Chapter One
Four days it had been. Four days since two female women and an unconscious Elf maiden had been captured by Orcs and eventually escaped, the Elf had rested in the arms of the older looking woman throughout the days. These days had been long and the nights even longer. The trio had nowhere to go and had no idea where they were going. All they knew was that they were travelling in the opposite direction of the Orcs.
The smaller of the two mortal women fell to the ground in an exhausted heap.
"Please Aiva, I beg of you, rest for a while." She gasped.
Aiva clutched her unconscious friend closer and sighed, she was close to collapsing but all she wanted was to get help for the Elf.
"Fine. But not for long Kendra. Ama has to get help; she is wounded further than we can heal." Aiva slumped next to Kendra.
Aiva rested Ama, or Amadrierith, as was her full name, on a patch of soft grass. She was an Elf, she was supposed to be beautiful and flawless but if anyone saw her now, they would doubt her Elven blood. Her long black hair was matted and soaked in blood by a cut on her forehead. Striking silver eyes were hidden behind shut eyelids and her pale skin was bruised and cut, the two mortals were in a somewhat better state, but were cut and bruised nonetheless.
Aiva knew what had happened to Ama. Kendra did not, though she had a sneaking suspicion what had happened. After a few silent minutes, Kendra faced Aiva.
"They took her didn't they?" Kendra questioned softly.
Aiva stiffened and refused to speak.
"Aiva! Tell me! Did they take Ama? Did they… did they rape her?" Kendra stood up, furious, her shaking hands clenched by her sides.
"Y… yes." Aiva felt her tears slip by her green eyes and fall into her long dirty blonde hair.
"Oh god… when…?" Kendra looked over Ama in sympathy.
"Two hours before we escaped, you were unconscious from the beatings you had been given for talking back to an Orc. I had to get her out. Please, let's stop talking about it." Aiva choked out.
Kendra buried her head in her hands and wept, her shoulder length ginger hair moving in the wind and her sea blue eyes stinging from the salty tears, she reminisced the day the Orcs had came for them.
Before the trio had been captured, life was perfect. Kendra and Aiva lived in a human town not far from Ama's home. Ama's parents chose to live next to the mortals and not next to Elves, no one knew why; Ama had been with the two mortals since their birth.
One day, the three friends had been by a nearby river, simply dipping their feet in the cool water. Screams were heard from far off and Ama had stood up and ran to her home. Kendra and Aiva had followed her and the sight they were greeted with had haunted them ever since. A sight too hard for Kendra to think about.
As they had stood in their shock, Orcs had snuck up behind them and captured them. Ama was too shocked to hear their clumsy steps.
Then they had been taken.
Then the travelling with Orcs had begun.
Kendra could barely hold in her tears as she thought of how the Orcs had eyed the three females, how they had licked their black lips while stroking their bound hands and dirty hair. Many arguments of who would claim which female first ran like wildfire through the fifty odd Orcs. It had terrified the three young women. Kendra was sixteen and Aiva was barely eighteen and Ama was still young for an Elf.
"Don't think about it." Aiva clapped a hand on Kendra's shoulder. "They are gone now and Ama will be okay, I assure you."
Kendra smiled weakly. Aiva was like the big sister of the trio, even though Ama was nearly two thousand years older than her.
"Where will we go mellon?" Kendra whispered, using Elvish subconsciously.
"To wherever someone will take us." Aiva looked up at the ever-nearing sunset before them.
Then her green eyes rested on Ama. Her pain when she woke would not only run skin deep, but would tear at her soul like no other pain on Middle Earth. Aiva lifted her once more and the travelling began, once more.
"I could obviously go on for miles more but I wouldn't mind a tiny rest Aragorn!" Gimli the dwarf howled from a good few metres behind his companions, he was riding on his horse and found it difficult to relax with the horse's fast movements.
"What is the matter friend? Are we going too fast for you?" Legolas Greenleaf the Elf cried mockingly from far ahead, his horse Arod rearing slightly.
Gimli puffed out his chest comically and his face grew red.
"Master Elf, I am only worried in case you are tiring." Gimli growled.
"Hush you two! I hear people approaching!" Aragorn, who was actually King Aragorn of Gondor, scolded the two fighting friends, halting his own horse, Hasufel.
Legolas and Gimli both stopped. Legolas nodded his head and muttered below his breath while listening with his sharp ears, "Two females, one is carrying a heavy load."
"Show off." Gimli grumbled.
Legolas ignored the comment and climbed swiftly off of Arod and onto a large boulder. Aragorn joined him but Gimli kept his feet planted on the ground… well, almost. The two friends scanned the plain and Legolas's keen sapphire eyes caught sight of the people before Aragorn's wise blue ones.
"They look harmless. The taller one is carrying another female though I cannot tell what species. Should we help them friend? What harm could they bring?" Legolas turned to Aragorn.
"None I suppose. Come, we shall aid them." Aragorn jumped off the boulder and mounted Hasufel.
Legolas followed suit and Gimli gave him a mocking smile.
"Females huh? Great, they're almost as bad as Elves." Gimli groaned.
