Review Last Chapter: Erk decided to go help Lord Pent with Serra and left Priscilla heartbroken. After some struggles with Canas, Serra surrendered to Jack and his army. Erk, of course, went to rescue her. After rescuing her though, she decided to save Lord Pent by herself by trading her life with his. She left her diary for Erk.

Don't you just hate it when you want to know what happened next in the following chapter and the author jumps somewhere else? Well, all of you guys will hate me now.

R Amythest: No, I will never kill of Erky Poo (his new nickname by me). I will kill myself before I kill him since I am one of his fan girls. I love you Erky! Oops, sorry for that since I am a bit hyper right now...apologies. But seriously, I will never dare to kill him since I have a huge obsession over him (written in my bio). Back to reality, I will never be able to compete with all those fan girls out there even if I try so hard. Thanks for the tip about the Serra thing. I think she might have shouted at Jack's father or something before she traded her life with Lord Pent's...who knows what she did to convince him? Thanks for the support! Also, I found only two Lowen fans on FFN. Never knew that.

Me=Sad: Oh, I'm sorry. But someone has to die and Canas couldn't since the orchestra will go crazy without him. Deep apologies.

A fan of Fire Emblem: Actually, you're right. I kind of made an ending to them but it wasn't that specific. Let me finish that up for you! Sorry about that since this fic is mostly about Serra/Erk. Thanks for the review! About the Dorcas thing, I better check since he's not really one of my favorites.

Michelle of the Night: Nice question. The answer is coming real soon I promise since there are only two or three chapters left.

Emerald-Latias: I updated kind of late, sorry about that! I hope this chapter will answer your question about Rebecca and Raven. Thanks for pointing the Dorcas thing as well.

Serra19: If you don't continue your fanfic, I am really going to kill you! J/K. Anyways, I hope this chapter is as intense.

Nami: Yes, this story is coming to an end. How sad... Thanks for
complimenting on my story since it takes a lot of effort to think of something like this.

Davis3: That's a good thing, right? Thanks for the review!

Serenade.EXE: Thanks for the compliment! About the Erk and Serra thing you mention, just need read the author note.

Cardmaster372: Thanks for the review and compliment! Your support is always rewarding.
Love is the history of a woman's life; it is an episode in man's. -Germaine De Stael

Chapter XXI: Love or Fraud?

Rebecca knew she could not stop loving him and she could not stop thinking about him either. Even though she was cheerful the last few days but the sadness she kept deep inside was leaking out once more. Without Lowen or Serra, she felt lonely. Matthew could do nothing to help her again. At the very sight of him, Rebecca could not take it anymore as she ran over and wrapped her arms firmly around his waist.

She would not allow tears to leave her eyes anymore as she held him tighter around the waist. His smooth red hair along with his serious face that never left her mind for once. She thought of him when she cooked, fought, and even slept. She would not allow him to leave her anymore.

"Raven?" She asked after a whole moment of silence. The male before her pulled her away from him as she finally had enough courage to open her eyes to look.

"Rebecca, are you ok?" Lord Eliwood asked in a worried tone.

Rebecca looked down at her feet in shame. "L-Lord Eliwood...I'm sorry for...that..." Rebecca was trying hard to choke back her tears as she spoke with the lord before her. Lord Eliwood's eyes were filled with kindness and with concern for her lack of happiness. Lord Eliwood was about to give her a small hug when Rebecca shook her head in disagreement.

"Lord Eliwood...I had bothered you enough, I'll let you be." Rebecca politely bowed at the lord before she rushed back to her own tent. It was morning at her place, just barely half an hour after nine. Raven was cooking for the entire group since Lowen was gone and Rebecca had gone in a mood of deep depression ever since. Rebecca could hear the flaps of her tent opening.

It must be Lord Eliwood again and trying to help her out with his noble attitude, but Rebecca found another particular person at the opening. It wasn't the person she hoped to meet either as her face darkened again. It was the new member in their group under the name of Nino. Nino was an anime mage like what Erk used to be, but she couldn't read so she was never found in her tent, reading all day either.

"Rebecca! I was going to ask you to help me with the necklaces again..." Nino called out loud and found Rebecca's miserable face. "But I guess this is a bad time so..."

Before Nino could leave the tent, Rebecca cried out immediately. "Nino, please stay and talk to me." Nino obediently listened as she walked over silently and sat next to Rebecca's side. Nino was one cheerful helpful little girl in which Rebecca enjoyed being company with especially after the departure of her best friend Serra. Rebecca knew Nino was an honest person and might inform Lord Hector and Lord Eliwood about her situation with Raven, but she decided to take that chance.

"Nino...I really wanted to be with Raven to the bitter end, but all he ever wanted is to kill my best friend, Serra, because he thinks she killed his best friend, Lucius. Are you getting any of this?" Rebecca decided to stop there as she looked at a really confused Nino. Rebecca sighed to herself. What did she expect? Nino was one year younger than her and did not know anything about the death of Lucius and Dorcas.

