A/N: This takes place three years after my Luck of the Draw fic, and is kinda a continuation of it, well sorta, it refers to it quite a bit.

Slumber Party:

"Slumber party?" Cell looked at the stack of papers that were handed to him.

"I have no idea." Frieza studied his papers.

"These flyers are for hell's first annual slumber party." the demon guard Mez explained.

"And why do we have the flyers?"

"Because you two are going to post them around hell to let the others know."

"What the hell is a slumber party anyway?" asked Cell.

Frieza shrugged.

"I'll answer your questions later." Mez replied. "Now get going!"

"Why are we the ones stuck posting these!?" Cell demanded.

"Beacuse you two have to make up for abusing your trip to earth."

"But that was three years ago!"

"Don't yell at me, these are King Yemma's orders!"

Frieza was going to protest, but decided against it, not wanting to get in any more trouble with Yemma.

Instead the tyrants sighed and went to post the flyers.

"This is bull shit!" Cell yelled "We're still making up for what we did three years ago!"

"I know, it's not fair! It's bad enough that we can't enter the draws to earth for another seven years!"

Cell finished taping his last flyer to the wall. "What do you think a slumber party is?"

"Some kind of party, I guess."

"No shit! I mean, what do you think you do at one?"

"How in the hell should I know!?"

"Well, atleast it won't be as bad as our community service!"

* Flashback*

The duo stood before King Yemma's desk, just a few days after being sent back to hell early from their trip to earth.

"As punishment for you abusing your trip back to earth, I am giving you both one year of community service." Yemma looked down at the tyrants.

"What are we suppose to do for it?" wondered Frieza.

"You two will help with the Upper World Daycare Center."

"Daycare? As in day care with kids?!"

Yemma-sama nodded.

The villains looked at each other and shuddered.

*End Flashback*

"That was the longest year of my life...well death! It was worse than anything we've had to do in hell!" exclaimed Frieza.

"Damn, that was worse than being killed!"

The duo stopped their trip down memory lane and Frieza finished putting up his flyers.

Once finished, Cell and Frieza rejoined the rest of the inhabitants of hell.

"Where have you guys been?" questioned Jeice.

"We had to post up some flyers." explained Frieza.

"Flyers? For what?" asked King Kold.

"Something called a slumber party, whatever that is!" answered Cell.

Nobody in hell seemed to know what a slumber party was, that is, except for one person.

"Goodie! A slumber party!" Kold said excitedly.

Everyone looked at Frieza's father, who was know looking at one of the flyers posted on a near by wall.

"What's a slumber party, Kold?" wondered Raditz.

"You'll see, it'll be wonderful!" Kold replied, before skipping away.

"What kind of answer was that!?" demanded Burter.

"One that only the father of Frieza would say!" laughed Cell.

"What's that suppose to mean!?" shouted Frieza.

"Oh, nothing."

"Tell me!"

"I told you, nothing!"

"You're lying!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"



The pair of villains continued arging until they heard Goz.

"Alright, I need everybody over here!" Goz told everybody.

They all did as they were told and went over to the guard.

"Okay, I presume that you all know about the slumber party. Now, before I assign tasks, does anybody have any questions?"

Everybody, except for Kold, raised their hands.

"Recoome!" Goz pointed to the Ginyu Force member.

"What is a slumber party?"

"It's suppose to be a night to relax, have fun, and play games with the others."

"Do we have to participate?" questioned Frieza.

"You're suppose to raise your hand if you want to ask a question."

Frieza glared at Goz, before raising his hand.

"Frieza." Goz pointed to the tyrant.

"Do we have to participate?"

"You do have a choice if you want to go or not..."

Frieza and Cell sighed in relief, neither of them wanted to 'play games' with their hell mates.

"But," Goz continued "King Yemma said that you and Cell don't have a choice."

"Dammit! Why the hell are we still being punished for what we did years ago!? Besides that, we didn't even do anything!"

"You didn't raise your hand."

"Fuck that!"

"I think you need a time out." Goz pointed to the corner.

"What?! There's no way in hell that I'm going on a time out!"

"Do you want me to tell King Yemma that you choose to disobey his orders?"

Cell thought about getting more community service. "Fine!"

Cell stomped over to the corner and sat down, facing the wall.

"This is bull shit! We shouldn't be made to go to that damn party if we don't want to! But no, we are being treated like shit for something we didn't even do years ago!" Cell angrily thought to himself.

"Okay, I'm going to assign tasks for your guys to do to prepare for the slumber party."

Raditz raised his hand.


"When is this slumber party?"

"It's in two days. Is that all the questions?"

Nobody answered.

"Okay, I'm gonna start assigning the jobs..."

"Hold on, you have a new joiner." Baba told Goz.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Yay, I finally got over my writers block to write another actual fic! I know this chapter wasn't all that good, but it will get better! I'm still totally over my writers block, but I'm gettin there!

Please review if you want me to continue.

Check out my other fics!

Check out my Vegeta shrine! Go to www.freewebs.com/vegeta_lover. It has lots of stuff and more to come!

Oh yeah, you know the flashback about the comminuity service? Well if you read this you should! Anyways, after I complete this fic should I write one based on that community service? Let me know! Thanks!

Disclaimer: If I own DBZ would I be writin this fic? I don't think so!