Disclaimer: The Boy Who Cried Wolf was written by Aesop!

Author Note: Hey this really isn't a fairy tale but this is too much fun to miss! When you review you can suggest which fairy tales you want to see. As always REVIEW!

To my awesome reviewers:

Tri-lon: My first reviewer! Yes I do wish the troll could get revenge.

Miskumi: No fairy tale yet but a parable is almost like that. Anyway thanks!

Dickensismyhomeboy: You are obsessed lol. Luv u still! Thanks 4 reviewing even
though I threatened you! Love the name to!

Aria327: You haven't! It's a classic. Love your story seeing as I your "manager".

Sunnysweetie: Glad you liked it! I reviewed yours!

Anita Lawn: Thank you very much. Liked your choice of words.

Tru Lys: Aww thanks! I loved your poem. My aspect of thinking!

Hellish: Thank you for returning the favor! No one likes those mean old goats!

Alexathenle: Thank you for reviewing. I love your story!

If you didn't see your name then you should review!

The Boy Who Cried Pickled Antelope

Once there was a young boy name Bartholomew who put pickle labels on

pickle jars at the Pickle Place on top of a hill. Now you might think that this is

harmless job. Wrong! There is an animal so hungry for pickle jars, nothing gets in

the way. The only way to stop it was to hit it with a carrot 5 times and say "

Snorkblatt." This hideous creature was called a Pickled Antelope.

Well as you can imagine this job is not at all interesting. Bartholomew was

an easily amused kid. He thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be funny to cry Pickled


Author note: In case you don't know (which I'm sure you don't), every time

someone cries "pickled antelope" you are to grab your carrots and start running,

preferably to help. Now back to the story.

Lo and behold he did and like said in the blurb above people grabbed

they're carrots and came running. When they came to the boy and asked where

the creature was, he just laughed and said, "I don't know. I was hungry and it

was funny. Now give me those carrots!"

"Yeah it was pretty f-," started the pheasant plucker then the butcher

knocked him in the head with a rather large carrot. The villagers were very mad

to had brought perfectly good carrots. They refused to give Bartholomew the


"Well I don't like carrots without ranch dip anyway and you got a free

Hillmaster Workout," he yelled to the mob of retreating villagers. He thought to

himself, "Gee that was fun. I think I'll do it again and see if anything different


To make a long story short, it turned out exactly as before.

Bartholomew thought his day had been a good one indeed. Then

suddenly he heard a patter of hooves and a snort. He turned around to face a

fluffy bunny.

"That was a close one...wait! Bunnies don't patter and rustle! Those are

ominous animal noises. I can hear the rise in dramatic music! That must mean,"

Bartholomew turned back to his pickle jars. There was the Pickled Antelope

eating those pickles."

"Pickled antelope! Pickled Antelope!" All the villagers heard him but

decided not to come because they're legs hurt too much and E! True Hollywood

Story: J.K. Rowling was on.
The Pickled Antelope ate all the pickles. Bartholomew couldn't do a thing

to stop him because he had eaten the carrots for lunch. The Pickled Antelope

looked at him at said, "Don't you feel stupid."

"That's good. Pain and misery is a very good desert." After this the Pickled

Antelope trotted away.

Bartholomew came back to the village empty handed. He met an old man

on the street and asked, "Why didn't you come help me."

"Why, I didn't hear you. You really should get a megaphone."

Moral is that megaphones are handy and fun, old men shouldn't be asked about hearing things, never eat carrots while being a pickle labeler, and always believe the music.

Author Note: So what do you think? I know its short and it probably has errors but I will fix those. Review about this story and what fairy tale you want to do next. Your author, The Flamingo Who Is Pink