But Nino finally got out of her little trance as she said politely to Rebecca. "Rebecca, there is a very simple way out of this actually. Just go straight up to your beloved Raven and tell him everything you know. He must understand how you feel and be with you again. I think he is just trying to stay away from you so he doesn't hurt you." Those words got through Rebecca like an arrow of light through her heart. Rebecca shot up to her feet.

"Thanks Nino. I could not believe I didn't think of that before and you're one year younger than me. Thanks!" Rebecca thanked Nino quickly as she left the tent. Nino smiled to herself as she started to make another necklace Rebecca taught her before. Nino knew a lot about love, it's just no one ever noticed before.

Raven finished cooking as he sat down by the entrance of the kitchen tent and started looking at his sword in deep thinking. He knew he had been blaming himself for everything ever since the departure of his best friend, Lucius. And he had left most of it on Rebecca. He knew Rebecca wanted to help him and wanted to be with him for the rest of their life together. But he knew he would bring trouble to her and things would never work out between them anyways.

Suddenly, someone tripped over his leg as he automatically jumped up and grabbed the young female's arm to keep her from falling. He found himself face to face with Rebecca. He had been avoiding her all this time and suddenly, they were so close. "You..." Raven let go of his grip on her arm as he started to walk off. Rebecca didn't give up just yet as she grabbed a hold of his free hand.

This little move caused Raven to turn around and face the beautiful young sniper in front of him. He found himself missing her company all so much, but he would not allow himself to show this in front of her. He must not soften anymore and be tough. Rebecca gave him a little smile before speaking. "Raven, I need to speak with you." Rebecca said in a ordered voice.

Raven did not listen as he continued walking on his way and letting go of Rebecca's hand. But knowing Rebecca by now, she would never give up as she grabbed a hold of his arm now. "Raven, listen to me. You had been avoiding me all this time; it's time we have a moment to speak to one another. I know you are still upset and everything, but you shouldn't take it on everyone around you especially me. I love you and I would never regret saying those words."

Raven finally gave his full attention to Rebecca. "You don't want to be with me. I will never provide you happiness. I am nothing more than a mercenary only wanting revenge." Rebecca shook her head as tears of happiness filled her eyes.

"I don't care if you couldn't provide me happiness. I am happy when I am around with you. Without you, life lost all meaning. Raven..." Rebecca choked, every word harder than the last. Raven fully understood the full potential of her words and held Rebecca tight as she sobbed on his shoulder.

"Rebecca...sorry..." Raven mumbled as Rebecca nodded on his shoulder. After some time, she finally looked up at him with happy eyes once more.

"Raven, no matter what happens, I want you to always be with me." Raven nodded in agreement as the two were in another tight hug.

"Rebecca, I will stop looking for revenge...for're right, two wrongs does not make a right." The two walked together as Rebecca's arm wrapped tight around Raven's waist. Raven never felt comfortable in his life even if he held his usual stern face on. Raven felt something he never felt before in his life with Rebecca. It was trust. He would never allow himself to trust anyone before except Lucius, but now, he trusted Rebecca.

The two sat down together in front of Raven's tent as Rebecca steadily rested her head on his shoulder as Raven spoken in a different subject for once. " know about Priscilla and Guy..." Of course Rebecca knew, everyone knew about it.

Guy and Priscilla barely came back and already told the lords and ladies of their planned wedding together. The news spread like wildfire and everyone knew about this wedding already. But that wasn't all, now there were rumors and gossips spreading all over. Most of the rumors involving Erk. The most common one is Priscilla getting married to Guy so she could torture Erk for running off with Serra on their blessings.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" Rebecca asked curiously. Rebecca knew how Raven lost everyone close to him, but his sister. Rebecca could still remember that argument with Sain that brought her to the fact that Priscilla was Raven's sister. Raven must be really upset at the fact that Priscilla hasn't had a decent conversation with him without something bad happening.

"No...she could do whatever she wants." The words that came from Raven's mouth were harsh and hurt at the same time. Priscilla meant a lot to him no matter what he was saying on the outside. Rebecca knew they would just go into another argument if she wanted to change Raven's mind about his sister. Rebecca knew there was only one other person who could help Priscilla out now.

Rebecca caught sight of Sain walking through, trying to flirt with Farina now. Rebecca couldn't help but smile to herself. Raven needs friends like Sain. Rebecca knew she had been through a lot with Sain, but she could always depend on him as a battle partner and friend. She had many other friends as well such as Serra, Erk, Matthew, Guy, Lowen, and Nino. Rebecca thought for a second there, Sain winked at her. But no matter what happens later on, she will remember Sain.
In the meantime, Erk could only find blood all over the ground in which Serra was executed. He could not believe his eyes. He was too late and she was gone forever. Erk took a deep breath and knew this must be some kind of joke. Until he sees her dead body or gravestone, he would never believe this.

