't get a lot of reviews. I just really wanted to do a fic and I have no other ideas.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter!


I absolutely love summers!  It's not just because there's no school for three months.  I actually sort of like school.  Learning all about magic is fun.  I love summers because I can hang out with my friends without that arrogant prat James Potter around, and not just my witch and wizard friends who visit my house during the summer, but my muggle friends as well.  Most of my muggle friends live in my neighborhood, so during the summer I spend most of my time with them.  When we were younger we mostly just hung out on each other's porches or other places in the neighborhood, but now that some of them could drive we went out and did a lot more things than just hang around each other's houses.  (A/N: those of you with dirty minds keep reading and you'll see exactly what those "things" are.)  I still can't drive even though I'll be 17 in a month.  I just don't have time to learn yet.  I figure I'll learn next year after I graduate.  That phrase lingers in my head, "after I graduate."  Next year will be my last year at Hogwarts.  I'm going to miss it so much, my friends, the classes, James Potter.  Whoa, wait, where did that come from?  James Potter is the benign of my existence.  I hate him with a passion.  We argue constantly.  Well, actually, it's more I yell at him constantly.  He is just such a bully. Although, I have to admit some of his victims do deserve it, like Snape, and sometimes it is kind of funny.  No, what am I thinking now?  Potter's pranks are not funny.  They're annoying.  Everything about Potter is annoying.  It's not just the pranks; it's the way he acts, too.  He has a total disregard for his schoolwork.  I don't think he studies at all for his exams, not even his O.W.L.S.  The only thing he seems to care about is quiditch, and showing off… and me.  He asks me out every day when we're at school, and every day I tell him no by insulting him.  He does seem to like me a lot, though, and I guess in a way I'm sort of flattered that he would like me enough to remain so steadfast in his quest for my affections.  No, no, I'm not flattered.  I hate it.  It's annoying.  What is with me this morning?  Oh well, I'm not going to go back to sleep today.  It's 12 pm on the second day of summer holiday.  My friends will be coming to get me soon so we can go do something.  We might go to the movies or bowling if the weather isn't that great, but I think it's actually pretty nice out.  We'll probably go mini-golfing or go to the pool.  (A/N: Haha see that's what they do.  Get your mind out of the gutter.)  I crawled out of bed, took a shower, and put on jeans and a t-shirt.  With one last look in the mirror, I headed downstairs.  I went into the kitchen and got the bag of bagels from the freezer.  Just then my mum called me from the living room.

"Lily, could you come in here for a minute?"  I went into the room and saw my parents were both sitting on the couch.  Something just isn't right.  They're very quiet today.  As I sat down, it dawned on me that they might be trying to tell me someone's dead.  After all there was this growing threat of a wizard named Lord Voldemort.  He was supposedly killing muggles and muggle borns, and this was how they told me my grandmother had died.  A sense of complete and utter dread came over me.  Finally my mum spoke. 

"We have some bad news to tell you, Lily."

My stomach began to turn.  That's what happened.  Someone was dead.  I had to find out whom. 

"What is it, mum?" I asked trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"It's your Great Aunt Mable.  She's sick.  She called us while you were at school, and she wants us to come stay with her for the summer since your father doesn't have to teach any classes at the university."

I was somewhat relieved that no one had died and I felt sorry Great Aunt Mable was sick.  However, I didn't really want to go to her house for the summer.  It would be really boring there.  Last time I was there I was the only person my age in her whole neighborhood and I doubt that's changed.  I don't think she likes kids very much either.  She was sick, though, and if she wanted us to be with her than that's where we should be. 

"Okay, um, well, when are we leaving?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Tomorrow, but don't you want to know who you're staying with?" asked my dad. 

"I thought I was going with you to Great Aunt Mable's." 

"No, dear, I'm sorry if I was unclear before, but Aunt Mable said she doesn't want you or Petunia to come.  I hope you don't mind," my mum said.

"No, of course not, mum.  She's sick and if she just wants you and dad to visit her than you and dad should visit her," I said.  To be honest I was a little relieved. 

