Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J.K. Rowling. I am not her. This is merely a fan fiction to tide us over until Book 6.

A/N: Thank you all for your reviews. I wanted to let you know that I added Ginny's real name (according to J.K.'s Website) at the end. ================================================================ "Just push Gin."

Harry suddenly found himself being pulled forward by the collar of his robes until he was face to face with his wife in the hospital bed. "I am bloody well pushing and if you think you can do better be my guest!" she snapped as she released him.

Harry was glad he could get oxygen back to his lungs. Surprisingly that had been the worst Ginny had been since labor began.

Her back had been bothering her all day. He had rubbed it, drew her a bath and did everything he could think of to make her more comfortable, but nothing had worked. Finally around 10 p.m. she asked to go to St. Mungo's.

By the time they got to the hospital and registered, she was at 9 cm, and it was too late for any pain killing spells. She had not yelled, screamed or anything. In fact, quite a few nurses mentioned how Ginny must have a high tolerance for pain. The one that said she built for giving birth received a death glare from Ginny.

A half an hour later the cries of a baby filled the delivery room.

The entire Weasley family stood out in the waiting room. Ron was watching the delivery room doors for any sign of what was going on inside. Hermione sat beside him, making sure that Katharina was safe from her cousins, who were trying to terrorize the nurses.

Suddenly the doorway opened. Ron watched as his best friend exited the delivery room. Harry was pale and shaking. Truth be told he looked nearly as bad as he had following the defeat of Voldemort.

"Well mate?' Ron asked hoping for some word about his sister and new niece.

Shaking and wide-eyed Harry turned to look at him. "It's not a girl," he said before collapsing on the floor.

Quickly the Weasley family was on their feet, but none were as swift as Remus Lupin. He had caught Harry's head before it cracked on the floor.

"Like father like son," he muttered to himself before turning back to the Weasley family "He's just fine. He fainted."

A series of shocked giggles rang out in the waiting room. Remus let out a chuckle himself before waking Harry up. He was still a bit out of it when Ginny called out to him from the delivery room.

:Harry?" Ginny's tired voice echoed out into the waiting room.

"He fainted Gin," Charlie replied, peaking his head into the room. "Is it safe for us to come in yet?"

"Yeah, and bring my brave-hearted husband. There's a chair he can sit on in here."

A moment later, much to the displeasure of the mediwitch staff, a flood of Weasley's entered the room. Harry, still a bit dumbfounded watched as Ginny proudly showed off the bundle in her arms. It was their son. The baby was the spitting image of his father, except for the hair — he had his mother's hair. As soon as everyone was in the room, the questions began.

"Can I hold him?"

"How 'ya holding up Gin?"

"Give him here to Grandpa."

"What's his name?"

"Do you want some candy little fellow?"

"Fred, George," snapped Ginny sternly, sounding like an enraged dragon. "If you or your sons put anything near my son's mouth you will not live another day."

The banter continued on for awhile before the staff had enough. (That didn't happen until Georgie and Peeves unleashed some fireworks to celebrate their new cousin followed by some canary creams and ton toffees winding up in the break room.) Soon everyone was gone leaving Harry, Ginny and the baby alone.

Harry watched with unshed tears in his eyes as Ginny fed their son. She looked exhausted, but was never more breathtaking than at that moment. She turned to look at him and gave Harry a reassuring smile.

"Are you all right Harry?"

"Never better," he said as he got up and put his hand on the baby's head, "though I think we may have a problem."


"I only packed dressed for the baby to wear home," he said smiling. "And my son is not wearing a dress."

Ginny smiled before a flash of worry crossed her eyes. "You're not disappointed that he's a boy are you?"

"Merlin, no!" Harry said planting a kiss on Ginny's forehead. "But we don't even have a name for him."

"Yes we do," Ginny said smiling. "Look at the certificate on the table."

Confused Harry got up and looked at the single piece of paper on the bedside table. It was a birth certificate. It had the date, the hospital name, the time and a lot of other information. Finally he saw it "parents: Harry James and Ginevra Molly (Weasley) Potter present a son: Albus Sirus James Potter."

"You named him after Dumbledore and Sirus?" Harry asked smiling broadly as he sat back down on the bed beside his wife and son.

"I thought it fitting. Don't forget he's named after your dad too. I figured having him named after Dumbledore may balance out any influence you dad and Sirus might have had on him — genetically and godfatherly speaking. I don't want our son to get into too much trouble. I thought about naming him Remus Rubeus Potter, but it just didn't sound right."

"No, Moony Potter sounds better," Harry chuckled.

"Fine, you pick the boy's name next time."

"You'll let there be a next time?" Harry asked surprised.

"No soon," she said burping the baby, "unless I find a way to make you carry and delivery it. But yes, there will be a next time. I mean you wouldn't want all those girl clothes to go to waste, especially since you have Lily embroidered on some of them."

"Have I told you I love you?" Harry said grinning.

"Not to both of us," she said smiling as the baby let out a tired yawn. Harry kissed his wife and won.

"I love you Albus," he said. "I love your mum too. She's a pretty spectacular lady."

Albus giggled in response. Harry and Ginny both chuckled.

Somewhere in Heaven, James and Lily Potter as well as Sirus Black and Molly Weasley smiled down at the little miracle of the new family.