Then, he gently touched the blood on the ground. It was still fresh. He then heard a voice. "Her gravestone is not too far from here, just head south." Erk turned around to find himself face to face with Jack. Jack didn't look a bit upset as he kept a cool face on.

Erk did not know what took over him as he grabbed Jack hard on the collar. "What did you do to her?" Erk asked in an angry and demanding voice as Jack pulled himself away from Erk.

"Nothing, it was all my father. I advise you go visit her." Jack suggested as he walked south as Erk followed closely behind. Jack revealed a gravestone that had shiny words written on it: SERRA OSTIAN BISHOP.

Erk stood staring at the words while Jack walked off without any more words. Jack could not help but felt the endless water in his eyes. Erk knew crying was something not too manly but he couldn't help himself as tears reached his eyes. He smoothly touched the letters SERRA as he spoke to himself. "Serra, why are you so evil? You didn't even say good-bye..."

His fingers reached the letters OSTIAN as he continued speaking to himself miserably. "Why didn't I trust you before? How could I not see the things in front of my own eyes?" Erk wiped his tears from his eyes as he choked back tears.

Lastly came the words BISHOP, Erk already collapsed on his legs and started mumbling the words. "I wish I never met you. I wish I never escorted you to Ostia. I wish we never loved each other. At least, you would still be alive and well." Erk was practically sobbing on Serra's gravestone now.

Little did he know, there were light footsteps from the back of the dead trees. Snow was falling really quickly now as Erk lifted his head away from the gravestone. Footsteps were getting closer and closer as Erk finally heard the endless walking through the heap of snow. Jack was coming back to pity him. Erk looked around at the owner of the footsteps with his swollen eyes.

Erk could not see well through the falling snowflakes and also, the small tears leftover in his red eyes. But from the figure of the person, it wasn't Jack. Erk could make out a young girl his height wearing something white. Erk quickly wiped the tears away and watched the girl walking closer and closer.

Now, he could make out the outfit. She was wearing a nice slender white dress. Could it be? Erk watched as she walked close enough to him that he could make out her familiar face. "S-Serra?" Erk asked with some doubt in his voice. She simply smiled as the two came together in a tight hug. Erk would never let her go again. He didn't care if this was merely an image before him.

Serra simply kissed him passionately as the two pulled closer together. Serra wrapped her arms around his neck while he placed his arms around her body. After awhile, they finally let go for a gasp of air. Erk looked at her from top to bottom clearly to make sure he wasn't dreaming this whole embrace. "Serra, you're so evil. Why did you leave me? Why did you leave without saying farewell?"

"I'm evil? You're the one who said you never wanted to ever know me and loved me. I already told you I'm sorry. Besides, if I become a ghost, I will always haunt you day and night." Serra teased. Then, suddenly hit Erk as he quickly gripped onto Serra's shoulders.

"Serra, you're warm. So you're not really a ghost or an image, you're alive." Erk commented suddenly as Serra had a small playful shock on her face.

"Of course I'm still alive! If I die, I would definitely haunt you every day." Serra played around with Erk some more. Erk merely shook his head. Erk looked back at the gravestone and stared it before he noticed something isn't right.

"If you're here, then whose that?" Erk asked, looking directly at the gravestone now. Serra's face darkened a bit before she spoke again. Her face was serious now.

"The person lying there..." Serra showed deep affection now with no more playfulness in her tone. "is Kimberly."

Erk stared at Serra with disbelief. "Tell me everything."
Jack's father sat down in his room, drinking his tea when the door suddenly opened with a bang. Serra was standing in the doorway, looking directly at him. "All you want is me! I was the one that freed Erk, I was the one that caused everything. Let Lord Pent go!" Jack father's eyebrow raised slightly.

"What's in it for me?" He asked demandingly.

"As long as you let Lord Pent go, I would do anything! As long as you leave Lord Pent and Erk alone!" Serra declared as Jack's father took out his keys and hand her the one to the chamber dungeons.

"Trade your life with his."

"You are joking, right? You were going to execute Court Pent? He's the Magic General!" Serra argued as she held the key firmly in her hand.

"I listen to only one person and that is the King of Bern. I kill anyone else I wish. Are you willingly to surrender and die in his place???" Jack's father asked harshly as Serra thought quickly. She knew Jack might be softhearted for her, but not his father. His father wanted her dead for playing with his son's heart. She could just go and rescue Lord Pent, but Bern would know about Lycia moving into their territories and this would have brought much trouble to Lord Eliwood, Lord Hector, and Lady Ada.

"Agreed." Serra replied sourly as she headed off to the chamber dungeons to free Lord Pent.

