
Mother is dead, Father is dead.
My dreams are dead.
The fire, the ever raging fire…
It blocks out the sweet glimmer of stars, the beautiful stars.
The fire rages, and so does my hatred.
Though the flames in Nibehelm do cease,
The flames in my heart never shall be extinguished.

Sephiroth, I want revenge!
Do you know how many lives you took that night?
That fateful night Nibehelm burned?
The hurt, the destruction, the desolation…
Though I bet you don't know that.
You are just not human.

The many shattered dreams,
The many hopeful souls…
Just because you became angry?
I am angry too.

One day,
I myself will take your life.

No matter what they call you,
The invincible,
The unbeatable,
The scourge of god…
I shall,
and will,
Defeat you one day.
For you are just but a lousy experiment.

An experiment gone wrong,
My dear,
You must learn to accept that fact.
The way I must accept the truth.
The truth that everybody I know in my whole life is dead.
Except maybe for…

Maybe he would help me.
Help me defeat you, that is.
He has a promise to keep.

Or he would turn against me,
Strike me unawares,
While you laugh your evil laugh.
For he,
Too is the property of Shrina now.

So if no one else would,
And no one else could,
I shall strike out on my own,
To thrash you myself,
Even if I die doing so.

And ShRina…
I hate them too.
For creating you,
For what they've done to me.

I was innocent,
But you brought hatred to my mind,
And doing so, you must pay.

One day,
I, Tifa, shall bring about the collapse of ShRIna!