A/N: Alright everyone, Here is the next Chapter and only a week later. You proud!!..LOL Well actually it is 2:00 am so technically Saturday, but I worked till 1:00 am so...Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter, sorry it is a bit short, but I wasn't finished and I wanted to get it posted tonight. Plus I figured a shorter chapter is better than no chapter, I will start working on the other one tomorrow hopefully and try and get it posted before next Friday if I can. Anyway, Happy Reading Everyone:)

Hermione and Draco entered a dark classroom. Draco shut the door behind him. With a flick of his wand the door made a click as to lock it, Then another flick turned the candles alive and the room filled with a soft glow over the desks.

Hermione pulled out her wand and conjured up to chintz arm chairs, and two cups of tea. She settled herself into one chair while handing the other cup of tea to Draco. He took the tea and sat in the chair opposite her.

"Draco, I am not even sure where to begin." Hermione said, setting her cup of tea on her lap, her hands entwined around it. "Bersies, she was under the imperious curse. It wasn't her Draco. It was all Your Uncle and Blaise. She was already pregnant that night she slept with you. See, Blaise was just in a mess with a pregnant girl when Itlaus came around. Then Itlaus hatched up this plan, and well you know the rest.

"Well, How can you be sure Kirsten isn't mine? We don't know what you are saying is exact. How could you possibly know all this Hermione?" Draco responded. He wore a look of utter disappointment and loss.

"I know Draco, I am sure, Well about Kirsten not being your, Bersies told me that herself. The rest I am just assuming based on everything else I already know. I am sorry to be the one to tell you.. Think about it Draco. Kirsten has looks so much like him if you really think about it." Hermione said, taking a sip of her tea. Shaking a bit.

"Hermione, She looks like me, How could say such a thing! You don't know!" Draco replied, raising his voice a bit.

"Well of course she looks like you. You two are cousins. Itlaus is your Uncle and Blaise's father."

"Hermione how could you...This is to much, first Dumbledore, now this!! How can you tell me something like this right now!!" He yelled.

Draco sat there for a long time, just staring at nothing. Taking in the news that Kirsten wasn't his. He couldn't bare it. He felt as if he was suffocating. Then he finally looked up at Hermione. Her deep brown eyes showed nothing but love and concern for him. How could he be mad at her for this. She was simply telling him the truth, nothing more. "Mione, It doesn't matter. She is my daughter and yours too, no matter what. I don't care what anyone says." He set his cup of tea aside and stood up. He walked over to her and leaned close to her. So that when he spoke next Hermione could feel the hot breath brush her cheek. "I love you Hermione more than my own life."

"I love you too." She whispered back., before reaching up and grabbing him and pulling him into her lips, Where she gave him the deepest kiss he had ever received. Their mouths exploring one another, There tongues fighting for domination. She gripped harder onto him and pulled him deeper into her, playing with his hair ever so slightly as she did.

After they broke apart, both gasping for air and smiling at one another Draco took his hand and began to play softly with the matted curls in her hair, pulling them off her smudged face and brushing them free of knots and grime. He didn't care how dirty she was from being locked in that cellar, She still looked radiant and beautiful to him.

"All three of us will be a family Hermione, No matter what." He whispered, while still brushing his hand through her hair.

"Well...Draco, Actually We will be a family of four." Hermione said glowing with happiness and pride.

"Four? What do you mean love?" He asked, clearly lost.

"Well, Draco it seems I only lost one baby. It was twins, Fraternal twins actually and they each grow with separate amniotic sacs, So I still have one baby left. WE are going to have a baby!!" She said, the joy now exploding from her.

"A Baby!!: Draco cried.

Hermione shook her head, standing up and meeting him. She grabbed onto his neck and hugged him tightly. "So I take it your happy?"

"Hermione, You have just made me the happiest person in the world. I love you." He said, kissing again.

"I love you too Draco. " Hermione said after the kiss had ended.

Draco smiled, He felt like the luckiest person in the world. He was going to have second child. Hermione was back. Everything seemed to finally be falling into place. The only thing that loomed over him right now, was the fact he still had to tell Hermione about Ginny. Not right now though, He reasoned with himself. This is a wonderful moment and not to be spoiled with tears just yet. The two continued to hold each other, while standing there in the middle of the softly lighted classroom. The dim glow making Hermione even more appealing to him. He looked down at her face and cupped her chin to meet her eyes. " I want to stay like this with you forever, but we should go up to Dumbledore's study. Harry will be back with Kirsten soon."

"I know." Was all Hermione replied with. After a few more stolen moments they broke apart. Hermione vanished the chairs and the empty tea cups, While Draco put out the candles. He then unlocked the door and they left making their way for Dumbledore's study.

Draco, Hermione, Harry, Gwen and Kirsten asleep in the playpen brought along, sat in Dumbledore's study. All not saying much and looking around with worried expressions on their faces. Finally Hermione broke the silence.

"Draco, You really should get some rest. You are still so weak."

"You are weak too I am sure. I am not going anywhere till Dumbledore gets back."

"Draco, At least see Madam Pompfrey, Get her to look at your wounds. They are not all healed yet." She said, walking over to sit next to him.

"I will go and see her as soon as I hear word from Dumbledore. I can't believe he just left us here, to sit, To wait. How could he not even let me fight my own battle." Draco replied.