After Lord Pent was freed, he knew he must come up with a plan to rescue Serra that would not cause Bern to go to war with Lycia. This meant that he had to save Serra without actually people knowing that he saved her. This is going to be hard without any extra help. But while Lord Pent was heading back to Bern's royal palace, someone stopped him in his tracks.

"Hmmm, you're the one that captured me in the first place." Lord Pent commented as he saw Jack standing in front of him. Jack did not have any weapons with him as Lord Pent could tell that he was safe since he had his Elfire tome just in case.

"So you're Court Pent, are you going to find a way to save Serra?" Jack asked casually as Lord Pent thought quickly to tell him or not. Jack had a little smirk on his face now. "If you are, I can help you."

Lord Pent could not decide if Jack was on his side or not. "How?"

"I know exactly how to help her, but we need a replacement. I thought of someone already but she would never listen to me, you're the only one who could convince her." Jack explained quickly as Lord Pent thought it over. Could he really trust Jack?

Jack and his men walked back to the dungeons again as Serra gave him a dirty look. Jack asked to talk to Kimberly as the two left the dungeons, out of Serra's earshot. Kimberly waited patiently in Jack's room until the door swung open to reveal Lord Pent, dressed in a dark brown cloak. Kimberly ran over and gave Lord Pent a tight hug, forgetting for a second that he was the Magic General.

After realizing that she actually "hugged" him, she quickly let go as Lord Pent gave her a deep smile. "Kimberly..."

Kimberly then remembered about Serra in the dungeons. "Please save Serra, I would do anything." Jack had hope written all over his face now, but Lord Pent looked really unsure.

"Kimberly, we need a replacement for Serra..." Lord Pent could not bear the thought of asking this young lady in front of him to sacrifice for someone else when they are not companions outside the dungeons. Jack and Kimberly understood Lord Pent's words as Kimberly fell to her knees.

"Please...let me be the one...I would just stayed in prison forever anyways...let me be free and join my family..." Lord Pent quickly lifted the young girl to her feet with deep gratitude and regret on his face. Kimberly knew that her sacrifice would at least saved another person's life.

The next morning when the sun had fully risen, Serra was ready to be executed as she sat on her knees waiting for the time to pass by quickly and finished her off already. She was sick at the thought that she would never serve Saint Elimine. She was sick at the thought that she would never see Erk again. Never in her life did she want to die, but if she don't then who will?

Just before the execution, Jack started marching in with a bunch of monks and clerics holding big mirrors. Jack took a deep bow at his father before speaking. "Father, as you know, Serra is a cleric so I brought a whole group of monks and clerics to greet her farewell. The mirrors are a sign to Saint Elimine for her luck in the afterlife." Jack's father nodded in approval while Jack walked up onto the platform towards Serra.

"Serra, don't worry. One nice strike from the executioner and you'll be free." Jack said playfully with a spark in his eyes as a huge man, carrying a giant axe, waited for Jack to back away from the platform.

"That's reassuring." Serra meekly said as she watched Jack left the platform.

"At the count of guys start raising your mirrors." Jack whispered to the clerics and monks. They nodded in unison. "One...two...three..."

The clerics and monks all raised their mirrors as the sun shone brighter than ever. Jack's father placed his hands over his eyes so he doesn't get blinded by the light as well as anyone else in the area. Even the huge berserker was blinded as he carelessly aimed his axe right at the prisoner's head.

Just as the head left the prisoner's body, Jack jumped forward and covered it with his cloak. "Serra...SERRA!!!" He screamed as the clerics and monks started to wept.

"Brilliant." Erk commented as he smiled at the bishop. "So right at the second everyone was blinded, the switch was made. Absolutely brilliant indeed." Serra was now laughing at his stunned face.

"You're giving too much credit to Jack, Erky. Lord Pent and Kimberly helped as well. To think of it, if I knew Jack was this smart, I would have chosen him over you!" Serra commented as Erk looked furiously at her. Serra laughed again as she gave him a playful push.

Then, another question popped into Erk's head. "But wouldn't Jack's father knew that Kimberly was gone from the dungeons?" Serra didn't look a bit concern.

"Jack already told his father that Kimberly went back home in Ilia on his permission. Even if Jack's father didn't agree, Jack already freed Kimberly beforehand. But I think Jack's father would never be so watchful as to care if one prisoner was gone."

The two walked off together as Serra gave a little grin back at the gravestone. Never in her life did she owe anyone anything, but today, she owed Kimberly her very life. Kimberly was a friend, one that Serra will never forget. If Kimberly didn't agree to replace her, then the chances are slim. "Thank you, Kimberly. May Saint Elimine bless you." Serra whispered as she wrapped one arm around Erk's waist.
Lord Hector was restless all day long, they had finally found the fire emblem, but they could not see the queen unless Lord Pent was to come anytime soon. Everyone was impatient as well. Not only did Guy and Priscilla suddenly ask for a wedding, but Lowen and Canas never came back to the camp as well. Everyone was worried especially the orchestra.
Back at the Serra and Erk's tent, Canas was waiting patiently all morning. He had heard news that he couldn't believe his very ears. Serra was dead. Lying back to his pillow, Canas thought deeply. Even if the witch was dead, he wasn't happy at all. But why? He always wanted revenge for Lucius, and now, the person who killed him was dead.

