Daphne: Alright, everyone. I know this might shock you…having me update this now, when it's been such a long time since the last time I did it. My excuse…hehehe…um…well…I don't have a good one. I just got writers block on a lot of my stories and stopped writing on them, much to my shame. But I'm back now, and ready to write more! I should be updating HP&TFR soon, as soon as I read back through it and make sure my latest work on it fits with the story. I have a very strange explanation as to why I paused on that story…

Anyway, here is the next installment of this story. I hope you all enjoy it!

The Chosen Ones

by Daphne Li

Chapter 3.


"Why not?"

"Not another party."

"Why not?"

James groaned as Jason grinned triumphantly. It had been a week since he had arrived, and Jason was once again urging him to go to a party. This time, it was a group from his school that were meeting down on the beach for an all-day beach party. It seemed like Jason had won the battle, but James wasn't ready to give up.

"I don't want…"

"I will need help keeping an eye on Darren and the girls…" At Jason's words, James immediately felt his overprotective-brother mode turn on, and he sighed.

"Fine. I'll go." He groused. Jason flashed him a smirk.

"Be ready in fifteen minutes. I'll be driving you and Darren there." He called over his shoulder as he waltzed out of the room. James silently groaned but did as he was told.

Fifteen minutes later, he, Jason, and Darren were jetting down the street in the sleek convertible. The music in the car was booming and the older boys sang along with the lyrics, while Darren rolled his eyes.

"And I'm supposed to be the youngest one here."

"Oh, hush you!" Jason laughed, as they went around a turn and drove out onto the beach. A large group of people were already there, setting up volleyball nets and bringing wood for the bonfire. A group of girls were clustered around a table that looked like it held numerous amounts of food on it.

"Malfoy! Took you a while!" A boy called as they stopped the car next to him.

"Sorry. I had to talk Potter into coming." Jason shrugged, getting out. The boy grinned at James.

"So. You two up for a game of water volleyball?" He questioned, motioning to where another net had been set up in the water.

"Sure. Are the girls here yet?" Jason's eyes swept over the crowd.

"Yup. They're over helping the other's with the food. Darren, Mark and Andrew are over getting wood." At his words, the younger boy dashed away, joining the two boys his age who were lugging pieces of wood to the fire-pit. Ten minutes later, the music was blaring, more people were arriving, and the party officially started.

"James! Come play some water-volley!" Jason shouted, as he raced out among the waves to where the net was standing. James grinned, tore off his shirt, added it to the pile of clothes that the other players had created, and followed his friend into the warm water.

James sighed in contentment. He was leaning back against a log, facing a roaring bonfire, watching a group of people throwing marshmallows at each other. Jason was nearby, entertaining a group of people with a funny story. The other Malfoy's were scattered around the beach, lost in the dark night that had arrived so suddenly.

"Oh! It's so warm over here." Violet said, as she sat on the log next to him. He stretched and grinned.

"Yep. And better still, there's a great view." He teased, as a group of giggling girls ran by in their swimsuits. Violet rolled her eyes and smacked his arm.

"And you're supposed to be a geek who had no interest in women." She joked back. James groaned.

"I'm not a geek."

"No, you're no. Who said you were?" Asked Serenity, as she appeared from the darkness. She sat down on the log behind him.

"Almost everyone at school thinks so, and every wizarding newspaper in Europe swears on it." He shrugged.

"It's not true."

"I'm not smart like my parents or Lily or Meg. I have to study just to get decent grades. Everyone thinks I'm a leech because I'm the son of the Headmaster and I get so-called 'privileges'. They don't treat Lily that way. She gorgeous and has tons of friends…"

"You have friends there." Violet pointed out. James glared at her.

"They've known me since we were in diapers. They understand me because they've been around me so long…or so they think. I am grateful they are my friends, but it doesn't make things any easier." He muttered.

"James, being smart, having friends, and being attractive doesn't make a difference. You apply to all three, even though you don't think you do.' Serenity said, reaching down and brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes. James was humble enough to blush.

"I am not smart. And I'm not handsome." He protested.

"That…is a matter of opinion, cousin-dearest." Violet said softly. Serenity nodded in agreement, a smile gracing her lips. They were all silent for a while, until Violet decided to go and talk with some other friends. When she was gone, Serenity gently cupped his chin and forced him to look up at her.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"I was trying to find the reason you don't think you are attractive. Maybe this will help." She reached out and took his glasses off, gazing into his eyes. James winced.

"Give them back! I look stupid without them." He ground out, reaching weakly for the glasses. She shook her head.

"There's the problem. No self-esteem. You are very handsome, James. You have gorgeous green eyes that make girls melt…I think Jasmine calls them 'bedroom-eyes'. You have this naturally messy black hair that is very sexy, if I do say so myself." Here, she giggled, running her hands through it. James turned bright red at what she was saying.

"You just have low self-esteem. Let me assure you, as a female, that you are considered very handsome by our species." She murmured. James' face flamed even more, if that is possible. His eyes darted around at the several females who were in various places nearby, then he looked back at her.