"Well, I'm glad you think that, Lil, because we were at one of the Potter's parties and we mentioned our little predicament of where to end you this summer.  They offered to let you stay with them and we took them up on their offer."

It took a second for my father's words to sink in.  I am going to spend the summer at James Potter's house!  I groaned inwardly. 

"Well, okay then, I'm going to go finish making my bagel and then I guess I'll have to go pack," I said. 

"Are you going to be okay with this, honey?  I know you don't really get along with James.  If you're going to have a miserable summer we'll stay home," my mum said.  Would I be okay with this?!  Quite frankly, no!  I was in for the worst summer of my life!  Still, I knew it was for the best that I let them go on this trip so I said, "Of course, mum, I'll be fine.  I'm sure there will be people my age in the neighborhood.  You go to Great Aunt Mable's." 

I stood up and went into the kitchen again.  The bag of bagels was still sitting on the counter where I'd left it.  It was hard to believe that just a little while ago I was so happy.  Just a little while ago I thought this summer was going to be great.  I half-heartedly made my bagel.  Then, I headed upstairs.  My owl, Evol, was sitting on my dresser.  When I saw her my spirits perked up a little.  I could still write to my friends from school, but they were supposed to stay with me and now they can't.  I perked back down.  I decided to write to my best friend, Alice.  I wrote:

Dear Alice,

            The worst thing that could ever happen to me has just happened!  I have to spend the entire summer at Potter's.  Oh, I am so miserable.  Not only does this mean I'm going to have the worst summer of my life but, now you and the rest of the girls can't come to stay with me this summer.  You all are just going to have to write to me to save me from Potter.  I have to pack now, but could you tell the others what's happened.  I'd write to them, but I'm leaving tomorrow and have to pack right away.  Please write soon. 


            I tied the letter to Evol's leg and sent him on his way.  My trunk was at the foot of my bed.  I hadn't unpacked yet, but now I wouldn't really have to. 

I still had to take out my schoolbooks and uniforms and put some more street clothes in my trunk.  I had just thrown some shirts in my trunk when I heard the doorbell.  I had completely forgotten; my friends always came over my second day home.  When I got down they were already sitting in the living room, talking animatedly.  They all seemed genuinely happy.  It was rather strange because I felt so miserable.  I walked in and sat down in the same spot I sat when my parents told about my miserable situation. 

"What's wrong, Lil?  You're home for the summer I thought you'd be happy," my friend, Lauren, who sat across from me, said.  Now, everyone else seemed to notice I wasn't myself. 

"My great aunt is sick," I said. 

"Aw, I'm sorry," said Kelly who sat next to Lauren. 

"That's not even the worst part.  Remember that boy James I told you about?  I have to stay with him for the summer.  My parents are going to stay with my great aunt.  Since they're friends with his parents I'm staying with them." 

Melanie said, "It can't be all that bad.  At least you'll be able to call us, right?"

This is what I hate about having muggle friends. 

"No, actually, they don't have a telephone.  They're kind of weird."

I thought that I would have to answer a lot of questions about why the Potters don't have a telephone, but to my surprise no one said anything about it. 

After another pause, Liz said, "We'll just have to make the most of today." 

I had the most fun that day.  I'd completely forgotten about my impending torture until I saw my half-packed trunk.  I was exhausted.  All I wanted to do was get some sleep, but I had to pack my trunk now or get up early to do it. One thing about me you must know, I am not, by any means, a morning person.  There was no way I was going to wake up earlier than I had to.  So, I packed my trunk and went to bed, dreading what would happen tomorrow. 


A/N: okay I know that was a little boring but bear with me it will get better soon.  I also know Lily's kind of a drama queen but there's a reason I promise.  I've already written the next chapter so it will be up next Saturday okay. 


Hon Snowfire Browneyes: thank you for reviewing now you better review again this story has more room for expanding the first fic is very hard also in the next chapter you find out how there families became friends

Loadofwaffle: here's the fic I'll expand on everything in this

Charlatan: lol happy now? I made a fic

Nirveli9: I will indeed expand on how she fell in love with him just not yet in later chapters

Next chapter: Lily arrives at the Potters'