Lord Pent came in the tent as Canas shot up to his feet and bowed deeply. Lord Pent dismissed the act as Canas stood silently waiting for any kind of explanation. "Serra is dead. She traded my life with hers. We shall go on to Bern's royal palace where everyone await us." Lord Pent's eyes were to the sky was one sunny morning despite all the snow around them. He smiled to himself to send the message for Serra. Before the sunset of today, everyone will think that Serra is dead.

Canas didn't question the Magic General as they headed on their way, taking Serra and Erk's tent with them. This was another request from Serra so they could spend a nice day together without any worries. Lord Pent knew that if all goes well, he would have Serra as a family member.
The day was growing more tiring and longer as the two walked with each other towards the royal palace. Between the two, they were not a bit worried about their friends back at the group. "They must have rescued the prince by now." Erk muttered out of the blue. Serra was amazed at the fact that they thought of the same thing when they actually listen to each other.

A dark veil covered up the sky as the two seek out shelter since their tents had disappeared for some reason. Serra couldn't help but smiled to herself at this little move. Erk spotted a small cottage nearby as the two rushed towards it, in hopes of shelter and food.

There was a nice miniature garden at the backyard of the cottage in which they entered. Serra had never seen a place so cozy before as they looked around in wonder until an old lady walked out to greet them. She was in her fifties and was just a pleasant. "What are two young people doing out at a time like this? Here, come in for dinner." Erk was on his defense just in case but Serra merely followed the women in the house.

Dinner wasn't what you called "expensive", but it was plenty for the four under the same roof. The old couple was eating quietly to themselves as they eyed Serra and Erk. Erk had been eating politely and tried not to eat too much. Serra was a different story since she was trying to eat as much as she could. Erk thought this was way too much.

"Serra, it's not like back at our group, you couldn't just eat as much as you want." Erk decided to comment as Serra stopped stuffing her face with food.

"Erk, you barely ate anything!" Serra commented as she passed some of her vegetables into his bowl. The small amount of vegetables and fruit dropped softly as Erk stared at them without a single sign of action, but the confusion on his face was clear.

"Serra, you are skin and bones. You lack protein, you need some meat." Erk commented in a steady tone, as if reading off a book. Serra was about to argue back when the old couple couldn't help but laugh at their actions.

"You two don't seemed like brother and sister to me..." The friendly old lady remarked as Serra's face turned a slight shade of red even though it was Erk who claimed that the two were siblings. "More like a young runaway couple to me."

Before Erk could counter her statement, Serra replied first. "Wow, you have sharp eyes! Actually I come from a noble family, and Erk comes from a very poor family. My parents claimed Erk as too poor and won't let us get married, so we had to run away." Erk's face was all flushed now as the old couple nodded in understanding.

"You two are welcome here as long as you want." The old man invited as Serra and Erk thanked in unison.

In the morning, Erk woke up with a happy feeling all over his body. Last night was awfully relaxing since it had been quite awhile since he was on a soft comfortable bed like back at home with Lord Pent and Lady Louise. Serra really never told him where Lord Pent had went after he escaped, but knowing Serra, he must be back with Lord Eliwood and Lord Hector by now.

Erk walked slowly outside his room, his old boots stepping lightly on the fine wood beneath it. Erk caught sight of Serra's pink hair tied in the two usual ponytails, her gaze away from him and towards outside. Even before Erk could say anything, Serra already held his hand to show him to be quiet. So he decided to watch whatever Serra was watching.

Erk could not believe his eyes as he watched the old couple working hard on the small garden, but never did their eyes filled with any regret. Their eyes were filled with happiness! How could they be so happy when they are doing work and at a time like this?

Serra tightened her hold on Erk's hand, as she spoke softly. "Don't you just admire the couple? They might be old, but their hearts are as young as any of us. Never did I see something this peaceful..." Serra gave a teasing glance. "Well, maybe except for jewels."

Erk knew Serra was right. Inside his mind right now, deep inside, there was a huge admiration and sudden burst of jealousy as well. How much he wanted his life to be like theirs! He always wanted to have a small garden of his own where he could work about in the morning while studying magic throughout the rest of the day.

"We bothered them enough for today." Serra spoken, at last, out of the awkward silence between them. For once, Erk agreed with Serra as the two tried to sneak past the old couple without a sound.