"Thank you for the compliment," Legolas, replied, trying to hide a smile at his friends stupidity, "All I know is that one of them is definitely injured."
"Remind me again why we are on this foolish ride with these wicked creatures?" Gimli grunted while indicating his black horse, Nimrandel.
"Aragorn wanted to escape being King for a while and live life as he had before for a short time, do not worry, Queen Arwen is quite capable of running Gondor for a few days. Anyway, you should be grateful the Elves made you a saddle with short enough stirrups." Legolas assured Gimli.
Gimli scowled and nudged his horse, urging it forward.
The three friends rode out to the females, unaware of what type of welcome they would receive.
Aiva was close to falling unconscious. Though Elves were light creatures, carrying one for nearly five days could be very tiring. The trio's clothes were torn and caked with blood, both Orcs and humans.
Kendra stopped sharply and pointed ahead.
"There are people riding toward us!" She cried fearfully.
"Must… hide." Aiva staggered slightly.
"There is no where TO hide Aiva! We have to take the risk and hope they are friendly." Kendra gave in, not really caring anymore.
Aiva wept bitterly and Ama stirred in her arms, light tears falling down her own dirty cheeks. Both Aiva and Kendra collapsed to the ground at the same time. Life had definitely taken a turn for the worst.
After nearly five minutes of waiting, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas halted in front of the three females. Legolas instantly noticed that the injured one was one of his own kinds, an Elf.
"Please, help us…" Kendra choked, her throat dry from not having drank since the river they had found two days ago.
Gimli furrowed his brow in sympathy at the battered and crying women. The Elf in Aiva's arms looked the worst though.
Aragorn jumped off of Hasufel and kneeled next to the girls, looking at them closely.
"Who are you?" He questioned while taking out his water flask.
"I'm Aiva, this is Kendra and the Elf maiden is Amadrierith, though we call her Ama." Aiva coughed violently.
"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, this is Legolas Greenleaf of the woodland realm and the dwarf is Gimli son of Gloin."
Aragorn gave them all water and the woman named Aiva did the same as the Elf and fell into unconsciousness. The woman named Kendra looked very distressed.
"Please be okay Aiva, Ama. I need you two…" Kendra's voice wavered.
"We have to get you to shelter. There are some boulders and a small cave over there," Legolas pointed to where they had ridden from.
"Legolas, can you take the maiden Ama? I will take Aiva, Gimli, please take Kendra." Aragorn lifted Aiva gently and rested her in front of his saddle.
Legolas nodded and lifted Ama lightly. She stirred once more and whimpered in pain. It was then that Legolas noticed the blood stains at the end of her bodice; he grimaced at what must have happened to her and a fresh wave of sympathy swept over him.
Kendra simply staggered in silence toward the horse Gimli was on. She hauled herself behind Gimli, only half listening to Gimli chattering away aimlessly about how Dwarves were better warriors than Elves. All Kendra could really focus on was the fact that one of her friends had been brutally raped by an Orc while the other had changed from bubbly and bright to dark and withdrawn.
**~~**Kendra shuddered a few hours later and pushed her bony back against the stone wall. Without Aiva or Ama to talk to, Kendra felt alone and unprotected. Gimli had lit a fire while Aragorn and Legolas tended to Aiva and Ama's wounds. Legolas moved to bathe the wounds on Ama's stomach.
"No!" Kendra shouted in protest, leaning forward.
The three males eyed her in questioning.
"I… I mean, please wait until Aiva is awake, she will treat Ama's wounds in that area." Kendra shrank back into the darkness, scolding herself for drawing attention.
Aragorn nodded understandably and signalled for Legolas not to treat those wounds, Legolas withdrew slowly, the wounds needed treatment, and they needed it fast.
Beside Ama, Aiva stirred as Gimli forced water between her parched lips. She coughed violently and sat up instantly, slapping Gimli hard in the stomach.
"Do not touch me!" She cried venomously.
Gimli backed away with a grimace while Kendra ran forward.
"Oh! You are okay! Do not worry, these people want to help us!" Kendra took Aiva's hands in her own scratched ones.
"How do we know that they are not in league with the Orcs?" Aiva spat.
Kendra sighed; Aiva was too headstrong and too proud.
"Aragorn is King of Gondor, Legolas is Prince of Greenwood and Gimli is a very friendly Dwarf. I am positive that they are no enemies of ours." Kendra looked pleadingly into Aiva's unsure eyes.
Aiva glared at Aragorn noticeably and watched as he smiled reassuringly.
"King, Prince or Dwarf that does not mean that our trust can be given away so fast. What did I teach you Kendra?" Aiva shook her head.
"That trust is like love, it cannot be given lightly." Kendra blushed in shame at having forgotten the lesson Aiva had taught her so long ago.
Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn stared in wonder at the closeness of the young women.
Eventually, Aiva lay back, though her body was still tense. She turned her head and faced Ama. Tears welled in her eyes. Legolas noticed.
"She shall be fine. If I have your permission Aiva, may I tend to her stomach wounds?" Legolas asked gently.