"Draco mate, You were injured bad, I am sure he was just thinking in your best interest." Harry said. Looking a bit sleepy eyed, but awake none the less.

"I don't care, this all happened because of me. This is my battle." Draco replied.

Again all of them were quiet. The only noise came from Kirsten moving in her playpen or the odd hissing noise from a strange unidentified object in Dumbledore's study. Again time passed as if the clock was ticking backwards. They all just stared around the room, every once in a while stealing a glance at each other with a worried expression. After what seemed to be forever the silence was broke again, This time by Gwen.

"I think I am going to go down to the kitchens and get something to eat. The least we could all do is eat something, Hermione you must be malnourished and Draco I am sure you aren't doing much better. Besides Kirsten will be up soon and she will need breakfast." Her voice barely above a whisper.

"I am fine Gwen thank you." Draco replied, not taking his eyes off the window.

"Gwen, I can get Kirsten breakfast." Hermione said.

"I am going either way Draco, I might as well get you something and Hermione, you could use some rest. I will go." She said, a bit of attitude.

"If you insist, Although I am not all that hungry." He replied, still staring out the window as if it might burst into flames any second.

"Thank you Gwen." Hermione said. Nodding to her and smiling.

"I will go with you Gwen." Harry said, joining the conversation and standing up.

"Alright Harry, Let's go then. Give the love birds a few moments alone." Gwen replied, standing up and taking Harry's extended hand.

"Yeah, Perhaps talk about the past or something." Harry said, looking over at Draco. He had been thinking on and off about Ginny and how she fits into the whole mess.

Draco simply glared and Harry as he watched him walk from the room. It seem to Draco's delight that Hermione had taken no notice to what Harry had said, she simply stared off at the fire with a sombre expression pasted on her features.

"What my love?" Draco asked, grabbing her hand.

"Ohh Nothing, Just worried about Bersies and Dumbledore." She replied, not taking her eyes from the fire.

"I know, I just want some news." Draco said.

It was if his words had made it so, Just the the fire turned a dark emerald green and none other than Dumbledore came bounding out of the fire place. Hermione and Draco not expecting this gave a little jump, Then both turned to look over at Kirsten to make sure she was till sleeping, Thankfully she was.

"Sir! What?? how could you?? What on earth were you?? do that???" Draco said, his words coming out all on top of one another.

"Draco, It wasn't you. This battle wasn't yours to fight. It was my mistake."

"He was my Uncle, Blaise was my cousin. How could this not be my fight?" Draco said.

"Draco, It really had nothing to do with that, Yes they wanted Hermione, but Itlaus' true ambition was the locket, and the locket was my mistake." Dumbledore said, for the first time it seemed as if his eye's didn't twinkle.

"Sir," Hermione piped up, Her honey brown eyes holding a look of worry. "Where is Bersies?"

Draco then at that moment realized she wasn't there. She was no where in the room. He looked over at Dumbledore and knew the answer before he even said it. It was written all over the older man's face.

"Dead Hermione, I am sorry. I told her to get out. I told her the locket would destroy her. I warned her. She wouldn't listen. She kept saying she could change Blaise." Dumbledore looked down at his desk. "I am sorry. I did everything I could."

Hermione simply began to cry, Draco stood there in shock. Finding it hard to make words. Finally like a rush he found what he wanted to ask. "Sir, What about my uncle and Blaise?"

"Your Uncle is dead Draco, and Blaise well Blaise is in St. Mungo's soon to be transported to Azkaban.. That is what took me so long, He was badly injured." The elder man said.

"I think I should go see Blaise before he is transported to Azkaban." Draco said.

"What Draco!?" Hermione asked, outraged.

"It is something I need to do Hermione,I need to know the whole story about Kirsten and the plan. You are only telling me what you think happened." He said, squeezing her hand and meeting her gaze.

She sat there for a moment before she spoke thinking everything over. She didn't want him to, but she understood why he wanted to. "Alright Draco." She then placed her head on his shoulder, and the tears escaped her again.

"Look, I have a few things to attend to, Like destroying this locket so that all this never happens again." Dumbledore said, the twinkle starting to return to his eye's. The man then left without another word, leaving Draco and Hermione alone in the study, Hermione crying softly on Draco's shoulder. Just when the two had forgotten about Gwen and Harry, They came into the study. Not even aware of everything they had just found out. They set the trays of food on a nearby table and sat down.

"What's going on?" Gwen asked.

"You told her Draco? You told her about Ginny?" Harry asked, both Hermione and Gwen looked at Harry and expression of utter confusion swept across their faces. Draco however looked furious.

"What about Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"Ohh, umm...err...Well, I don't know actually. Forget I ever said anything. It has been a long night."

"Draco," Hermione turned to him.

"This isn't the time my love" Draco said, looking away from Harry, to turn to Hermione.

"No Draco, What is it? What does Ginny have to do with any of this?" Hermione asked.

A/N: Alright, seeing as no one put in for baby names, I guess I will just pick my own, but am still very open to suggestions..:) Alright, now this chapter wasn't exactly exciting, but I wanted to do both views, firs this one, then the next chapter will be What happened with Dumbledore and Itlaus and Blaise, Hence why I left what happened when Dumbledore explained it a bit sketchy. Anyway, I hope you all liked it and don't forget to Review please:)