But unexpectedly, the old man just turned around and greeted the two as if nothing happened at all. Serra nervously grinned as she greeted the two as well. The kind old lady looked at Serra from top to bottom, as a glint of excitement reached her soft blue eyes.

"Serra and Erk, aren't you two a runaway couple? You guys need a disguise first." Erk didn't answer but stared at Serra instead. Serra turned a little pale and realized what she barely said last night to the old couple. Now, she was trapped.

Before Serra could answer, Erk excused himself and pulled Serra out of earshot of the other two. "Serra, what are we supposed to do? You got us into this, you better get us out!" Erk exclaimed, trying to keep his voice calm.

Serra grinned. "Maybe this isn't such a bad idea. Everyone thinks I'm dead anyways, then why not disguise myself as someone else?" Erk was about to object when Serra already ran back out.

"A disguise would be appreciated." Serra told the old lady while Erk caught up.

The old lady gave Serra a sweet smile before turning her attention over to Erk. "How about you?" Erk merely rejected the offer politely.

The old lady didn't seem to mind Erk's rejection as she asked Serra, "Any idea who you want to be?" Serra had that evil grin on again as she thought quickly.

After awhile, Erk was waiting patiently outside the door for Serra. He wondered who did she chose to look like after this. It couldn't be anyone like Rebecca or Lady Louise since discovering you have a twin is not a bright idea. If it is someone living, it might cause problems. Then that would mean...

Finally, the door swung open as the old lady walked out first with a satisfy expression printed all over her face. Then, the next person to walk out was a young girl with beautiful straight hair and purple eyes. "S-Serra?" Erk managed to choke out the words.

"Erky!" Serra shrieked as she jumped into his arms. At least Erk knew for one thing, Serra still felt the same in his arms.

"Serra, who did you disguise yourself to be?" Erk asked curiously since it doesn't look like anyone he met before.

"Kimberly." Serra answered straight-forward, but the sadness spread over her face again. It was hard to say someone's name when they barely passed away. Erk decided it was better not to say anything as the two left the small cottage after saying good-bye to the kind old couple.

The old couple told them directions to reach Bern's royal palace as the two hurried on their way to meet the rest of the group. Serra couldn't wait to see what happens when everyone saw her like this. It didn't take long to reach Bern's royal palace as the two caught sight of the Lycian Leagues barely leaving the area.
Meanwhile when the lords were talking to Lord Athos, Priscilla was sitting on her chair and facing the mirror in front of her. She was getting married, and one of the first ones too. Priscilla couldn't help the frown over her face through as Nino brushed her hair. Nino was too cheerful about the whole marriage thing to notice the frown on Priscilla's face as she finished up and left the tent.

Walking silently as the wind, Priscilla caught sight of two figures walking by her tent. It was Sain and Rebecca, who seemed to be so deep in conversation that they didn't even noticed her presence. They talked quite quickly and Sain seemed most excited.

"Did you hear the latest news from Canas? Serra is dead." Sain started off as a sudden sadness spread over Rebecca's face.

"Poor Serra... It is times like this that I wished I was by her side..." Rebecca claimed out loud as she slouched a bit.

"There's nothing that would change about that, but there is something really important that might change a certain member in our group that is actually alive." Sain said in a severe tone.

"For a second there...I think you were serious." Rebecca teased as Sain raised his eyebrows slightly. Rebecca took that as a fact and continued. "You mean..."

As if Sain could read Rebecca's mind, he nodded his head in agreement. "Everyone knows that Erk ran off with Serra during Priscilla's blessing and everything. But now that Serra is gone, Erk will be crawling back to Priscilla in no time and stopped this 'wedding'." Sain explained as Rebecca quickly shook her head.

"Erk will never betray Serra even if she is dead." Rebecca argued as a smirk appeared on Sain's face.

"He is a guy after all..." Sain continued in a sly voice.

Rebecca glared at him now. "Not all guys are like you Sain!" Sain was about to disagreed with this when he saw Priscilla staring at the two. Now, his face turned pale.

Rebecca pulled her attention from Sain as she noticed Priscilla standing there for the first time as she automatically backed down at the situation before her. Sain was the one with enough courage to speak first. "Priscilla, we didn't mean anything honestly!" Rebecca sighed to herself. She would have thought of something more obvious than that.

The conversation between Sain and Rebecca did not anger Priscilla, but it got her thinking. Priscilla said not another word to the two as she went for a calm walk. Maybe something would happen to help her decide...but the words kept going through her mind. Was Serra really dead? Will Erk come back to her?

Not long after, Guy, who looked awfully restless at the moment, interrupted Priscilla's thoughts. Priscilla kept a calm face on while Guy talked. "Erk is back to the camp with a girl name Kimberly. It seemed that the rumors are true...Serra is dead."

Priscilla finally brought her sad eyes to face Guy. "What does this have to do with me?" Priscilla asked casually as if she heard nothing around her.