"No. I will do it. No male will handle her while either Kendra or I am around." Aiva said darkly, lifting herself with great effort, as she was still tired, and sat next to Ama.
Legolas looked slightly taken aback but nodded respectively. Gimli was red by trying not to laugh while Aragorn stared in concern at Ama.
"Something happened to her." He said lowly.
Aiva stiffened while Kendra trembled.
"Yes. I will not speak of it until Ama awakes. Then it is her decision as to whether or not we should tell you. All I will say now is that Orcs took us." Aiva busied herself with Ama's wounds.
Kendra stifled a sob at her Elven friend's fate and shrank even further into the shadows. She could not face any questions. Gimli grunted, the rogue Orcs plus females was never a good sign.
"You should rest, the rain has come upon us and no doubt you are tired. Or, if you wish, you can have some food." Aragorn offered.
"Huh! Food. That lembas is no food!" Gimli snorted.
Kendra watched in mild amusement as Legolas glared at Gimli while taking out some food, which was obviously lembas. Though she was ravenously hungry, sleep overtook Kendra and her head knocked against the wall behind her.
Aiva meanwhile, refused the food and cleaned Ama's wounds. When she was done, she laid back and fell asleep instantly. She did not trust these strangers but they had offered shelter and help, of which she accepted grudgingly. It was time to sleep.
"I wonder what happened to the Elven lass." Gimli pondered while demolishing a piece of lembas with a scowl behind his ginger beard.
"That is none of our concern. Aiva told us that herself." Legolas lay on his back and attempted sleep.
"Maybe the morning will bring us clear skies and answers." Aragorn sighed while taking first watch, watching the rain tumble by.
Ama was seemingly first to wake; she shot up, her lightening fast Elven reflexes helping her bruised and weak body to stand off the ground. She realised standing was a mistake though, for she tumbled to the ground, her limp body crashing against the stone and her raven black hair tumbling over her disgraced face.
Unaware of Legolas' awoken presence, Ama cried shamelessly, memories of what the Orcs had done to her body fresh in her mind. Legolas walked to her side.
"Do not cry, here, drink something." Legolas lifted a flask of water.
Much to his surprise, Ama did not take the water but instead she scrambled to the wall, clutching the cloak that Legolas had put around her close.
"Please, I beg of you! Do not hurt me!" Ama wailed, her shocking silver eyes flashing with a terrible fear and a pain that was clear to even the dullest of eyes.
"I mean you no harm! My companions and I found you and your friends not far from here. We gave you shelter and help, we mean no harm, I promise you." Legolas stood up with his arms spread wide.
Ama simply shook in response. Knowing that she would not take the water from his hands, Legolas pushed the flask to Ama. She scooped it up eagerly and drank the entire contents, not taking the time to check for poison. Ama cringed as she moved her legs, the blood encrusting the inside of her thighs stung and cracked sorely. A short whimper escaped.
Aiva and Kendra woke to the whimper and dashed to Ama's side, not caring for their own wounds that tried to slow them. Gimli and Aragorn woke at the soft cries of sympathy.
"Oh Ama! We are so sorry! If only we could have helped you!" Kendra wailed while hugging Ama close.
"Does it still hurt? Yes? Where? Show me." Aiva said softly.
Ama blushed in shame and Aiva nodded in understanding. Kendra cried louder still.
"I am okay my friends, truly, I am." Ama could not smile.
Her friends knew she was lying but they did not press the matter. It would just be too painful.
"I am so happy you are awake. Oh god! Why did I not help you?" Aiva screamed in frustration.
"You could not have stopped it mellon! The Orcs would have done the same to…" Ama shut up when she noticed the curious stares of the man, Dwarf and Elf.
The males straightened. Aragorn moved forward slightly. Ama backed away further into the wall, her back now being severely scratched.
"No harm is intended Amadrierith. We only wish to help you." Aragorn backed away.
"Your wounds must be treated. Please, unless you wish to risk severe scarring or infection." Legolas said.
"It is too late for that…" Ama whispered slowly, her silver eyes filling with tears. "I am scarred for life and the infection of my innocence will haunt me for thousands of years." Ama finished with a strangled sob.
Kendra stood up shakily.
"Will you let me treat your wounds at least young Kendra?" Legolas almost pleaded.
Nodding very slowly, Kendra sat down and waited with shut eyes for rough hands to grab her and force her still. She could feel Aiva watching her intensely.
"I swear, if you hurt her…" Aiva warned.
"I promise I will only help her." Legolas' voice said reassuringly.
Gentle hands rested on Kendra's back and a sharp sting ran through the cut on Kendra's shoulder. She flinched but did not pull away. It was obviously healing pastes. The touch of a males skin was another cause for her flinch. After Ama's pain, Kendra was terrified of the same fate resting upon her.
"It stings." Ama stated more than questioned.
"Like your pain Mellon." Aiva said simply.
"No, like our pain." Ama sat in the shadows like Kendra and refused to talk any more.
Rogue mystique: wow, this is a bit depressing, hee hee! Hope you'll like it, don't you dare flame!!!!!!!!!! I despise flamers, they are mean and evil! Oh well, if you like da story den tell me so I can update for ya!