Am sooooooooo sorry about the late update – I have A-levels in a couple of weeks and am pretty much snowed under.
Much Thanks to everyone who reviewed.
The Apprentice.
Summary: Harry gets an unusual letter on his 15th birthday
Spoilers: PS/SS, CoS, PoA, GoF
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the computer I typed this on and the mind that conceived the plot.
Rating: PG-13
Chapter Three: The Apprenticeship
My Dear Son,
Much Thanks to everyone who reviewed.
The Apprentice.
Summary: Harry gets an unusual letter on his 15th birthday
Spoilers: PS/SS, CoS, PoA, GoF
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the computer I typed this on and the mind that conceived the plot.
Rating: PG-13
Chapter Three: The Apprenticeship
My Dear Son,
I am writing this now as you sleep in my lap, a beautiful boy of not quite one.
There is a reason that I am writing now and not in fourteen years time when you shall receive this and that is, for the most, because of the uncertainties of war. It is also because of my sometimes-poor memory and the likelihood that by now the marauders will probably be little more than myth (or should I say legend?).
We marauders had the first of (hopefully) many PISUP (Post-Hogwarts Inventiture Suitable Use Pranking) meetings, in which the lack of suitable Hogwarts pranksters was discussed. We then came up with this plan – at the age of 15, we would invite all of our children to be apprenticed to a Mgen1 (Marauder generation 1) and will thus create a Mgen2! We thought it such a spectacular idea that we closed the meeting for an evening at the pub, which I left early for fear of castration – your mother is one scary flower when she wants to be, as I am sure you have discovered by now!
Anyhow, this is your pre-sent invitation to be the first of the Mgen2. Hopefully, there will be others not far away, but you are the first – be proud! As your father, I would love to be you mentor, but I fear castration were your mother to discover the fact (she is not impressed that I would dream of ever not being the perfect role-model – I think her plans are doomed to failure the moment you can understand your Uncle Paddy's stories about our school days, but nevertheless...)
Instead, I will let you choose according to the following recommendation:
1. Your Uncle Paddy, a.k.a. Padfoot, Sirius, Snuffles, 'Bloody Dog!' and Mutt. My personal favourite for you, he is the most daring (stupid?) in the art of prank-pulling. There is much he can teach you and much that you must learn.
2. Your Uncle Moony, a.k.a. Remus. A lot more sensible than the aforementioned Mutt, you will realise that it is probably not the best option as he is far too nice and sensible to be a truly excellent prankster (a better lookout you could never find). Also, he can't teach you certain things which others of us learned...
3. Peter, a.k.a. Wormtail, Worms, Ratty and Rat. I don't understand why he refuses his honorary Uncleness, but theregoes. Please try and avoid this pairing – I fear that it will be you teaching him!
I really cannot afford the time to expound on this – your mother has just come out of the shower and will surely catch me if I continue.
Be safe, choose wisely, All my love to the best of sons (I'm sure I won't be saying that by the time you read this, but it is true)
Your Father,
Harry caught a choked breath as he gripped the letter painfully in his left hand, the right still holding the torch though it was now pointing limply at the ceiling. His father had written him a letter. A letter inviting him to a prankster's apprenticeship with Sirius... Uncle Paddy...
The tears rolled unhindered down his cheeks as he read his letter again and again, eventually falling into black forgetfulness as the hours rolled by.
A/N: Profuse apologies for the shortness – as I said, exams looming and if I wait until this chapter is a decent length, you'll be waiting months for the cliffhanger to end. I will try to update ASAP, but can promise nothing except that I am free as of July and will write lots then, hopefully! For now, lots of reviews, please! Tell me what you like/dislike – I am open to all constructive criticism and flames are used to keep my tea warm as I write. And I did warn you about the cheesiness of the plot...
I really cannot afford the time to expound on this – your mother has just come out of the shower and will surely catch me if I continue.
Be safe, choose wisely, All my love to the best of sons (I'm sure I won't be saying that by the time you read this, but it is true)
Your Father,
Harry caught a choked breath as he gripped the letter painfully in his left hand, the right still holding the torch though it was now pointing limply at the ceiling. His father had written him a letter. A letter inviting him to a prankster's apprenticeship with Sirius... Uncle Paddy...
The tears rolled unhindered down his cheeks as he read his letter again and again, eventually falling into black forgetfulness as the hours rolled by.
A/N: Profuse apologies for the shortness – as I said, exams looming and if I wait until this chapter is a decent length, you'll be waiting months for the cliffhanger to end. I will try to update ASAP, but can promise nothing except that I am free as of July and will write lots then, hopefully! For now, lots of reviews, please! Tell me what you like/dislike – I am open to all constructive criticism and flames are used to keep my tea warm as I write. And I did warn you about the cheesiness of the plot...