"That means Erk will be looking for you." Guy answered her as Priscilla dismissed the statement with a wave of her hand. Guy still didn't give up in talking with Priscilla though. "What will you do?"

Priscilla knew he was anxious for her answer and she must give at least something in return. "The wedding will go on." Guy's face relaxed a bit at this answer as the sky darkened for the night. The day went by way too fast as the two head off to their tent. The lords already returned some time ago with sad faces on because of Ninian's recent death and rested for the day as well as anyone else.
Serra was brushing her silky black hair carefully, hoping this would last through at least one day. She still hadn't told anyone about her disguise, not even Rebecca. The only ones that knew about this were Erk and Pent. Serra stared from the flaps of her tent to see Erk sitting still by himself, looking at the sky above.

Ever since they came back to the camp, everyone treated Serra with respect thinking that she is Kimberly and they did not hold a grudge against her. How much she wished everyone would think she's Kimberly, but sooner or later, she had to tell everyone the truth. But that doesn't mean she couldn't have fun now.

Despite this, there was also a major change in the group now. This was because of the sudden marriage arrangement between Priscilla and Guy. Serra knew from the start that Priscilla never had those feelings for Guy, but for Erk. Then, why is she marrying him? Was it true that she is getting back at Erk for everything he did?

Never leaving her eyes off Erk, Serra caught sight of Sain coming over to talk to Erk. Serra immediately kept her mouth shut and listened to the conversation between the two males outside her tent. Of course, to keep out of sight, Serra could only listened to their voices without actually directing looking at them.

"Cheer up, Erk!" The first voice rang out. Serra immediately recognized the cheerful and carefree voice as Sain's.

"I'm ok." The second voice retorted and of course, this person was Erk.

"It's about the Priscilla thing isn't it? I have a suggestion that will help you and benefit in all cases too!" The sly voice was forming in Sain again.

"What?" Erk asked quickly, thinking that any help is better than none.

"Just be with both girls at once! First, beg Priscilla to be back with you and of course, she'll come back. Then, ask cute young Kimberly to be with you as well and that shouldn't be too hard. Let them choose who gets to be your first wife or second, girls love to quarrel anyways. Besides...I love catfights! Now, all you have left is to find some kind of spell to bring Serra back from the dead. Soon enough, you will have three lovely ladies by your side and I'll be totally jealous! To add to that, maybe you could persuade Farina to be with you too..." Sain stopped adding suggestions when he saw a certain girl glaring at him from the flaps of the tent. Sain might act a bit dumb sometimes, but he was smart enough not to stay and get a wrath from a hotheaded lady.

Erk turned around to face Serra, who looked like she was going to explode any second. "Ser...I mean Kimberly...Up so late?" Erk asked softly, trying to hide the redness on his face.

"'ve been quiet all night! Are you seriously going to follow Sain's advice?" Serra watched as Erk tried to put on an innocent face. "That's why you haven't said a word to me all day!"

Erk still looked calm as he tried to calm Serra down. "It's not that..." But Serra would not listen to Erk anymore especially after hearing what Sain barely said. "Serra, listen to me!"

Serra immediately turned her back towards Erk and gave him the cold shoulder, but Erk wasn't giving up just yet. He gripped hard to her shoulder that made her turn her face towards him, but she was still angry. Erk took this chance and spoke slowly and softly. "Yes...I was thinking about Priscilla..." And instantly, Serra turned her back again. Erk, himself, walked over to the other side to face her. "But, I am going to tell her tomorrow about us."

These last words seemed to sink in quickly as Serra wrapped her arms around Erk. "Do be careful around Priscilla though...remember what happened to Lowen?" Erk nodded as the two headed off to bed.

As promised, Erk woke up quite early and went looking for Priscilla to talk to. But unfortunately, the group was to head to Lycia immediately, skipping breakfast as well. This stopped Erk for now until they stopped soon to eat lunch. The good news out of all this was a nice break for Raven and Rebecca, especially Rebecca. Rebecca was now trying to talk 24/7 to Wil and Matthew to hide her loneliness. But everyone knew anyways since who could deal with a situation in which two of your closest friends died at the same time.

Lunch came quickly as Erk headed off for Priscilla already, but he was still worried about Serra despite her disguise. So after finding everyone already running off for food, the only one he found was Sain and that was the person he asked to watch Serra for him and not let her get out of the tent. Erk immediately left afterwards.

Sain watched Serra carefully as she slowly ate her own vegetarian food until Serra couldn't take it anymore and started yelling at Sain in annoyance. "Sain! Let me go, will you? I know Erk asked you to guard me!!!"

"Duh, what would I be doing here instead of eating myself? Except to be dazzle by your familiar..." Serra was starting to get nervous now as Sain's eyes popped open in amazement. "Wait a second...those eyes...that scent...Serra???"