"You think so?" He asked, leaning his head back onto her lap to look up into her face. Her blue-grey eyes twinkled down at him.

"Of course, silly boy!" Her voice was teasing, and he wrinkled his nose at her choice of words. They sat in silence again, until the tired young people slowly began to trickle by, on their way home.

"James, can we go? I'm tired." Darren moaned, sinking down next to him, his eyes drooping.

"You'll have to take that up with Jason." James said sympathetically, putting a hand on the young boy's shoulder.

"Don't worry, kid. I'm ready to go, too." Jason murmured, coming up behind them clinking his keys together. Jasmine and Starr were behind him, looking more awake than the others.

"I'll drive Reni and Vi." Jasmine announced, her eyes lighting up. The others looked horrified.

"I think Serenity should drive, Jazz. She has better night-vision." Jason faltered. Jasmine looked disappointed but handed the keys to her sister. Serenity stroked James' hair one last time, then stood and led the girls away.

"To home we go." Jason muttered, as they walked to the other car.

That night, it happened.

The thing James dreaded above all else, and hoped to avoid while here.

The clock had just reached 1:45 a.m., when James' face clenched in pain. Through he was still asleep, his body began to shake and he moaned softly, his head lashing back and forth as his body struggled violently against something invisible. Finally, his mouth opened and he gasped for breath, but choked.

Then his eyes snapped open in sudden consciousness and he sat up, covering his mouth as he gagged. Dashing from his bed, James barely made it to the bathroom in time. Retching violently into the toilet, his body collapsed to the floor as uncontrollable tears came to his eyes. Pain raged through his body, and hot and cold shivers chased each other down his spine.

Suddenly, an cool hand appeared, brushing his sweaty bangs back from his face and resting on his forehead, as another hand stroked the nape of his neck. He turned bleary eyes up to see Serenity's worried face above him. Dismay filled his mind as he realized what she had just witnessed. He opened his mouth to speak, but moaned instead, as another shivering spell overtook him. Serenity gently placed a cup of water to his lips, helped him to drink a bit, then she helped him back to his bed. He was too weak to walk on his own, so she practically had to drag him there.

"Feeling better?" She asked softly, as he collapsed against his pillows. He nodded, afraid to speak. She carefully sat next to him and pulled his head against her shoulder, stroking his hair in a comforting way.

"Was it a bad dream?"

He shook his head.

"Are you sick?"

Another shake of his head.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" This time, he nodded. She smiled and leaned closer, her arms going around him.

Moments later they were both asleep and neither noticed the pair of sky-blue eyes that had been watching them, move away from the crack between the bedroom door and the door frame.

"How long has it been going on?" Serenity asked the next morning. She and James were huddled in blankest on the covered back porch, watching the rain pouring down.

"Since my fifth year. I got dad to give me a separate room at school so no one would find out. Of course, he doesn't know the real reason I asked for it. I made up a dumb excuse." James added, as he pulled his blankets tighter around himself.

"So I'm the only person who knows?"

"Yes. And please don't tell anyone. It's really not that bad anymore. I only had one attack last night, as opposed to the two or three I usually get during the night. In fact, I haven't had any since the end of school." James said, as her face grew thoughtful. He could tell she was worried, but he knew she would honor his trust.

"Fine. But I'm going to monitor you from now on, even if it means sleeping in a chair in your room every night." She smiled at the end of this, and James relaxed.

"Fine with me. I just hope I don't keep you up at all hours of the night." He chuckled.

"Oh, curses on you if you do!" She teased, earning a nudge from him.

"Not like I would be able to help it. It's not something I plan for."

"I know. I just wish you would tell your father. Or your sister, at least."

"NO! They'd blow a gasket. Besides, I'm a daddy's-boy enough as it is. I don't need this to add to the reasons my school-mates hate me." He muttered. She sighed and placed a hand on his arm.

"Alright. I understand." She answered. They looked back out at the rain and watched in silence for some time.


James looked back to see a little golden-haired nymph standing behind him, holding a book.

"Read wif me?" Marina asked hesitantly. James grinned and held out his arms. She climbed eagerly into his lap and he tucked the blanket around her small frame. Then he took the book and opened it.

"Go Dogs Go…"

Harry Potter smiled as a huge eagle-owl flew into his office and dropped a bundle on his desk. It then flew to the perch that usually held Fawkes and rested there, watching the Hogwarts Headmaster with intelligent eyes.

"Hello, Zeus." Harry murmured to the younger of the Malfoy's two owls. Their other owl, Benton, had grown older and they felt it was safer to keep him for shorter deliveries instead of over-seas ones. Harry smiled lightly as the owl gave something close to a nod, and then he turned to look at the package it had brought. He immediately recognized the handwriting of Draco Malfoy on the letter on top, and opened it eagerly.


James arrived safe and sound, and has easily found his way back into the center of our family. Marina has already become attached to him, following him around everywhere like an obedient puppy. Darren has also come to think of him as one of the family, and takes great delight in asking him questions about Hogwarts. I swear, that boy is going to be the next Minister of Magic!

