Disclaimer: We do not own the Newsies only the ones you don't know.

Co written with Lindi

Chapter 1: Convincing Mr. Kerley

"Please, Mr. Kerley." Lindi pleaded on her hands and knees as Treece stood with an amused expression on her face. "Have mercy and do it for us."

"And I could play my flute for accompaniment on some of the songs." Treece said trying to make it seem less of a load to do the play.

"No way. I will NOT do a play on the Flusies." Mr. Kerley said ridiculing the idea.

"But, Mr. Kerley, it would be such an expansion of the VCA Music and Drama program and tons of people would show up." Lindi responded hopefully.

"Please, please, pwease." They both begged with the puppy dog look on their faces.

"No, no, NO!!" He said even though the girls know his resolve was weakening.

"Mr. Kerley," Tara (Lindi) said coyly, "just pray about it, will you? We've been good too."

"Yeah, we have," Treece piped in, both girls standing with angelic looks on their faces.

"Ok! Ok! I'll give some thought to it, I won't promise anything though, K?" Mr. Kerley relented.

With squeals of joy, both girls gazelled out of the music room. In their haste they nearly pummeled into Amanda who was anxiously awaiting the news of the other girls' endeavor.

"So, how'd it go?" were the first words out of her mouth.

With Cheshire cat smiles the girls related what had happened.

"Yes!" The girls jumped up and down like creamy moo cows. (inside joke)

"Okay girls," Lindi said taking charge. "we've got things to do."

As they scampered off, they would have died had they known Mr. Kerley's thoughts at that very moment. "I can't believe I'm doing this!"