Serra knew that Sain would see right through her disguise as she changed back to Serra. "Can I please go now Sain??? I really need to find Erk!" Serra pleaded as Sain shook his head in reply. Erk already asked him a favor for once and he's not going to abandon it.

"Sain...if I don't go find Erk, do you know what Priscilla is going to do with him? Do you think Priscilla will let him go after his confession for his love for me? He'll be dead by the end of this lunch!" Serra tried again to convince Sain.

"Not lovely sad Priscilla..."

"SAIN!!!" Serra cried out loud as Sain backed down, out of her way as she quickly darted out of the tent.
Priscilla and Erk were in the same room, talking without any notice of the lunch beside the two. "Erk, nice to know that you're still alive after what happened with Jack and his army and everything." Priscilla said indifferently as she sipped some water.

Erk followed her as he, too, sipped some water. "Priscilla, call off this wedding. You know as well as I know you will be miserable if you continue with this. I know you don't love Guy and you're just doing this to hurt me. But actually, you're just hurting yourself." Erk tried to persuade Priscilla as she angrily slammed the cup down.

"Erk, you won't marry me. You run off during our blessing and you expect me to listen to you and not marry someone else? How selfish of you!" Priscilla couldn't hold her calmness any longer.

"Priscilla...please reconsider... When I lost Serra and stood in front of her grave, that was when I realized how precious she was to much everything in life meant... that was when I knew I love her and I wouldn't do anything foolish anymore. Please don't do this, it's foolish." Erk continued but Priscilla wouldn't listen as a deep angriness shown in her usual sad eyes.

"You mean you rather love a dead body rather than me???" Not only was anger involved in her voice, but disbelief as well.

Erk shook her head slowly and explained. "She's not dead. She's alive, and right now in our camp. Please reconsider...I must go now..." Erk stood up and headed for the flaps, but it was sealed tight.

"I'm sorry Erk, but if it's true that Serra is still alive...then she must be running towards here right now, looking for you. In that case, I might as well find her." Erk suddenly felt numb and could not move anymore. Priscilla gave Erk a sweet smile before heading out.

"It's the water..." Erk realized as Guy came in to guard him.
The group made it all the way to Ostia while Lord Hector, Lady Ada, Lady Lyndis, and Archsage Athos were talking in a room. Everyone knew what happened to Ninian and Eliwood would not see anyone, even Lyndis. Not everyone wanted to be inside the castle though as some people stayed outside to get some fresh air.

"ERK! Where are you???" Serra cried out as she still looked for Erk, who had gone missing all this time. Serra finally stopped in her tracks as she faced Priscilla in front of her. "What did you do with Erk???"

Priscilla gently smiled at Serra, ignoring her anger. "I see you're still alive. Very well, I have to finish you off myself." Serra quickly pulled out her tomes, ready to challenge Priscilla. Priscilla looked ready as ever as she glared at Serra.

Serra sent one of her most powerful light magic she learned at Priscilla, who easily dodged it on her horse and everything. Priscilla was about to sent her own powerful spell at Serra when suddenly a gust of dusty wind blew through that blinded both girls for a moment.

Serra tried to regain her eyesight to its full potential when she saw Priscilla's face turned as white as a ghost. Serra turned around to see a figure coming closer towards the two. "Dorcas?" Serra asked to herself as she caught a little bit of the figure coming closer despite the loss of sight.

Priscilla didn't look well at all, and didn't behave as calmly either. "Dorcas??? But you're dead! How..." Priscilla didn't finished her sentence when she already shot numerous spells everywhere in attempt to hit the figure. Serra tried to duck from the spells but it kept hitting everywhere around her.

Through the field outside Ostia, Erk rushed to find Priscilla or Serra, or both of them. He convinced Guy to let him seemed that Guy was only a pawn and nothing more. Erk could not help but felt awful for Guy as well as confused why Priscilla was so "evil". Erk finally came to the place where Serra and Priscilla were earlier and found it covered in smock as if someone had used lots of heavy spells on the ground.

"Serra? SERRA?" Erk asked out loud, while looking in all directions for any sign of Serra or Priscilla. Finally, Erk laid eyes on a certain brown slipper near a cliff as he ran over and held it tight to his chest. It was definitely Serra's slipper as a tear landed softly on it.
End of Chapter 21, finally. Sorry for the really late update but I was really busy all two weeks or something. I never run out of ideas, but I do run out of time. Next chapter is about what exactly happened to Serra and did the two girls actually saw Dorcas? I'm thinking of two or three more chapters left but I'm not totally sure yet. Before I forget, if you like SERK or Serra/Erk, I would like to add you to SERK supporter in my bio. Of course, I need your permission first! If any of you guys know where a website where I could get the completed game script of fire emblem 7, please tell me. Thanks. R & R.