Jasmine has elected James as her next 'boy-toy' as she calls them, though he seems more interested in spending time with Serenity (not that I blame him. I love my oldest daughter dearly, but Serenity is the saner of the two). Jason and James have become thick-as-thieves, and Jason even allowed James to drive his new car (which is a rare occurrence to be sure). Kaitlynn is spoiling the boy rotten, babying him as much as she can. She tells me it's because he looks too pale and sickly, but I think she just wants a reason to spoil him.

And you were right. James has opened up a lot since he came here. He seems a lot more happy then you described him, and he seems to have no cares in the world. He talks little about his home (at least in front of Kaitlynn and me), but I know he has a reason for that. Honestly, those students of yours are acting worse then us Slytherins used to…even the Gryffindors! That surprises me a bit.

Anyway, James is happy and lively, so you don't need to worry about him anymore. We're taking good care of him, and if everything turns out alright, he'll come back to you a new boy…no, I take that back. He'll be a man.

I hope things are going well for you over there, and don't take things too hard, Potter. Hogwarts has no use for a depressed Headmaster! Tell your wife I say 'Hello' (just kidding)!

Yours truly,


P.S. I thought you would like to see these, just to prove how James is doing.

Harry smiled in satisfaction as he read this letter, and grinned as he got to the bottom. His mind was finally put at rest. Everything was going well, and James was finally happy again. Harry quickly opened the bundle, and realized that it was a group of newspapers that Draco had collected. Several sections were tagged with little notes in Draco's hand, and Harry turned to them eagerly.


By Bette Daniels

James Potter, the son of the famous Harry Potter, was spotted Sunday morning taking a walk with a group of young people along Suncoast Beach. When the group was approached by this reporter, the young man in question simply grinned and told her, quote, "New York is my second home, and the Malfoys (the said young people that were with him) are my second family. I am very happy to be home."

After this encounter, several more young people approached and threw in their two-bits about the gorgeous British teen.

"He is so…normal! He doesn't act all uppity like you'd expect a famous person to. He's just friendly and polite and courteous…everything a girl would want in a guy!" Giggled Tonya Heartman, a fellow party-goer at a party Mr. Potter was said to have attended.

"He is a great guy. A prince if I ever met one! Yeah, he's the New York Prince!" Laughs Randy Myers, another party-goer.

"He's a sex-god! All the girls want him, and all the guys want to be like him. Not because he's famous, but because he's so…him. He's a really great guy!" Ginger Rodney, an acquaintance added.

Obviously, Mr. Potter has made a big impact on the young people here in Beachside, and from what this reporter has seen, some of the older people as well. Why he is truly here remains a mystery to us all, but one thing is for sure.

James Potter is a regular teenager, just out to have a little fun with his friends. Now who can hold that against him

Over this article was a picture of James, laughing alongside with Jason and several other boys their own age, as they walked down the beach. Harry smiled and turned to the next article. There was another picture, this time with James dancing in a large room filled with people. Jason was next to him, grinning away, and both boys looked like they were having a blast.

James Potter, Party Animal!

By Dustin Jacobs

Since his surprising appearance in New York two weeks ago, James Potter has made several quiet appearances in public. He doesn't seem to be affected by the endless number of reporters hiding around the corner, waiting for a glimpse at him. No, he seems more interested in spending time with his friends and going out for wild nights of dancing and partying.

This reporter had the opportunity to attend one of the parties that Potter was attending and took the time to observe the young man. With his roguish good-looks and friendly demeanor, it was easy to see why girls clustered nearby whenever he was around. He, however, seemed not to notice and spent most of his time playing water-volleyball and sand-hockey.

This, however, was one of the tamer parties, according to Sonya Mattaisee, a friend of the family Potter is said to be staying with.

"Some of the other parties were down-right wild. The lights, the dancing, the music, it was all so hypnotic. And James was usually right in the middle of it, dancing with several of his friends. There was only butterbeer served at the parties, but that didn't stop any of us from having a blast. He's a really nice guy, once you get to know him, but he does have a wild-side that is refreshing and alluring to a woman…even me!" She admits as she laughs.

"Potter is the bomb!" Adds Wade Hoftman, a partygoer at one of the wilder parties, "he starts to dance, and the entire room follows his lead! It's great! And the best part is, he's not arrogant. He doesn't even know he's doing it."

It seems as if James Potter is making a big splash when it comes to gaining a reputation for himself. And it stands to reason. With looks like that, and an attitude like his, who could possibly not like him

Harry smiled as he read over this article. It seemed as if his son was doing better than expected. Now, if only things would change a little around here, perhaps James would finally be happy here as well.

Unfortunately, with the way things were around here recently, Harry got the sinking feeling that no one would be completely happy for quite some time. Things were changing in the Magical world, and people were once again becoming afraid. Harry could feel the changes in the balance shifting, and he knew that this was a bad sign.

Suddenly, another owl flew in, startling Harry out of his thoughts. He watched as it landed next to him and held out it's foot, revealing an official-looking envelope. Harry's heart sank as he pulled the letter off, petted the owl, and then slowly opened the letter.

Dear Professor Potter:

Your assistance is required immediately at the Ministry. There has been another attack…