Ad Infinitum

By StarWolf


Title: Ad Infinitum

Author: StarWolf ([email protected])

Fandom: South Park

Genre: Fluff

Rating: PG

Pairing: Stan x Kyle

Warnings: Slash

Disclaimer: Don't own them, not making money.

Distribution: Don't put it anywhere. You don't have my permission to archive this.

Summary: To infinity...

Authoress' Notes: For the SP_Slash list. Love you guys. :3


It's always been this way, he muses to himself as he climbs. Lift, foot, step, rung, lift, foot, step, rung, lift foot, don't slip, step, rung, don't run... Tap, tap, tap on the pane of glass; rouse the dreaming sleeper. Or is he a sleeping dreamer? Kyle votes for the latter and holds tight to the ladder.

Clock: 1:33 A.M. Bleary-eyed, Stan stumbles to the window, unlocks it, and extends his right arm. Grasping the proffered limb, Kyle heaves himself up, struggles over, and lands gracelessly on the floor. Stan loses his balance and tumbles onto the carpet with his friend, laughing drowsily. They pick themselves up; the bed looks very inviting, so they flop onto it.

Giggle. Smile. Yawn.

Air enters Stan's mouth, and Kyle's tongue is quick to follow. Everything is warm and soft as they tumble in a tangled mess of blankets and sheets and satin pyjamas (Stan's shirt still has a stain from spilled Coke). Knotted in bed linens and each other's arms, Kyle presses a kiss to Stan's neck and tucks his head against Stan's shoulder.

Stan's curtains sway in the cool night breeze as it lazily drifts its way to Kyle's nose. He stares at Stan's ceiling, inhales clothing lint and starshine, and thinks, this is eternity.
