Chapter 9

Look, I apologize for such extremely late updates. That's what happens when you move all over with barely any stops except to live in one place for a couple of months. Maybe for once I will be settled for awhile, you think? Now on with the story.

Seto's alarm blared in his ear at three thirty in the morning, yelling at him to get out of bed and get ready for the days work. "First day back to school, god damn the gods for putting this shit on my head." He mumbled as he crawled out of bed, moving towards his bathroom. Stripping out of his clothes he turned on the shower faucets, finding a simple temperature. Gliding between the wall and shower curtain he let the hot water cascade over his body, helping sooth his taught muscles. "God it's nice to be taking a hot shower again." He said to himself as he remembered earlier events of hiking and losing his brother, and finding the blonde. His eyes shot open. "SHIT!"

That woke Mokuba up. He shot out of bed when he heard his brother scream that one word. "Seto?" He asked, walking from his room to his brothers. "Seto? Are you alright?"

"Yes Mokuba. I'm fine." His brother answered through the door. "Just remembering that we have a stray staying here and we have to go to school today."

"Calm down Seto. Just take him to school with you." Mokuba said nonchalantly. "Enroll him. He needs to go to school anyway. And with you as a tutor, he'll learn quickly."

Seto couldn't believe it. His little brother was pretty much giving him orders. He wasn't hearing this. Mokuba was telling him to take the brainless mutt to school with him. "No. No, no, no, no, NO!" He said to his brother. "I won't do it. I am not taking a brainless dog to school with me."

"KAIBA SETO! You will do it! You will take him! Or so help me." Mokuba paused as he tried to think of a decent threat. "I will crash Kaiba Corps network computers! COMPLETELY!"

"Excuse me!" Seto threw his bedroom door open, holding nothing but a towel. "did you just threaten my company?" He looked up and down the hallway, looking for his little brother. "Mokuba?" He took of to his brothers room. "He really wouldn't hack into my network. Would he?" He slowed his pace. 'No, Mokuba isn't that stupid.' He thought finding said persons door open, and Mokuba on his laptop, typing furiously. "Mokuba?" He said, carefully looking over at what his brother was hacking into.

"I told you." Mokuba said with a triumphant smirk. He stopped typing and just held one finger over his enter key. "Take him to school. Or I will fry the system."

"You wouldn't."

"I very well would, big brother."

There was a lengthened pause before Seto finally gave in. "Fine Mokuba. I will take him. Now get out of my companies main frame."

Mokuba nodded his head, then stopped. Looking at his computer screen he smiled. And pressed the enter key, laughing happily.

"Mokuba! You did not just crash my system?"

"Nope. I didn't crash that system at all big brother." He smirked. "Actually. I just crashed MY school's system." He sang out. "I don't have to go to school today!"

"Really?" Seto gave funny look. "You know. If you don't get that system back up and running in the next five minutes, you will be stuck with Isla for the rest of the day! She is just your favorite nanny, isn't she?"

"You wouldn't!"

"Oh I very well would. I am sure she would be very pleased to come over and watch you for me for an entire day. Don't you think?" Seto smirked, raising a perfect brown eyebrow.

He laughed as he watched as his little brother started typing away, trying to reboot the school's system as fast as he could work. As he left the room he wondered if his new guest was awake, awake or dead. At the moment, he really didn't care. Walking slowly down the hall he knocked on his guests door. Receiving no answer he opened the door and walked in. "Mutt? Are you in here?" Stepping closer to the bed he found the blonde sleeping peacefully. Seto couldn't help it, all he could do was stare. The mutt was beautiful lying peacefully on the bed, the light slowly changing the color of skin as the sun rose. The blonde slowly changed from ethereal to just plain golden over time, and Seto just couldn't turn his eyes away.

When Jou rustled lightly in his sleep the spell was broken. Seto snapped out of his trance and looked around for a clock. 'Six A.M.! How long have I been standing here?' He looked down and groaned. 'And in a towel no less.' He looked back at Jou. "Wake up mutt!" He snapped. Picking up some of his spare clothes that he was guessing Mokuba left for the boy.

Jou sprang out of bed form the sudden noise and looked around. Eyeing Seto he was about to growl at him, but it died in his throat. Instead his face turned seven different shades of red, and it spread to his neck and ears. "W…" He tried to choke out. "W-what are you doing?"

Seto stared the pale blondes sudden red complexion. "Waking you up! What do you think I 'm doing. You're going to school with me. Now get dressed." He said, tossing the clothes at the blonde. But Jou didn't move, not an inch. He just stared. 'What is he starring at?' Seto wondered as he looked down. He flushed. "SHIT!" He screamed as he noticed that he dropped his towel. Throwing the towel around his waste as fast as he could, he bolted out of the room and into his.


How do you think school will go, good or bad, we shall find out.